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"This letter of our brother d' A. expresses candidly his convictions, and We therefore we feel it our duty to bring it to the knowledge of our readers.

"These are, in brief, the results which we have to notice of the labours of five years, and though they may seem small, yet, considering the difficulties of the times in which we live, we nevertheless should feel much satisfaction.

"T. L. W."

of December 29th the following quota- the works of the distinguished author, tion from the Nuova Epoca, published and which have been most precious to and edited in Florence, by Professor me; and much more do I promise to Loreta Scotia :-"As we have before myself when we shall have the other stated and explained, the progress of sublime treatise of Swedenborg transour doctrines will never be rapid or lated, that is, "The Divine Love and extraordinary in any part of the world. Wisdom," and which I wish for as soon However, the encouragement which we as possible.-Believe me, etc. have received during the last five years "'D. d' A.' in which we have laboured to diffuse in our beloved country the new light, has been sufficiently gratifying to us. will resume in a few words: Five years ago there was in Italy but one Italian who knew and professed the doctrines of the New Jerusalem, and this Italian was ourself; to-day more than one hundred of our compatriots have heard of Swedenborg, have read some of his works, and have come, in consequence, to a knowledge of the precious and sublime truths in the revelations. Seventy-five public libraries and one hundred and sixty-two ecclesiastics have received in gift the three works of our author translated into Italian, besides the one hundred and more copies which have been sold. Our periodical, in four years of existence, has had more than one hundred Italian subscribers, among whom thirty have taken a serious interest in the study of the new doctrines, and five have fully received them, as is shown by the letters which have been written to us, and which we still preserve. Among these last we find that of Signor D. d' A., of Bari, of whom, during the last few years, we have spoken, upon more than one occasion, in this periodical. He, besides having taken a double subscription for our journal, has four times bought the Italian translated works of Swedenborg, for distribution and reading amongst his friends; and recently we have received from him the following, bearing the date of the 9th inst. of this month, from Bari :


"Mr. Editor, --I write to the present amount enclosed, the postal value of 13f., of which 8f. will be retained for the renewal of the two subscriptions for the Nuova Epoca, for the new year, 1876. The remaining 5f. you will have the goodness to accept for another volume of the valuable work entitled "Heaven and Hell."

"I have not now time to repeat what immense consolation and pleasure my soul has experienced from reading

NEW ZEALAND.-A receiver of the doctrines of the New Church, residing at Wanganui, New Zealand (Mr. Battle, formerly a member of the Camberwell Society, London), communicated to the Wanganui Evening Herald of November 26th, 1875, the paragraph concerning the "London Association of Correctors of the Press," which appeared in our August Number last year (page 404). mend Mr. Battle's action to the notice of New Churchmen similarly isolated, as one means whereby they may forward the dissemination of New Church truth.

We com

BUILDING FUND.-We commend to the attention of our readers the following notice of this fund, which we extract from Argyle Square Manual of January :-"This Institution was founded in 1866 to aid Societies of the New Church, in connection with the Conference, by means of loans free of interest, in the building, purchase, or alteration of places of worship and school-houses, and in the payment of debts which may exist upon such buildings; the borrowers being required to secure the safety of the amount lent, and to repay the same at the rate of not less each year than one tenth of the whole. Moreover, proof must be furnished that at least half of the cost of the undertaking for which assistance is desired, has been actually raised by the parties proposing to borrow, before their application for a loan is entertained. plan of help more judicious, thus better calculated to fulfil the important


uses for which the institution was spent. The Rev. J. Ashby occupied the established, it would perhaps be im- chair, and, after opening the meeting possible to devise. The finances are, of with a few appropriate remarks, called course, never exhausted; all moneys upon the various singers and performers contributed remaining the property of on the piano, and speakers, who each in the Church without waste or diminution, turn interested those present until the and affording a continual means of meeting was brought to a close with benefit. votes of thanks to all who had contributed to the pleasure of the evening. Our old member and familiar friend, Mr. Edward Austin of South London, received a hearty welcome, and contributed one of his usual energetic and able speeches, full of good advice and encouragement. He also preached an excellent, concise, and practical discourse on the evening of the following Sunday to a large congregation, after which the members and friends were invited to stay and decide whether they would adopt, or not, the New Liturgy for use in this Society, which, after many questions and considerable discussion, was unanimously adopted.

"The General Conference having, by Minute 44 of its last Session, invited all the Societies of the Church to set apart a special Sunday during the month of January, for a collection on behalf of the Building Fund, our Committee have arranged that on the 16th instant, the proceeds of the Offertory, both Morning and Evening, shall be devoted to this object."

F. W.

EDINBURGH.-Through the medium of the Scottish Association we have been favoured with a visit from the Rev. W. C. Barlow, B.A., of Paisley. On Wednesday evening. Feb. 10, he delivered in our place of worship a lecture on "Death and Resurrection: the Last Judgment and Individual Judgment;" Friday evening on "Heaven: its Nature, Employments, and Blessedness;" on Saturday evening on "Hell: Everlastingness and Place in the Divine Government;" and on Sabbath, the 13th Feb., he preached twice-subjects, morning, "The Proper Use of Doctrine;" evening, "The Beginning of Regeneration. All the subjects were very lucidly and forcibly treated, and gave much satisfaction both to our own people and to the public.


DERBY.-This Society has recently been engaged in interesting and useful work. The weekly class, held in the autumn and winter for the purpose of reading and studying the Scriptures or the works of Swedenborg, presided over by the Rev. Joseph Ashby, has been more numerously attended than for many years. Strangers frequently attend, and apparently derive much satisfaction; some express themselves much pleased and attend the Sabbath services. Mr. Ashby has also delivered a short course of Sabbath evening lectures, the subjects being announced by a few handbills. The attendance upon each occasion has been considerably above the average. These lectures were followed by school sermons, which were preached by the Rev. C. H. Wilkins, of Nottingham, who kindly exchanged pulpits with the Rev. Joseph Ashby. The clear and able manner in which Mr. Wilkins treated his subjects, and the subjects being exceedingly appropriate to the occasion, afforded the Derby friends much pleasure. The school children occupied seats in front of the pulpit, JERSEY.-The lectures delivered by and added much to the service by the Mr. Pulsford at St. Peter's and his disexcellent manner they sang the hymns cussion with Mr. Le Feuvre were not specially set apart for them, and by the unproductive of results. The Wesleyans, liberality of their Superintendent the to check, if possible, the impression collections were considerably above the made on some of the members of their average. On Christmas Day service was body, most industriously circulated a held in the church in the morning, tract containing the Rev. J. Wesley's which was prettily decorated with holly, most unfair strictures on Swedenborg. evergreens, &c., in remembrance of the On the other hand, Mr. Pulsford, at season and the fast departing year. In the request of the friends at St. Peter's, the afternoon a goodly company assem- published his discourse on the Trinity. bled to tea in the school-room, after A very large number was distributed which a very enjoyable evening was in the locality. An old friend of the

Church in the neighbourhood liberally paid for the publication, and in conjunction with the zealous supporters of the doctrines at St. Peter's, defrayed all the expenses incurred by this effort. In November, Mr. Pulsford delivered his final lecture at St. Peter's. In this lecture he ably exposed the groundlessness and bitterness of Wesley's attack, passing in review successively the several objections against Swedenborg, raised by him. Upwards of two hundred persons attended this lecture. Early in October the Church Committee resolved that a bazaar should be held in behalf of the Church. In pursuance of this resolution, a meeting of the congregation was held, at which a committee of ladies was appointed to procure materials, and to carry out the details of the bazaar. The Committee accordingly set to work with great energy and zeal. They derived great assistance from a Scotch lady and gentleman who have lately joined the congregation, and whose contributions brought in rather more than one-third of the whole sum realized. The bazaar was held on the 20th of January, and a tea given in connection with it, which was more numerously attended than, with one exception, any held here for several years. The profits of the tea and bazaar were about fifty pounds; of which the Committee of Management handed over ten pounds to the treasurer of the Society, the rest they presented at the meeting after the tea, to Mr. Pulsford. The presentation was made in the name of the congregation, by Mr. M'Arthur Moir, in an appropriate speech, which was feelingly responded


Mr. Pulsford is daily winning for himself the affection and respect of his people, and proves himself to be a true teacher of the doctrines, and one whose work is in his heart and life.

LONDON (Argyle Square).- Mutual Improvement and Junior Members' Society. The managers of this Institution have issued a programme of their Friday evening meetings until the end of April, neatly printed on a folding card for convenience of reference. Encouraged by the remarkable success of the Spelling Bee on the 21st of January-when the school-room was crowded to inconveni, ence-they have arranged for a Prize Competition in impromptu speaking, to take place on the 4th inst., which will,

doubtless, prove fully as deserving of support as the last named occasion. The lecture the following week, Feb. 11th, on Thomas Brassey, by Robert Appelbee, Esq., will need no recommendation to those familiar with the thorough ability of the lecturer to treat his subject, and rightly appreciating his great kindness in coming from a distant suburb for our delight and edification. We are also promised during the present month, a musical and elocutionary entertainment, and a discussion on Phrenology, so that no efforts have been wanting to render the current programme varied and interesting. Among the most important of the engagements of the Society during the months of March and April, we note lectures by T. A. Reed, Esq., on shorthand (March 3d); by the Rev. Mark Wilks, "Notes and Readings from Browning's Classical Poems" (March 17th); by Dr. Stocker, on "Coal and its uses (March 31st); and by S. B. Dicks, Esq., on "The Life and Writings of Dean Swift" (April 21st). These, with two entertainments and various debates, &c., promise abundant and profitable intellectual activity during the remainder of the winter.

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LONDON (Camberwell).-The twelfth annual meeting of this Society was held on Friday, January 21st. Tea was provided as usual, and for a scanty gathering, but the subsequent fairly large attendance proved the members to possess an earnest and intelligent interest in the conduct of their Society's affairs. The report of the retiring committee was chiefly occupied with the happy circumstance the extinction of the Society's building debt-which occurred in 1875, and which was celebrated by a very pleasant meeting fully described in our columns in April last. The treasurer reported favourably upon the Society's financial condition, there being a balance in hand after meeting all current expenses of £20. Reports varying in tenor, but in the main satisfactory, were then received from the president of the junior members' section, the chairman of the theological meeting, the superintendent of the Sunday school, and the librarian. All these officers spoke hopefully of the prospects of their various departments. A hearty vote of thanks was awarded to Mr. Thom upon his relinquishing the office of treasurer,

held by him from the commencement of slight degree, to forward this desirable the Society. A like compliment was state of things. The meeting then paid to the retiring leader of the choir, terminated." Mr. Barratt. It was resolved to increase the stipend of the minister, the resolu LONDON (Camden Road).-A course tion being accompanied by a hearty of lectures on the Doctrines of the New expression of esteem, to which Mr. Church, by the minister, the Rev. Dr. Austin cordially responded. There being Tafel, was commenced at this church on no time to adequately discuss the desira- the 6th of February, and will be conbility of adopting the new Conference tinued until the 19th of March. A syllaLiturgy, which had for several Sundays bus of the lectures, giving an outline been experimentally used, it was resolved of the treatment of the several doctrines to defer the matter until the next discussed has been issued, and will conquarterly meeting, the deacons being empowered to continue at their discretion the provisional use of the new Liturgy. These and other questions, together with the usual routine business, occupied the attention of the meeting until a late hour.

vey to its readers a general idea of some of the more prominent doctrines of the Church. The following brief notice of the first lecture appeared in the North Metropolitan Press of February 12th: "On Sunday evening last a course of lectures on the doctrines of the New Jerusalem Church was begun at the handsome place of worship which it has adjoining the Athenæum, in the Camden Road. The opening lecture was, as might be expected, on the doctrine of the Godhead; and the view advocated by the lecturer as the one which is peculiarly distinctive of the body is that, in the words of the Apostle,

The South London Press of February 5th gives the following paragraph :"The ordinary meeting of the Mutual Improvement Society connected with the above place of worship, on Thursday, was signalized by the fact that the lecturer for the evening was the Rev. Thomas Dunkerley, minister of the Unitarian Chapel, Stamford Street, Blackfriars. The minister of the church, In Him [Jesus Christ] dwelt the fulness Mr. E. Austin, who presided, in wel- of the Godhead bodily.' The argument, coming Mr. Dunkerley, and introducing which was very largely supported by him to the audience, congratulated all quotations from both the Old and New present upon their participation in this Testaments, was that God is One. The wholesome exchange of Christian cour- numerous Old Testament references tesy between representatives of, in some almost invariably connect the attributes respects, antagonistic religious bodies. of Redeemer and Saviour with Jehovah. The lecturer having gracefully claimed The well-known predictions of the Lord's for himself the position of being coming is that the Son which shall be honoured by the invitation to address born is the Mighty God, the Everlasting his present hearers, proceeded to the Father, the Prince of Peace. The consideration of his theme, which was New Testament statements were also "Ballad Literature." Space forbids us adduced that 'I and the Father are giving details of what was a very able one;' 'I am in the Father, and the exposition of the subject, which was Father in Me'; 'The Father that exceedingly well received by the audience. dwelleth in Me, He doeth the works'; At the close of the paper the chairman 'He that hath seen Me hath seen the expressed his high appreciation of the Father.' The preacher also at some catholic spirit displayed by Mr. Dun- length illustrated the view he sought kerley, and intimated his desire for a to inculcate by an examination of the repetition of the visit. The lecturer, in trine in man, man having been created the course of his reply, remarked that by God into His own image and he had heard on the present occasion likeness, and showed that every man what was news to him-viz., that New has a soul, a spiritual body, and while Churchmen were regarded with even in this world a natural body. There is greater dislike by the so-called "ortho- and must be in God the same trine; but dox," than were Unitarians. However as this trine in man does not make that might be, the mere fact that both bodies experienced the disesteem of the bulk of their fellow Christians should be a bond of union between them, and he rejoiced in having been able in some

three persons, neither in God does it make three persons; and as we see the man when we see his body, so those who saw Jesus Christ saw the Father, as He Himself said; and in His body which He

glorified and made Divine we can still New Church doctrines had been known approach Him in our worship, and and professed by many persons during a receive the Holy Spirit which now streams forth from Him to regenerate and save mankind.-Next Sunday evening the subject of Dr. Tafel's lecture will be Faith and Redemption.''

LONDON, Devonshire Street, Islington. -We learn from a correspondent that the Rev. Mr. Bruce has arranged to preach at this Church on the Sunday mornings. Mr. Bruce has also given a series of Sabbath evening lectures, which have been well received by the congregation. Speaking of these services our correspondent says, "Mr. Bruce's evening lectures were admirable, and his morning sermons delight us exceedingly. He preaches extempore, and expresses beautiful thoughts in most appropriate words. His sermons abound in spiritual instruction, and deserve a much larger audience than they obtain." The Sunday scholars connected with the Society had their annual treat on the 9th of February. Between fifty and sixty children were present, and all seemed to enjoy themselves very much. On the 4th of February the junior members had a social meeting in the Boys' Schoolroom. Mr. Bateman presided at the commencement of this meeting, but having to leave early, his place was supplied by Mr. Woodford. There was a goodly assemblage of young people and their friends. The evening was chiefly occupied with music and recitations, and yielded a pleasant evening's entertainment. This Society has followed what seems to be a growing practice in New Church Societies, the institution of Thanksgiving Services. Two were held at the College Chapel, on Sunday, September 25th. The chancel of the church was decorated in a manner likely to keep the objects of the special services prominently before the congregation. The attendance at both morning and evening services was exceptionally good, and the offertories proportionately increased. The music for the day was arranged with a view to preserving unity of feeling in the worship, and contributed greatly to the attainment of this generally desired end.

NORTHAMPTON.-We have much pleasure in reporting that the Society in this town is making progress. Although

period of fifty years, it was not until 8th February 1861 that a society was properly formed under the direction of the late Rev. Woodville Woodman. Since that date the services have been conducted by lay friends, and principally by Mr. S. T. Negus, the leader. For upwards of twelve months, however, it has been felt that the requirements of the Church would be better met, and its work advanced, if a resident minister could be obtained, particularly as Northampton presented a good field for New Church operations. The principal difficulty, a pecuniary one, was fortunately surmounted by the liberal responses of the members and friends, together with a grant generously made by the Committee of the Students and Ministers Aid Fund. Under these circumstances an arrangement was entered into with the Rev. T. K. Payten, which we have reason to hope will be productive of much good. On January 3rd, a Recognition Meeting was held, and with a view of proving that the New Church entertains none but kindly feelings towards other denominations of Christians, the Secretary issued invitations to the dissenting ministers of the town. None of them, however, attended, although we believe several would have done so had their engagements permitted. The general feeling, nevertheless, as expressed in the several letters read at the meeting, could not be said to be favourable to the New Church. Mr. Negus and Mr Berry gave a very interesting account of the rise and history of the Society, tracing its career through all those vicissitudes which generally mark the growth of New Church Societies. They, with other speakers who followed, presented a cordial welcome to Mr. Payten, and expressed their convictions that the new minister was a man well, and indeed in every way fitted to be the exponent of the truths of the New Jerusalem, and that his ministrations would tell not only on the Society but in the town at large. Mr. Payten, in a very lucid and impressive manner and particularly in reply to a letter which had been read objecting to our views of the Godhead and the Atonement, gave a summary of the doctrines taught by the New Church, proving not merely their freedom from danger, but their strict

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