The Ministry of the SpiritReview & Herald Publishing Association, 1950 - 213 pages This book combines a deeply devotional examination of Scripture teaching on the subject of the work of the Holy Spirit in this age with a sane and balanced interpretation which provides spiritual blessing and profit to the reader. This book should be read and studied by present day readers. This book is a classic, breathing the spiritual vitality of the saintly author and his great contemporaries, Spurgeon, Moody, Meyer and Maclaren. This book remains original inspiritual insight, fertile in suggestiveness and extremely hlepful in its clear presentation of a subject which to many has seemed obscure. Pastors and teachers will find the book enriching and no one can read it without beign rewarded. - I. The Age-Mission of the Spirit. Introductory, II. The Advent of the Spirit, III. The Naming of the Spirit, IV. The Embodying of the Spirit, V. The Enduement of the Spirit, VI. The Communion of the Spirit, VII. The Administration of the Spirit, VIII. The Inspiration of the Spirit, IX. The Conviction of the Spirit, X. The Ascent of the Spirit |