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The Self and
Sex Series

has the unqualified
endorsement of

Dr. John Clifford,
Rev. C. M. Sheldon,
Rev. F. B. Meyer,
Rev. T Spurgeon,
Dr. Robt. F. Horton,
Fred A. Atkins,
Dr. Theo. L. Cuyler,
Dr. Francis E. Clark,
Frances E. Willard,
Lady H. Somerset,

Eminent Physicians and Hundreds
of Others.

BOOKS TO MEN, By Sylvanus Stall, D.D.
What a Young Boy Ought to Know.
What a Young Man Ought to Know.
What a Young Husband Ought to Know.
What a Man of 45 Ought to Know.
By Mrs. Mary Wood-Allen, M.D., and
Mrs. Emma F. A. Drake, M.D.


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Instantly Relieved by New 8-Fold Treatment Which All Can Try



4/6 Package, Which is Curing Thousands, Sent Prepaid to All Who Write.

To every person answering this advertisement at once we will send-Free to try-our complete new three-fold absorption cure for Piles, Ulcer, Fissure, Prolapse, Tumours, Constipation and all rectal troubles. If you are fully satisfied with the benefit received, send us 4s. 6d. If not, we take your word and you send nothing; you decide after a thorough trial. This treatment is curing even cases of 30 and 40 years' standing, as well as all the earlier stages. Act now and perhaps save yourself great suffering. Our three-fold treatment cures to stay cured, because it is constitutional as well as local, and we want you to try it at our expense. Our valuable new Pile Book (in colours) comes free with the approval treatment, all in plain package. Send no money-only your name toDr. Van Vleck Co., 1041, Victoria Chambers, 65A, Holborn Viaduct, London. Write to-day.



1. Saving a year's study.
2. Making accuracy certain.
3. Producing the highest speed.

Send for free Illustrated Booklet.
Handbook Dept,,


The Review of Reviews.

The New Volume for January to June, 1907,

is now ready, in blue cloth, gilt lettered.
Price 58.

BINDING CASES, to bind Subscribers' own parts, with Index and Title-Page, may be had for 1/6, post free, from the OFFICE, 39, WHITEFRIARS STREET, E.C., or from any Bookseller.





The Home Pen.

How often, when mother is writing, curiosity gets the better of a child, and an upset inkstand means spoiled frocks and furniture. Inkstand accidents are things of the past if you use an "Onoto " Safety Fountain Pen that fills itself in five seconds. It holds sufficient ink to write 20,000 words. The ink flow can be regulated to suit the writer's needs.

The "Onoto" is so perfectly balanced it will not tire the writer's wrist. The nib is gold, pointed with iridium and cannot wear out.

Price 10/6 and upwards, of all stationers, etc.

Booklet about the "Onoto" Pen free on application to
Messrs. T. De La Rue & Co., Ltd., 206, Bunhill Row, E.C.



Fair Priced

British made by British labour, the Empire Typewriter costs you £13 2s. 6d. the fair and reasonable price for a typewriter in these days of low manufacturing costs. You save £9 by purchasing an Empire, and you obtain the most serviceable writing machine for all commercial or private work.

H.M. Government now use over 1,000 Empires. Scores of the largest firms and corporations like the Canadian Pacific Railway, London and North-Western Railway, Manchester Ship Canal, Bovril Limited, &c., have purchased the Empire in preference to all other high-grade typewriters. With this evidence before you, can you doubt that the Empire will do your work satisfactorily?

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A Great Money-making Novelty.
Twenty people can see the cinematograph
picture at once. The pictures are 12 times
as large as the slot machines. Pays for
itself in a week. For Markets, Fairs,
Seaside, Bazaars, &c., there is nothing to
compare with it as a money-taker. Shows
beautiful Still Life and Animated Pictures.
Price £21 10s.

The Latest Invention in Animated
Pictures is the

Miscellaneous Advertisements.


Rate 1+d. per Word. Minimum charge (36 words) 48. 6d.
Address Advertisement with remittance: JOHN HADDON &
CO., Salisbury Square, Fleet Street, E.C.

AN OPPORTUNITY to earn from £5 per week upwards. Learn to write advertisements. Prospectus and list of employed students post free. - Page-Davis Advertising School (Dept. F), 195, Oxford Street, London, W.

ASTROLOGY. -Life Horoscope of Character, Business, and Money

prospects, Marriage partner described, Future Events, Changes, &c., accurately foretold. Send birth date, 1/- P.O., and stamped envelope.- Mdme. VERNON (R.S.), Somerville Drive, Mount Florida, Glasgow. Satisfaction guaranteed.

"BREWSTERGRAPH" ASTROLOGY.-Reliable Horoscope of character, marriage, and business.

Send birth date, 1/-, and stamped envelope to Madame Zetella, Glen Villa, Cleadon, Sunderland. Your future given with above horoscope.

The King of Cinematographs.
Rock Steady, no Flickering, Reverses
and Repeats all Films, New Lever
Mechanism, Double Optical Systems, BUNIONS REDUCED. Immediate relief guaranteed; Cusic Plasters,

As used by Dr. Harry Guinness.
50 Guineas.

Grandly Illustrated Catalogue of all
Cinematographs, Cameras, Developing
Apparatus, &c., post free, gd. Grandly
Illustrated Film List, post free, 7d.

The Great Lantern House for Optical
Lanterns and Slides.

Brewster House, 82, Mortimer Road,
Kingsland, London. N., England.




For reproducing CIRCULARS,
permanent black and solid lines,

49, Deansgate, Manchester.

IS. box. Sims, Surgeon Chiropodist,

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lectors, Esperantists, Students, Journalists, Tourists, &c. Members in all parts of the World. A splendid exchange medium, well worth joining. 16 page illustrated prospectus free from Ashby, City Road, Winchester. Mention Review.

EXTRA PIN MONEY.-Send your old jewellery, false teeth, diamonds,

pearls, platinum, and other valuables to Allen Daws, Goldsmiths, 80, London Street, Norwich, who will send you cash offer. If offer not accepted goods immediately returned. References. Bankers, Barclays.

KNITTED CORSETS (improved). Support without pressure. Also
new invention Boneless Corsets, Unbreakable.
Pure Woollen, Pine Wool and Sanitary Cotton Underclothing. Surgical
Hosiery. Write for List and Free Patterns, Knitted Corset and Clothing Co.,
Nottingham.-Mention Review.

equal to Lithography. Ordinary THE FIFTY BEST SOLOS IN THE ORATORIOS, including

pen and paper used in writing or
drawing the original. Copies far
superior to those by any other
copying apparatus. From 35/-


a simplified form of Collotype, furnishing a number of Splendid Permanent Prints in any colour, equal to Silver, Platinotype, or Bromide Prints. Great saving of time and expense. From 558.

Send for Price List and Specimens, or call and see these useful inventions. THE AUTOCOPYIST CO. (M. Dept.) 64, QUEEN VICTORIA ST., LONDON, E.C.


A Personal Narrative.


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MUSIC BY MAIL. by return and charge lowest current rate. New

-We will send any Musical Publication post free

Violin Music Catalogue (nearly 20,000 publications) free for 3d. postage: published 1/-.-Murdoch Murdoch & Co., Hatton House, Hatton Garden, London, E.C.

OLD ARTIFICIAL TEETH bought. Call or forward by post : full

value by return.- Messrs. Browning, Manufacturing Dentists, 63, Oxford Street, London, opposite Rathbone Place. Established 100 years.

TALKING MACHINE and Gramophone Enthusiasts. Why not have

your records on approval before purchase?

I supply all makes. Write for lists of machines and records. Sent to all parts of the world.-Dawson Goodey, 24, Legard Road, Highbury, London. Bankers: London and South-Western.

THE BRITISH TYPEWRITER CO. will supply for a limited

period only their perfect

"Letters from Julia." High-grade Armstrong Typewriter on a week's approval for 10/ Work

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equal to that of Twenty-Guinea Machines. The leading points of the Armstrong are its Solid Strength, Durability, Portability, Beautiful Writing, and Simplicity. Personal inspection invited at our London offices, or Art Catalogue with full particulars of this remarkable offer will be sent free.-Dept. 8, British Typewriter Co., 195, Oxford Street, W.

WHY BE FRIENDLESS, when you can secure Friends and Friend

ships at home and abroad by joining the CORRESPONDENCE CLUB, 350, Mansion House Chambers, London, E.C. Founded by W. T. Stead. Annual Subscription, ros. 6d.




Even though we begin our meals with a good appetite-eating till we are no longer hungry will not ensure our getting the nourishment necessary to health.

Quality, not quantity, should be our standard, for few foods are nourishing enough to carry us through the stress of a day's hard work. Some other aid is necessary if we are not to suffer from lack of nourishment.


-the concentrated nutriment of fresh milk-is so strengthening and so
easily assimilated, that a spoonful a day added to other food will supply
anyone with the nourishment necessary to health.

Plasmon is prepared in powder form and should be added to all food
during cooking.

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Ask your Grocer for Plasmon itself as

well as

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