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ing, grief and despair are done away. Thus ceases the whole mass of suffering. (Cf. The Third Truth p. 15.)



Verily, Brothers, because beings buried in Delusion seized by Craving, now here, now there, seek ever fresh delight,-therefore is it that there comes about ever fresh Re-birth; and the Action (Kamma) of men, that is done out of Greed (Lobha) Anger (Dosa), or Delusion (Moha), which springs out of greed, anger, or delusion, which is brought about by them, which has its origin in them, ripens wheresoever there are men; and wheresoever that action ripens even there does man earn the Fruit of his Action, be it in this or in some future life. (Cf. Note 9.)



However, Brothers through the complete fading out of delusion, through the arising of Wisdom, through the annihilation of Craving(Tanhā,) no future birth lies any more before; for the Actions (Kamma) of men, Brothers, that are not dueto Greed, Anger, or Delusion, which do not spring from greed, anger, or delusion, which are not brought about by them, which have not their origin in them, in as much as greed, hate, and anger have disappeared, have been abandoned and rooted out, such actions like a palm tree torn out of the soil are cut off and do not lead to any further entry into exis


In this respect, Brothers, verily one may rightly say of me "The ascetic Gotama teaches negation, the ascetic Gotama teaches annihilation," for certainly, Brothers, I teach annihilation-the Annihilation namely, of Greed, the Annihilation of Anger, the Annihilation of Delusion, as well as the Annihilation of the manifold evil, unwholesome conditions of the mind. (Cf. Note 9.)



What now Brothers, is Right Mindedness?

The three-fold ways.


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The thought of bearing no ill-will.

3. The thought of abstaining from cruelty.

This, Brothers, is Right Mindedness.

Renunciation of the world.

Thus for example, a householder or the son of a householder, or some other man, hears the teaching of the Perfect One.

After he has heard this teaching he is filled with confidence in the Perfect One. And filled with this confidence, he thinks: "A prison house is household life, a refuse heap: but pilgrim-life is as the open air. Not easy is it when one lives at home, to fulfil point by point the rules of the holy life. How if now, with hair and beard cut off, clothed in the yellow robe,-how if I go forth from home to the homeless life?" And in a short time, having given up his more or less extensive possessions, having forsaken a smaller or larger circle of relations, he cuts off hair and beard, puts on the yellow robe and goes forth from home to the homeless life.



What now Brothers, is Right Speech?

I. A man, Brothers, has overcome lying and he abstains from telling falsehood. He speaks

Abstaining from Lying.

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the truth, he is devoted to the truth, he addheres to the truth, he is worthy of confidence, is not a deceiver of men. Coming now amongst people or amongst relatives, or into a meeting, or being brought before a judge and asked to give his testimony' Come, good man tell what thou knowest' he answers, if he knows nothing: I know nothing,' and if he knows, he answers: 'I know'; if he has seen nothing he answers: 'I have seen nothing,' and if he has seen, he answers: I have seen.' Thus he never knowingly speaks a lie, neither for the sake of his own advantage, nor for the sake of another person's advantage nor for the sake of any advantage what


from Slandering.

2. He has overcome Slandering, he abstains from abuse. What he has heard here, he does not repeat Abstaining there, so as to cause dissension there, and what he has heard there, he does not repeat here, so as to cause dissension here. Thus he brings together those that are at variance; establishes those that are united; concord makes him glad; he delight in concord; it is concord. that he spreads by his words.

Abstaining from Harsh Language.

He has given up Harsh Language, he abstains from Harsh Language. He speaks words that are free from rudeness, soothing to the ear, loving, going to the heart, courteous, rejoicing many, elevating many. He knows : "In whom the thought dwells, ' He has slandered me, beaten me; he has overpowered me and robbed me,' such an one never gets free from hate; for hatred never ceases by hatred; by love alone is it removed; this is an eternal law."

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And he remembers the worlds of the Blessed One: Even, Brothers, should robbers and murderers saw off your limbs and joints, whoso gave way to anger thereat, would not be following my advice. For thus, Brothers,


ought you to train yourselves: Undisturbed shall our mind remain, no evil words shall escape our lips; friendly and full of sympathy shall we remain, with heart full of love and free from any hidden malice; and that person shall we penetrate with loving thoughts, wide, deep, boundless, freed from anger and hatred.' Thus brothers, ought you to train yourselves.' He has overcome vain talk and he abstains from vain talk. He speaks at the right time, speaks in accordance with facts, speaks to the point. He speaks about the Truth (Dhamma) and the Discipline of the Order (Vinaya); his speech is of real value and agrees with its object; for he bears in mind the injunction which says: "In meeting one another, Brothers, there are two things that ought to be adhered to; either conversation about the Truth or holy silence."

Abstaining from Vain Talk.

This, Brothers, is Right Speech.



What now Brothers, is Right Action?

A man Brothers, has given up Killing, abstains from
Killing. Without stick or sword, compas-
sionate, full of sympathy, he cherishes kind-
ness and pity for all living beings.

Abstaining from Killing.


He has given up Stealing, he abstains from Steal-
ing. He takes what is given him; he waits
for what is given him; free from thievish
thoughts, with heart purified.


from Stealing.

Abstaining from unlawful Sexual

Unlawful Sexual Intercourse he has given up; he abstains from Unlawful Sexual Intercourse. He has no intercourse with maidens who are under the protection of father, mother, Intercourse. elders, brother, sister, or relatives, nor with married women nor with slaves, down to flower-decked dancing girls.

This Brothers, is Right Action.



What now, Brothers, is Right Living?

When Brothers, the noble disciple, renouncing a wrong living, gets his livelihood by a right way of living,—this, Brothers, is Right Living.27

27. Amongst trades, there are five, which, being causes of misery to the world, are reckoned under Wrong Living; they are:

(1) The trade of butchering and of dealing in butchered animals ;
(also the occupations of hunter, fisherman, soldier, etc.)

(2) Dealing in intoxicating drinks.

(3) Dealing in poisons.

(4) Dealing in arms and deadly weapons.

(5) Dealing in human beings, as slaves, prostitutes, and so forth.

To Wrong Living belong also the practices of deceit, treachery, soothsaying, trickery and usury.


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