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Abated: deprived. II. iv. p. 86. Able: uphold. IV. vi. p. 150. Additions: titles. I. i. p. 24. Admiration: pretended wonder. I. iv. p. 54.

Advise recollect. II. i. p. 63. Aidant: of assistance. İV. iv. p. 139.

Ajax the proverbial boaster. II. ii. p. 75.

Alarumed: thoroughly aroused. II. i. p. 65.

Albany: Albania, the ancient

name for Scotland. I. i. p. 23. Allow: approve. II. iv. p. 88. Allowance: approval. I. iv. p.


Approve confirm. II. ii. p. 76. Arch: chief. II. i. p. 65. Argument: subject. I. i. p. 28. Arguments: reports. II. i. P. 62. Aroint: go, begone! III. iv. p. 109.

At point: armed. I. iv. p. 58. Attasked: censured. I. iv. p. 58. Ballow: cudgel. IV. vi. p. 154. Bans: curses. II. iii. p. 78. Barber-monger: one who is constantly going to have his beard trimmed. II. ii. p. 70. Bearing: enduring, suffering. III. vi. p. 119.

Bedlam: lunatic. III. vii. p. 125. (See Note to II. iii. p. 78.) Bench: sit by the judge. III. vi. p. 116.

Benison: blessing. I. i. p. 81. Besort: suit. I. iv. p. 54. Bewray: discover, betray, reveal. II. i. p. 68, &c. Bias: a term from the game of bowls for a bowl weighted on one side to make it swerve in a certain direction. I. ii. p. 88.

Bide: suffer. III. iv. p. 105. Bills: halberds. IV. vi. p. 147. Blank: the white mark in the centre of the target. I. i. p.


Block: fashion or shape of a hat. IV. vi. p. 151.

Blood: impulse. IV. ii. p. 133. Blown: inflated, swollen. IV. iv. p. 140.


Bolds: encourages. V. i. p. 163. Boot: increase. V. iii. p. 183. Bosom: "of herin her confidence. IV. v. p. 141. Brach: a bitch hound. I. iv. p. 48, &c.

Brazed to it: driven to it, hardened to it. I. i. p. 18. Cadent: falling. I. iv. p. 56. Capable: capable of inheriting. II. i. p. 66.

Carbonado: to hack. II. ii. p. 71.

Cataracts: water spouts. III. ii. p. 98. Censure:

pass judgment on. V. iii. p. 167. Century: a company of a hundred soldiers. IV. iv. p. 139. Challenged: claimed. IV. vii. p. 158.

Champain: open country. I. i. p. 20.

Character: handwriting. p. 36.

I. ii.

Charge: cost. II. iv. p. 90. Cheap: of as little value. II. iv. p. 92.

Che vor ye: I warn you. IV. vi. p. 154. Child-changed: changed by the behaviour of his children. IV. vii. p. 158.

Chill: I will. IV. vi. p. 154.

[blocks in formation]

Consort: company.

II. i. p.

Constant: firm, resolute. I. i.
p. 19.

Continent: self-contained. I. ii.
p. 40, &c.

Convenient: becoming.. V. i.
p. 164.

Convey: conduct, carry through.
I. ii. p. 37.

Corky: shrivelled, dried up.
III. vii. p. 121.
Costard: head. IV. vi. p. 154.
Couch: lie hidden. III. i. p. 95.
Courtesy: "Do a to," com-

ply with. III. vii. p. 121.
Court holy-water: use flatter-
ing phrases. III. ii. p. 98.
Cowish: cowardly. IV. ii. p. 131.
Crow-keeper: one who scares

crows off corn. IV. vi. p. 147.
Cruels: cruelties. III. vii. p.


Cub-drawn: suckled. III. i. p.

Cuckoo-flowers: cowslips. IV.
iv. p. 138.

Cullionly: base. II. ii. p. 70.

Curious: complicated. I. iv. p.


Darkling in the dark. I. iv.
p. 53.
Darnel: rye grass. IV. iv. p.

Daub it: keep up this pretence,
dissemble. IV. i. p. 128.
Deboshed: debauched. I. iv. p.

Defuse disorder. I. iv. p. 43.
Depend: to be dependent. I.
iv. p. 54.
Derogate: degenerate, debased.
I. iv. p. 56.
Descry: discovery.
IV. vi. p.

Desperately: in despair. V.
iii. p. 183.

Diffidences: suspicions. I. ii.
p. 39.

Dimensions: limbs. I. ii. p. 33.
Discovery: investigation. V. i.
p. 165.

Disnatured: unnatural. I. iv.
p. 56.
Dispositions: moods.


I. iv. p.

[blocks in formation]
[ocr errors]
[blocks in formation]

Fruitfully: plentifully. IV. vi.
p. 155.

Fumiter: fumitory.

IV. iv. p.

Furnishings: outward signs.
III. i. p. 96.

Gad: a sharp-pointed piece of
steel, used as a spur to urge
cattle forward. Here spur
of the moment.' I. ii. p. 34.
Gallow: frighten, terrify. III.
ii. p. 100.

Generation: children. I. i. p. 23.
Germens: seeds. III. ii. p. 98.
Ghasted: frightened. II. i. p. 65.
Goujeers: pestilence. V. iii. p.


Grossly: evidently. I. i. p. 32.
Hatch: a half-door. III. vi. p.

Hecate: goddess of hell and
witchcraft. I. i. p. 23.
Helps: cures. IV. iv. p. 139.
Hit: agree. I. i. p. 32.
Hold: esteem. I. i. p. 27.
Home: completely, up to the
hilt. III. fii. p. 103.
Hopdance: the name of a fiend.
III. vi. p. 115.
Hundred-pound: the bare re-
quisite for posing as a 'gentle-
man. II. li. p. 70.

Hysterica passio: hysteria. II.
iv. p. 81.

Idle: senseless. I. ii. p. 42, &c.
Ill: evilly. II. i. p. 67.
Impertinency: irrelevancy. IV.
vi. p. 151.

Incense: incite. II. iv. p. 94.
Infect poison. II. iv. p. 86.
Ingenious: intelligent. IV. vi.
P. 156.

Innocent: idiot, fool. III. vi.
p. 114.
Intelligent: cognisant. III. vii.
p. 120.

Intent: intention. I. i. p. 19.
Interessed: interested. I. i. p.

Interlude: a short humorous
dramatic piece. V. iii. p. 172.
Intrinse: tightly drawn. II. ii.
p. 72.
Joint-stool: folding chair. III.
vi. p. 116.
Knapped: rapped. II. iv. p. 84.
Knave: boy. I. iv. p. 45, &c.
Lag of: later thau. I. ii. p. 33.
Light of ear: ready to listen to
gossip or slander. III. iv. p.

[blocks in formation]

Luxury: lust. IV. vi. p. 148.
Lym: a bloodhound. III. vi.
p. 117

Mahu: occurs in Harsnet's list
of devils. III. iv. p. 110. (See

Main: mainland. III. i. p. 95.
Maugre: in spite of.
V. iii. p.

Meiny: retinue. II. iv. p. 80.
Memories: memorials. IV. vi.
p. 157.

Minces: affects. IV. vi. p. 148.
Minikin: small. III. vi. p. 116.
Modo: a devil named in Harsnet's

list. III. iv. p. 110. (See Notes.)
Molety: portion, share. I. i. p.
Mortified: insensible. II. i. p. 78.
Mow to make grimaces. IV. i.
p. 129.

II. iv. p.

[blocks in formation]

Naught: worthless. 85, &c. Neat: foppish and servile. II. ii. p. 71.

Nether; earthly. IV. ii. p. 134. Nather stocks: stockings. II. iv. p. 79.

Nicely: exactly. II. ii. p. 74. Notion: intellect. I. iv. p. 53. Nuncle: an official fool's customary form of address to his master. I. iv. p.48, &c. Obscured: disguised. II. ii. p.


[blocks in formation]

Opposites: antagonists. V. iii. p. 169.

Overture: disclosure. III. vii. p. 124.

Owes: owns, possesses. I. i. p. 27.

Pack: run off. II. iv. p. 82. Packings: conspiracies. III. i. p. 96.

Particular: "his," himself.
II. iv. p. 93.

Pass: die. IV. vi. p. 145.
Pass upon: pass judgment on.
III. vii. p. 121.
Pawn down: stake, wager. I.
ii. p. 37.

Pelting: paltry. II. iii. p. 78.
Perdu: lost one, a soldier who
forms one of a forlorn hope.'
IV. vii. p. 159.

Perdy: Par Dieu! By God. II. iv. p. 82.

Pieced: added. I. i. p. 27. Pight: resolved. II. i. p. 65. Plaited: complicated, intricate. I. i. p. 31.

Poise: weight, moment. II. i. p. 68.

Ports: gates. II. i. p. 66.
Pother disturbance. III. ii. p.
Practices: devices, stratagems.
I. ii. p. 41, &c.


Pregnant: ready.


[blocks in formation]

Rubbed: checked. II. ii. p. 86. Ruffle rage. II. iv. p. 94. Sallets: salads. III. iv. p. 110. Sarum: old name for Salisbury. II. ii. p. 78.

Saw: proverb, maxim. II. ii. p.
76. (See Notes.)
Say: proof. V. iii. p. 174.
Scanted: given in a grudging
fashion. I. i. p. 31.

Secure us: make us over-con-
fident. IV. i. p. 127.
Sessa: cease. III. iv. p. 108.
Set: stake. I. iv. p. 49.
Shadowy: shady. I. i. p. 20.
Shealed: shelled. I. iv. p. 52.

[blocks in formation]

p. 100.


III. ii.

Sizes: allowance of food. II. iv. p. 87.

Sliver: slice off.

IV. ii. p. 132. Smooth: flatten. II. ii. p. 72. Smug: spruce, smart. IV. vi. p. 152. Smulking:

a fiend's name, taken from Harsnet's list of devils. III.iv. p. 110. (See Notes.) Snuffs: insults, quarrels. III. i. p. 96.

Soiled: fed on fresh grass or other fresh food. IV. vi. p. 148. Speculations: observers. III. i. p. 96. Spherical: pertaining to the spheres. I. ii. p. 38. Spill: destroy. ÎII. ii. p. 98. Square: complement, compass. I. i. p. 21.

Squiny: squint. IV. vi. p. 149. Stars: destiny. III. i. p. 96. Stelled starry. III. vii. p. 123. Stomach: anger. V. iii. p. 171. Subscribed: yielded, surrender. I. ii. p. 34.

Subscribed: pardoned. III. vii. p. 123.

Subscription: obedience. III. ii. p. 99.

Succeed: follow. I. ii. p. 39. Suggestion: instigation. II. i. p. 66.

Sumpter: sumpter-horse, employed to carry provisions or other necessaries. II. iv. p.

[blocks in formation]

Thought-executing: doing execution as quick as thought. III. ii. p. 98.

Thwart: perverse. I. iv. p. 56. Tike: a worthless dog. III. vi. p. 117. Tithing: parish. III. iv. p. 110. (See Notes.)

To: against. IV. ii. p. 143. Top: head. II. iv. p. 86. Treachers: traitors. I. ii. p. 38. Trick: intonation. IV. vi. p. 148. Trowest: believest. I. iv. p. 49. Trundle-tail: a dog with a long curly tail. III. vi. p. 117. Tucket: a set of notes on trumpet or cornet. II. i. p. 66. Turlygod: a mad vagrant and beggar. II. iii. p. 78.

Unbolted: coarse. II. ii. p. 72. Unkind: unnatural. I. i. p. 30. Unpossessing: without landed estates. II. i. p. 65.

Untented: incurable. I. iv. p. 57.

Untimely inopportunely. III vii. p. 125.

Upward: top. V. iii. p. 174. Validity: value. I. i. p. 21. Yaunt-couriers: precursors. III. ii. p. 98.

Villain: bondman. III. vii. p. 124.

Virtue: courage, valour. V. iii. p. 172.

Vulgar: publicly reported. IV. vi. p. 153.

Wage: contend. II. iv. p. 89. Wall-newt: a lizard. III. iv. p.


Watched: been awake. II. ii. p. 76.

Wawl: wail like a baby. IV. vi. p. 151.

Web and the pin: cataract. III. iv. p. 109.

Whelked: covered with protuberances. IV. vi. p. 146. White: pickled. III. vi. p. 115. Wind me into him: get into his confidence. I. ii. p. 37. Wooden pricks: skewers. IL iii. p. 78.

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