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state I saw her in, nearly eleven months since. As my object is to represent truth, I shall endeavour to lay before you the circumstances in the most simple form, exactly as they took place. But, before I relate the conversation I had with Ann Moore, and the remarks made, it may not be amiss first to inform you of my motives and proceedings, immediately before I went to see this extraordinary woman. Soon after I reached Titbury, I inquired for Mr. Jackson, at whose house I understood Ann Moore had been confined sixteen days and sixteen nights, without ever taking the least solid food. Mr. J. assured me, the motive which induced him to receive Ann Moore into his house, was an expectation in his own mind, that the experiment would soon detect the imposition practised by the woman; for he did not then believe her to be otherwise than a bad character; he had known her for many years, and never thought well of her. At my request Mr. Jackson led me into the parlour, where she had been kept, and, owing to some one of his family being unwell at the time I was there, the small bed on which A. Moore had lain, was in the room; there was two doors in the parlour, one leading into another apartment of his house, and the other opening directly into the street. In order to prevent any communication with his servants during the time of watching, Mr. Jackson had seals placed on the inner door, so that no individual should pass or repass through it into the room where the woman was confined, and that all admittances should be through the street door only. Mr. Jackson said, with great difficulty he procured suitable persons to attend as a watch, for he was not willing to admit such as were any way related or connected with her, or such as believed the report. Mr. Jackson produced me the original book which contained the names of the different persons who composed the watch. A male and female generally sat up together, and were every four hours relieved by two more persons taking their place, until the sixteen days and nights were elapsed, during which time no food was given to her.

Thus convinced of the sincerity of A. Moore's profession, Mr. Jackson had her safely conveyed back to her own habitation.Without entering into further particulars respecting the conversation I had with this gentleman, I will only observe, that his situation in life appears very respectable, and his understanding equally so. I requested a son of Mr. Jackson (a young man about twenty years) to accompany me to Ann Moore's, which request he cheerfully complied with. On entering the room where Ann Moore was, I walked directly up to her, took her by the hand, and, while feeling her pulse, which beat very regular, I asked her, if she ever remembered to have seen me? upon

which she looked stedfastly upon me, and replied, "Yes, two gentlemen were with you, one was a quaker." *

After I had been in the room some time, I requested permission to ask her questions 1 had previously penned down in the morning, and to enter her replies in the same manner, to which solicitations she readily consented. I questioned her as follows: Question. How long have you, Ann Moore, lived without eating solid food?

Answer. It was four years the 17th of March last. †

2. When did you discontinue the use of liquids?

A. About the 16th of September following.

2. Have you at any time since then felt the sense of hunger, or the disposition to hunger, or is food desirable?

A. I feel no hunger or disposition for food, neither did I for many years before I declined eating.

Q. When was it that sleep became no longer practicable ?
A. Three years next October.

2. Did you lose the power of sleep gradually, or was it taken from you suddenly?

A. Before I went to Mr. Jackson's, and while I was at his house, (when I was kept sixteen days and nights with a watch continually attending me) I slept pretty well three or four hours together; but soon after my removal to my own house I lost the power of sleep, and since then I have not known what it is to enjoy sound sleep. I caught a cold I believe in my removal, which prevented my sleeping.

2. Do you at any time feel an inclination to sleep?

A. No-though I sometimes doze, yet never so as to forget myself. I never doze in the day time.

2. Do you ever feel weary or fatigued?

A. I constantly have a pain on the left side of my body, and round the back and top of my head, but never feel sleepy.

2. Does your body undergo any alteration of heat and cold? A. According as I am in pain, when the pain is violent I feel feverish and hot.

2. Do you ever perspire?

A. No except since my left hand has been closed, which sometimes has a little dew or moisture in it, as at present. (I pressed my finger into the hand and found a gentle perspiration. -She continued to say, my body never perspires.)

Do you

feel in this respect no difference between the summer's heat and winter's cold?

* This circumstance convinced me of the powers of her memory, for, on the 25th of September, 1810, I visited Ann Moore, in company with a brother and one of the Society of Friends.

On the 17th of July, 1807, she took I believe a few black currants:

A. I feel the same in summer as in winter, and need no more clothing than what I now have.

2. When were your last evacuations?

A. It is four years the 3rd of this month since I had the last stool, and two years and about five or six months since I made


2. Have you any sensibility in your legs or feet?

A. No.-(She requested me to feel her feet, which I did, and observed to her they appeared much the same as when I before saw them, near eleven months since. I pressed them hard, she said it produced no sensation to her mind; they were cold and apparently lifeless. She sits with her legs under her, and her feet are brought to the left side of the body).

Do you ever lie down in bed?

A. It is two years since I laid down in bed last February. Q. Do you constantly sit up in the position you now do? A. Sometimes I rest my head on the pillows you here see; never lie down,-I cannot.


2. How long have you had fits, and what kind are they? A. Eighteen weeks the day after to-morrow; the fits are hysterical, some days I have had five or six, I have had three fits to-day. The closing of the hand was produced by these fits. 2. Is your mind generally calm and happy?

A. For the most part it is so, except when my pains are violent.

2. I perceive you have the Bible by you, don't the reading of it afford you consolation?

A. Yes, it is the best companion I find in this world.

2. What views have you of God, religion, and a future world? A. My views are fixed on Christ, and him alone: when I leave this world I hope, (mind you, I say, I hope,) to go to his glory.

2. Have you any idea or apprehension in your own mind, how long you may live?

A. No-no more than you have.

2. Do you feel yourself weaker now than when I before visited you?

A. Yes. Conversation exhausts me much more than formerly, or when you was before with me.

2. Many reports have been and still are in circulation, stating your having prophesied that an earthquake would take place, and you yourself would die at a certain time. Is it true you ever made such a declaration?

A. I have read myself in the public papers many such things as you mention, but every word is false. I never prophesied, neither have I seen visions as some say I have, nor do I believe

in them. If a person was to tell me of such things for ten years, I should not believe them.

2. What quantity of snuff do you take in the course of a week? A. It is impossible for me to say, for I give a great deal away, I perhaps may take a quarter of an ounce in a week.

2. What think you occasioned the loss of appetite, was it not by frequently sitting up with one Samuel Orange, who was diseased with scrophulous ulcers.

A. I sat up one night only with Samuel Orange. It was the washing of his linen and the dressing of his wounds I believe which affected my appetite, for all I eat and drank afterward presented to my imagination the like disagreeable taste and smell, although my digestion was bad for several years before, so that for five years or more before my illness I always felt pain after eating.

Thus I have stated the principal points of conversation I had with Ann Moore, and placed the questions and answers nearly in the same order in which they were proposed.

Her person is rather above the common size; and the just proportions of her features evidently show the remains of a fine face. She seems naturally to possess a lively disposition, her understanding exceeds much the attainments usually made by women in her sphere of life. She is ready in conversation, of a religious turn of mind, occasioned by her present sickness; her appearance does not greatly differ from what it was on my last visit; her voice is at times amazingly strong, but greatly weakened by the paroxysms of pain. In her person she is clean, and there is no offensive smell in her room.

On my returning home I compared my memoranda I made on my former visit, and found them greatly to correspond with the above.

However the extraordinary and singular case of Ann Moore differs from ordinary life, the evidences of it are so clear and strong, as to preclude all suspicion of art and fraud, though the principle by which her life is maintained is to me unaccountable. EDWARD CORN.



JOSEPH HAYDN was the son of a poor wheelwright, at Zohran, a village of Austria, near the borders of Hungary. His father had learned to play a little on the harp, while serving as a journeyman at Frankfort on the Mayne; and on Sundays

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amused himself with songs and ballad-airs, his wife accompany ing him with her voice. Even so late as 1805, Haydn knew all these songs by heart. At the age of six At the age of six years, little Joseph used to seat himself at the side of his parents, and, with a piece of stick, scraped upon his left arm, in imitation of a person playing the violin. A schoolmaster of Haimburg, a neighbouring town, a distant relation of Haydn, happening to be at one of these concerts, observed that Joseph kept time with great exactness; considering this to be a favourable indication of a disposition for music, he advised the father to cultivate the talent of the child. The father, full of veneration for the sacerdotal office, wished for nothing more ardently than to devote his son to the church: a knowledge of music might lead to that desirable object, but his poverty prevented him from incurring any extraordinary expense for the education of his children. How great then was his pleasure, when his cousin from Haimburgh offered to take little Joseph home with him, for the purpose of instructing him in his school. It was here that Haydn learned to read and write; here likewise he was taught the choral chant, and to play upon the violin, cymbal, and other musical instruments; and he ever after expressed his obligation to his first master for having made him undertake so many tasks, although, he said, he had been much more liberally flogged than fed by him. Haydn had been about two years under the tuition of the schoolmaster, when M. Reiter, master of the Imperial Chapel at Vienna, and who at the same time superintended the music in the cathedral of St. Stephen, came to pay a visit to the dean of Haimburg. Reiter having told him, that the elder singing boys belonging to his choir began to lose their voices, and that he wished to find others to supply their places; the dean proposed Haydn, who was immediately summoned to attend, with his cousin the schoolmaster. According to the fashion of those days, the little boy already wore, as an indispensable article of decent dress, a short wig, "I looked like a little hedge-hog," said Haydn; a modern beau would have thought that his head was dressed à-la-Titus. His apparel was in other respects as mean as possible. On the dean's table stood a plate of cherries, on which little Joseph, who had not been accustomed to the best of food, at the school-house, kept his eye fixed. Reiter, who observed his wishful looks, put a few handfuls into his hat, and made him sing some Italian and Latin couplets, of which the boy did not understand a single word. Canst thou execute a quaver? asked Reiter. "No," replied Haydn, "neither can my cousin." The schoolmaster was covered with confusion, and Reiter burst into a fit of laughter. Reiter then showed him the proper appulse of the tongue against the teeth, and made him acquainted with other facilities. Haydn

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