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sie nach ihrer That vertrieben wurden). C. 59, 16.

Gewöhnlich steht §. 150. hier die Präposition nach und verbreitet sich von þe überhaupt auf alle Relativen. §. 484.

c) Beim Infinitiv steht ursprünglich das Adverb: Ic hit gelŷfe pâm stare in tô gesettanne (ich glaube es der Geschichte einverleiben zu müßen. Bed. 4, 22. på gemêtte he stôwe mynster on tô timbrianne (er fand einen Ort, um ein Münster auf (darauf) zu bauen). 4, 4. || Die || 115. Vermischung lag auch hier sehr nahe und erweist sich dadurch, daß jetzt Präpositionen beigefügt werden, die nicht im adverbialen Gebrauche sind: Ae. per pou schalt finde a place god in to byleue. RG. 333. Me. Me hadde mete and drynke to susteyne the body with. Mau. 29. We have no lymes to laboure with. PP. 4044. Ne. There was a clubhouse to play in; there was Rouge-et-Noir to play at. NN. 50.

d) Die Verbindung des Verbs mit der Präposition, sowie die Trennung der letztern von ihrem Rectum, dem Objecte, läßt jenes als componiertes Verb erscheinen mit einfachem Casus: Ags. Hym tô com mycel mænigeo. Mrc. 3, 28. - Nags. Brut him ræmde to. Lag. 682. Ae. Often in monnes forme wymmen pei comep to. RG. 2760.- Me. Ryden Ne. It makes us wander, wander earth

al the fyr abouten. Ch. 2954.

around. NTh. 2, 138. s. §. 484.

Bei dieser frühen und mehrfachen Berührung ist es kein Wunder, wenn He cwed to him, He cwæd him tô, Him cwd he tô im Sinne zusammenfloßen und man him als Object des componierten Verbs nahm. Bei solcher Auffaßung mußte dieses dann in der Umwandlung zur passiven Construction als Subject erscheinen. Die ersten sicheren Spuren kommen im Ae. vor: Waltere was smyten þorgh wip a lance. PL. 2040.— Me. Thou shalt ben asked after. 1. Kgs. 20, 19. Thei ben sent fore. Mau. 22. Aftre that sche scholde have ben leyn by of the man. 28. Ne. You have been talked of. Sh. H. 4, 7. This must be looked to. TJ. 3, 7. A consultation was now entered into. 1, 4. It will not be wondered at. 1, 3. The business of to-morrow must be thought upon. WS. Wav. 43. You have not been inquired after. Sh. Mm. 4, 1. I can now show you, that I am more sinned against than sinning. WS. Ant. 34. Their safety shall be cared for. Byr. Sard. 2. You are stayed for. Sh. TG. 5, 2. My chairs and tables were not paid for. BH. 18.

Auch auf einige adverbiale Verhältnisse trägt sich die Form über : You are sent for to the king. Sh. Troil. 4, 1. The bed had been slept in. WI. Sk. 150. A bed that had been slept in. Humphr. 3, 167. What can this end in? WS. Wav. 17. My thoughts were broken in

§. 150. upon by the arrival of the tailor. Marr. Pach. 70. He desired the bankbill broke in upon. TJ. 13, 7. When articles be stood on. Sh. He. 5, 2. Umfang und Gränze dieses Gebrauchs wird nur der englische Philologe genau bestimmen können.

e) Bisweilen fließt sogar eine Phrase zur Bedeutung eines einfachen objectiven Verbs zusammen und das ursprüngliche Attribut wird 116. || Subject. || So sollte: I take care of him, werden zu Care of him is taken oder Care is taken of him; aber man sagt: He is taken care of. Schon im Me.: So was this cursed kyng never made sorwe for. Mau. 8. Ne. I was more taken notice of. TJ. 8, 11. Your horses are taken good care of. WS. Ant. 42. I concluded that I was made a sacrifice of to their gods. Marr. Pach. 12. He was soon lost sight of. Marr. JF. 4. etc.

§. 151.

B. Mehrfaches Object.

1) Zwei Accusative stehen bei dem Activ und zwar

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a) zwei Substantive. Das erste Object wird Subject und das zweite wird Nominativ: Ags. He byd Johannes genemned. Luc. 1, 60.— Nags. pu nemmnedd arrt Symon. O. 12760. Ae. He was proued traitour fals. PL. 1490. Me. This way is cleped penance. Ch. Pers. Say, that these stoons be maad looues. Mt. 4, 3. He was ymade soudan. Mau. 5. Ne. He shall be called John. HB. He was appointed secretary of state. Thack. 91. England was declared a commonwealth. Mac. 1, 127. Your lordship was proclaimed traitor. Sh. Rb. 2, 3. He has been thought the finest scholar. TJ. 8, 11. I must be held a rancorous enemy. Sh. Rc. 1, 3. He had been chosen Speaker. Mac. 3, 161. Bisweilen tritt vor das zweite Substantiv to be: Me. He was chosen to ben soudan. Mau. 5. Ne. When any one of our relations was found to be a person of a very bad character. Vic. 1. He was advanced to be lieutenant. TJ. 7, 12.


Wird das zweite Object durch as oder for beim Activ eingeführt, so bleibt das auch beim Passiv. Nags. þat cristine hired for hæne wes ihalden. Lag. 14436. Who was him for fader iholden. 15689. Enoynted he was als kyng. PL. 5056. des. Mau. 10. Ne. Even those knights were regarded by the English as men of an inferior breed. Mac. 1,.18.

Me. Thei ben holden as fren

Eine besondere Betrachtung mag læran zu Theil werden.

Lêran, als Factitiv von lësan [?], sammeln machen, sollte eigentlich den zweiten Accusativ behalten, denn Ic lære leòfue þeòden râd ânigne heißt eigentlich: ich mache den lieben Herrn einigen Rath sammeln,

und im Passiv sollte es daher heißen: peòden is lared red nigne §. 151. (der Herr wird veranlaßt Rath zu sammeln). Diese Construction findet sich im Ahd. und Mhd.: Ih pin kilêrit rëhtan weg. Werden wir daz kelêret. Den list bin ich gelêret. Im Ags. hat sie sich nicht erhalten, aber die persönliche Construction weist darauf hin. pâ purh fulwihte

|| lârde wâron. El. 173. Hig diden eal, swâ hig gelærede waron. Mt. || 117. 28, 15. Auch: Worda, of pâm þe bu gelæred eart. Luc. 1, 4.

b) Das zweite Object ist ein Adjectiv: Ags. Se bid mycel genemned §. 152. Me. He shal be clepid grete.

on heofenan rice. Mt. 5, 19.

man be founden true. 1. Cor. Ne. He is called great. The

That a

4, 2. He was made hool. Mau. 8.
skins were burnt black, the hair was

bleached white. WS. Wav. 8. He was struck dead. Sh. Rc. 1, 4.

c) Das zweite Object ist ein Particip: Ags. And waron gesëwene fŷrene dracan on þâm lyfte fleògende (feurige Drachen wurden in der Luft fliegen gesehen). SC. 793. Ae. If any Breton were fonden holdand land. PL. 232. Me. His clothis ben maad schynynge and white.

Mrk. 9, 2.


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Ne. His trumpeter had been heard sounding. Mac. 8, 112.
He might be seen striding among the trees, playing with his spaniel.
4, 1.
At length a gaunt figure was discovered hidden in a ditch.
Mac. 5, 185.

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d) das zweite Object ist ein Infinitiv: Ags. He was gesëwen Criste peòwian (er wurde Christo dienen gesehen). Bed. 2, 15. Me. Sche was demed to be brent. Mau. 6. Im Ne. ist auch hier seltener der nackte Inf. geblieben: Through the gloom were seen ten thousand banners rise. M. Pl. 1, 545. He was bid rise and eat. M. Pr. 2, 269. I was made stand upon the feet. Dan. 7, 4. Öfter der präpositionale Infinitiv: You were not bid to speak. Sh. Mm. 5, 1. Thou art seen to smile. Byr. Flor. Miss Wilmot was allowed by all to be completely pretty. Vic. On cliff he hath been known to stand. Byr. Gi. 2) Beim activen Verb stehen Accusativ und Dativ. Subject, dieser bleibt: Ags. Mannum he forgeaf hlâf mannum. pâ was boten). An. 231.

þon kinge. 8001.

Jener wird §. 153. Hlâf was forgifen him ârende âboden (der Auftrag ward ihm entNags. þat me was itald. Lag. 8021. Hit wes iseid þatt land himm wass bedenn sekenn. O. 8466.

Ae. To William þe rede kyng is gyuen þe coroune. PL. 2085. pat þis maide yspoused was to pis king. RG. 751. Me. It was boden to


hem. Gen. 45, 21. No more reverence shal be done to a king,
to a knave. Ch. Mel. Ther may nothing be likened to the true friend.

[blocks in formation]

- Ne. The sons which were born him in Egypt. Gen. 46, 27.

§. 153.

Diese regelmäßigen Formen sind aber vielfach beeinträchtigt durch die Neigung zu persönlichem Passiv. §. 149. Daher wird der Dativ des Activs oft Subject, während der Acc. bleibt. Nags. All mannkinn forrbodenn iss to fanndenn godess mahhte. O. 12021. Me. Thei weren forboden. Mau. 3. I am forbydyn. Rom. 1, 13.

i am left not one. Townl. M. p. 84. (Mtzn.).

Alle my shepe ar gone,
Ne. The government

118. || || had been entrusted to a new court. Mac. 3, 265. He was kindly entrusted by the ambassador. 3, 235. No man's life was to be trusted with them. Sh. Mac. 2, 3. Pen, ink and paper, of which she was forbidden the use. TJ. 6, 13. Stay till I have read the letter. I was forbid it. Sh. L. 5, 1. The captain was made large amends. TJ. He was shown the way. WS. Nig. 27. I had never been shown my mamma's grave. BH. 3. Every servant was owed the greater part of his wages. Van. F. 37. To her had not been denied the gift of beauty. Shirl. 6. That good chance was denied to the young couple. Van. F. 16. It was denied to me. Byr. Mar. Fal. 1, 2. was denied admission. Van. F. 14. He had been promised an appointment. 55. He was offered his liberty. Am. 2, 1. They were offered their lives. Mac. 4, 72. The dead were refused christian burial. Golds. 10. He was permitted to name his

§. 154.


He who is denied his right. She Rawdon was denied the door. 17.

Ebenso schwankend ist auch tacan, zuerst regelmäßig: Ags. þæt gebed his lëorningcnihtum hë tahte - pæt gebed was getaht his cnihtum. Me. Alle thingis, that to him were bitaugt. Gen. 39, 4. Me was taught Ch. 6163. He tolde hem the tokenes, that me taught were. PP. 6060. Ne. This was taught me by the dove. Byr. Gi. It will be taught thee. Manf. 2, 4. The use of the harp had been taught to Flora. WS. Wav. 22.

Allein hier tritt schon sehr frühe das persönliche Object hervor: Nags. Heo was a (in B.) boken wel itaht. Lag. 6298. Ne sinndenn ge nohht tahhte. O. 9707. Me. He is taugt in the doctrin. 1. Kgs. Prol. This man was taugt the wey of the lord. Deeds. 18, 25. Thes ben taughte therto. Mau. 23. The colveren ben so taughte, that thei fleen with the lettres to the verry place, that men wolde sende hem to. 10. Ne. You would be taught your duty. Sh. Rc. 1, 3. He would soon be taught better manners. Trist. 42. The wounded Charles was taught to fly. Byr. Maz. 2.

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3) Beim activen Verb stehen Accusativ und Genitiv; jener wird beim Passiv Subject, dieser bleibt. Ags. Beâmas waron o fætes ge

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hladene. C. 30, 4. Heò gefylled was wisdômes gife. El. 1144. Nags. He was wunen biræued. Lag. 1124. þu arrt all wittess bidæledd. O. 4677. pus was pas kineriche of heora kinge biræued. Lag. 2897. We beod of freonden biræued. 11448. - Ae. þei were priued of þar office. PL. 1805. He is warned of his felonie. 1096. pe contasse of spoushed was unbonde. RG. 3380. Me. He was pryued fro the rewme. Wycl. Prol. 4. Ne. The father was bereaved of all his children. Mac. 4, 58. He was stripped of his sacred robe. 6, 339. They were convinced of their error. 9, 29. Richmond was assured of the support of the barons. 5, 114.

§. 154.

|| Ändert sich die active Construction, so folgt derselben auch die || 119. passive: Nags. His lond was biræued him. Lag. 26192. pe kinedom wass himm ræfedd. O. 8238. His spæche wass himm biræfedd. 3832. Al his lond is him binomen. Lag. 3519.

4) Beim activen Verb stehen Accusativ und Instrumentalis; jener §. 155. wird Subject des Passivs, dieser bleibt. Ags. Johannes was heâfde becorfen (beschnitten am Haupte, enthauptet). Bed. 1, 27. Is þæt egland fenne biworpen (das Eiland ist von Sumpf umzogen). Ræt. 1, 5. Hi fleònde wêron dôme bidroren (sie flohen ihrer Macht beraubt). C. 125, 21. Im Nags. tritt für den Instr. eine Präposition ein: þat lond is biurnen mid þære sæ. Lag. 1233. Oder die Rection ändert sich. s. oben biræuen, binimen.

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5) Beim activen Verb steht der Accusativ und ein mit einer Prä- §. 156. position verbundenes Object; jener wird Subject des Passivs, dieses bleibt: Ags. Benedictus was tô pâpan geset. SC. 1058. He was geset to prafoste. Cûdb. Se was tô câsere gecoren. Alb. Mëolc and buter wurden gewende tô blôde. SC. 685. Die Präposition fällt oft aus oder findet in to be ihren Ausdruck: Nags. He wes king icoren. Lag. 6550. Me. He was chosen to ben soudan. Mau. 5. Ne. He had been chosen speaker. Mac. 3, 161. He was advanced by the duke to be a lieutenant. TJ. I was recommended by my master to be surgeon to the Swallow. Gull. 2.

Ags. He was gescylded fram þære tide pæs deâpes (war vor der Zeit des Todes geschützt). Bed. 3, 23. Eâc wæs se cyning gehaled fram pare wunde (auch ward der König von der Wunde geheilt). Bed. 2, 9.Nags. pa wes pas peode iclansed of Romleode. Lag. 10834. Me. She felide, that she was helid of the wound. Mrk. 5, 29. Ne. She felt that she was healed of that plague. What profit, if I be cleansed from my sin? Job. 35, 3.

Koch, engl. Grammatik. II. 2. Aufl.


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