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licks to fettle in France, and be wrong in the English to invite the perfecuted Proteftants to come to England? Is not every Manufacturer, drawn from a rival Country a double Lofs to that Country?


The Dictates of Humanity, and the Principles of the Chriftian Religion.


HETHER the denying Refuge and

W Protection to the Perfecuted and

Diftreffed, is in itself an humane and benevolent Proceedure? Whether it is fuch as we would chufe to be done to ourfelves in the like Circumftances?

II. WHEN a Fellow Proteftant is perfecuted in one City, and flees to another, in Obedience to his Saviour's Commands,-Whether it is confiftent with the Religion we profefs, as Chriftians and as Proteftants, to fhut the Gates of the City against him, and hinder him to come in? And whether the Foreign Proteftants acted in that inhofpitable Manner to the English Refugees, when they fled from the Perfecutions of the bloody Queen Máry?

III. WHETHER if thefe Kingdoms, for the Punishment of our Sins, fhould fall again under the Power of a Popis perfecuting Bigot,


we should not esteem it extremely inhuman and unchriftian to be denied a Protection and Asylum in fome neighbouring Proteftant Country?

IV. WHETHER every Miscarriage of the Naturalization Bill in England is not induftriously made use of by the Priests in France, as an Argument to perfwade the Proteftants to turn Papifts? And whether they have not from this Circumftance, a very plaufible Pretence for faying, That the English refufe to receive the Foreign Proteftants in Diftrefs, when the Roman Catholicks give all poffible Affiftance to the Members of their Communion? Whether therefore, when our Practice is compared with theirs, the Popish Religion doth not appear in a more advantageous Light, to our great Scandal and Reproach?

V. WHETHER the Government and Clergy of France have not their Hands ftrengthened to perfecute the Proteftants by our denying them Admiffion? And whether the Perfecutions did not actually flacken in France, when our Naturalization Bill was depending, and revive again after it was defeated?.


ther therefore we ourselves do not become in fome Sense the Accomplices of Popish Perfecutors, in direct Oppofition to the diftinguishing Principles of the Gofpel, and the Intereft, the Strength, and Honour of our Church and Nation?





A CALM ADDRESS to all Parties in Religion, concerning Difaffection to the prefent Govern


A New Edition, Corrected and Enlarged.

THE Reader will easily perceive, that a Part of this piece was published during the late Rebellion, when there was an Embarkation of Forces at Dunkirk, defigned for the Invafion of this Kingdom. The Author imputes the favourable Reception it met with at that Time, to the Improvements it received from the Honourable Mr Juftice Fofter, who was pleased to revise it before its Publication. After mentioning a Gentleman of


* See the Reasons in Pages 49, 50, 53, and 69, of Part I. for annexing this Piece to the Subject of naturalizing Foreign Proteftants.

of so distinguished a Character, he thinks it needlefs to fay any Thing more, than to exprefs in this publick Manner, his Gratitude to him for this, as well as many other fignal Obligations.

THE Additions now made, are submitted with great Deference to the Judgment of the Publick. And if what is advanced on this Subject may contribute to remove any ill-founded Prejudice against our prefent happy Conftitution, the Author will think his Pains amply recompenfed: But if the Abettors of a contrary Opinion should be irritated againft him for his Sentiments (delivered in an inoffenfive Manner) and repeat their ill Usage to him, he hopes they will confider, that there can be no greater Proof of a bad Caufe, than the Neceffity of fupporting it by bafe and difingenuous Methods.

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T is not to be doubted, but the Friends and Partizans of the Chevalier would make the World believe, that it would be greatly for the Welfare of this Nation if he fhould prevail; that his Reign, and the Restoration of his Family, would take away the Caufe of Party Factions and Divifions; that the Liberties and Properties of the Subject would be fecured upon as good, or rather better Foundation, than they are at prefent; that Trade would encrease and flourish; the People be eafed of a great Part of their Taxes; and laftly, that he himfelf is a good, fincere, and honeft Man, and will give clear Proofs of it during the Course of his future Government.


LET us grant (for Argument Sake) the Since-. rity of his Heart, and the Uprightness of his Intentions, to be as great as the most fanguine of his Adherents can conceive them to be. And let us confider what Political Confequences, with refpect to Us, thofe very Principles would naturally produce, were he to fucceed in his Attempts on these Kingdoms..

I. THEN, his Claim to thefe Kingdoms muft be grounded on the Doctrine of an indefeasible bereditary Right. He can have no other Pretence but this; for the prefent Reigning Family have the Parliamentary Right on their Side, being called to the Crown by an open and unconstrained Election. His Plea therefore must be, and is in fact, that he is come to affert his Property, which has been fo long detained from him.

Now if the Crown is a Matter of Property, and not an Office in Truft; if it is unalieniable, and notto be transferred by the People, in any Cafe, for the Security of their Liberties, and the General Good, this unalieniable and hereditary Property is likewise, for the very fame Reason, not to be diminished or infringed. Confequently, all Statutes made to reftrain or abridge the Prerogative, are void and null of course, being nothing better than fo many popular Encroachments and Ufurpations. For the Subject is BORN the Property of his Prince, and therefore, can have no Right to infift upon Terms and Conditions from him. In fhort, his only Remedy is to fubmit with Patience to the Will and Command of his Proprietor. H 2


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