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Before Christ 555. 528.

553 [or 538].


536. The

Dan. vii.

Dan. v. 1. 10.
Isa. xiii.
Hab. ii.

Jer. xxv. 12.
1. li.

Dan. viii. 1.

Dan. v. 31.

vi. 6.



has the vision of the four beasts, signifying the four universal empires, and of God, "the Ancient of Days," judging the 4th and delivering over all power and sovereignty to the people of the saints of the Most High."

Belshazzar making, during the siege, a great feast to 1,000 nobles, sends for and as the vessels of the house of the Lord, which Nebuchadnezzar had brought from Jerusalem, to the glory of his idols, and dishonour of the true God. In the midst of the revelry, a hand appears writing on the wall of the palace in which the king, his wives, concubines, and prizes at drinking. At the queen's (queen-mother's?) suggestion, Daniel, the former chief tha wise men (Dan. ii. 48), is sent for, and reads and interprets the writing: Mene, Le, numbered; Tekel, i.e. weighed: Upharsin, i.e. and they are dividing! (with a play on the worl Persiana): and is proclaimed the 3rd in the kingdom. The same night Belshazzar is slain, Babylon taken by Cyrus; the empire passing, as foretold, to the Persians and Medes.

In Belshazzar's 3rd year [probably soon after Babylon's capture), Daniel at Shushan (Sem), the Persian capital, has the vision of the ram and he goat, the former part explained by Gabriel of the destruction of the Persian empire by Alexander the Great and his fur gar cessors, and the latter usually interpreted of Antiochus Epiphanes, the future Greek king of Syria, the persecutor of the restored Jews and their religion. See B.C. 170-167. Darius the Mode, aged about 62, "took the kingdom." The most probable opinion is that Cyrus, while completing his conquests, made Astyages, the king of Media deposed by him, civil governor of the Perso-Median empire, with full regal power.

The Perso-Median nobles, as if offended at their supersession by a Chaldæan Jew, intrinse to ruin Daniel through his piety, finding his management of affairs unimpeachable. Tong move the king to decree, that for 30 days no petition be made to god or man, but to hime? only, on pain of death by the lions. Daniel, by his customary prayers, places himself in the power of his enemies, but is miraculously delivered from the hens. Darius decrees that a his subjects shall acknowledge the God of Daniel

Towards the end of the 1st year of Darius the Mede, reckoned from the fall of the BabyJer. xxix. 10. lonish empire, begins the 70th year of the Captivity, by Jeremiah's pro; neer the st, as Daniel now understood by the books" (Variorum, Le. by the writings of the prophets; (esp. Jeremiah, cf. Ezra i. 1; in Isa. xl.-lxvi. the exiles are encouraged to confidently expect, deliverance: Cyrus, pursuing his conquests, is to enter Babylon and release the Jews, ch. 1. 1-11; xli. 1-3; xliii. 14-20; xliv. 24-xlv. 4, 13, &c.].-To Daniel, praying fervently for the promised restoration of all Israel and Jerusalem, Gabriel announces God's commend to that effect, and the prophecy of the 70 weeks.

Ezra i 2

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Cyrus' 1st (imperial) year (king of Persians 29 years) begins with Darius' death-the 2 years of Darius being included in the 9 years assigned to Cyrus in the Babylonin 37213 Cyrus now issues his wonderful ediet (ep. Isa. xliv. 28 with Ezra vi 3 for the rebuil of the Temple at Jerusalem, probably under Daniel's influence Dan. i. 21, margin He i permits all God's people to return, taking their property with them, and any offerings of well-affected neighbours for themselves or the Temple.

Cyrus also restored to Zerubbabel (Sheshbazzar), successor to Jehoiachin through Sheal tiel, as the recognised lineal head of the House of David, the 5,409 (2.409, text) vessels of the Temple, & granted cedars from Lebanon and money for the building, prescribing its dimensions. The first caravan "of the children of the (Persian) province," Le. Judia, inclaire rently members of the dispersed 9 tribes (esp. Manasseh and Ephraim), was led by Zareptabe whom Cyrus made Tirshatha or governor of Judea. Unlike Samaria, the S kingdom remained unoccupied ("enjoyed her Sabbaths "), as Jeremiah had foretold. "Many Jews," says Josephus, "remained in Babylon, being unwilling to relinquish their property" (entist Jer. xxix. 1-7), and formed part of "the Dispersion" (ep. Jam. i. 1). Only ab at 30,000 Jews, they now began to be called, returned to Jerusalem on this first occasion (riz. 42,950 Hebrews and 7,337 servants), with 736 horses, 245 mules, 435 camels, and 6,720 asses Ps. III, and evii. perhaps refer to this journey. Ezra's and Nehemiah's genealogical catal vues give 29,810 and 31,089 respectively, the total of each being 42,360; the Jews supply the deficiency from the 9 tribes who had not preserved their genealogies (Ezra ii. 70; vi. 17).

After their arrival in the desolated cities of their forefathers, the returned exles meet "s one man" at Jerusalem in the 7th month. Jeshus the High Priest, and Zerubbabe restore the altar and its service, keep the Feast of Tabernacles, and prepare builling material.

In the 2nd year (2nd month) after the return, they appoint Levites to direct the rebalding of the House of God, whose foundation was laid amid the restored musical services of David, and shouts of joy drowned in the wailing of those who recalled Sclomon's Temple. In the third year of Cyrus, Daniel sees his great vision beside the R. Hiddekel horris), the former part of the revelation possibly relating to the struggles of the future Greek kay of Egypt and Syria (the Ptolemies and Seleucids) for the possession of Judges, but the while "closed up and sealed to the time of the end."

The mixed and idolatrous people of Samaria (2 Kings xvii. 41), their claim to share in the Temple's restoration being rejected, hinder the work on the spot, by intrigues at e urt during the reign of Cyrus, and later openly-until the 2nd year of Darius (son of Hystaspel. On the succession of Ahasuerus, they venture upon a written accusation seemingly unnoticed), and again in the reign of Artaxerxes i, whose prohibition of the city's restoration is used to stop that of the Temple. The lukewarm and dejected Jews acquiesce, but are punished by drought, dearth, &c. (ep. Hag. i. 1-11; ii. 14-18; Zech. viii. 9-13.

In Darius' t 2nd year, Zerubbabel and Jeshua renew the work-roused by the aged Hepati and youthful Zechariah (ii. 4), who rebuke the people's neglect, but encourage them to re, eat and persevere. Haggai prophesies that this larger but less sumptuous temple shall ex ves Solomon's in glory' (ie, by the presence and ministry of God manifest in the fish, and designates Zerubbabel: as a signet' on God's hand, ie, the object of God's love and favour. Zechariah promises-besides the Temple's completion by Zerubbabel (ch. iv. -thy establishment of its priesthood and services under Jeshua (ch. iii.), the restoration of Jernsalem, its re-peopling and that of Judah with exiles (urged to return, ch. ii. 6-11, the subjection of the Jews' adversaries, and such prosperity as shall attract Gentile proselytes. Tatnai's interference causes Darius to discover and re-enact Cyrus' edict.

In Darius' 4th year-midway in the Temple's re-building-deputies, (A. V. unto the h of God', rather) from Bethel, enquire if the 4 annual days of mourning for Judah's calamities-Jerusalem's blockade (10th month), capture (4th), Temple's destruction C Gedaliah's murder (7th)-should still be observed. In reply, Zechariah exposes the

1 Cambyses, Cyrus' son and successor. Gomates the Magian, who for 7 months personated the deceased Smerdis Pardes' Carte byses' younger brother; see The bible and the Monuments, 11. (e). D. Hystaspis, Cyrus' son-in-law, who sew the P Smerdis The post-Captivity heir of the Davidic pr mises (cp. Jer. xxii. 24). Both lines of the Messiah's descent meet in Zerub babel; see Mat. 1. 12; Luke 3. 27.) Satrap of the province beyond the river, Le. W. of Euphrates.

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irreligion of the Jewish fasting, but gives the encouraging promises-conditional on repent ance and obedience to Moses' Law-of Jerusalem's re-peopling, and a restored prosperity which shall make these fasts feasts, and shall be recognised by Gentiles as God's work.

In Darius' 6th year, 70 years after its destruction, the Temple is finished (21 years after its commencement). The dedication-service includes sin-offerings for all 12 tribes. The Temple services and ministry are re-established, the 24 priestly courses being reconstituted out of the 4 that had returned from captivity. The passover follows.

60 Years interval in Judæan history; Episode of Esther in that of the Dispersion. Ahasuerus, in Greek XERXES, in the year of his great assembly previous to his Invasion of Greece, divorces Q. Vashti, and in the year after the invasion's failure (4 yrs. later) marries Hadassah, in Persian Esther, the cousin and adopted daughter of Mordecai a Benjamite. In Ahasuerus' 12th year, Haman, the capricious king's favourite, resolves to avenge Mordecai's omission of the customary obeisance, on Mordecai's nation. To find the lucky day and month, he casts Pur, i.c, the lot-whereby the Jews have 11 months' warning.

Haman obtains a royal edict that on the 18th of Adar (12th mth.) all Jews in the 127 provinces be massacred. Through a wonderful chain of events, Mordecai is promoted and Haman hanged. Esther interceding for herself and her people, the king authorises his numerous Jewish subjects to defend themselves. The feast of Lots, Purim (see Calendar) commemorates this deliverance. The Jews prosper under Mordecai; proselytes join them. Meanwhile, in Judæa, Zerubbabel's descendants and David's house sink into obscurity, and the Jews receive Persian governors (cp. Neh. v. 15) subject to the Satrap of the province. Many religious and moral abuses creep in. The Temple remains imperfectly furnished. In Artaxerxes' (Longimanus) 7th year, Ezra, a priest (great-grandson of Hilkiah, high-priest in Josiah's reign), and ready scribe of the Law of the God of heaven' (vs. 6, 10,21), eager to reform the Jews, obtains a commission of enquiry with authority to appoint judges and penalties, and to teach Moses' Law and enforce it on the people of the province. The Jews are again authorised to return. The king and Babylonian Jews send offerings of money and vessels to the Temple; its ministers are exempted from royal taxes. Ezra bears orders also on provincial governors to supply up to a fixed amount what he found wanting for the Temple.

About 1500 families join Ezra at Ahava, by Euphrates' affluent of that name: some of highpriestly and Davidic descent, but no Levites. Ezra fetches 38 Levites and 220 Nethinim from Casiphia. After fasting and prayer for God's special protection, the caravan without an escort crosses the robber-haunted Syrian waste, and in 14 weeks reaches Jerusalem.

Finding even the higher ranks of the holy seed' demoralized by marriages with idolaters, Ezra after public prayer, with the support of princes and elders,' summons the people to Jerusalem within 3 days, on pain of forfeiture and excommunication. The assembly, urged by Ezra, orders formal enquiry; the heathen wives are put away with their children in 3 mths. Zechariah foretells Judah's sins and restoration, and Messiah's coming (B.C. 487, Usher). Nehemiah, cupbearer of Artaxerxes, confesses to him that reports of Jerusalem's defenceless and ruined state (ch. iv. 2, 10; vii. 4) cause his sadness (see Prayers in Scripture). He obtains leave of absence, and is appointed governor (Tirshatha), with permission to fortify the city, and grants of timber. Nehemiah surveys the city walls secretly, because of the Jews' adversaries, and then declares his commission to the assembled Jews. They divide the work into 42 parts, duly superintended.

Sanballat, governor of Samaria, and Tobiah 'the slave', (governor?) of Ammon, deride Nehemiah's attempt, and accuse him of meditating rebellion. The walls being half built, they conspire with Geshem, an Arab chief, and the Philistines of Ashdod, to stop the work by force; the local Jews report the conspiracy, and urge the builders to cease temporarily (v. 12, marg.). Nehemiah organises the defence, so that the enemy durst not appear.

The poorer Jews, obliged by a past dearth' (cp. Hag. i. 11; ii. 17) to sell their land and even children to pay the king's tribute and their creditors' interest, are destitute. The nobles, pressed by Nehemiah (who pleads his example in redeeming Jews sold to the heathen, &c.), restore their debtors' lands, all interest (1-100th per month), and forgive their debts. Sanballat's party, hearing that the work approaches completion, to entrap Nehemiah invite him to a conference. He excuses himself 5 times, though his loyalty is openly questioned. They bribe Shemaiah to prophesy his assassination, & to urge him to commit sacrilege (Num. xviii. 7) by taking refuge in the Sanctuary by letters, prophets (esp. Noadiah a prophetess), and through confederates in Jerusalem, Tobiah's connections, they try to alarm him; but through Nehemiah's steadfastness, the works are completed in 52 days.

The city gates being fixed and the fortified palace (Neh. ii. 8; vii. 2, Heb. Birah, the Acra, 'tower' or Baris of the Maccabees) adjoining the Temple rebuilt, the walls are given into the Levites' charge. Nehemiah entrusts Jerusalem to his brother Hanani, and to Hananiah, the governor of the fortress, and registers the people (Zerubbabel's register follows to 'cities' in v. 73). The people return to their inheritances (between Bethel and Beersheba).

Ezra, as if on a 2nd visit, reads and the Levites expound the Law (vee Scribes, Lawyers) at the Feasts of Trumpets and Tabernacles. At a solemn fast, after Ezra's prayer, a covenant is signed; the Jews swear to abstain from heathen marriages, Sabbath trading, usury; to observe the Sabbatical year and its release of debts, and to pay firstfruits and tithes.

The Jews now first adopt a yearly poll tax to maintain the Temple services (shekel, see Tribute under Money) and a wood offering. The rulers settle in Jerusalem; volunteers, and a tithe of the Jews chosen by lot, re-people it (cp. ch. vii. 4).

The Levites and singers from the country join in dedicating the wall with 2 processions (attended by Nehemiah & Ezra respectively, cp. ch. viii. 9), & sacrifices. The Law is read, the mixed multitude' expelled, and the allowances of priests, Levites and singers, and so the continuance of the Temple service, secured. Nehemiah returns (for about a year).

Revisiting Jerusalem, Nehemiah reforms the renewed abuses. He cleanses the Temple, ejecting Tobiah the Ammonite and Jews' enemy (Neh. iv. 3) from a chamber in it given him by Eliashib the high priest, restores the services, enforces the allowances of the Temple ministers (dispersed through want), the observance of the Sabbath, and the law against heathen marriages, not sparing the high-priest's grandson, Sanballat's son-in-law. Nehemiah, according to 2 Mac. ii. 13, collected some of the Scriptures; but tradition ascribes the Canon of the Old Testament to Ezra and the Great Synagogue-a council of 120 (including Haggai and Zechariah) formed to restore the Jews' religion on the Return. Malachi, the last O. T. prophet-probably in the 2nd backsliding of Neh. xiii. (compare the sins there reformed with Mal. 11. 11; ii. 8-10)-unveils the Jews' self-righteousness, urging them to repent and reform. The priesthood's ignorance and corruption had hastened the people's declension. The Jews, comparing their adversity with the ungodly's prosperity, question God's justice. Malachi declares the drought, dearth, &c. to be God's chastisements, removable by repentance-which he also urges as a necessary preparation for the sudden advent of the expected Messiah, who will come as a discerner of hearts, Purifier and Judge; preceded by a messenger' (ch. iii. 1), even 'Elijah the prophet' (iv. 5), i.e. John the Baptist.


Or the Jews under the PERSIANS, MACEDONIANS, and ROMANS, with an abstract of 1 and 2 Maccabees BY THE REV. P. THOMSON, M.A., and the EDITOR.


Prsian Dan. 8. 1-26.

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1 Chr. 3. 17-20.
Luke 3. 23-32.

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HE History of the restored Jews, from Nehemiah's second commission to the fall of the Medo-Persian Empire before the Macedonian (the two-horned ram before the bounding bes goat) is almost a blank; the interval, which would be a century, being bridged only by a list of Neh.12. 10, 11, 22. high priests, ELIASHIB, JOLADA, JONATHAN or JOHANAN, and JADDUA; if, as most commentators hoid, (1) Jaddua be the high priest, who according to Josephus met Alexander the Great (2) the Darius of r. 22 be the last, DARIUS CODOMANNUS, defeated by Alexander. Apparently, the goodwill of their Persian suzerains continued, and Josephus claims for the Jews tie reputation of model vassals.-The Jews themselves were distinctly progressing towards the new state of things of the Gospel Period: (a) The house of David had lost its restored preeminence under Zerubbabel, and was sinking into obscurity; (b) the study of the Law and Prophets, collected and revised by Ezra. &c., and the supplanting of the ancient Hebrew, their own language (see Prologue 2 to Ecclesiasticus), by the current Babylonian dialect and alphabet (Aramaic or Chaldee), had called into existence copyists, teachers, and interpreters of Scripture (see Sects, Scries), the germs of the Rabbinical schools and religious sects; (e) the influence f the high priests and Levites, increased thus, and by the decay of David's house, was becom at once enlarged and corrupted by accession of temporal power. The single historical fact it Jos. Ant. 11.7.1. the period, viz. the murder of his brother Joshua by the high priest JONATHAN or Johanan, on suspicion of aiming at the high priesthood by Persian influence, indicates that Judes *18 practically ruled by the high priest, and foreshadows the jealousies and crimes of the priestly families, which took the place of similar quarrels in royal families elsewhere, and hereafter gradually undermined the fabric of Jewish independence, erected by the Maccabees. The religious revival, characteristic of the post-Captivity period (see Sects, Chas dica), is traced in the Book of Tobit, written about this time, which shews the great reverence in which the Mosaic Law was already held. Indeed, the nation, prompted by Ezra the Serile, the 2nd founder of the Jewish Commonwealth, and influenced especially by the 2 Books of Chronicles, probably written by him with this object, re-formed itself into a hierarchy on the basis of the Law an cp. John 11. 48. Temple). The Davidic monarchy being abolished, and prophecy suspended, the Law alone survind Acts 6. 13. to be a distinctive pledge of nationality, and a sure guide to truth. Thus moulded, the Jew at character gradually assumed the austere exclusiveness, social and religions, due to a jealous alherence to the letter of the Mosaic covenant, which characterises it in Gospel and Apostolic time JADDUA.H.P.; (his bro. Manasseh founds the Samaritan Temple B.C. 552, Josephus : but set Sccas ALEXANDER THE GREAT, defeating Darius Codomannus at Issus, founds his world-empire. Alexander, advancing against Jerusalem after the conquest of Phenicia and Philistia Tym and Gaza), [the details of Josephus story are much doubted), meets at Mizpah Jedina te high priest heading in his robes a procession of Jews in white. recognises him as a person who is a vision had promised him the conquest of Persia; and after sacrificing in the Temple and seeing Daniel's prophecies relating to himself, granted the Jews (everywhere) all their ancient privaces and exemption from taxes in the Sabbatical year. At Alexander's invitation, sane Jews Cus in his army and accompany him to Persia; others settle with full citizenship in his new city Alexandria [32]; Samaria, refused like privileges, rebels and is destroyed. The sors of Lor Assyrian colonists &c. (see Samaritans in Jewish Sects), were allowed to settle in Soxchem, and Alexander repeopled Samaria with Syro-Macedonians (see B.C. 109). Palestine eray's peace till Alexander's death; his conquests spread the Greek language and civilization.

Jos. Ant. 11.8.1.
Jos. Ant. 11. 8.3.

Dan. 8. 8-22.
1 Dan. 9.
Dan. 11.

Alexander's generals, (the DIALOCHI or Successors, the four horns from the he-goat's broken horn, divide his empire; the Greek Oriental kingdoms of the North and Scazh, tan. Egypt (PTOLEMIES) and upper Asia, ie. Syria and Babylonia (SELEUCIDS, B.c. 312) result. Palestine part of Syria; but the 2 kingdoms dispute its possession at intervals during 140 yers. ONIAS II., H. P. During the wars of the Diadochi, PTOLEMY 1. (SOTER) son of Larus captures Jos. Ant. 12. 1. 1. Jerusalem on a sabbath, which the Jews scrupled to break even by self-defence, and adds many Jewish captives to the citizens of Alexandria. After its re-capture and loss by Syria, Judes is finally annexed to Egypt 18 years later, when, B.C. 301, the battle of Ipsus ended these wars. The Jews of Judæa prove as submissive to the first 5 Ptolemies as to the Persian Empire. and grow in numbers and wealth-developing commerce, partly transferred to them by the fall of Tyre (3321, &c.; the Dispersion extends over the heathen world-large colonies being fostered by the Ptolemies in Africa (esp. Alexandria and Cyrene, cp. B.C. 39), 21)

cp. Acts 2. 10.

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Ecclus. 50.

291. 284?


219. 217.






I SIMON I. son of Onias, called THE JUST, high priest. His description by Jesus son of Sirach, | whose commemorative list of famous men closes with Simon, is the ideal of the pong and majesty of a high priest' (Milman). He repaired the Temple, and fortified it and Jerusalem: a sign of much independence. According to tradition, he completed the collection of the books of Scripture (CANON OF O. T.) begun by Ezra, and was the channel whereby the oral tradition (to which the Pharisees later gave such prominence) reached Antigonus Socho, the first writer of the Mishua (the text of the Talmud, the treasury of Rabbinical learnings and master of the reputed founder of the Sadducees. (See Jewish Sects). Colonies of Jews are planted by the Seleucide in Syria (Antioch) and Asia Minor (Ephesus) and in Greece (Conti Jos. Ant. 12. 3. &c.), and are subjected to the attraction of the Greek language and civilization. () Even

Jos. Ant. 12. 4.1.
Jos. Ant. 12. 2.

in Palestine, new or restored cities along the lines of communication between Eypt and syna, esp. along the sea-board [146], receive Greek names, e.g. Azotus (Ashdod), Gazaru (beze, Pu lemais (the Phoenician decho, now Aere)-and in the valleys of Esdraelon and the Jordan, eg. Scythopolis (Bethshan), Pella, Paneas (Dan, now Banias).

ELEAZAR, bro. of Simon I., II.P. The African Jews (esp. of Alexandria and Cyrene, ep. Acts 6.9) are so numerous that the Book of the Law, perhaps the Pentateuck only, is translated into Greek by learned Jews of Alexandria; traditionally by 70 or 72 transistors for the creat library of PTOLEMY 11. (PHILADELPHU), and hence called the SEPTUAGINT or LXX. vers. The rest of the O. T. canon was similarly translated, probably at various times during the next century or two, and was the Standard Bible in the Gospel and Apostolic Age.

OSTAS II., son of Simon I., H. P., dares withhold the tribute, and so jeopardises the good un-
Jos. Ant. 12.4.1. derstanding with Egypt, which Joseph his nephew restores by his tact, and by outbidding former

farmers of the taxes of Judea. Joseph is appointed receiver-general to the king PTOLEM ILL
(EVERGETES) for Cale-Syria, Phenicia. Judea and Samaria; and the civil power thus irsLCU
ted, parallel to that of the high priest, leads to internal dissension. About this time an
izing or innovating party arises in Judea, advocating the abandonment of the scrupu
observance of Moses Law for Hellenic (Greek) liberty of thought and manners.

ANTIOCHUS III. (the GREAT, B.C. 223), the Graco-Syrian kingdom being at its climax, makes
Jos. Ant. 12.3.3. war on Egypt to recover Palestine, &c. [B.C. 301.] PTOLEMY IV. (PHILOPATUE &featu
at Raphia near Gaza, and visits Jerusalemn. For some repulse on his entering the Hay of
Holies, Ptolemy persecutes the Jews in Alexandria on his return, and alienates Jodes.

The minority of PTOLEMY V. (EPIPHANES), Philopator's son, tempts Antiochus to concert with
Philip V. of Macedon the partition of the Ptolemaic kingdom; Antiochus captures Jerusalem
B.C. 203: Scopas recovers it for Ptolemy B.C. 199. Next year-(ONIAS III., H.P., for his character,
sce 2 Mcc. 4.3)-Antiochus defeats Scopas and the Egyptians at Pancas, and annexe-Cole-Syria,
Phoenicia, and Palestine. The Jews, alienated further by suffering in the war, and tempted by
Surian 197.
Antiochus concessions, Join Syria finally. Antiochus secures the long-disputed provizes ty
Jos. Ant. 12.3.4. treaty with Rome, B.C. 18. He forms colonies of Mesopotamian Jews in Lydia and Zärgat

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Religious rivalry is now added to political [250] by the growth of the Hellenizing party in Jadra (the ungodly' of 1 & 2 Maccabees), which now openly opposes the Law's champions, the later [167] Chardim or Pious. (See Jewish Sects.) The Syrian king holds the balance.

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190. 187.

175. [176.]

174. 172.




PerseI cution

2 Mac. 3. 4.

2 Mac. 4. 7.
1 Mac. 1. 10.
Js. Ant. 12.4.11.
Jos. Ant. 12. 5. 1.


Antiochus is conquered by the Romans at Magnesia, and subjected to an immense tribute (2,000 talents, 2 Mac. 8. 10), which impoverishes the kingdoin. SELEUCUS IV. (PHILOPATOR), his son and successor, informed by Simon, governor of the Temple, who had quarrelled with the godly Onias about some disorder in Jerusalem, sends Heliodorus to demand the surrender of the money deposited in the Temple treasury for safe keeping, which included a fund for widows and orphans, but Heliodorus is miraculously expelled, and owes his life to the high priest's prayers.

On Seleucus' death, his son Demetrius being a hostage at Rome, his brother ANTIOCHUS IV. (EPIPHANES, i.e. the brilliant, or Epimanes, i.e. the madman), usurps the throne. On his accession, he is called upon to arbitrate between the Jewish factions,-Onias III. being at Antioch to seek the king's aid in preserving the public peace, broken with bloodshed by Simon's faction which Apollonius governor of the province supported. With a contempt for the Jewish religion and manners, due to his education when a hostage at Rome, and, tempted by his needs to sell his patronage (cp. 2 Mac. 11. 3), he deposes Onias III., detains him at Antioch, and sells the high priesthood to his brother Joshua, the head of the Greek party, with leave to introduce the Greek civilization, and exchange the name Jews' for Antiochians. Joshua takes the Greek name JASON, and builds a gymnasium to educate the Jewish youth in Greek exercises; his party obliterate their marks of circumcision, &c., thus discouraging and perverting even the 2 Mac. 4. 18, 19. priests. Jason sends an offering to the festival (games) of Hercules (the Phonician Melkarth or

2 Mac. 4. 10.
1 Mac. 1. 13.




Jos. Ant. 12. 5. 2.
1 Mac. 1. 16.

2 Mac. 5.5-10.


1 Mac. 1. 20-28.
2 Mac. 5. 11-23.

1 Mac. 1. 29-40.
2 Mac. 5. 24-27.

Jos. Ant. 12. 5. 4.

1 Mac. 1.41.

2 Mac. 6. 1.

Dan. 11. 36, 39. by Ant. Dan. 12. 10, 11. Epiphanes. Dan. 9.27.

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Moloch) at Tyre. MENELAUS, a Benjamite of the party, brother of Simon [187](of Jason, Josephus), and a savage tyrant (v. 25), outbids Jason, and is made high priest. Jason takes refuge with the Jews' ancestral foe, the Ammonites. To bribe the Syrian viceroy, Menelaus robs the Temple; Onias III. protesting, Menelaus procures his execution, and later that of the Jews who denounced him to the king, for like abuses through his deputy in Jerusalem.

Antiochus Epiphanes, tempted by the minority of PTOLEMY VI. (PHILOMETOR), invades Egypt (4 times), until stopped by Lanas the Roman ambassador. On the report of Antiochus' death, during his 2nd invasion, Jason captures Jerusalem, massacres his opponents, and blockades Menelaus in the citadel; but finally, an unsuccessful outcast, escapes through Egypt to Sparta, and dies there. Antiochus, interpreting this outbreak as a revolt, returns, massacres thousands of Jews in cold blood, sparing neither sex nor age, and sells as many into slavery. Guided by Menelaus, he enters the Temple, carries off its precious vessels, fittings and furniture, and the money deposited in its treasury for safe keeping. He leaves Philip, a barbarous Phrygian, as governor, Menelaus remaining high priest.

Apollonius, his chief tribute-collector, sent by Antiochus with an army to massacre the surviving adults and sell the women and young men, treacherously seizes Jerusalem on the Sabbath, sacks and burns it, breaking down Nehemiah's wall. Apollonius fortifies and garrisons (cp. 1 Mac. 6. 18) the city of David', i.e. the Akra or Acropolis (A. V. tower, stronghold, fortress, on the height of Zion which commanded the Temple, as the Temple commanded the city, see B.C. 141). He lays the Temple waste.

Antiochus orders all his subjects to adopt the Græco-Syrian religion and customs exclusively, on pain of death. He sends a commission to abolish Judaism and establish paganism by polluting the Temples at Samaria and Jerusalem, and dedicating them respectively to Jupiter Xenius and J. Olympius. He pollutes the altar with swine's flesh and unclean offerings, and the Temple with foul rites of the Syrian Ashtoreth, forces the Jews to eat of the idolatrous sacrifices monthly on the king's birthday, to take part in the festivals of Bacchus, eat swine's flesh, and to abandon circumcision, Sabbath-keeping, all public worship, and the outward semblance of Jews. He burns whatever copies of the Law were found, or defaced them with idolatrous pictures, and executed their owners (1 Mac. 3. 48). Many Jews yield; the faithful are tortured, mocked, scourged, sawn asunder (e.g. the mother and her 7 sons. 2 Mac. 7. 1, 4, 7, &c.), tempted, yet not accepting deliverance (eg. Eleazar, a chief scribe, 2 Mac. 7. 24) in hope of a joyful resurrection (vs. 9, 36), and wander destitute and oflicted, clothed in sheep skins and goat skins (2 Mac. 5. 27), in deserts, mountains and caves. From this time of the mingling', the zealots for the Law are called the Pious, Heb. Chasidim (see Jewish Sects), in Greek, Assidæans.

ONIAS, son and heir of Onias III., having retired into Egypt during the usurpations of Jason and Menelaus and the mingling [167], is permitted by Ptolemy Philometor and Cleopatra his wife to build a temple at Heliopolis (On). Among the numerous Egyptian Jews, Onias would revive the pure worship of God paganised by Jason Menelaus and the Hellenizing party at home. The king's officers, on circuit to enforce public conformity to idolatry (1 Mac. 1. 5), arrive at Jos. Ant. 12. 6. 1. Modin, the town of Mattathias, a priest of the first of the Aaronic courses (Joiarib, cp. 1 Chr. 24. 7), and so of the noblest blood, having a great-grandfather Chashmon, whence Mattathias' family was called ASMON EAN. Mattathias, a prominent ruler, refuses to set the example, and, Jos.Ant. 12. 6. 2. like Phineas of old, kills a consenting Jew, Apelles the officer, and destroys the idolatrous altar.

1 Mac. 2. 1.

1 Mac. 2. 49.

Jos. Ant. 12.6. 3.
1 Mac. 3. 1-26.
2 Mac. 8. 1-7.
Jos. Ant. 12.7. 1.
1 Mac. 3. 27.

Jos. Ant. 12. 7. 2.

1 Mac. 3. 38.
1 Mac. 4. 1-27.
2 Mac. 8. 8.

1 Mac. 4. 28.

2 Mac. 10. 1-8.

cp. John 10. 22.
1 Mac. 4. 60.

1 Mac. 5.

2 Mac. 12. 1-45.

Abandoning everything, Mattathias and his 5 sons (1) Johanan Caddis, (2) SIMON Thassi, (3) JUDAS MACCABEUS (prob. from Heb. word-Hammer), (4) Eleazar Avaran, (5) JONATHAN Apphus -take refuge in the desert mountains, and the faithful and their families gather round them. 1,000 refugees having preferred death to breaking the Sabbath, Mattathias, &c. decide to defend themselves on the Sabbath hereafter; gradually gaining strength, they attack their persecutors, destroy the idolatrous altars, and, restoring the Law, enforce circumcision.-Mattathias recommends his son Simon as counsellor, Judas as general (cp. ch. 3. 3-9), and dies.

Judas, with about 6,000 4ssidaans secretly gathered from all parts, seizes gradually the commanding posts (chiefly by night surprises), and destroys the ungodly out of Judea. He defeats (1) Apollonius governor of Samaria, (2) Seron the governor of Cale-Syria, at Bethhoron. Antiochus, enraged, secures a great army by a year's pay in advance; but crippled by loss of revenue (owing to Judas' successes, the alienation of subjects elsewhere by his interference with national customs, and his own lavish magnificence) decides on an expedition to collect revenue in his dominions E. of Euphrates (Persia). He makes Lysius viceroy W. of Euphrates and guardian of his youthful son Antiochus, leaving with him half his army and his war elephants, and orders to extirpate the Jews and allot Judæa to strangers.

Ptolemæus, Nicanor, and Gorgias, sent by Lysias with 47.000 men by way of the sea coast, are accompanied by 1,000 slave merchants, Nicanor having engaged to pay the Roman tribute [190] by the sale of the captives at 90 for a talent. After public prayer (1 Mac. 3. 46-53) and an harangue (2 Mac. 8. 12-20) at Mizpeh, Judas encamps opposite the Syrians at Emmaus, and warned of Gorgias' attempt to surprise him, attacks and routs the Syrian army with 3,000 imperfectly armed followers, in Gorgias' absence. Seeing their tents burning, Gorgias' detachment flees. Next year, Lysias with 65,000 men invades Judea by way of Idumaa, the South See B.C. 164]: Judas with 10,000 defeats him at Bethsura, the key of the ldumaan frontier. While Lysias gathers a fresh army at Antioch, Judas blockades the Syrian garrison in Jerusalem, until he had duly purified, repaired and refurnished the Temple, now a ruin in which shrubs grew • as in a forest' or on a mountain side. On the anniversary of its profanation 3 years before, and annually, the Feast of the DEDICATION of the new altar is kept 8 days. Judas also fortified and garrisoned the Temple-mount against Acra the Syrian tower [168], and Bethsura against the Idumæans, whose unceasing hostility (cp. Ps. 187.7) and that of the Ammonites (under Timotheus) he checked by forts and by successful invasions.

The neighbouring nations, jealous of the revival of Jewish power, attack the Jews resident among them. At Joppa, 2,000 Jews are treacherously drowned; but Judas foils a like plot at Jamnia by destroying its harbour and fleet. Defeating Timotheus, he makes the Arabian (Idumean) nomads tributary, and defeats Gorgias at Jamnia.

A general rising against the Jews being concerted in Gilead and Galilee, Judas, Jonathan, and Simon rescue and remove them into Judæa. Judas overruns the Negeb or South' of Judah (now part of Idumaa, so named because occupied during the Captivity by the Edomites driven W. by the Nabathaans, who, settling in Mount Seir, founded the kingdom of Arabia



1 Mac. 6. 1.
2 Mac. 9.

Jos. Ant. 12.9.1.


1 Mac. 6. 18.
2 Mac. 13. 1.





2 Mac. 13. 3.-8.


Petræa, i.e. of Petra, a centre of caravan trade from the Persian Gulf and Red Sea); he disman- ! tles Hebron, the capital, and its fortresses-and overruns Philistis, abolishing idolatry.

Antiochus Epiphanes, foiled in Persia [166], and hearing of Judas' successes and consequent military strength and wealth, hastens homewards to make Jerusalem the Jews' burying planet but stricken with a loathsome disease (eaten of worms, ep. Ac. 12. 23), recognises it as a judgment for his treatment of the Jews and the Temple, for which he would fain make reparation. After making his foster-brother Philip viceroy and guardian of his son, he dies on the journey at Tabe Lysias proclaims ANTIOCHUS V. (EUPATOR) aged 9, and as regent, and governor of Cale-Syris and Phoenicia, invades Judea with 120,000 men (incl. Greek mercenaries) and elephants bearJos. Ant. 12. 9.3. ing wooden towers, to relieve the Syrian garrison at Jerusalem, hard-pressed by Judas (156) &c. During the siege of Bethsura [165] Eleazar the Maccabee kills the largest elephant, supposing it the king's, and is crushed by it. The Jews retreat, Bethsura capitulates, and Lysias beacons the Temple. Supplies fail the Maccabees, owing to the Sabbatical year, but Lysias hearing of Philip's return to Antioch induces Antiochus to make peace with Judas, and crant the Jews their ancient liberties. Antiochus defortifies the Temple. The Romans [190] confrm this peace. Antiochus executing Menelaus, makes ALCIMUS H. P. (not of the high-priestly lineage. Ja, ¦ DEMETRIUS L (SOTER), heir of Seleucus IV. escapes from Rome [175] conquers, and executes Astiochus Eupator and Lysias. The ungodly' party, headed by the H.P. Aicimus, who had quizzed Jerusalem with certain renegade Jews, denounces Judas Maccabaus to Demetrius. Bacchides governor E. of Euphrates, is sent to re-instal Alcimus, and put down Judas. The Ass vow, trusting Alcimus as a son of Aaron, first make peace; Alcimus alienates them by faithlessly excessing his chief opponents. Bacchides kills many others; but, after his departure, Aldimas". tyranny strengthens Judas, whom Alcimus, taking refuge at Antioch, again denounces Demetrius sends an army under Nicanor. Failing to entrap Judas, Nicanor attacks him and is defeated at Capharsalama, and again at Beth-horon, where he is killed and his army dispersed by Judas. The 2nd book of Maccabees (obriously less accurate than the ist) ends. During an interval of peace, Judas obtains an offensive and defensive alliance with Rome, but before receiving the Senate's decree, is killed in battle at Eleasa near Beth-horon.

Jos. Ant. 12.9. 7.
1 Mac. 7. 1.
12 Mac. 14. 1, 3.
Jos. Ant. 12.10.1.

1 Mac. 7. 27.
2 Mac. 15.

1 Mac. 8.

1 Mac. 9. 1-22.
1 Mac. 9. 23.
Jos. Ant. 13. 1.

1 Mac. 9. 48.
Jos. Ant. 12.10.6.

1 Mac. 9. 58.


[blocks in formation]

The ungodly party, encouraged by Judas' death and reinstated by Bacchides, persecutes and disperses Judas' adherents, whom the people, sufferers by war and a great famine, desert Finally, they rally under Judas youngest brother JONATHAN (the Wary) in the wilderness of E. Judaa (Tekoa): John, the eldest, is slain, while conveying their property into Arabia [164], They avenge his death, whereupon Bacchides drives Jonathan and Simon across the Jordan, and bridles Judea with Syrian garrisons, esp. Bethsura and Gazara (Gezer), entrusting noble Jewy sons to the garrison on Zim, as hostages. Alcimus, while removing the partition wall between the sanctuary and court of the Gentiles, dies paralysed; Bacchides therefore withdraws to Antioch. (Acc. to Josephus, prob. in error, Judas surviving Alcimus, was made H. P. by the people". The high priesthood certainly now devolved on the Asmonaan family. Peace ensues.

Bacchides, recalled by the ungodly, but defeated by Jonathan while besieging Simon în Bethbasi, vents his disappointment on his inviters, and accepts Jonathan's overtures of peace. Jonathan judges' Israel from Michmash (6 years), and thence protects the Pious.

Henceforward, rivals for the Syrian throne court Jonathan and his successors, and thus contribute to found and establish the Asmondan dynasty of native_high-priest-princes.

Demetrius, preparing to attack Alexander Balas, pretended son of Antiochus Epiphanes [173, Jos. Ant. 13. 2.1.162], acknowledged by Rome and welcomed at Ptolemais, empowers Jonathan to raise an amy, and to receive the Jewish hostages from the garrison of Zion. Jonathan settles in Jerusa lem, and begins fortifying it and the Temple, whereupon most of the Syrian garrisons flec and Jonathan's opponents take refuge in Bethsura.

1 Mac. 10. 15.

Jos. Ant. 13. 2.2.

1 Mac. 10. 22–47.

[blocks in formation]

A. Balas then offers Jonathan the vacant high priesthood [160] and the insignia of a prince, apparently with a territory. JONATHAN assumes the sacred office at the F. of Tabernacles. Demetrius makes offers of honours and independence too lavish to be trusted.

A. BALAS defeats and kills Demetrius I. At his marriage in Ptolemais with Cleopatra, daughter of PTOLEMY VI. (PHILOMETOR), Balas makes Jonathan governor of a Syrian province. Demetrius, son of Demetrius I. (Soter), invades Cilicia from Crete, and joined by Apollonins governor of Cole-Syria, sends him to challenge Jonathan, who with Simon captures Joppa and Azotus (Ashdod). Ascalon surrenders. Balas treats Jonathan as if of royal blood.

Ptolemy Philometor, while Balas is quelling a rebellion in Cilicia, treacherously occupies the Syrian maritime cities [144] to Seleuceia, the port of Antioch. Jonathan attends him from Joppa to the R. Eleutherus. Ptolemy transfers Cleopatra and his alliance to Demetrius is crowned king of Syria & Egypt at Antioch, & defeats A. Balas, but lives only to receive the head of Balas, who had sought refuge in Arabia [68]. DEMETRIUS II. (NICATOR), reigns undisturbed Meanwhile, Jonathan besieges the Syrian garrison in Zion. Summoned before Demetrius II. he ventures to Ptolemais with a deputation and presents, though pressing on the siege, and wins fresh honours and nearly all the concessions offered by Demetrius L. [153.]

Peace continuing. Demetrius retains his guards (Greek mercenaries, r., but dismisses his native soldiery; their discontent tempts Tryphon, a discontented courtier, to concert with Simalcue the Arabian, his guardian, the restoration of A. Balas' youthful son [146] Antiochus Jonathan obtains Demetrius' promise to withdraw the Syrian garrisons from Zion. &c.. tur a bodyguard of Jews, which (3,000) saves Demetrius' kingdom and life when Antioch rose sesinst him, but Demetrius evades his promise and even troubled Jonathan very sore".

Tryphon entering Syria crowns ANTIOCHUS VI. (THEOS), and, being joined by the dismissed soldiery, defeats Demetrius (who takes refuge in Parthia) and captures Antioch. To win Jonathan, Antiochus adds royal state to Demetrius' concessions [145], and appoints his brother Simon captain of the Palestinian sea-board. Jonathan captures for Antiochus the Syrian cities from Ascalon to Damascus, defeating Demetrius' adherents. Simon takes Bethara Jonathan revives the Maccabean alliances with Sparta and Rome. On the retirement of Demetrius' army from the land of Amathis, Jonathan invades Nabathan Arabia, and returning ty Damascus, again overruns Syria, while Simon secures Philistia and Joppa. Jonathan, on his return, induces the Jews to fortify the Judean strongholds, to raise and repair the walls of Jerusalem, and cut off the garrison on Zion from the city market by a great rampart.

Tryphon, aiming at the Syrian throne, lures Jonathan into Ptolemais and captures him. The neighbouring nations and Tryphon attacking the Jews, they elect Stoy, Jonathan's brother, the only surviving Maccabee, leader; he completes the fortifications of Jerusalem, secures Joppa, and foils Tryphon's attempts to invade Judea and relieve the garrison in Zion. After insincere negotiations for Jonathan's release, Tryphon puts him to death in Gilead.

At Modin, Simon erects a monument to his parents and brothers, and re-inters Jonathan. TRYPHON murders Antiochus, and usurps the Syrian throne. During the revolution, Simon strengthens Judes against attack (for details, see ch. 15. 32), and makes overtures to Demetrius who, influenced by the Maccabees alliance with Rome, recognises Simon as H. P... and grants Judea complete amnesty, and immunity from tax and tribute. Simon captures Gars. Zion surrenders. Thus Judea is freed from Syria [128]. Era of Jewish independence (r. £A Judea enjoys peace and prosperity under Simon. He reforms religion, enriches the temple. re-fortifies Zion and Jerusalem, revives commerce through Joppa, and renews the league with Sparta and Rome. He reduces Zion, i.e. the hill of the city of David', to the level of the Temple-platform [see B.C. 16-)--The Jews record the public benefits of Simon and his sons, and the settlement of the government and high priesthood on Simon and his heirs for ever (ie, until there should arise a faithful prophet, i.e. the expected Messiah), on brasen tablets on mount Zion. Demetrius, captive of draaces koof Parthialch.14.1.2) marries his daughter. Demetrius wife Ce opatra, enraged off rs herself to his brother ANTIOCHUS VII. (SIDETES), who, preparing to invade Syria, confirms all previous concessions to Simon, and adds the sovereign right of coinage. (See

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