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strange to one another. Mutual slaughter, in view of conquest, was the result. The invaders were successful to a great extent for several centuries. Their invasion it was that helped the Semitics to the final conquest of Mesopotamia already mentioned. The second band of this second intrusion pushed on further south, and then took a westerly route parallel to the Indian Ocean, so as ultimately to occupy the modern province of Fars, the original Persia, where they took some ages to multiply and grow into importance. The effects of the glacial period may not have as yet been quite recovered from in these parts.

Meanwhile, the Semitic races, having fully established their predominance in Mesopotamia, began to push on further to the east, and finally subjugated the new North-Persian Aryans, with many a Turaranian people in and beyond Transoxiana. These were the older Babylonian and the Assyrian empires, lasting altogether many centuries. This extension of the Semitic sway, from the Mediterranean to China and Tataria, for so long a period of time, completely cut off all communication and all mutual knowledge between the now southern Aryans of India and Persia on the one hand, and the northeastern Aryans of the Ural, and Qipchaq on the other. The south-western Aryans, from Armenia westwards, wherever they had penetrated, had long lost, or had never had, since very early times, a recollection or knowledge of those distant cousins.

The Semitic races at length fell in their turn into decadence. A Median Arya arose and acquired importance in northern Persia, at the time when the


Greeks were extending. Newer Babylon cast, at the same epoch, temporarily, a renewed Semitic glare around. But under Cyrus, the southern Aryans of Persia began an empire that extended, in a short time, from Pamir nearly to the Adriatic, and included Syria, Arabia, and Egypt. When those "Medes and Persians " came in contact with the Hindus on the one hand, and with the Armenians, Pelasgians, Scythians, and Greeks on the other, not one of those races recognised another as kindred ; each termed the other barbarians.

As before mentioned, that Persian empire was overturned by the Pelasgian Alexander of Macedon. During the ages in which these events occurred, the Latin races of Aryans, the nucleus of which has remained to this day scattered along from the highest Alps, across Hungary, Transylvania, and Dacia, to the shores of the Black Sea, had long since sent out colonies into Italy, perhaps before the Adriatic was, and these had gradually amalgamated with their neighbours, the Chinese Etruscans, the Turanians of Latium, and the Pelasgians of Magna Græcia, to build up the sturdy and politic Roman republic and empire, that became the eventual heir to the western half of Alexander's conquests. This Roman extension to the east gave the opportunity, and first a Parthian, then a Meso-Persic, Sāsānian Empire were re-established there by the Aryans of Persia, who fought the Romans with varying success, until both were smitten down by the regenerated Semitic followers of the successors to the Arabian prophet and lawgiver, Muhammed.

Those Muslim warriors, at first a mere party in

the little town of Medina, with a few dozens of refugees from Mekka, numbered but 314 men in their first victorious fight against the Mekkans at Bedr, in the year 623 A.D. Ere a century had elapsed, their empire extended from the Pyrenees, through North Africa, and all South Asia, to Pamir and Hindustan.

While this empire of Islam was in progress of formation, as for many centuries before that, the North-Western Aryans, Celts, Goths, Teutons, Slavs, etc., had been busy imitating their eastern and southern cousins. They had gradually emerged from the Ural, peopled all Russia, now dry land, overrun Western Europe, with a portion of Asia Minor, and had exterminated the bulk of the Turanian races. They had penetrated into Scandinavia, vid Denmark, leaving only the Laplanders and Fins to bear witness to what had been. They had exterminated the Iberians and driven the Berbers to the mountains or deserts. After After many vicissitudes, Latin Rome fell under their blows. The Thracian races ceased to be recognisable, and Europe was Aryan from the Ural to the Atlantic. A few centuries later a new, a Frankish western empire arose and the Church of Papal Rome was constituted. Eastern or New Rome, the Lower Empire, struggled on for 1,000 years under the successive blows of Zoroastrian Meso-Persia, of Islam, of the barbaric Northern Aryans, and of Papal Rome.

After a short period of Semitic Muslim rule in Western Asia, the long-dispossessed Turanian races from beyond Pamir and the Aral, at first introduced as mercenaries or slaves, began anew to found prin

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