Anon, I know it by thy trembling: Ste. Come on your ways; open your mouth; here is that which will give language to you, cat; open your mouth: this will shake your shaking, I can tell you, and that soundly: you cannot tell who's your friend: open your chaps again. Trin. I should know that voice: It should be-but he is drowned; and these are devils: O! defend me! Ste. Four legs, and two voices; a most delicate monster! His forward voice now is to speak well of his friend; his backward voice is to utter foul speeches, and to detract. If all the wine in my bottle will recover him, I will help his ague; Come, Amen! I will pour some in thy other mouth. Trin. Stephano, Ste. Doth thy other mouth call me? Mercy! mercy! This is a devil, and no monster: I will leave him; I have no long spoon.1 Trin. Stephano! If thou beest Stephano, touch me, and speak to me; for I am Trinculo;-be not afeard, -thy good friend Trinculo. Ste. If thou beest Trinculo, come forth; I'll pull thee by the lesser legs: If any be Trinculo's legs, these are they. Thou art very Trinculo, indeed: How cam'st thou to be the siege of this moon-calf? Can he vent Trinculos? Trin. I took him to be killed with a thunderstroke: -But art thou not drowned, Stephano? I hope now, thou art not drowned. Is the storm overblown? I hid me under the dead moon-calf's gaberdine, for fear of the storm: And art thou living, Stephano? O Stephano, two Neapolitans 'scaped! 1 Shakspeare gives his characters appropriate language, "They belch forth proverbs in their drink," "Good liquor will make a cat speak," and "He who eats with the devil had need of a long spoon." The last is again used in the Comedy of Errors, Act iv. Sc. 2. 2 Siege for stool, and in the dirtiest sense of the word. 3 The best account of the moon-calf may be found in Drayton's poem with that title. Ste. Pr'ythee, do not turn me about; my stomach is not constant. Cal. These be fine things, an if they be not sprites. That's a brave god, and bears celestial liquor : I will kneel to him. Ste. How did'st thou 'scape? How cam'st thou hither? swear by this bottle, how thou cam'st hither. I escaped upon a butt of sack, which the sailors heaved overboard, by this bottle! which I made of the bark of a tree, with mine own hands, since I was cast ashore. Cal. I'll swear, upon that bottle, to be thy true subject; for the liquor is not earthly. Ste. Here; swear then how thou escap'dst. Trin. Swam ashore, man, like a duck; I can swim like a duck, I'll be sworn. Ste. Here, kiss the book: Though thou canst swim like a duck, thou art made like a goose. Trin. O Stephano, hast any more of this? Ste. The whole butt, man; my cellar is in a rock by the sea-side, where my wine is hid. How now, moon-calf? how does thine ague? Cal. Hast thou not dropped from heaven?1 Ste. Out o' the moon, I do assure thee: I was the man in the moon, when time was. Cal. I have seen thee in her, and I do adore thee: my mistress showed me thee, and thy dog, and thy bush. Ste. Come, swear to that: kiss the book: I will furnish it anon with new contents: swear. Trin. By this good light, this is a very shallow monster:--I afeard of him?-a very weak monster :-The man i' the moon?--a most poor credulous monster :-Well drawn, monster, in good sooth. Cal. I'll show thee every fertile inch o' the island ; And I will kiss thy foot: I pr'ythee, be my god. Trin. By this light, a most perfidious and drunken monster: when his god's asleep, he'll rob his bottle. 1 The Indians of the island of S. Salvador asked by signs whether Columbus and his companions were not come down from heaven. Cal. I'll kiss thy foot: I'll swear myself thy subject. Ste. Come on, then; down, and swear. Trin. I shall laugh myself to death at this puppyheaded monster: A most scurvy monster! I could find in my heart to beat him,— Ste. Come, kiss. Trin. -but that the poor monster's in drink: An abominable monster! Cal. I'll show thee the best springs; I'll pluck thee berries: I'll fish for thee, and get thee wood enough. I'll bear him no more sticks, but follow thee, Trin. A most ridiculous monster; to make a wonder of a poor drunkard. Cal. I pr'ythee, let me bring thee where crabs grow; And I with my long nails will dig thee pignuts; Ste. I pr'ythee now, lead the way, without any more talking.-Trinculo, the king and all our company else being drowned, we will inherit here.-Here; bear my bottle. Fellow Trinculo, we'll fill him by and by again. Cal. Farewell, master; farewell, farewell. [Sings drunkenly Trin. A howling monster; a drunken monster. Cal. No more dams I'll make for fish; Nor fetch in firing Nor scrape trenchering, nor wash dish; 'Ban 'Ban, Ca-Caliban, Has a new master-Get a new man. 1 A smaller species of sea-gulls. Freedom, hey-day! hey-day, freedom! hey-day, freedom! Ste. O brave monster! lead the way. [Exeunt. ACT III. SCENE I.-Before Prospero's Cell. Enter FERDINAND, bearing a log. Fer. There be some sports are painful; and their labor Delight in them sets off: some kinds of baseness Weeps when she sees me work; and says, such base ness Had ne'er like executor. I forget: But these sweet thoughts do even refresh my labors; Most busiless, when I do it. Enter MIRANDA; and PROSPERO at a distance. Mira. Alas, now! pray you, Work not so hard: I would, the lightning had Burnt up those logs, that you are enjoined to pile! 1 Pope changed and to but here, without authority: we must read and in the sense of and yet. 2 Molliter austerum studio fallente laborem.-Hor. Sat. ii. 1. 2. So in Macbeth: "The labor we delight in physics pain." Pray, set it down, and rest you: when this burns, 'Twill weep for having wearied you: My father Is hard at study; pray now, rest yourself; He's safe for these three hours. Fer. O most dear mistress, The sun will set, before I shall discharge What I must strive to do. Mira. If you'll sit down, I'll bear your logs the while: Pray, give me that; No, precious creature ; I'd rather crack my sinews, break my back, Than you should such dishonor undergo, While I sit lazy by. Mira. It would become me As well as it does you: and I should do it Fer. No, noble mistress; 'tis fresh morning with me, When you are by at night. I do beseech you, (Chiefly that I might set it in my prayers,) What is your name? Mira. Miranda :-O my father, I have broke your hest1 to say so! Admired Miranda! Indeed, the top of admiration; worth 1 Behests, commands. 2 Owned. |