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of an appropriate character, and the services were generally felt as most edifying and delightful.

The children's service on the afternoon of the following Sunday, Oct. 15th, was a yet greater success, the church being crowded with little ones and their friends. A special liturgical service was used on the occasion, in which the prayers, &c., were all prepared with a view to the capacities and wants of children. The decorations were of an even superior beauty to those of the preceding Sunday, and served most fitly to illustrate the subject of " Sowing and Reaping" (Hosea x. 12), which formed the theme of the discourse.


November 8th, at Alma Villa, 46 Newlands Street, Liverpool, the wife of the Rev. R. Goldsack, of a daughter (Gertrude Mary).

Society to help in the matter. The Rev. R. Goldsack, as minister of the Society, gave a hearty welcome to the workers of the Auxiliary Missionary Society, and hoped that the united action of the two bodies might be well carried out, and so result in much good. There had been in some quarters a disinclination to associate the name of Swedenborg with the spread of New Church truth; but this he entirely deprecated, and showed how that action stood in the light of history and experience, saying that if even there was cause to be afraid or ashamed of the name of Swedenborgwhich he denied-certainly the present day afforded no such plea. Quoting a minute of the Tenth General Conference, in which is noticed the prevention by the Corporation of Preston of the Rev. Robert Hindmarsh from delivering any lectures on the doctrines of the New Church in that town in 1817, he said times are changed now, the works are being read on all hands by ministers of all denominations, and acceptance is the On October 24th, at the New Church, general result. Mr. Goldsack suggested Camberwell, by Mr. E. Austin, Minister a joint committee to work in connection of the Church, William Henry, eldest with the London Society, and from the son of J. Peake, Esq., Solicitor to common centre of the Bedford Street the Treasury, Dublin, to Mary Ann Church. This would give a fixed basis Emma, daughter of Dr. George Sexton, for any lecturing or missionary operaLondon. tions, and doubtless satisfy the London Committee as to the earnestness and zeal of the Liverpool friends. Dr. Tafel then gave a long and interesting account of his visit to America, which was listened to with great attention, and after a few words from Mr. Andrew Pixton, in regard to the Doctor's kindness in staying for the meeting, the friends separated, much delighted with the evening's proceedings.

LONDON (Argyle Square).—The harvest thanksgiving service took place on Sunday, Oct. 8th, when, notwithstanding the lateness of the season, the chancel and font were most tastefully decorated with corn of various kinds, ornamental grasses fruit, and autumnal flowers. The attendance was very good, both at the services and at the Sacrament, by which, morning and evening, they were followed. The subjects of discourse were, "Bread which strengtheneth man's heart" (Ps. civ. 15), and "Thou shalt rejoice in every good thing which the Lord thy od hath given unto thee" (Deut. xxvi. 11). The anthems and hymns were all



On the 13th October 1876, at his residence, 10 Melbourne Street, Accrington, Mr. Robert Bailey, aged 72 years, passed into the spiritual world. He first received the doctrines of the New Jerusalem at Bolton, from the preaching of Mr. Edleston. After carefully reading the books lent to him, he perceived their worth, and the good they would do in the formation of a Christian and useful life. Not content with admiring the works of Swedenborg, it was always his great delight to offer them and speak of them to others. He has been ailing about three years; and when obliged through infirmity to give up his employment, he set himself to the study of Swedenborg's Arcana Celestia, and other works, which he read twice through. With Christian resignation to the Lord's will, he has now exchanged the infirmities of the natural body for the greater perfectness of the spiritual body, and entered into the glories of the angelic world, the contemplation of which had been the comfort of his declining years.


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