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Varga XIX.

with her magnitude, to uphold (the world), along with her mighty sons.

10. (The offerers of oblations) have placed, in this (AGNI), the graceful honours (of the ceremony), and the two portions of clarified butter that are the two eyes" (of the sacrifice). Then the immortals come from heaven; and thy bright flames, AGNI, spread in all directions, like rushing rivers; and the gods perceive it, (and rejoice).


The Rishi, deity, and metre, are the same.

1. AGNI, like patrimonial wealth, is the giver of food he is a director, like the instructions of one learned in scripture: he rests in the sacrificial chamber, like a welcome guest; and, like an officiating priest, he brings prosperity on the house of the worshipper.

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ayanas, or comings,' of the Adityas, that allusion is made. Some reference to solar revolutions may be intended; although it is not obvious what can be meant, as no such movement is effected by thirty-six nights or days; and the Scholiast terms them karmáni, acts or ceremonies.' Atasthuh is also explained, they made or instituted. A * * swapatyáni tasthuh means, according to him, chaturdasarátrashaťtrinśadrátrádityánám ayanádini karmáni * * kṛitavantah,-they made the rites, or acts, which were the ayanas and others, of the Adityas, (and which were for) thirty-six or fourteen nights.

» An expression found, also, in another text: or there are, as it were, two eyes of a sacrifice, which are the two portions of the clarified butter.


2. He, who is like the divine Sun, who knows the truth (of things), preserves, by his actions, (his votaries), in all encounters. Like nature, he is unchangeable, and, like soul," is the source of happiness. He is ever to be cherished.

3. He, who, like the divine (Sun), is the supporter of the universe, abides on earth, like a prince, (surrounded by) faithful friends. In his presence men sit down, like sons in the dwelling of a parent; and (in purity, he resembles) an irreproachable and beloved wife.

4. Such as thou art, AGNI, men preserve thee, constantly kindled, in their dwellings, in secure places, and offer, upon thee, abundant (sacrificial) food. Do thou, in whom is all existence, be the bearer of riches, (for our advantage).

5. May thy opulent worshippers, AGNI, obtain (abundant) food: may the learned, (who praise thee) and offer thee (oblations), acquire long life: may we gain, in battles, booty from our foes,-presenting their portion to the gods, for (the acquisition of) renown.

6. The cows, loving (AGNI, who has come to the Varga XX. hall of sacrifice), sharing his splendour, have brought,


Amati, the term of the text, is explained rúpa or swarupa, peculiar form or nature. As this is, essentially, the same in all the modifications of earth, or any other element, so Agni is one and the same in all the sacrifices performed with fire.

b As soul is the seat and source of all happiness, so Agni, as the chief agent of sacrifice, is the main cause of felicity, both herc and hereafter.

with full udders, (their milk,) to be drunk. The rivers, soliciting his good will, have flowed from a distance, in the vicinity of the mountain.

7. (The gods), who are entitled to worship, soliciting thy good will, have entrusted to thee, resplendent AGNI, the (sacrificial) food; and, (for the due observance of sacred rites), they have made the night and morning of different colours,―or black and purple.

8. May we, mortals, whom thou hast directed (to the performance of sacrifices), for the sake of riches, become opulent. Filling heaven and earth, and the firmament, (with thy radiance), thou protectest the whole world, like a (sheltering) shade.*

9. Defended, AGNI, by thee, may we destroy the horses (of our enemies), by (our) horses; their men, by (our) men; their sons, by (our) sons: and may our sons, learned, and inheritors of ancestral wealth, live for a hundred winters.

10. May these our praises, sapient AGNI, be grateful to thee, both in mind and heart. May we be competent to detain thy well-supporting wealth,— offering, upon thee, their share of the (sacrificial) food to the gods.

As anything affording shade keeps off the heat of the sun, so Agni guards the world against affliction.

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The deity is AGNI; the Rishi, GOTAMA, son of RAHÚGAÑA; the metre, Gayatri.

1. Hastening to the sacrifice, let us repeat a Varga XXI. prayer to AGNI, who hears us from afar;

2. Who, existing of old, has preserved wealth, for the sacrificer, when malevolent men are assembled together.


3. Let men praise AGNI, as soon as generated, the slayer of VRITRA, and the winner of booty in many a battle.

4. (The sacrificer), in whose house thou art the messenger of the gods, whose offering thou conveyest for their food, and whose sacrifice thou renderest acceptable,

5. Him, ANGIRAS, son of strength, men call fortunate in his sacrifice, his deity, his oblations.

6. Bring hither, radiant AGNI, the gods, to (re- Varga XXII. ceive) our praise, and our oblations for their food.

7. Whenever thou goest, AGNI, on a mission of the gods, the neighing of the horses of thy (swift-) moving chariot, however audible, is not heard.

8. He who was formerly subject to a superior, having been protected, AGNI, by thee, now stands in thy presence, as an offerer (of oblations), without bashfulness, and supplied with food.

a Vritra may be here understood, an enemy in general; or, Agni may be identified with Indra.

9. Verily, divine AGNI, thou art desirous of bestowing, upon the offerer of oblations) to the gods, ample (wealth), brilliant and giving vigour.

Varga XXIII.


Rishi, deity, and metre, as before.

1. Attend to our most earnest address, propitiatory of the gods, accepting our oblations in thy mouth.

2. And then, most wise AGNI, chief of the ANGIRASAS, may we address (to thee) an acceptable and gratifying prayer.

3. Who, AGNI, amongst men, is thy kinsman? Who is worthy to offer thee sacrifice? Who, indeed, art thou? And where dost thou abide ?

4. Worship, for us, MITRA and VARUÑA; worship, for us, all the gods; (celebrate) a great sacrifice; be present in thine own dwelling.

Varga XXIV.


Rishi and deity as before: the metre is Trishtubh.

1. What approximation of the mind, AGNI, to thee can be accomplished for our good? What can a hundred encomiums (effect)? Who, by sacrifices, has obtained thy might? With what intent may we offer thee (oblations) ?a

That is, it is not possible to offer sacrifice, praise, or prayer, that shall be worthy of Agni.

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