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the first seven weeks of this year Mr. R. Gunton conducted the worship of the Society, and kindly carried on a correspondence with various ministers of the New Church, to obtain their services each for a week or two, with a view to the election of a minister to fill the vacant post. The Rev. W. Westall preached on the last two Sundays of February, and the Rev. W. C. Barlow has undertaken the services for the present month of March. Subjects of an interesting character have been selected by these gentlemen, and considerable interest has been excited by the discourses, many of which have been on the always attractive topics of heaven, hell, the resurrection, and the future life. The Secretary would be glad to receive offers of service (for remuneration) for two or three Sundays from any minister. Address-Mr. J. Young, 17 Northumberland Place, Bath.

I. P.

friendly remembrance of former times, and also as a memorial of his deceased father, who, not an attendant at the church, yet numbered some of its leading members among his most valued friends. Another contribution to the beauty of the church has been made in the shape of a stained glass window for the aisle. It will be placed in the north aisle, and will consist of two single figures, with suitable decorative work in completion. In the left hand compartment will be a figure of our Lord in a corn-field, holding ears of wheat in His hand; and on the right, our Lord in a vineyard, holding a cluster of grapes. The text underneath the one will be, "I am the Bread of Life," and under the other, "I am the True Vine." Ears of corn and leaves, and clusters of the vine, will form the subjects of decorative treatment for the remainder of the window, the whole design being of remarkable quality, both as to colour and arrangement.


BIRMINGHAM.-We commend to the attention of the members of our several HEYWOOD. The annual meeting of congregations the following suggestion, this Society was held in the Girls' which we extract from the Manual of Schoolroom, on the 23rd of February. this Society" How very delightful it The attendance was good, though not so would be if every attendant at Church numerous as was hoped, the inclement joined audibly in the 'Amens' and the state of the weather having prevented Lord's Prayer? Softly and quietly as some from leaving their homes. each might please, but always in an minister, who was in the chair, opened audible tone of voice, should these be the business of the meeting with a short uttered by every one. If this were done address, in which he noticed some of the the sphere of worship would be more features in the Society's history during impressive, and a step in advance would the past year. During the year the be taken by our Society. It would be a work of the Society had gone on with practical acknowledgment of personal extreme quietness, and little external duty in little things, above mere whim progress had been accomplished. The or ease, and tend to exalt our religious uses of the Society had been carried on services both in our own esteem and in during the greater portion of the year that of strangers who might visit us. with difficulty, from the unavoidable Fathers and mothers should set the absence of the minister. Hopes were example to their children, and teachers entertained that the coming year might to scholars, and soon all would catch be one of increased prosperity, both as the pleasing enthusiasm of unanimity, to the spiritual life of the members and and be gladdened by its joy." We learn the increase of their numbers. The this Manual that the reports pre- business of the meeting was conducted sented to the annual meeting of the with harmony and good feeling. The Society gave evidence of continued Treasurer's report showed a very small growth and prosperity. The new church balance in favour of the Society, but a in course of erection has continued to strong feeling was expressed that a larger make progress. The Committee have sum should be in the Treasurer's hands received the handsome offer of a friend for the commencement of the financial to provide at his own cost the whole of year. The retiring officers were, with the pendants, coronas, brackets, etc., trifling exceptions, re-elected to their required for lighting the church, vestries, offices. The number of deaconesses was and ante-rooms. This offer is made in increased, and they were made, with the

minister and a number to be appointed from the Sunday School, the managers of the Benevolent Fund, which is raised in the Society. One new member was admitted, and others were proposed; interesting, encouraging, and hopeful addresses were made during the evening by Messrs. Isherwood, Fairbrother, the Secretary, and others, and a pleasant meeting was brought to a close with the usual devotional service.

LEEDS.-We learn from a correspondent that this Society is progressing under the ministry of Mr. O'Mant. The short engagement first made having come to an end, the Society met on the evening of February 29th, to consider the question of a permanent appointment. The meeting was well attended, and was pervaded by a unanimous feeling of warm appreciation of Mr. O'Mant's services. Not one word, not one vote, appeared on the contrary. By a great effort, involving on the part of some of the members considerable self-denial, it was determined to largely increase the minister's stipend. "It will be," says our correspondent, "a great effort, but we hope and trust we shall be able to do it, for it is a work of love." During the months of February and March Mr. O'Mant has given a course of Sabbath evening lectures, which have been made public by small handbills. The subjects have been respecting the Scripture meaning of the devil, demoniacal possession, the duration of future punishments, and the doctrine of life as taught by Paul. The advertisements have been successful, the congregations having improved numerically since the plan has been adopted.

LEICESTER.-A course of lectures has been given at this town by Mr. Gunton, under the general title of "New Truths on Old Subjects." The lectures were given in the Lecture Hall, and were made public by a small handbill, the back of which is fully occupied with an extract from the paper of Mr. C. G. Ames on Swedenborg, an abridgment of which was published in our last number, and another extract on the Atonement from Dr. Bayley's "Discourses on Essays and Reviews.' The bills were thus made to circulate some knowledge respecting our Author, and respecting one of the leading doctrines of the Church, as well as to

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fulfil their immediate purpose of announcing the lectures. Reports of the lectures appeared in the Leicester Daily Mercury, and these were collected and published in their weekly issue. these reports we give the first, from which we gain information of the attendance and the sentiments of the reporter: 'In Leicester, lately, the public attention has been drawn by various persons to the subject of the Bible, and its claims on the belief of mankind as the Word of God. Mr. Bradlaugh and others associated with him have been doing their best to discredit those claims; while other lecturers and teachers have heen equally zealous in their efforts to maintain the authority and value of the Scriptures as a Divine revelation. Among the latter are the representatives of the New Church, who accept and advocate the teachings of the celebrated theologian and scholar, [Emanuel Swedenborg, on this subject, which stand out from those ordinarily presented to the public in their complete and systematic outline. In relation also to the future life, the Swedish philosopher has a system equally definite, positive, and complete, from which modern spiritualism has been derived; though his followers strongly deprecate the ordinary and indiscriminate practices of its modern professors as undesirable, and indeed dangerous. On other important points, besides the authenticity of the Scriptures and the existence of a spiritual world, the New Church has its distinct utterances; but on the foregoing it is perhaps most likely at the present time to obtain the notice of religious inquirers, persons of unsettled convictions, and the religious public generally.

66 "Last evening a lecture was delivered by R. Gunton, Esq., of London, one of the missionaries of the New Church, in the Lecture Hall, Silver Street, Leicester. The room was quite full, and the audience listened attentively to an address of something over an hour in length, on 'The State of Men after Death in the Spiritual World.' The lecturer presented his conclusions in the language of Scripture; showing first, that in the beginning God created not only the earth, but also heaven: thus, that at the beginning the Almighty created two distinct worlds—one material and the other spiritual; the first suited to the abode of men while in their

and many books explanatory of the New Church doctrines were sold.

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natural bodies, and the other suited to the same beings after they leave their natural bodies, but continue to live in the spiritual world, which was created LIVERPOOL.-A course of Sabbath expressly to receive them, in spiritual evening lectures, by the minister, are in bodies. The spiritual world, the lec- progress in this Society, extending from turer argued, is as real and substantial March 19th to May 28th. The subjects as this world, indeed more so, because include "The Bible the Word of God," consisting of pure substances; and he "The Doctrine of Instantaneous Salvaadded that man has even in this life a tion,' "The Blood of Christ," "The body within the material one, composed Harmony between Science and Religion," of substances belonging to the spiritual "Judgment," and " Marriage." These world, and that he continues to live in subjects are interspersed with others of that body, which is vastly more perfect an expository kind, and are published than his material one, in the spiritual by small handbills and advertisements world; and, if he has been good, he be- in the local papers. The latter describe comes an angel of heaven, and dwells the lectures as "On the Doctrines of with the angels in their world. The the New Christian Church, as drawn lecturer adduced passages from Scripture from the Holy Word, and explained in to show that angels were once men; as, the writings of Emanuel Swedenborg.' for instance, the angel whom John was Up to the present the attendance of about to worship, as recorded in Rev. strangers has been most gratifying, and xxii. 9, who said to John, 'See thou do we may reasonably hope that the results it not, for I am thy fellow-servant and will be beneficial both to the Society of thy brethren the prophets worship and to those outside its pale. God. This angel had manifestly dwelt on earth, a man. Mention was also made of the one hundred and forty-four thousand who had been redeemed from the earth; and the 'multitude which no man could number' of all nations, kindreds, peoples, and tongues, who had come out of great tribulation.' Moses also, who died, as to his body, many centuries before, was seen with the Lord at His Transfiguration. The Lord also said that the dead ARE raised, even Moses showed at the bush, when he called the Lord the God of Abraham, and the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob; for He is not a God of the dead, but of the living;' that is, of those who are alive-living in the spiritual world. The lecturer further showed that the spiritual world has inhabitants of two distinct classes, and mentioned the fact that the Lord who is good to all, and whose tender mercies are over all His works, neither originated evil nor created hell; but that man originated evil, by perverting that which was good, as given by the Lord, and so created his own hell of wicked principles in his own nature;


of selfishness, tyranny, revenge, hatred, malice, cruelty. All these principles, which are perversions of powers given for good, make hell in


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At the close of the several lectures questions were asked by persons present,


LONDON-Argyle Square.-We learn from the Manual of this Society that during the month of March and the beginning of the present month the Rev. John Presland is giving a course of lectures on Prominent Religious Questions of the Day, which will occupy the Sunday evenings until Easter. The subjects will be as follows:-"Is there a Personal Devil?" "Do the Scriptures teach that the wicked will be annihilated?" "If God is love, why does Hell exist?" "The Divine Providence, especially in relation to calamities, evil, &c.," Miracles,' and "The Higher Christian Life." To obviate the inconvenience arising from the length to which some of the abovementioned lectures-owing to the importance and comprehensiveness of their subjects-may be expected to extend, it is proposed, during their delivery, to substitute for the ordinary evening services one of the two responsive services on pages 117 and 123 of the Liturgy. The congregation will thus have an opportunity of experimentally testing the new responsive services adopted by the Conference, and recommended for occasional use to the various societies of the Church. The musical arrangements employed, at any rate in the first instance, will be those published by Mr. Round, of Liverpool, and sold at 36 Bloomsbury Street by Mr. Speirs.

with marked attention by the audience, which was a fairly numerous one.

questioner, who was evidently desirous of a wordy debate, and he announced that the subject would be treated at their synagogue on the following Sunday evening.

RAMSBOTTOM.-A course of Sunday evening lectures, on the leading doctrines of the New Church, has recently been At the close of the lecture, a member delivered in the new place of worship in of the Christadelphian body, a sect this town. Since the opening of the whose opinions have attracted much church in August last there has been a attention lately in Stockport, desired to frequent attendance of strangers at the question the lecturer. Believing platservices; and it was thought that for form controversy to be of an unprofitthe information of these, and others who able nature, Mr. Ramage and the Stockmight respond to an invitation to attend, port friends had decided beforehand a course of lectures should be given. that, in such an event, the questioner Accordingly, at the request of the Com- should be referred to the members of the mittee, the minister of the Society drew Society, and to our books (of which a up a list of nine subjects, with a long selection was offered for sale at the doors synopsis under each, compiled from the by Mr. Henshall, the colporteur) for Articles of Faith; and the bills were any further information, or for the thus made to answer the double purpose resolution of any difficulty he might see of announcing the lectures and supply- in our views, and this was accordingly ing the public with a concise statement done. This, however, did not suit the of some of the most important doctrines. About 1000 of these bills were distributed amongst the shops and dwellings in the neighbourhood of the church, and the result has been that a considerable number of strangers belonging to various Christian communities attended the lectures to the end of the course. These were followed by a second course on the Life after Death, delivered on Sunday evenings in the month of January, in the following order: "Death, Resurrection, and Judgment," by the Rev. S. Pilkington; "Heaven: where is it, what is it, and what are its Joys?" by the Rev. W. Westall; "Heaven: how shall we be employed there?" by the Rev. S. Pilkington; "Heaven: our friends there; shall we know them?" by the Rev. P. Ramage. A good number of strangers were present at each of these lectures, and seemed deeply interested in the treatment of the subjects. There is now a much better attendance at the services and at the classes in the Sunday school. Within the last two months about 30 new scholars have been admitted into the day school, which has now for its head-master Mr. George Washington, of Salford, who entered upon his duties here immediately after

Mr. Ramage has himself consented to deliver two other lectures on kindred topics on the 14th and 21st March, and the Stockport Society hope to increase in numbers and usefulness, by thus being enabled to set before the public the views of the New Church. The Society are of opinion that, by persevering in giving lectures of this nature, thoughtful minds will be led to further inquiry, and to joining the ranks of the Church; and it is earnestly hoped, that the members of the Lancashire Society will aid them in bringing into prominence in so important a town as Stockport the views which they hold in common.


Tulse Hill, London, the wife of Mr.
On 29th February, at Ennore House,
Alfred Braby of a daughter.

On the 18th March, at 82 Barnsbury
Road, London, the wife of Mr. William
Spear, prematurely, of twin-sons,
still-born, and the other surviving only

two days.


the Christmas holidays. On March 22nd, at No. 1 Pemberton STOCKPORT.-A lecture on the "lm- Road, Upper Holloway, London, the wife of Mr. C. A. Faraday of a daughter.


mortality of the Soul" was delivered at the Oddfellows' Hall in this town, on the 7th March, by the Rev. P. Ramage of Kearsley, Francis Smith, Esq., of Removed to the spiritual world on Manchester, in the chair. The sub- February 4, 1876, George Bent Olliject was handled with the lecturer's vant, Esq., of Sale Moor, Cheshire, accustomed ability, and was listened to aged 72. In his childhood and youth

Mr. Ollivant attended St. John's gregation and amongst his large circle of Church, Manchester, where, with the friends. He had many amiable traits of rest of his family, he sat under the minis- character which endeared him to all who try of the Rev. John Clowes. In the made his acquaintance, but he delighted latter years of his ministry Mr. Clowes most in the company of his fellow-memselected our deceased friend as his bers, especially when the subject of conamanuensis, he being no longer able to versation was any part of the Scriptures write for himself. Mr. Ollivant and or of the writings of the New Church. family continued at St. John's Church From a youth he had been inured to up to the end of Mr. Clowes' ministry habits of assiduous industry, and to perthere, when they removed to the New form the duties of his occupation to the Jerusalem Church, Peter Street. He satisfaction of all concerned in them worshipped for several years at that seemed to be the greatest delight of his church, under the ministry of the late life. When he was made aware that Revs. R. Jones and J. H. Smithson, there was no hope of his recovery, he when he removed to the New Jerusalem replied that it was a matter of indifferTemple, Salford, where he has been a ence to him whether he should recover member and seat holder ever since. He or not, as he had no desire to remain in was for several years Treasurer of the this world any longer than he could be Manchester New Church Printing So- useful to others as well as to himself. ciety, retaining that office up to its amalgamation with the Manchester New Church Tract Society a year or two ago. He was also a Trustee of Conference, and was Secretary to the Trustees North of Trent up to his decease. He was very deeply attached to the New Church, a regular attender at worship and at the sacrament of the Holy Supper. He enjoyed excellent health, being removed at last by an attack of heart disease, after a few weeks' sickness. As his end drew near he looked forward to it with calm resignation and trust. He recited portions of the Psalms and of the hymns from our Hymn Book, showing that his mind reposed itself upon the rich promises of the Word. He gave words of comfort and counsel to his sorrowing wife and family, exhorting them to look above, where they might go to him, but he could never return to them. That good which he has acquired here is a good which, when judgment has done its work, will find its place in heaven above; where he will mingle in the harmonies of angelic life, and enter into the full fruition of his angelic powers.

On the 24th of February, Mr. Peter Nuttall, of Ramsbottom, departed this life at the age of 49 years. The removal of Mr. Nuttall, who from his earliest years has been connected with the Society at Ramsbottom, has caused great sorrow and regret both in the con

He patiently awaited his dissolution, which took place apparently without the least pain, and he passed away into eternity as in a sweet sleep. On the Sunday evening but one following, the Rev. S. Pilkington improved the occasion by a suitable discourse, which was attentively listened to by a large congregation.

On February 16th last, Jane, the beloved wife of Thomas Presland of Kentish Town, London, was called home by Him who doeth all things well. She had been long a sufferer from bronchitis, and, on the accession of general dropsy, her already debilitated constitution gradually succumbed. She bore her long illness with exemplary patience, ever thinking more of others than of herself. Unselfishness, indeed, characterized her whole life. Mother of one New Church minister (the Rev. J. Presland, of Argyle Square, London), and mother-in-law of another (Mr. E. Pulsford, of St. Helier's, Jersey), she considered herself highly favoured: she could also number among her friends many members of the Church in London, Derby, Brightlingsea, and Jersey, who will long remember her for her amiable and Christian qualities as Friend, Wife, and Mother. But for the hope of a happy reunion with her hereafter, her husband and children would be inconsolable at her loss.

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