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ble happiness as forms the vain vision of they will not readily give way to any dissome to whom the world is utterly unknown. tressful forebodings. And, in joy or in sorThey know our two friends know that row, nothing possible to man will ever, in for trouble, for sorrow, even, they must from heart or spirit, pluck them asunder one from time to time, be prepared. But this we another. They are no more two, but one. may safely say of them, that the troubles And alone, whatever betide them in life, which, as told in our story, have been given they never can truly be. The love, which them to bear, have served to fortify them rose into being one April Sunday at Minchagainst any common sorrow, which may, ley will abide unbroken for ever; not to from time to time, rise up to vex their spirits. perish out of existence- even when the Certainly, there is little cause for supposing common doom overtakes them, and the days that the trials to come will approach in of their years be themselves like a tale that painfulness the trials which have gone; and, is told. having surmounted and survived so much,

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CARDINAL CULLEN, in his Lenten pastoral, inveighs against novel reading," the dangerous amusements of the theatre," and "those improper and immodest dances unworthy of any Christian Society." The Cardinal regards waltzing with horror and the opera with detestation, and yet, curious enough, when the Italian company pays its periodical visit to Dublin his Eminence permits them to sing in his metropolitan church, so that his fair parishioners who have courage enough to go and hear Mozart's "Don Giovanni" on Saturday night may hear the same artists in Mozart's No. 12 on Sunday afternoon. Of course it would not do to let the devil have the best of music, but if the Cardinal permits the ceremonies of his Church to be aided by a theatrical company it is rather hard to abuse the play-house in which their living is obtained. London Review.

struction of the Russian-American Telegraph; in fact on many maps the Yukon was traced as an affluent of an imaginary river emptying into the Arctic Ocean, but explorations have determined the great geographical face which places the Knitchpek at the head of all rivers on the northwest coast, and giving Russian America the largest river north of 49 degrees.

LESSING. Since Luther, Germany has given birth to no such intellectual athlete to no son so German to the core. Greater poets she has had, but no greater writer, no nature more finely tempered. Nay, may we not say that great character is as rare a thing as great genius, if it be not even a nobler form of it? For surely it is easier to embody fine thinking, or delicate sentiment, or lofty aspiration, in a book than in a life. The written leaf, if it be as some few are, a safe-keeper and conductor of A LONG RIVER IN RUSSIAN AMERICA. celestial fire, is secure. Poverty cannot pinch, The largest, most important, and the chief and passion swerve, or trial shake it. But the man queen of all the rivers west of the Rocky Moun- Lessing, harassed and striving life-long, always tains, and north of 49 degrees north latitude, poor and always helpful, with no patron but is the great Knitchpek, which enters into Behr- his own right hand, the very shuttlecock of foring's Sea, between 64 and 65 degrees north lati- tune, who saw ruin's ploughshare drive through tude, by several mouths, and on the parallel of the hearth on which his first home-fire was 165 degrees west longitude. This great river hardly kindled, and who, through all, was faithhas an easterly course for some five degrees, ful to himself, to his friend, to his duty, and to then bends abruptly to the north some four de- his ideal, is something more inspiring for us grees, thence nearly east to a point not far dis- than the most glorious utterance of merely intant from the British frontier, where it receives tellectual power. The figure of Goethe is the Porcupine or Rat River, from the north-grand, it is rightfully preeminent, it has someeast, and the Yukon from the southeast; the thing of the calm, and something of the coldjunction of these two rivers forms the Knitch-ness, of the immortals; but the Valhalla of pek; it is navigable to the sea, a distance of one German letters can show one form, in its simple thousand miles, by steamboats. This river had manhood, statelier even than his.- North never been seen by white men in its whole American Review. course previous to explorations for the con


MR. CHARLES DICKENS has always been loud in his complaints against what he calls the "piracy" of American publishers. We see it announced in the New York Tribune that, when Ticknor & Fields issued the first number of their Diamond edition of Dickens, they sent him two hundred pounds, in order that he should share the profits, and that Mr. Dickens wrote back, saying, "I think you know how high and far beyond the money's worth I esteem this act of manhood, delicacy, and honor. I have never derived greater pleasure from the receipt of money in all my life." No doubt, he was surprised as well as pleased at receiving £200, which he had not bargained for, but the above statement, and particularly the quotation from the letter, might convey the idea that it was an unusual thing for Mr. Dickens to receive money from the United States on account of his writings.

notices of a new edition of that story, the newspaper critics of New York and Boston rarely said more than that it had “ some cuts.' New designs were also made by Mr. McLenan for " Great Expectations," and paid for on the same liberal scale.

After Harper & Brothers had got their money's worth out of Mr. Dickens's successive works, by issuing them in the manner above mentioned, they transferred the engravings and their interest in the works, to T. B. Peterson & Brothers of this city, who shared their payments to Mr. Dickens and the cost of engraving the illustrations here. It is well known that, in this manner, Messrs. Peterson have acquired a possession, which was generally accepted, until lately, as equivalent to copyright, of Dickens, and, under this they have published various editions.

Mr. Dickens, who is overcome with the "greater pleasure" of a £200 gift, knew how to drive a pretty hard bargain with Harper & Brothers, and (through them) with T. R. Peterson. He has received Such an impression would be entirely many thousand pounds, in gold, for advanceerroneous, for Mr. Dickens has derived a sheets. Not having access to Messrs. Harconsiderable part of his income from monies pers' books, we cannot name the exact paid him for advance sheets of his various amount, but happen to know that, for his works. A long time ago Harper Brothers last three books alone, he was paid £3,250, of New York, desirous of securing and re-in gold. The sums he received were taining in their own hands the exclusive sale of his works, have paid him large sums for each as it appeared. Since the first issue of Harpers' Magazine, and, subsequently of Harpers Weekly, each new work by Dickens has been published in these periodicals, by special arrangement with the author, almost simultaneously with their appearance in London. Impressions of the illustrations, chiefly on steel, were sent over here with the advance sheets, and put in the hands of good artists, who copied and reproduced them on wood. In the instance of" A Tale of Two Cities," which appeared in London without any illustrations, Harper & Brothers, had sixty-four original de signs made for that work and engraved on wood, at a cost of $2,000. Yet, in recent

£1,000 for " A Tale of Two Cities." £1,250 for
"Great Expectations," and £1,000 for " Our
Mutual Friend." At the average price of gold
while these three works were paid for, and
at the rate of exchange, the sum disbursed
to Mr. Dickens, for these alone, was over
$24,000 in greenbacks, and we dare say,
the various sums remitted to him, for ad-
vance-sheets only, by Harpers and Peter-
sons, from first to last, will be found, when
added up, to make a total of over $60,000.
But any one reading his letter would nat-
urally fancy that the £200 sent him from
Boston was all that he had ever received
from American publishers. The sum
£3,250, in hard cash, for advance-sheets of
his three latest works, tells a very different


From The London Review, 30 March.


IT has been well said that if we combine Moffatt with Mungo Park, the result would resemble David Livingstone. In him we have seen the zeal of the Christian missionary united with the ardour of the explorer; and for a period of nearly thirty years he has traversed the African continent with his Bible in one hand and his rifle in the other. The great aim of his life has been to open up the interior of Africa to commerce, civilization, and religion; though the difficulties of his mission must have been almost insuperable. In accomplishing the Herculean task which he thus devised, he has made remarkable additions to our geo graphical knowledge of the continent; he has discovered vast inland seas, chains of mountains, and a waterfall which dwarfs Niagara. The last expedition which he undertook was one which, if successful, would have been a worthy coup de grace to the exploits of such a man. He was deputed by the Royal Geographical Society to solve the great problem of geography - Nili quærere caput and thus to settle the acrimonious dispute which occurred between Captain Burton and Captain Speke. In the year 1858, Burton and Speke discovered Lake Tanganyika, which the former declared probably flowed northward, and was thus the real head of the Nile. Speke, on the contrary, maintained that his Victoria N'yanza was the source of that river, and expressed his opinion that the Tanganyika drained towards the south. The altitude of the latter lake they determined to be 1,844 feet; but if this be correct, it is absolutely impossible, judging from the altitudes determined by Sir Samuel Baker, that it can have any connection whatever with the Nile. The altitudes of Burton and Speke were, however, fixed by means of a very imperfect instrument, and no reliance could evidently be placed on their correctness. To decide the dispute, it therefore became necessary to send out an expedition to determine the watershed of that part of Central Africa; and it was on this splendid enterprise that Dr. Livingstone was despatched, with earnest hopes for his success. The plan laid out for his expedition was to ascend the Rovuma river, to examine the northern end of his own Lake Nyassa, to explore the country between that and the Tanganyika, and on arriving at the latter lake, to build boats and proceed to its northern end, so as to discover really in what

direction its waters flow. If he found the lake draining towards the south, it would be evident that it could have no connection with the Nile; but if he discovered it flowing towards the north, there would then be no doubt of its being the source of that river. But while the most sanguine hopes were entertained that success would crown his labours, we have received the appalling intelligence that the gallant explorer has been added to the number of brave men who have fallen victims to African savagery.

All hope that Dr. Livingstone is yet alive and vigorously exploring the interior is not, however, altogether lost, though the prospect of his ever returning is gloomy in the extreme. The report of his death was brought to Zanzibar in December last by nine Johanna men, who had been employed on the expedition as baggage porters. Their story was plausible enough, though great doubts have since been cast on their veracity. The party is stated to have left the western shore of the Nyassa, and entered a district haunted by the Mazite, a tribe of wandering Zulus. Dr. Livingstone's escort was reduced to twenty by deaths, desertions, and dismissals. As they approached the scene of the asserted tragedy, the Doctor, as usual, led the way, his body-guard of a few faithful negroes followed, while his Johanna porters were far in the rear. Suddenly, a band of the Mazite appeared, and instantly came on to the attack. Ali Moosa, the chief of the porters, who tells the story, says that as the Mazite came on with a rush, Dr. Livingstone fired, and killed two of his savage assailants; his boys also fired, but did no execution. In the mean time Moosa had nearly come up with them, and concealing himself behind a tree was about to fire, when Dr. Livingstone was struck down by a blow from an axe, which came from behind, and nearly decapitated him. Seeing his leader fall, Moosa did not then betray himself by firing, but fled along the path he had come. His Johanna friends threw down their loads and fled with him into the deeper forest, where they concealed themselves. As night came on, they crept from their hiding-place and sought their baggage, but it was gone. They then stole towards the spot where Dr. Livingstone lay dead. In front of him were the Mazite whom he had killed, while four or five of his faithful boys were scattered about their leader's corpse. A grave was dug, the body was buried, and the Johanna men made their way back to the coast, whence they were sent on to Zanzibar. These are the chief features of the sad story, which, if true, will create a pro




found sensation of regret wherever it is read. | considerations buoy us with some hope that
On the receipt of this mournful intelligence, Dr. Livingstone has not at this time met
Dr. Seward, our acting consul at Zanzibar, the tragic end that has before been reported
and Dr. Kirk, the vice-consul, who accom- of him, but that he is even now prosecuting
panied Dr. Livingstone on his Zambesi ex- his task in the interior, if he be not actually
pedition, proceeded to Quiloa, a port on the on the Tanganyika. Should he be alive,
main land, in order to institute inquiries some months mnst necessarily elapse before
among the Nyassa traders, whereby the we can hear from him, unless some chance
truth might, if possible, be elicited.
Arab trader should be passing on his way
to the coast. Until we have stronger con-
firmatory evidence of his death, we will not
chant the requiem over this brave explorer,
whom report has more than once killed be-

The result of these inquiries, and the evidence of travellers both at home and abroad who are acquainted with the Johanna people, afford us those rays of hope to which we still cling. Dr. Seward says that the information he has obtained tends to throw discredit on the entire story. The Nyassa traders express their belief that when Dr. Livingstone was about to enter what was known to be a Mazite-haunted country, the nine Johanna men deserted him, and invented the story of his murder to screen themselves from punishment, and to obtain sympathy from the people on the coast. Moosa, who is rather more intelligent than the majority of his race, is well known to some of the members of the Zambesi expedition, to which he and some of his friends were attached. We believe that all who have ever come in contact with these Johanna people unite in describing them as infamous liars, on whose word no reliance whatever can be placed, while Moosa himself— who says he saw Dr. Livingstone fall is described as the "prince of liars." His superior intelligence only assists the lying propensities of his nature to a more cunning application, though he does not always escape detection. It is, therefore, obvious that we should hesitate before we give up Dr. Livingstone for dead simply on the evidence of these Johanna people. They all agree in stating that the Doctor was killed by a single gash across the neck, and that they buried him; but there are glaring inconsistencies in other parts of their story. It is by no means improbable that on this occasion they may have exhibited a weakness for which they have credit-viz., that of deserting their leader and inventing a story about his death. This story once coined, it is usually repeated around the camp-fires at night until each has learnt it by heart, and thus uniformity is secured in the tale which each may be called upon to tell. If, as they assert, Dr. Livingstone is really dead, why, it is asked, did they not bring back some relic which should authenticate their statement? And as they assert that some of the Doctor's faithful negroes also escaped, why have they not found their way to the coast, as well as the Johanna people, to confirm the tale? These

We must confess, however, that the probabilities are against our hopes. Dr. Kirk, the companion of Livingstone, does not conceal his belief in the story which the Johanna men have told him. There is no man who is more thoroughly acquainted with their peculiar characteristics, or whose sagacity would be less likely to be deceived by any of Moosa's fabrications. He had, moreover, the acquaintance of Moosa on the Zambesi expedition, and would not fail to make due allowance for a certain extravagance of statement. He knew, besides, what a sensation a report of Dr. Livingstone's death would create in England, and would certainly hesitate before he became the medium of its transmission if he were not convinced of its correctness. His subsequent investigations only appear to have confirmed his worst fears, and his opinions are shared by Sir Samuel Baker, Mr. Baines, and other eminent men who are qualified to express themselves on the subject. The Mazite are a savage tribe who wander about in the part of Africa indicated as the scene of Dr. Livingstone's murder, and make it a practice to slaughter everything that comes in their way, to maintain the terror of their name. The Doctor came in contact with them on the Shire, and in the fray some of them were killed. This they would not be likely to forget, but would take the first opportunity of getting revenge. Dr. Living stone was also known to be a strenuous and determined opponent to the slave trade, and had probably excited the hatred and hostility of the tribe engaged in that nefarious traffic. These influences acting on their own savage natures would be quite sufficient to induce the Mazite to attack and murder him whenever they had the chance of doing so. A great deal of nonsense will undoubtedly be written with reference to this unhappy report, and a remark has already appeared in print which ought to be noticed. It has been said that Dr. Livingstone's death by the blow of an axe is highly improbable,

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since the tribes of Southern Africa do not | menace either to Holland, to Belgium, or
use axes. This may be true of some of the to France, would, in fact, have been
savages inhabiting the southern portion of scarcely noticed, except by the Dutch, hap-
the continent, but not of all; and those who
are stated to have killed Dr. Livingstone
carry a weapon of the kind which would
easily kill a man in the manner described.

At present, as we have shown, the chances are against Dr. Livingstone's return, and the rays of hope are very faint. Yet, as Sir Roderick Murchison insists, those rays are not altogether gone, and may possibly brighten into reality. If such should happily be the case, the whole civilized world will rejoice at his safety; but if the brave explorer has really fallen a martyr to African research, there will be few who will deny that, of all who have penetrated the wilds of that savage land, it may well be said of Livingstone as Macaulay said of Chatham, "Fw have left a more stainless, and none a more splendid name."

From the Spectator, 6 April.


THERE is a scent of danger in this Luxemburg business. The demi-official accounts are still not entirely in accord, but none of them tend to diminish the gravity of the situation. It appears to be quite certain that the Emperor of the French, who is aware that every enlargement of their frontier is acceptable to Frenchmen, and who three years ago bought Mentone from its Sovereign, the Duc de Valentinois, Prince de Monaco, or whatever the heir of the Grimaldis calls himself, agreed to buy the Grand Duchy of Luxemburg from its Grand Duke, the King of Holland, for four millions sterling. Whether the transaction commenced with an offer from the King Duke, who has dissipated his share of the vast private fortune accumulated by his predecessor out of his colonial monopolies, or with the Emperor himself, is still unknown, but the latter is the most probable. The natural course for the King-Duke was to offer his property to Germany. Prussia, he must have known, would have bought the Duchy, as Count von Bismarck acknowledged, and such a sale would have created no outery and opened no loophole for the interference of Europe. Luxemburg belonged to the old Bund, and its inclusion within the new one would have involved no

py to be relieved of their Sovereign's Schleswig-Holstein. It is probable, therefore, that the Emperor commenced the negotiation; but be that as it may, it was commenced and was carried to a conclusion as far as Holland was concerned. The KingDuke agreed to sell his rights and the Emperor agreed to buy them, and all that remained was to persuade the Luxemburgers to vote for annexation and to obtain the assent of the Prussian Court. The Luxemburgers, though Germans by race and language, are creed, and what with the priests and the merchants, the hope of Catholic education and the certainty of free trade with France, they might not have proved quite so inexorable as they believe themselves to be. At Berlin, again, the Emperor, for some inexplicable reason, appears to have hoped for success. He cannot, indeed, exactly believe what he makes the Moniteur say, that on the dissolution of the Germanic Confederation Luxemburg became the absolute property of the House of Orange, for he knew that its capital was garrisoned by Prussians, who, whether as reversionary heirs of the Bund, or as invadders, or as allies acting under the Treaties of 1815, had, at all events, some rights. As a matter of strict legality, we believe Prussia has a right, under a still existent treaty between her and Holland, to garrison the fortress as a German outpost; but, at all events, there she is, and garrisons cannot be withdrawn without orders from the States they represent. Still the Emperor, who always hears soothing things from the Prussian Ambassador in Paris, may have imagined that Prussia would not contend for a territory so small, would, at all events, leave the matter to be decided by a popular vote. He forgot, it would almost seem, the special position of Prussia, as chief of a federation. Luxemburg, whether within the new Confederation or not, is clearly German, as German as Bavaria, which also is outside the new pale, and to allow its cession to a non-German power would be a fatal precedent. Bavaria might one day sell the Palatinate, or Hesse its Trans-Rhenan districts, and Prussia would have no moral ground for arresting a cession which would destroy its moral claim to supremacy as avowed Protector of the whole German race. There is not the slightest evidence that Count von Bismarck, unscrupulous and despotic as he may be, is not as German as the most learned Professor of Heidelberg or

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