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Life of the King previously to his accession - his love of literature

his remarkable character. Gheias-ood-Deen Bulbun, the King's

brother-in-law, appointed minister. Bulbun's nephew, Sheer Khan,

nominated governor of the north-west provinces, to keep in check

the Mogul incursions. The King transfers the whole weight of the

government on his minister. The King proceeds to Mooltan. The

minister attacks the Gukkurs for having united with the Moguls in

their incursions. The Gukkurs defeated, and several thousands

carried into slavery. Several of the ancient nobles holding estates

in Punjab on feudal tenure directed to reside at court, while their

sons are left in possession of them. The King returns to Dehly-

proceeds to the Doab, lying between the Jumna and Ganges-

reduces some Hindoo rajas — proceeds to Runtunbhore. The King

recalls his brother Julal from Kunowj-the latter withdraws from

the kingdom to Chittoor. The King espouses the daughter of his

minister Bulbun. Eis-ood-Deen Bulbun, another chief of the same

tribe, is made governor of Oocha and Nagore rebels- but is

subsequently pardoned. The King besieges Nurwur, which is taken.

Chundery and part of Malwa subdued and occupied by the King's

troops. Sheer Khan, the minister's nephew, governor of Punjab,

marches to Ghizny, and expels the Moguls. Oocha and Nagore

made over to Sheer Khan. Imad-ood-Deen Zunjany intrigues

against the minister Gheias-ood-Deen Bulbun, who retires to his

estate at Hansy. Hansy taken from him. The ex-minister has

recourse to arms - the nobles of the court support him — is restored

to his office. Imad-ood-Deen Zunjany, ex-minister, rebels-is

defeated, and suffers death. Kootloogh Khan in rebellion-is

joined by the ruler of Sind-they are defeated by the minister. The

ruler of Sind retires to his government, where he dies. Kootloogh

Khan disappears. The Rajpoots of Mewat in insurrection

attacked by the minister-desperate conflict. Mewatties subdued

with heavy loss. 200 of their leaders put to death after being taken

prisoners. An embassy is received from Hoolakoo, King of Persia.

Splendid reception of the ambassador. Character of Nasir-ood-Deen

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