And daily graced by the emperor ; And not depending on his friendly wish. Ant. My will is something sorted with his wish; Muse1 not that I thus suddenly proceed; For what I will, I will, and there an end. I am resolved, that thou shalt spend some time With Valentinus in the emperor's court; What maintenance he from his friends receives, Like exhibition 2 thou shalt have from me. To-morrow be in readiness to go: Excuse it not, for I am peremptory. Pro. My lord, I cannot be so soon provided; Please you, deliberate a day or two. Ant. Look, what thou want'st, shall be sent after thee: No more of stay; to-morrow thou must go.- [Exeunt ANT. and PANT. Pro. Thus have I shunned the fire, for fear of burning; And drenched me in the sea, where I am drowned: The uncertain glory of an April day; Re-enter PANTHINO. Pant. Sir Proteus, your father calls for you; He is in haste; therefore, I pray you go. 1 i. e. wonder not. 2 Exhibition is allowance of money; it is still used in the universities for a stipend. Pro. Why, this it is! my heart accords thereto; And yet a thousand times it answers, no. [Exeunt. ACT II. SCENE I. Milan. A Room in the Duke's Palace. Enter VALENTINE and SPEED. Speed. Sir, your glove. Val. Not mine; my gloves are on. Speed. Why then this may be yours, for this is 1 but one.1 Val. Ha! let me see: ay, give it me, it's mine :-- Sweet ornament that decks a thing divine! Speed. Madam Silvia! madam Silvia! Speed. She is not within hearing, sir. Speed. And yet I was last chidden for being too slow. Val. Go to, sir; tell me, do you know madam Silvia? Speed. She that your worship loves ? Speed. Marry, by these special marks: First, you have learned, like Sir Proteus, to wreath your arms, like a male-content; to relish a love-song, like a robinred-breast; to walk alone, like one that had the pestilence; to sigh, like a school-boy that had lost his A, B, C; to weep, like a young wench that had buried her 1 On and one were anciently pronounced alike, and frequently writ ten so. i 2 grandam; to fast, like one that takes diet;1 to watch, like one that fears robbing; to speak puling, like a beggar at Hollowmas. You were wont, when you laughed, to crow like a cock; when you walked, to walk like one of the lions; when you fasted, it was presently after dinner; when you looked sadly, it was for want of money: and now you are metamorphosed with a mistress, that, when I look on you, I can hardly think you my master. Val. Are all these things perceived in me? Speed. Without you! nay, that's certain, for, without you were so simple, none else would: but you are so without these follies, that these follies are within you, and shine through you like the water in an urinal; that not an eye, that sees you, but is a physician to comment on your malady. Val. But, tell me, dost thou know my lady Silvia ? Speed. She that you gaze on so, as she sits at supper? Val. Hast thou observed that? even she I mean. Val. Dost thou know her by my gazing on her, and yet know'st her not? Speed. Is she not hard-favored, sir? Val. Not so fair, boy, as well favored. Speed. That she is not so fair, as (of you) well favored. Val. I mean, that her beauty is exquisite, but her favor infinite. Speed. That's because the one is painted, and the other out of all count. 1 To take diet is to be under a regimen for a disease. 2 The feast of All-hallows, or All Saints, at which time the poor in Staffordshire go from parish to parish a souling, as they call it; i. e. begging and puling, for soul cakes, and singing what they call the souler's song. ; |