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wrote the commandant at Bayonne, 'I have communicated the commands of your majesty to the inhabitants of the town, and to the soldiers of the garrison, and I have found good citizens, and brave soldiers, but not one executioner. By these various ways, many thousand Protestants escaped. The complete extermination proposed was not effected: yet Protestantism in France then received a blow from which it has never recovered. Rome triumphed in the victory achieved. Processions of priests paced the bloodstained streets of Paris, chanting jubilant hymns; at Rome the tidings made a holiday; bells rang, cannon were fired, and the churches opened for solemn thanksgiving."

"Papa," said Alice, after father and daughters had sat a few minutes in silence, "it seems impossible."

"What seems impossible, my dear ?" "All, papa, the whole story. The keeping of the secret by so many, and the dreadful cruelty and perfidy; and then that they should dare to thank God for such a deed seems most impossible of all."

"And yet, dear Alice, the fullest, most incontestable evidence, proves this history true."

"I think nothing bad impossible to Roman Catholics. I hate Roman Catholics!" said Carrie.

"Hush! Caroline, hush!" said Mr.

Stanton; "He that hateth his brother is a murderer.' The same spirit of religious intolerance, breathed in this speech of yours, led to that deed of blood; and Protestants, unhappily, have not been entirely free from the folly and guilt of religious persecution."

"No, papa, but-" said Alice, hesitating, "the Protestants did not do it because they were Protestants. I can't express just what I mean."

"I suppose you mean that the principles of Roman Catholicism permit and encourage religious persecution, while the principles of Protestantism deny and forbid it entirely, although Protestants have sometimes been so false to their principles as to have become persecutors."

"Yes, papa, that is what I mean," said Alice.

"A true distinction, my dear, and a very important one. The right of private judgment on religious subjects lies at the very basis of Protestantism, and

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But just at this moment a servant entered to say that a gentleman wished to speak with Mr. Stanton.

When their father had left the room Carrie lighted the gas and began to read; while Alice sat still beside the fire, watching the glowing embers, listening to the wind, and pondering the dark deed done on that day of St. Bartholomew.*

K. L. G.


Pax Vobiscum; or, the Bible and the Family. Being a deduction from the Scriptures of the Gospel, in its characteristically family aspect. By the Rev. DANIEL FRASER, A.M. Edinburgh: W. P. Kennedy.

LET no one say that this is a hasty and superficial age. Here is a solid volume of 650 pages, which would do credit to the age of the Puritans for labour and thoroughness. If the power of continnous patient toil has forsaken these southern regions, it has evidently found a congenial home in a Free Church Shetland Manse. Mr. Fraser is no meek apologist for his opinions, but comes forth as a warrior


against what he conceives to be no unimportant error. His belief is "that he has been enabled to make it clearly appear that a man cannot at one and the same time hold by Baptist principles and hold the Bible; that a separate Baptist camp is no longer scripturally tenable; that Baptists themselves must be glad to escape from their unsupported

* An extended account of the massacre of St. Bartholomew, and from which this sketch has been drawn, may be found in the "History of Henry IV. of France," one of a series of instructive and deeply interesting historical biographies, by J. & J. C. ABBOTT. Published by Allman and Son, 42, Holborn-hill. One shilling each.

and dangerous position; and that, if they are to reform, and to continue occupying distinctive ground, it must be under another set of principles than those which their banner has hitherto displayed." We know our Baptist brethren too well to anticicipate any such revolution as this. And we have no doubt they will find in the mass of exposition and argument contained in Mr. Fraser's book not a few points which they can challenge, perhaps overthrow. But we are satisfied that in the main he is right, and that in their zeal for Individuality in religion, Baptists do not do justice to the position which "The Family" occupies in the Holy Scriptures. Cur author puts it thus: "The gospel of God is: 'Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved, and thy house.'-(Acts xvi. 31). The gospel of Baptists is: 'Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved."" And while he holds as strongly as they that no one is saved but by his own faith, he holds likewise that the words of the apostle, as well as the whole teaching of Scripture, recognise a family aspect and a family grace in the gospel, which the theory against which he contends ignores. Apart from its bearing on the Baptist controversy, we recommend this volume as a most valuable contribution to the exposition of Holy Scripture. The man who masters it, even if he finds details from which he dissents, will add much to the strength and comprehensiveness of his conceptions of the Word of God.

The Ante-Nicene Christian Library, Vol. VII. Tertullianus against Marcion, Vol. VIII. The writings of Cyprian. Edited by ALEXANDER ROBERTS, D.D., and JAMES DONALDSON, LL.D. Edinburgh: T. and T. Clark.

THE first of these volumes is translated by Peter Holmes, D.D., Domestic Chaplain to the Countess of Rothes; and the second by the Rev. Robert Ernest Wallis, Ph.D., "Senior Priest Vicar of Wells Cathedral." The books themselves are among the best known of the Ante-Nicene period; and the form in which they are now presented brings them within the easy reach of all students of early Church history.

Sermons for all Classes. By T. M. MORRIS, Ipswich. London: Elliot Stock. FOURTEEN Sermons well printed for one shilling. And admirable sermons they are. We have not met with any better, few so good, for a long time. And the story connected with them deserves

thoughtful consideration by all who wish to reach the masses. A suggestion which he made to the Church and congregation of which Mr. Morris is minister, "that the Sunday evening service should be thrown quite open to all who might be willing to come, without any reserve or distinction of seats, was unanimously, and even enthusiastically adopted at a large meeting of seat-holders and subscribers. All appeared to feel alike in the matter, that if the proposed change should involve any sacrifice of personal convenience, it was a sacrifice which they were called cheerfully to make. * The chapel


has ever since been filled on Sunday evening with attentive hearers, and not filled by persons drawn from other places of worship, but, for the most part, by those whose benefit was especially contemplated."

The Curate of West Norton. By the author of "The O'Tooles of Glen Imaal." London: S. Partridge & Co.

In this little volume "an attempt is made to confront Ritualism with the Gospel of God, to weigh it in the balance as a means of bringing life to sinful souls, and to show that it is wanting in that first requisite of religious power to satisfy the God-created cravings of the human spirit." The form in which this "attempt" is made will secure for it many readers who would turn away from "dry argu


Observations on the Conversion and Apostleship of St. Paul. By Lord GEORGE LYTTLETON. With an Introductory Essay by Henry Rogers. London: The Religious Tract Society.

"LORD LYTTLETON," to use Mr. Rogers's words, "was, in several respects, especially well qualified to treat this subject, and his judgment ought to have great weight with the reader. He had been a sceptic. He became a Christian after deliberate examination; and being a layman, he had no professional bias in favour of his conclusion." "He had, in the pride of youthful confidence," says Dr. Johnson, "with the help of corrupt conversation, entertained doubts of the truth of Christianity; but he thought the time now come" (he was then about thirty-eight years of age) "when it was no longer fit to doubt or believe by chance, and applied himself seriously to the great question. His studies, being honest, ended in conviction." Lord Lyttleton's tract on St. Paul (for in truth it is little more than a tract) Dr. Johnson spoke of as a treatise to which infidelity has never been able to fabricate

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a specious answer," And Mr. Rogers, who regards its reasoning as still strong and good, says, "it is the more valuable in some respects, inasmuch as it exhibits the question between Christianity and its opponents in a very narrow compass, and on a single line of argument." We need scarcely add that Mr. Rogers has added exceedingly to the value of Lord Lyttleton's "observations" by his "introduction" of seventy pages. And we thank both him and the Religious Tract Society for this volume most heartily.

The Philosophy of Evangelicism. London: Elliot Stock.

John Wesley; or the Theology of Conscience. By the author of the "Philosophy of Evangelicism." London: Elliot Stock. THE second of these volumes is an illustration and defence of the theory of the first -which theory is thus summarised by the author himself: "Humanity is constituted so as to IMPLICATE us not only in our own personal moral acts, but also in the moral acts of each other; and, in consequence thereof, conscience, in its higher exercises, extends beyond the sphere of our individual conduct. The extension of these principles to their utmost degree unfolds the true theory of the sufferings of Christ for our guilt, and of our participation in His perfect righteousness. By virtue of His UNION with us in moral consciousness, a clear avenue is opened between the Christ consciousness and the human consciousness, and we detect in their intercommunion, the accord of the atoning act and the believing act. Our Saviour, conscious of our sins, has taken them upon Himself and atoned for them; we, conscious of His righteousness, appear with it in the sight of God, and are justified: our sins are His sins; His righteousness, our righteousness; and this union of Christ and His people in moral consciousness, is the central idea of the Gospel." It would require a volume to expose the fallacies which seem to us to run through this theory, a theory which to our minds is, as unsatisfactory philosophically as it is insufficient scripturally.

Recollections of Student Life, and Thoughts on our time. An address to theological students; partly delivered at the anuual meeting of Rotherham College. By the Rev. Professor HOPPUS. London: Jackson, Walford, and Hodder.

THIS address contains some "recollections" that are interesting, and some "resurrections" of buried controversies that are very unwise. Dr. Hoppus seems

quite to forget that most stories have two sides. We do wonder that a man of his years should be so partial and one-sided.

The Model Church: an Ancient Study for Modern Times. By the Rev. L. B. BROWN, Hull. London: Thomas C. Jack.

WE are not surprised to find this book already in a second edition. We have met with nothing new on the subject of Church Government so satisfactory for a very long time. We do not know to what branch of the "Congregational" family Mr. Brown belongs, but he has laid all branches of it under obligation. He writes in a spirit that is Christian, devout, and fervent-sometimes glowing and eloquent -while his arguments and illustrations are, in our judgment, most conclusive.

The Dawn of Light: a Story of the Zenana Mission. By MARY E. LESLIE, Calcutta. With an Introduction by Rev. E. STORROW. London: John Snow & Co. MR. Storrow tells us that "the writer of 'The Dawn of Light' is a voluntary labourer in female mission work. Dwelling in the city where it is chiefly carried on, the noble impulses of feminine love and pity led her, as well as a few others, to seek access to a select number of respectable Hindu families, and week by week to labour for their moral and intellectual enlightenment. Miss Leslie, therefore, has had unusual opportunities for becoming acquainted with the character, habits, and wants of Hindu ladies, and in the following story has depicted these with great accuracy. Boshonto, Kumari, Kamini, Prosonno, and Premchand, are veritable personages, though all the incidents asso. ciated with their names have not occurred." We have read "The Dawn of Light" with great interest, and commend it heartily in Mr. Storrow's own words:-" The story is not only valuable as a faithful portraiture of Hindu scenery, character, and customs, as they exist in the greatest, wealthiest, and most intelligent of the vast provinces of our empire; it is yet more valuable as illustrative of the methods by which light and truth are now penetrating into the dark and dreary recesses of many a Zenana."

How to Study the New Testament. (I). The Gospels and the Acts of the Apostles. (II). The Epistles (First Section). By HENRY ALFORD, D.D., Dean of Canterbury. London: Alexander Straham. THESE two small compact volumes are on a theme of extreme importance, and few men are so well qualified to write upon it

as Dean Alford. His critical studies on the New Testament give him a title to be heard above many. And although we think him sometimes hasty in his judgements, and unduly fond of new interpretations, we cannot read his pages without much and constant profit. These volumes are intended mainly for mere English readers, but, so far as his amended translations are concerned, we have more confidence in recommending the study of them to those who can consult the original, and thus form an intelligent opinion of their own.

None but Christ: or, the Sinner's Only Hope. By ROBERT BOYD, D.D. London: Thomas C. Jack. 1868.

THIS is a book for the heart rather than for the intellect. It consists of a number of addresses on evangelical themes, containing a good deal of earnest exhortation, and of quickening truth, put in a pointed and interesting form, and rendered the more readable, as well as the more forcible, by a good sprinkling of apt illustrations. A large class of persons, who have not much time for reading, but are glad of a religiously helpful book, especially on Sundays, will find here what they need. We cannot, however, refrain from expressing our dissent from,and regret on account of, the mode in which the author refers to our Lord's sufferings upon the cross. Alluding to the Saviour's exclamation," My God! my God! why hast Thou forsaken me?" our author writes, "By imputation, He was at that moment the greatest sinner in the world." "Those billows

of wrath that shall overwhelm the souls of them that reject the Gospel beat upon

Him, while a rayless gloom surrounded Him, like the blackness of darkness itself." Surely, upon such a subject, a trembling reticence were better than such assertions as these-assertions which seem to us to go beyond the teaching of Holy Scripture.

The Saving Truths of Christianity. By CHR. ERNST LUTHARDT. Translated from the Second German Edition, by SOPHIA TAYLOR. Edinburgh: T. & T. Clark. 1868.

THESE apologetic lectures were delivered in Leipsic in the year 1866. They are thoughtful, noble utterances on the great central truths of the gospel, delivered, be it remembered, from a Lutheran standpoint of observation and opinion. The professional theologian will be glad to have this little work upon his shelves, and the intelligent non-professional reader will peruse it with advantage and delight. Savage Island. A brief account of the

island of Niué, and of the work of the Gospel among its people. By Rev. THOMAS POWELL, F.L.S., twenty-three years missionary to the South Seas. London: John Snow & Co.

THE book of "the Acts of the Apostles" is not yet completed. Here is one of the many chapters that have been written since Luke left Paul in Rome, in his hired house, preaching the kingdom of God. And though it refers to a very small island, of which Luke and Paul knew nothing, its story would not be disowned by these apostolic men as unworthy of the Gospel which they preached. We hope Mr. Powell's sixpenny volume will have a very large circulation.



[To prevent mistakes and delay, all communications for the Register should be addressed to the Editor, 2, Ivy Lane, Paternoster Row, E.C., and marked on the envelope "For Congregational Register."]


April 27, 28.-Cornwall Association at Penryn. Preacher, Rev. J. C. Beadle. Chairman, E. Jenkins, Esq.

April 28.-Glamorganshire and Caermarthenshire Association of English Independent Churches. Chairman, Rev. W. Jones. Discussion on "The Constitution of the Congregational Union." Sermons by Revs. F. S. Johnstone and E. Z. Lyttel.

April 28.-Yorkshire North Riding As

sociation at Pickering. Sermon by Rev. R. Balgarnie. Chairman, Rev. J. C. Potter.

April 28, 29.-Dorset Association at Wimborne. Chairman, Rev. J. Rogers. Subject of consideration, "Qualifications for Christian Work." Addresses on "Self Consecration to God," by Rev. R. S. Ashton, B.A. "Self Forgetfulness," Rev. J. D. Davies. "Absence of Party Spirit," Rev. B. Gray, B.A. "Entire Dependence on Divine Aid," Rev. J. Fox, B.A. Sermon by Rev. W. Lewis. The Lord's supper was celebrated.

May 5, 6-Cheshire Congregational Union at Stockport. Sermon by Rev. G. B. Kidd. Chairman, Rev. A. Wilson, B.A. Chairman of public meeting, the Mayor of Stockport.

May 6.-North Devon Association at Torrington. Chairman, Rev. W. Moss. Rev. J. H. Wilson attended on behalf of the Home Missionary Society.

May 24.-Jubilee of the North Bucks Association at Buckingham. Sermons

were preached by Rev. R. Ferguson, LL.D. May 26.-Bedford Union of Christians at Bedford. Sermon by Rev. H. J. Gamble. Addresses were delivered by the Revs. J. Frost, T. Hands, T. R. Stevenson, J. Dixon, J. Brown, B.A., and J. Andrews. May 26.-Somersetshire Congregational Association Meetings. Sermons by Rev. A. McMillan and J. Lambert. Conference of Sunday-school teachers. Chairman, William Rawlinson, Esq. June 2.-Surrey Congregational Union at Richmond.


April 17.-Dalkeith, by Rev. W. L. Alexander, L.L.D. Sermons on the Lord's day, by Rev. A. Jack, J. Macfarlane, D.D., and W. Pulsford, D.D. Pastor, Rev. A. T. Gowan, D.D.

April 23.-Newport, Fife, by Rev. W. L. Alexander, LL.D. Sermons on the Sabbath following, by Rev. Messrs. Spence, Tait, and Lang. Pastor, Rev. J. Tait.

May 6.-Tillingham, near Maldon, by Rev. G. Wilkinson. Pastor, Rev. C. E. G. Smith.

May 31.-Hucknall, by Rev. J. B. Paton, M.A.

June 7.-Cardiff, by Revs. T. Jones and J. Waite. Pastor, Rev. J. Davies.


April 26.-Wavertree, Liverpool, by Revs. N. Wight, and W. C. Stally brass. Pastor, Rev. E. Hassan.

May 5.-Worth, Sussex, Countess of Huntingdon's Connection, by Rev. H. Allon.

May 10.-Chapel Street, Salford, Manchester, by Revs. J. Parker, D.D., and C. W. Selbie, B.A., and on the Sunday by Rev. Professor Newth, and the minister elect, Rev. A. B. Camm.

May 17.-Bristol Tabernacle. Pastor, Rev. J. Glendenning.

May 19-24.-Glastonbury, Somerset, by the Rev. J. Glendenning and the Pastor, Rev. J. Lambert.

May 22.-Polperro, Cornwall, after being closed for twenty years. It will be held as a branch from the Church at Looe.

May 27.-Newnham Market. (Pastor, Rev. J. Jenkins.) Addresses by Revs. E. Jones, C. Collins, and J. Gray.


May 14.--Scaldwell, in connection with the Church at Old, by the Revs. J. R. Parker, and T. E. Noyes. Address by Rev. J. T. Brown.

May 27.-Godalming, by T. Barnes, Esq., M.P. Pastor, Rev. T. Davies.

May 28.-Cannington, near Bridgewater, by the Earl of Cavan. Pastor, Rev. B. Hurman.

May 30.-Ilkley, by the Mayor of Bradford.

June 1.-Billingshurst, by David Friend, Esq. Pastor, Rev. Lloyd Harris.

June 2.-Booth, near Halifax, by Mr. Ambler. Pastor, Rev. D. Jones.

June 2.-Ravensthorpe, by R. Hurst, Esq. Pastor, Rev. J. Henderson.

June 10.-Hexham, by Mr. Alderman Brown. Pastor, Rev. J. Wadland, B.A. CHAPEL DEBTS CLEARED. Harringworth, near Uppingham. Kibworth.


May 17.-Ashton-under-Lyne. Ryecroft Chapel. Lecture and class-rooms opened by the Pastor, Rev. T. Green, B.A., and Rev. Professor Newth.

May 26.-Orsett. School-room opened. Messrs. Turner, and Laxton, Revs. C. Bailhache, J. Morrison, and J. Marchant spoke on the occasion.

June 2. Great Horton, Bradford. Memorial stone of school laid by E. Baines, Esq., M.P. Pastor, Rev. J. B. Robertson.

June 2.-Saltaire, Yorkshire. Dayschools for 750 children opened. Built at the cost of Titus Salt, Esq., J.P.

June 8.-Gospel Oak Chapel, Kentish Town. School and lecture hall opened. (Pastor, Rev. R. H. Smith.) The Revs. J. C. Harrison, A. Mackennal, E. White, &c., took part in the opening.


March 23.-J. Pepper, Newcastle, New South Wales. The Revs. S. C. Kent, T. Johnson, and J. G. Fraser, M.A., officiated.

April 15.-W. Horn, Malvern Link. The Revs. B. Price, J. Spencer Hill, W. H. Sisterton, T. Dodd, and J. Wager took part in the service.

May 15.-D. Hann, Lytchett Minster. Prayer, Rev. G. C. Smith, M.A. Charge, Rev. J. Thomson. Address to Church and congregation, Rev. J. Fox, B.A.

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