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COMMON BROOKLIME, (Veronica || Betony. If the virtues of plants are to be

beccabunga). Frequent in ditches and rivulets, esteemed as an antiscorbutic, and is caten by some in the spring as sallad, but is more bitter and not so agreeable to the palate as water-cresses. The flowers. are of a fine blue, and the leaves are smco h, thick, and succulent.

VERVAIN (Verbena officinalis). Vervain, although greatly celebrated for its religious, magic, and medical efficacy, is denied a place in our dispensatories, yet it has still its admirers, who ascribe to it several singular virtues, particularly in pains and other affections of the head arising from frigid humours, in infl. mmations of the eyes, inveterate coughs, ob structions of the liver and spleen, jaundice, and dysentery. Scopoli affirms that by the outward application of the fresh plant bruised, both alone and with the root of Bryony, he had more than once discussed tumours of the abdominal viscera, arising from the neglect or improper treatment of periodical autumnal fevers. It is wonderful, says Ray, after giving a long quotation from Schroeder describing and illustrating the powers of Vervain, that a plant should be possessed of so many virtues, that is not endowed with any one sensible quality.

WATER HOREHOUND (Lycopus Europaus). This plant was formerly esteemed vulnerary and astringent. The juice, says Schwenckius, gives a dark tincture to whatever it touches, which is never effaced; and Hoffman affi: ms, that the vagabonds called Gypsies, employ it for the purpose of disguise.

Common English Wild and Meadow CLARY, or OCULUS CHRISTI (Salvia verbenaca). The names Clary, or Cleareye, and Oculus Christi have been given to this plant on account of the efficacy it was accounted to possess in inflammations and other disorders of the eyes. The epithets Wild and Meadow are added to distinguish it from a garden species of the same name, and similar but superior virtues. Verbenaca, the scientific trivial name, is expressive of the imagined similarity of the rugged and sinuated leaves to to those of Vervain. To us they appear to have a greater resemblance to those of

indicated by their sensible qualities, both these plants must possess considerable virtues, as the smeli, in particular, of each is temarkably strong.

COMMON BUTTER-WORT (Pinguicula vulgaris). The inhabitants of Lapland, and the no th of Sweden, give to milk the consistence of cream, by pouring it warm from the cow upon the leaves of this plant, and then instantly straining it, and laying it aside for two or three days till it acquires a degree of acidity. This milk they are extremely fond of; and when once made they need not repeat the use of the leaves as above, for a spoonful, or less of it, will turn another quantity of warm milk, and make it like the first, and so on as often as they please to renew their food.


SWEET VERNAL GRASS (Anthoranthum odoratum). Vernal Grass rises with a jointed undivided stem to the height of ten or twelve inches. The leaves, like those of other grasses, are simple, perfectly entire, narrow, alternate, and surround the lower part of the sten like a sheath. The spike which terminates the stalk is of a greenish colour till the flowers have attained maturity, when it acquires a yellowish hue. From the fine odour which it imparts to the early hay, this grass has obtained the name of sweetsmelling, odoratum: the generical name Anthoxanthum, yellow flower, is expres sive of the colour of the spike. It is called vernal, as being an early grass. Curtis asserts with others, that all the fragraney of hay, so delightful in the season, arises from this simple grass.



Great Wild Mountain VALERIAN (Valeriana montuna). This is a variety of the Officinal Valerian which grows naturally in dry mountainous places, and is esteemed of far greater efficacy in medicine than the marshy sort. It is principally distinguished by the leaves being narrower, and of a duller green: and is


not so common as the former. This plant || Acorus Calamus of Linnæus, which it cats are remarkable fond of, so that the greatly resembles. Allen, in his Synopsis, labels announcing it in an apothecary's asserts the juice of the root of Water flag shop is sure to be torn off by the scratch- to be useful in the tooth-ach. In Arrau, ing of this animal to get at it. Valerian and some others of the Western Isles, the rises with a hollow, furrowed, and branch- roots are used to dye black; and in Jura ed stem, to the height of three or four feet. they are boiled with copperas to make The leaves are broad, of a deep glossy iuk. green, indented, a little hairy on the under surface, grow opposite in pairs on foot. stalks, and are all winged, but differ in different parts of the plant. The flowers, which are small, and of a reddish white, are disposed in large aggregates not unlike


CLUB-RUSH (Scirpus palustris). Pro-, fessor Kalin affirms that the stalks of this plant, when fresh gathered, afford an agree. able nourishment to swine. The generical an umbel at the extremities of the stem and branches. The roots, particularly the and trivial appellations of this plant are mountain sort, are bitter, subacrid, and expressive of its general appearance and of an aromatic and penetrating odour. situation; the first being the Latin name of rush, which the genus resembles; the Valerian has long been esteemed an exccllent remedy in nervous disorders, particusecond signifying marshy, an epithet which larly in hysteric and epileptic complaints. seems rather improper, as almost all the It was Fabius Columna who first discover-species are produced in fenny and boggy: ground. ed its antispasmodic virtues, having cured himself of an inveterate epilepsy when COTTON-GRASS (Eriophorum polyevery medical application had been fruit-stachion). Cotton-grass, so termed from less, by the powdered root of Valerian; and he tells us, that numbers labouring under the same distemper he had seen cured by the same means. Dr. Scopoli relates at some length the remarkable case of a young man who had contracted a violent epilepsy from a fright, and was in a short time completely cured by taking two doses daily of the powder of the roots of Valerian, and drinking after each a decoction of the same root, and an equal quantity of lime flowers.-Vide for the medical properties of plants, our New Family Her bal, lately published.

CORN-SALLET (Valeriana locusta). The radical leaves are eaten as sallad.


the resemblance of its woolly spikes to that useful substance, rises with a round and slender stalk to the height of a foot or eighteen inches. The leaves are grassy and placed alternately. The flowers are formed into a number of spikes at the extremity of the stalks; the chaffy scales of the spicule being membranaceous and transparent. The downy substance with which the seeds are surrounded, is finer and softer than cotton, makes a beautiful appearance on the bogs, which it renders completely white, and if produced in suf ficient quantity, might doubtless be manufactured into cloth. The peasants in some countries make pillows of the down. The name Eriphorum, a Greek compound, which signifies bearing wool, is well applied to the present genus; as is the trivial name Polystachion to the species, from the mul tiplicity of its spikes.

YELLOW WATER FLAG, FLOWER DE-LUCE (Iris pseud acorus). Iris, or the Rainbow, the variegated messenger of Juno, has given name to this genus, from the beautiful variety of colours which obtains in the flowers of many of the PANIC GRASS (Panicum crus galli): species. The trivial name, Pseud Acorus, The generical name Panicum some authors or false Acorus, given to the specics now derive from Panis, bread; the seeds, as of described, is derived from the substitution all the grasses, being of a farinaceous quawhich has sometimes been ignorantly madelity, and consequently well adapted for that of its roots for those of the Sweet-scented Flag, the calamus aromaticus of the shops, the true Acorus of Caspar Bauhin, the

purpose. Millet, a well-known esculent grain, Linnæus has placed in this genus by the name of Panicum miliaceum.

COMMON CANARY-GRASS (Pha- boiled in milk; and the grasss furnishes laris canariensis). The species of Phalaris no contemptible nourishment for horses, which, when troubled with worms, are now under consideration, though not a native of England, has by frequent dis- likewise said to receive benefit from a desemination, become naturalized to this coction of the husks. The seeds have a country, and may properly enough rank|| mawkish taste like manna, and are so termwith its indigenous productions. The ed on some parts of the continent, particuname Phalaris, which is that of Diosco-larly in Polish Prussia, and Scania, a province of Sweden, where the plant itself is rides and Galen, was probably given to this species from a Greek adjective sig-known by the name of Manna-grass. nifying white, in allusion to the general CORN OAT-GRASS (Bromus secalicolour of the seeds; and the trivial names, nus). Grows in corn-fields, especially whether Latin, German, English, or among rye, as the name imports. The French, indicate the place of growth, seeds are said, when mixed with corn, to Spain and the Canary Islands. It is need-give bread a disagreeable taste and intoxi. less to observe, that the seed furnishes very cating quality. wholesome nutriment for birds, and especially for those which come from the islands where the plant is native: but it may not be so generally known that in some countries it is likewise cultivated as food for men. This, we are told, is in particular the case at Malta, where it is called Comeno, and is sowed in great abundance, and mixed with corn for the purpose of making


SHEEP'S FESCUE-GRASS (Fesctua ovina). Linnæus has asserted in his Flora Suecica, that sheep, however fondly attached to the grass in question, always left the flower-stems untouched, as if impressed by nature with an instinctive care of the parts of fructification. This, however, Stilling

fleet denies, and relates from his own experience, that "either sheep or some other animals do eat the flowering stems of this grass; for, upon Banstead Downs there was nothing to be seen but the radical leaves of it, unless among the Bushes, near the hedges, where it was guarded from the sheep." Be this as it may, it is certain that in general from whatever cause, the flowerstems of many of the grasses are left untouched by the cattle; as may be evidently discerned by any person who will take the trouble of only slightly inspecting the pastures in his neighbourhood.

FLOTE FESCU GRASS (Festuca fuitans). In the north of Germany, as Schreber informs us, the peasants make a good Lepast on the seeds of the Flote-fescue

COMMON REED (Arundo phragmi fes). The roots of the Common Reed, it is affirmed, have been sometimes adminiuistered, and with success, as a substitute for the Radix China of the shops. The flowers dye green.

QUICK-GRASS (Triticum repens). Its creeping roots which so greatly facilitates the propagation of this grass, to the no small inconvenience of the gardener and farmer, have procured it the name of Couch and Quich, that is Quick or Living


DARNEL GRASS (Temulentum loli

um). The name Lolium some writers have derived from the Greek (deceitful, base, counterfeit): an opinion having prevailed among the ancients, that several of the more noxious weeds which infest corn. fields, are only species of grain in a degraded or corrupt state. Of grasses we may observe, in general, that the more it is trodden under foot the more vigorous it rises, and hence, at a certain time meadows are allowed to be trampled over, and we see them in good husbandry rolled, to break clods, and render the surface even, which is better for mowing.

MELIC-GRASS (Melica cœrulia). The fishermen in the Isle of Sky make ropes for their nets of this grass, which they find by experience will bear the water well without rotting

[To be continued.I


Loursa expired. She had constituted ||tion to her story, replied in a sarly manner ¿ the happiness of an excellent man; she left “Let me alone." This reception irritated the him no children; Ernest von Wallen remained || tender-hearted advocate. In her just indignasolitary and aloue. Though scarcely thirty,||tion she presumed, for the first time, to give he seemed to himself to be old, for love with vent to her feelings.

its joys no longer dwelt in his heart. There People shouldn't gaze at the stars," mutall was dark; so dark that no stranger could||tered ske, " till they have assisted their disfind the way thither; he had himself no intressed fellow-creatures on the earth." This clination to explore it, but carefully closed was a seasonable observation. flad Wallen the access against himself and others. His read it in the works of a poet, it had made no head, on the contrary, was light, and some- impression, but the words of his old wurge times but too light; but no ray of consola-penetrated his cold bosom. He was ashamed of tion was mingled with the glare of philo. himself. sophy.


"Very true, Susan," replied he, smiling, and calmly rising; “shew me the way to the sick person you were speaking of.”

Instantly pacified by this address, Susan, ' laden with domestic medicines and refresh

Ernest von Wallen resolved to travel. He saw and heard a great deal, he reflected much, returned as gloomy as ever, and fixed his residence at a solitary country-house. The high road, to be sure, led through the village, batments, trudged along as fast as she could. The his habitation was situated on a kill ou oue stars gave them light. Wallen, lost in the side of it, and embosomed in trces. He avoided contemplation of these orbs, followed his old the road; no walk tempted him thither, for servant, and had almost forgotten whither le he disliked strauge faces. The few persons was going, when the door of the patient's about him had all been in the service of his apartment opened. He beheld an old maAR parents. Among these was honest Susan, who extended on a hard and squallid bed, in a had nursed him when an infaut, and who|| wretched chamber, damp, low, and black with grieved not a little that her dear young mas- smoke. Upon a wooden stool, at his fect, sat ter should resign himself a prey to melan- a young woman weeping, but her tears sudcholy, and bury himself among his books, as deuly ceased when she was surprized, in her though he bad renounced all farther con- dishabile, by the entrance of the young gentle nexion with the world. To no purpose did man. Wilhelmina sprung up, and throwing she sometimes exhaust her stock of religious over her a large shawl, presently recoveređ consolations; he listened to her calmly, and|| herself. She saluted the stranger with easy even with a smile, thanked her in concise politeness, and her mournful situation gaye terms for her good intentions, but his conduct || her a right to dispense with much ceremony, continued the same as before. "It is my father," said she, sighing and pointWhat gave the pious Susan the greatest || ing to the patient, who was in a violent fever. concern was, that her master never went to church. Often did she steal in the evening to the old gardener, to lament with him over this | circumstance, while Wallen, on the top of his bouse, was observing the heavens through an excellent telescope. This was his favourite employment, and when thus engaged nobody durst venture to disturb him. One night,uttered a syllable, for he was still more surtherefore, he turned angrily round, when prized than the fair stranger herself. He had the compassionate Susan, notwithstanding her been told something about an old man, but lameness, had clambered up after him, and not a word had been said concerning his daugh begun a long story about a traveller, an old ter. He was prepared for the spectacle of suf man, who had been seized with a severe ill-fering age, but not for that of suffering beauty, ness, so that he was obliged to stop at the of the most moving filial affection. It made a wretched ale-house in the village, where hedeep and at the same time an agreeable impres was in waut of every convenience. Wallen, who was just then observing the eclipse of one of Jupiter's satellites, without paying atten

She then placed the only stool in the apartment for her visitor, and kneeling beside the bed, fixed her eyes in silence on the glowing face of her father, while the tears trickled copiously

down her cheeks.

Susauna meanwhile produced her medicines.
Wallen stood motionless.
He had not yet


As soon as he had collected himself and recovered the power of speech, he thus ads

dressed the fair stranger:-" The melancholy event which has occurred to you, must be doubly afficting in this dreary place. If your father's strength will allow of a gentle motion,│|| we will carry him to a house where he shall not want any convenience."

Wilhelmina, with a look of gratitude, fixed her large blue eyes suffused in tears upon the young man; and old Susan darted at him a glance of delight, as much as to say, in that speech I again recognize my kind Ernest. Only one doubt remained, whether the patient should be removed immediately, and cousequently be exposed to the nocturnal air, or be suffered to remain in that damp chamber till morning.

health. She had nursed-a consumptive neighbour night and day, in spite of the warnings of the physician; she had often inhaled her infectious breath, and when the patient at length expired, my mother already carried the seeds of death in her bosom. She was long ill. My father, who loved her beyond expression, sought assistance far and near, aud incurred considerable expences; to defray which he was obliged to abstain from every pleasure and indulgence. All was in vain. At last he was advised to go to a watering-place, as the only chance of saving her life. He sold his books and whatever he could dispose of without her knowledge. Our journey was slow aud expensive, but Hope was our companion. Too soon, alas! were we forsaken by her. In the first day after our arrival at the baths, indeed the spark of life seemed to revive, but it was only the last effort of exhausted nature—my mother died."

Wilhelmina's sobs, which fearful of awaking her father, she strove to suppress, here interrupted the narrative. Wallen thought of Louisa, and was powerfully affected. The fair stranger having somewhat conquered her grief, thus proceeded:

This question the auxious daughter durst not venture to decide, but Mrs. Susan, who had more experience in such matters, soon came to a determination. "The night is warm," said she, "the sky serene, and the air refreshing. Besides, we can throw some more blankets on the bed, and I'll lay any wager be|| will be all the better for chauging this stinking kennel for a clean cheerful room." Wilhelmiua nodded assent with a smile, which burst through her grief: her heart was too full to permit her to speak. But in order to exccute what had been determined upon, it was necessary to fetch people and blankets. Wallen would have gone for this purpose, but Mrs. Susan prevented him. How was master to know where to look for the blankets, as the chest they were kept in did not stand in Jupi-be would have felt little inconvenience from

ter? The room, too, was to be prepared for the reception of the sick man, and this nobody could do as it ought to be done but herself.Her legs, indeed, were not so obedient as her hands, but on this occasion she threw off the weight of her years and infirmities, and set off, leaving the gloomy philosopher alone with the fair Wilhelmina.

Reclining with folded arms against the bedpost, he contemplated her in silence, while her eyes were fixed only on her father. He felt no curiosity to know who she was; it seemed as though she were an old acquaintance. But when the patient fell into a sound slumber which appeared to make Wilhelmina more easy, she softly rosc, approached her hospita- || ble visitor, and said in a whisper, And would

"We are now on our return home, and are obliged to travel on foot, as my mother's faneral took all we had but a few dollars. My father is old; he is yet strong, to be sure, and has, from his youth, been accustomed to travelling on foot; so that I have no doubt that

this tedious journey, had be not likewise been
oppressed by the heavy load of affliction—
this it was that overcome him, and that will,
I fear, sink him into the grave. He appeared
yesterday so exhausted as to be scarcely able
to proceed, though I carried our little bundle.
He nevertheless mustered all his strength, de-
sirous of concealing from me and himself that
he was incapable of farther exertion. So late
as this morning his energetio soul continued
the struggle with his exhausted body; we pur-
sued our route-he walked before me, and
with a loud voice began singing a morning
hymu; but suddenly stopped, turned pale,
was seized with a shivering, and had not Pro-
vidence given me sufficient strength almost
to carry him, he must have dropped upon the
road. Fortunately this village was not far

you give us lodging without knowing who we are?""What occasion is there for that "" replied || distant. Scarcely bad we reached this place


Wallen; "the distressed, be they who they will, uced neither rank nor name.”


"Our story is short," replied Wilhelmina ; my father is the curate of a village near Zurich, in Switzerland. We were happy till a terrible misfortune destroyed my mother's

when the fever manifested itself; the last words he uttered were➡ Ah, what will become of thee?' on which he grew delirious, and ceased to know me.-Unhappy creature that I am, doomed, perhaps, to be left a for lorn orphan in a strange country!”

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