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Beatty, John

- Continued

279; anecdote relating to Garfield,
Ammen, and Keifer, quoted, 280;
burns Paint Rock, 282; incident,
catching rain-water, 296; distin-
guished services, 301; in battle of
Perryville, 305

Beauregard, P. T. G., General (C. S.)
(1861), assigned to Charleston, resig-
nation from U. S. A., i., 161; com-
mand of, under Johnston, at Shiloh,
247, 254-260; asks to bury dead at
Shiloh, 259; mentioned, 288; ii.,

Bees, first brought to Virginia (1620),
i., II, note

Bell, John, of Tennessee, nominated
for President (1860) by Constitution-
Union Convention, i., 118

Belmont, battle of, November 7, 1861,
i., 231

Benham, Henry W., Captain (U. S.),
pursuit of Garnett from Laurel Hill,
i., 201, 202

Benjamin, Judah P., Secretary of State

of Confederacy, interview with Jac-
quess and Gilmore, ii., 170, 171
Bense, James, Captain 6th Ohio, cap-
tured, i., 218

Benton, Thomas H., Senator, opposes

nullification (1835), i., 58; pro-
nounced Calhoun's report (1835)
birth of disunion, 58; quotes Cal-
houn's letter (1847), 58, 59; quoted
on Mexican War intrigue, 67, 68; of-
fered rank of lieutenant-general, 68;
quoted, 69; opposes Wilmot Proviso,
70; quoted on double-headed govern-
ment, 81; on Clay's joy over com-
promise resolutions, 82; opposes
Clay resolutions (1850), 83, 84; con-
demns Dred Scott decision, 86;
death, 86; summary (1857) on dis-
union policy, 148

Bentonville, N. C., battle of, men-
tioned, ii., 212

Bible, quotations from, to justify slav-
ery, i., 3, 4; relating to Hebrew
slavery, 319, note

Bidwell, D. D., General (U. S.), killed,
Cedar Creek, ii., 153

Big Bethel, first battle of Civil War,
ii., 213

Big Shanty, Ga., locomotive captured
at, by Andrews' raiders, i., 269
Binkley, Otho H., Lieut.-Colonel 110th

Ohio, at Orange Grove, ii., 64; in

Wilderness, 81-83; at Cedar Creek,
137; leads attack at Petersburg, 189;
at Sailor's Creek, 206, 211; men-
tioned, 107, 300

Birney, David B., General (U. S.), at

Orange Grove, ii., 61, 64; soldierly
character of, death, 64, note; men-
tioned, 69

Black, Jeremiah, Attorney-General and
Secretary of State (1860), i., 131
Black, Thomas S., Captain 122d Ohio,
staff duty, wounded in Wilderness,
ii., 83
Blackburn, J. C. S., quoted on repeal
of war measures, ii., 263

Blaine, James G., of Maine, errors of,
relative to Peace Conference and
Wilmot Proviso, i., 142, note; dispo-
sition and character of, ii., 268, note;
referred to, 272

Blair, Sr., F. P., submits to Davis plans

for peace, ii., 174, 175; correspond-
ence with Davis and Lincoln, 176
Bloodshed, more after than before
Gettysburg, ii., 23, 57; at Cedar
Creek, 153; great events not meas-
ured by, 155, note

Bloody Run, Pa., Union troops retreat
to, ii., 18

Border ruffians of Missouri in Kansas,

[blocks in formation]

Bragg, Braxton - Continued

on Kentuckians, 306, 307; retreat to
Murfreesboro, 306; plans of general
campaign (1864), ii., 77
Brahminism, no sanction for slavery in,
i., 8

Breckinridge, John C., defeated (1860)
for President on pro-slavery platform,
i., 118, 120; General (C. S.), at Shi-
loh, 247, 248; mentioned, ii., 76, 97,
98; at Opequon, 109-115; Secretary
of War, 197
Breshwood, Captain (U. S.), Rev-
enue Service, disloyalty of, arrest or-
dered by Dix, Secretary of Treasury,
i., 164, note


Bridgeport, Ala., affair at (1862), i., 274
Bridges, how crossed with troops, ii., 218
Bristoe Station, battle of (October 14,
1863), ii., 51-53; casualties, 53
Bristol, R. I., negroes brought to, and
sold in, i., 12

Brooke, John R., Major-General, Mili-
tary Governor of Cuba, mentioned,

ii., 292, 293, 295
Brooks, Preston, of South Carolina,

assaults Sumner, i., 99; resigns, re-
elected to House, 99; challenges
Wilson, Massachusetts, 100; death

of, 99
Brown, John, raid of, on Harper's

Ferry (1859), i., 111-115; number
with, III; object to free slaves, III;
supported by anti-slavery leaders, III,
113; captures sword of Frederick the
Great and pistols of Lafayette, 112;
captures Colonel Washington, 112;
bravery and coolness of, 112, 113;
Washington's description of his con-
duct, 112; believed his attack as ra-
tional as Joshua's or Gideon's band,
113; captured by Col. R. E. Lee, 112;
Greeley on, quoted, 113; convicted of
treason, 114; believed himself worth
more on the gallows than elsewhere,
115; last prophecy of, 115; death of,
115; immortalized in song, 115; on
threshold of Secession, 115; daughter
teaches free negroes in Virginia to
read Bible, 153; mentioned, 319;
Brownlow, Parson, mentioned, ii., 5,


Bryan, William Jennings, Colonel 3d
Nebraska, in Spanish War, resigna-
tion of, ii., 292

Bryant, Wilson G., Assistant Surgeon,
122d Ohio, mentioned, i., 311

Buchanan, James, President, signs Os-
tend Manifesto, favors acquiring
Cuba, i., 102; elected President
(1856), 116; favors admission of Kan-
sas with slavery, 95; message on
Kansas (1858), 100; vacillating policy
of, and last message (1860) on Seces-
sion, 127, 139; belief that Constitu-
tion did not provide for its preserva-
tion, no power to coerce a State, 131,
139, 140; consents to reinforce Sum-
ter, 158; cabal in Cabinet, 127;
resignations of members of Cabinet,
159, note

Buckland, Ralph P., General (U. S.),
at Shiloh, i., 251

Buckner, Simon B., General (C. S.),
occupies Bowling Green, Ky., i., 229;
Lincoln orders commission as Briga-
dier-General for, 229; surrenders
Fort Donelson, 239, 240
Buddhism, no sanction for slavery in,
i., 8

Buell, Don Carlos, General (U. S.), re-
lieves Sherman, i., 232; commences
to move his army, 241; at Nashville,
243; jealousy, 244, 251; starts for
Savannah, 249; arrives, 250, 256;
disapproves Mitchel's treatment of
slaves, 273; orders slaves returned
to masters, 274; relations with Mit-
chel, 283; pursues Bragg to Kentucky,
294-297; strength at Munfordville,
295; march to Louisville, 296; rein-
forced in Kentucky, moves his army
from Louisville, 302; fails to hear
sound of battle at Perryville, 305;
lost opportunities and characteristics
of, 295, 306, 307; relieved by Rose-
crans, without command, character
of, 307

Buford, John, General (U. S.), opens
battle of Gettysburg, ii., 28; at Cat-
lett's Station, incident with, death of,
54, 55

Burlingame, Anson, of Massachusetts,
accepts challenge to fight Brooks, i.,


Burns, Wm. H., Lieutenant 6th Mary-
land (U. S.), killed, ii., 116
Burnside, Ambrose E., General (U. S.),
at Antietam, ii., 2; relieves McClel-
lan, defeat at Fredericksburg, re-
lieved by Hooker, 3; at Knoxville,
48, 71; commands Ninth Corps,
75; joins Army of Potomac at Rapi-
dan, 78; in Wilderness, 87-90

Burrows, Julius C., of Michigan, in
Congress, ii., 267, 272

Burton, Wm., Governor of Delaware,
response of, to call for Union troops,
i., 181

Butler, B. F., General (U. S.), assigned
to command forces on James, ii., 75,
94, 95 ; relieved from Army of James,


Cabinet, Buchanan's, rupture in (1861),
i., 131; Holt, Stanton, and Black in,
131; Cass, Floyd, and others go out,

Cabinet cabal for disunion, members

of, i., 127, 159, note

Cady, Chas. E., Surgeon 138th Pennsyl-
vania, mentioned, ii., 85

Cairo, Ill., Grant's headquarters, 1861,
i., 231

Calhoun, John C., of South Carolina,

[ocr errors]

heads nullification (1832) when Vice-
President, i., 52, 53; medals struck
(1832), first President Southern Con-
federacy," 53; resigns Vice-Presi-
dency, becomes Senator, 54; votes for
tariff act (1833), 54; revives nullifica-
tion on slavery issue, 55, 59: report
on state-rights, 55-57; letter favoring
slavery agitation, quoted, 58, 59;
annexes Texas, 65; resolutions (1847)
relating to territories, 69; claims
slavery existed in territory by virtue
of Constitution, 73, 74; threatening
address (1849) against the North, 75,
76; last speech of, warning as to the
Union, 78-81; allusion to Washing-
ton, 80; religious and political cords
broken, 79; death of, 81; character
and Presidential aspirations of, 81;
burial-place of, 81, note

California, Upper, ceded (1848) to U.
S., i., 70; Fremont's invasion (1846)
of, 70; gold discovered in, 71; held
no slaves, 72; admitted (1850) as
Free State, 79, 84; proposition to
make 36° 30' south line of State of,
Cameron, Simon, of Pennsylvania,

agrees to challenge to fight duels, i.,
100; candidate (1860) for President,
119; Secretary of War, 231
Campbell, James R., Colonel 9th Illi-
nois, Spanish War, ii., 292
Campbell, John A., Ex-Secretary of War

VOL. II.-21.

(C. S.), peace commissioner, ii., 176–
179; consultation with Lincoln, re-
port of, 199, 200

Campbell, Wm., of Ky., one of An-
drews' raiders, captured and hung,
i., 267, 270

Canby, E. R. S., General (U. S.)
commands in New York City, ii., 45;
at Fort Blakely, 214

Carlisle, John G., Ex-Speaker, men-
tioned, ii., 274, 284

Carlisle, J. M., defence of Drayton for
larceny of slaves, i., 146, note
Carolinas, slaves profitable in, i., 12
Carondelet, gunboat, runs batteries,
Island No. 10, i., 262

Carr, Joseph B., General (U. S.), per-
sonal description of, difficulty over
rank, ii., 49; at Orange Grove, 62,
63; at Mine Run, 66; army ball
given by, 70; mentioned, 71

Carr, Mrs. Joseph B., mentioned, ii.,

Cass, Lewis, Senator, favored com-
promise measures, i., 83; lived to
witness birth of squatter sovereignty
(1854) and to support it, to see dis-
union, war, freedom of slaves, and
Union restored, 86, 87; death of,
87, note; resignation of, as Secretary
of State, 131

Casualties, in Wilderness campaign, ii.,
92, note; Army of Potomac, last
campaign of, 229; "Atlanta to the
Sea," 155, note; in Keifer's brigade,
303. See names of battles.
Catholic Church, did not permit slavery
in Mexico, ii., 63; Bishop Lynch of,
corresponds with the Pope, 137
Catron, John, Justice Supreme Court,
quoted, i., 43; views of, on treaty of
cession of Louisiana Province, 43, III
Cavaliers fostered slavery, i., 12
Cavalry, eyes and ears of an army, ii.,

Cedar Creek, Va., battle of, ii., 128-
157; scenes after battle, 153; casual-
ties, 154; losses compared with other
battles and wars, 155, 156; incidents
and observations relating to, 155-157;
compared to Marengo, 156; numbers
in, 156

Census, table showing slaves at each, i.,
Central Cabal (Jan. 5, 1861) of South-
ern statesmen in Washington, to pro-
mote Secession, meetings in Capitol,

Central Cabal - Continued

i., 132; Davis, Slidell, and Mallory
to carry out objects of, 132
Chalmers, James R., General (C. S.),
at Munfordville, i., 294
Chambersburg, Pa., date of burning, ii.,

Chancellorsville, Va., Hooker's defeat
at, ii., 3

Chandler, Zach., of Michigan, agrees to
challenge to fight, i., 100; belief in
bloodletting, 154

Chaplains, duties performed by, ii.,


Charleston, S. C., Secession commenced

and ended at, i., 128, 129, note; de-
scription of, at end of war, 129, note
Charleston Convention (Democratic)
(1860), history of, i., 117, 118
Chase, Salmon P., Senator from Ohio,
signs appeal of Independent Demo-
crats, i., 92; offers amendment to
Nebraska Act, 93

Cheatham, Benj. F., General (C. S.),

at Belmont, i., 231; wounded, 260;
in Kentucky, 303

Christian and Moor doomed captives to
slavery, i., 6

Christian Commission, work of, ii., 86
Christian religion not efficacious to
destroy slavery, i., 7

Cincinnati, Ohio, threatened attack on,
preparations for defence, i., 287, 288;
martial law, 288

Civil War, summons (1861) to, heroism,
character, cost, suffering, and pur-
pose of, i., 155-157; ii., 232
Clarksville, Tenn., surrendered, i., 297
Clay, Clement Claiborne, Alabama, Ex-
U. S. Senator, career of, in Confeder-
acy, i., 273; Confederate agent in
Canada, ii., 165, 166

Clay, Clement Comer, Alabama, Ex-
Governor, tried and punished for en-
couraging guerrillas, i., 272, 273
Clay, Henry, dilution argument in favor
of extension of slavery, i., 49; favors
Missouri's admission with slavery,
48, 49; quoted, 51; opposes nullifica-
tion, 58; as Secretary of State, pro-
posed (1827) purchase of Texas, 63;
opposes then favors annexation of
Texas, beaten for President, 65; op-
posed Mexican War, 67; compromise
measures proposed, and speeches on,
77-80; favors enforcement of fugitive
slave law, 78; prophesies as to dis-

union, 78; triumph, 81; presides
over Union men, 82, 83; speech
against 36° 30' line, 84; birth, death
of, 81, note; mentioned, 86
Clemens, Jerry, Alabama, mentioned,
i., 272

Clergy, Confederate, address (1863) to
Christians against Emancipation, i.,


Cluseret, G. P. (French), General (U.
S.), soldier of fortune, i., 312; inci-
dent about shooting a prisoner, 312-
314, 321; Secretary of War of Com-
munists, France, 321

Cobb, Howell, of Georgia, member of
Cabinet cabal for disunion (1860), i.,
127; resigns as Secretary of Treasury,
President Confedederate Congress,
159; quoted on Richmond as Con-
federate Capital, 176

Coinage, of Confederate States, i., 159,
160, note; design for silver, 160
Colonies, coast, engaged in slave trade,
i., 12

Colored Half-Orphan Asylum, New
York City, burned by rioters, ii., 40
Columbus carried native Americans to

Spain to present to Queen Isabella, i.,7
Columbus, Ky., evacuated, i., 246
Comley, James M., Colonel 23d Ohio,
mentioned, i., 208

Compromise measures (1850), i., 75-

88; Clay's, modified, 82; bills to
carry out, passed, 82-84; supported
and opposed by distinguished states-
men, 83
Concessions to slavery, proposed, i.,
139-142; proposition to abolish office
of President, and for Executive
Council, 140; to guarantee slavery, to
legalize slavery in Territories south of
36° 30', to divide Union into four sec-
tions, 140; propositions of Committee
of Thirty-three on, 140, 141; Consti-
tutional amendment to make slavery
perpetual, quoted, 141; failure and
effect of, 155, 156

Confederacy, condition of, at end of
1864, ii., 158, 159; proposal to enlist
slaves, 159, 175, note; condition,
1863, 161; condition, 1865, 176, 188
Confederate ex-officers, etc., in Span-
ish War, ii., 9, 288, 289, 292, 296, 313
Confederate forces, position held in
1862, i., 237; pollute water in Ken-
tucky, 242, note, 296; number of,
with material, surrendered, ii., 231

Confederate States Constitution, framed
(1861), modelled on Constitution U.
S., forbade importation of negroes,
save from U. S., right of property in
negroes perpetual, i., 133; prohibited
import duties, 133; quoted, 133
Confederate States of America, formed
(Feb. 4, 1861), Davis chosen Presi-
dent and Stephens Vice-President of,
i., 132; eleven States form, 136;
only slave nation attempted to be
formed, how and why overthrown,
155, 156, 171; seizure of forts, etc.,
159; coinage, 160, note; cost of over-
throw of, ii., 232

Congress, First, eighth act (1789), re-

enacted ordinance of 1787, i., 23;
Thirtieth (1848) first to hold after
midnight of March 3d, 74, note; dis-
tinguished statesmen in Thirty-first
(1849-50), 77; power to legislate for
Territories, 108, 109; Constitutional
provision relating to, 108, note
Conkling, James C., of Illinois, letter
of Lincoln to, quoted, ii., 46, 47
Conkling, Roscoe, of New York, resigns
from U. S. Senate, ii., 267; disposi-
tion and character of, 268
Connecticut, provision of (1784), to free
slaves, i., 30

Constitution of the United States, his-
tory of formation of, i., 30-33; words
slave or slavery not used in, 33; slav-
ery clauses, 33, 34; fugitive slave
clause, 33, 34; representation and
taxes, 34, 35; relating to African
slave trade, 35; delicate use of words
relating to slavery, 33-35; ratification
of, went into effect (March 4, 1789),
32; first ten amendments to, adopted,
32; proposition to extend over Terri-
tories, 74; provision as to Territories,
90, note; sections of, on powers
of Congress relating to Territories,
108, notes; amendment proposed
(1861) to, quoted, 141; comments on
proposed amendment, 155; slaves
freed by 13th amendment, 14;
amendments, decrees of war, 145;
amendments commented on, and
ratifications of, ii., 232, 255, 256,


Continental Congress, few powers, i.,

19; resolves against slaves being im-
ported, 17, 21; first meeting of, 19;
ordinance of 1787 passed by, 21-29
Coons, Captain 14th Indiana, at-

tack by, i., 219, 220; promotion and
death of, 221

Cooper, Samuel, Adjutant-General (U.
S.), resigns and becomes Adjutant-
General C. S. A., i., 163; signs order
dismissing Twiggs, 163, note
Corbin, Henry C., Adjutant-General
(U. S.), letter to, on Cuba, ii., 307–

Corinth, battle of, Oct. 3, 1862, i., 290,
291; casualties, 292

Cornyn, Chas. M., Major 122d Ohio,
wounded, ii., 116

Corwin, Thomas, of Ohio, quoted on
Mexican War, i., 66; chairman of
Committee of Thirty-three (1860); re-
ports propositions and Constitutional
amendment making slavery per-
petual, 140
Cotton, first planted in America, i., II;
required cheap labor, 36; effect on
growth of slavery, 37; is king, ex-
ports of, 37

Cotton States, delegates from, seceded
(1860) at Charleston Convention, i.,

117; inaugurate disunion (1860), 127
Cowards in battle, observations on, i.,
180, note

Cox, J. D., General (U. S.), affair at
Scarey Creek, i., 226; mentioned,

310; ii., 229

Cox, S. S., of New York, in Congress,
referred to, ii., 274

Crawford, Samuel W., General (U. S.),
in Wilderness, ii., 79

Crittenden, Geo. B., General (C. S.),
defeat of, at Mill Springs, i., 234; at
Shiloh, 247

Crittenden, John J., of Kentucky, reso-
lutions of, to legalize slavery south
of 36° 30', and in District of Colum-
bia to require United States to pay
for fugitive slaves, i., 142
Crittenden, Thos. L., General (U. S.),
in Kentucky, i., 302

Sergeant (U. S.) 62d
Colored, received last wound of war,
ii., 214

Crockett, David, of Tennessee, eccen-
tricity of, massacred at The Alamo,
i., 64

Crook, Geo., General (U. S.), plan for
campaign (1864), ii., 75; in battle of
Cloyd's Mountain, 96; in Hunter's
raid, 96-99, 102; personal mention,
dates and places of birth and death,
106; affair at Berryville, 108; in

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