Jag. And then, the whining school-boy, with his satchel, 8 Even in the cannon's mouth: And then, the justice; "His acts being seven ages.] I have seen, more than once, an old print, entitled, The Stage of Man's Life, divided into seven ages. As emblematical representations of this sort were formerly stuck up, both for ornament and instruction, in the generality of houses, it is more probable that Shakspeare took his hint from thence, than from Hippocrates or Proclus, who are quoted by Mr. Malone. HENLEY. 6 and bearded like the pard,] Beards of different cut were appropriated in our author's time to different characters and professions. The soldier had one fashion, the judge another, the bishop different from both, &c. 7 sudden and quick-] Lest it should be supposed that these epithets are synonymous, it is necessary to be observed that one of the ancient senses of sudden, is violent. modern instances,] Modern means trite, common. And whistles in his sound: Last scene of all, Re-enter ORLANDO, with ADAM. Duke S. Welcome: Set down your venerable burden, And let him feed. Orl. I thank you most for him. Although thy breath be rude. you Heigh, ho! sing, heigh, ho! unto the green holly: • Thou art not so unkind, &c.] That is, thy action is not so contrary to thy kind, or to human nature, as the ingratitude of man. 1 Thy tooth is not so keen, Because thou art not seen,], It is the opinion of the best commentators, that this can only be tortured into a meaning. Dr. II. Freeze, freeze, thou bitter sky, Though thou the waters warp, As friend remember'd not.2 Heigh, ho! sing, heigh, ho! &c. Duke S. If that you were the good sir Rowland's son, As you have whisper'd faithfully, you were; Johnson paraphrases thus:-Thou winter wind, thy rudeness gives the less pain, as thou art not seen, as thou art an enemy that dost not brave us with thy presence, and whose unkindness is therefore not aggravated by insult. As friend remember'd not.] Remember'd for remembering. |