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FORSAKE.-1 Sam. 12. 22. Lord will not f. his people, 1 Kin. 6. 13. 8. 57. let him not leave nor ƒ. us 2 Chr. 15. 2. if yef. him, he willƒ. you Ps. 27. 10. when father & mother ƒ. 94. 14. neither will he f. inheritance Isa. 55. 7. let the wicked f. his way Jer. 17. 13. that f. thee be ashamed Jonah 2. 8. f. their own mercy Ps. 71. 11. God hath forsaken him 22. 1. my God, my God, why hast thouf. me, Matt. 27. 46.

37. 25. I have not seen righteous f. Isa. 49. 14. the Lord hath f. me 54. 7. small moment have If. thee Jer. 2. 13. f. me the fountain, 17. 13. Matt. 19. 27. we have f. all, 29. f. houses, or brethren, or sisters, &c. 2 Cor. 4. 9. persecuted but not f. Prov. 2. 17. forsaketh guide of youth 28. 13. confesseth and f. shall find Heb. 10. 25. not f. the assembling Dt. 32. 15. forsook God which made Ps. 119. 87. If. not thy precepts 2 Tim. 4. 16. all men ƒ. me FORTRESS and rock, Lord is my,

2 Sam. 22. 2. Ps. 18. 2. & 31. 3. & 71. 3. & 91. 2. & 144. 2. Jer. 16. 19. FOUND, Gen. 26. 19. & 31. 37.

Eccl. 7. 27. this have If. that, 29. 28. one man among a 1000 have If. Song 3. 1. If. him not, 4. If. him Is. 55. 6. seek Lord while he may beƒ. 65. 1. f. of them that sought me not Ezek. 22.30. I sought a man f. none Dan. 5. 27. weighed and f. wanting 2 Cor. 5. 3. shall not be ƒ. naked Phil. 3. 9. f. in him, not having my 2 Pet. 3. 14. be f. of him in peace Matt. 7. 25. founded on a rock, Ps. 24. 2. Prov. 3. 19. Isa. 14. 32. Ps. 11.3. if foundations be destroyed Job 4. 19. whose f. is in dust [ingf. Prov. 10. 25. righteous is an everlastIsa. 28. 16. I lay in Zion a sure ƒ. Ro. 15. 20. build on another man's f. 1 Cor. 3. 10. laid f. 12. build on thisƒ. Eph. 2. 20. built on f. of prophets 1 Tim. 6. 19. lay up good f. for time 2 Tim. 2. 19. f. of God stands sure Heb. 11. 10. a city which hath ƒ. Rev. 21. 14. the city hath twelve f. Matt. 13. 35. foundation of the world, 25. 34. John 17. 24. Eph. 1.4. 1 Pet. 1. 20. Rev. 13. 8. & 17. 8. Ps. 104. 5. Prov. 8. 29. Isa. 51. 13, 16. FOUNTAIN, Gen. 7. 11. Deut. 8. 7. Deut. 33. 28. f. of Jacob on a land Ps. 36. 9. with thee is f. of life 68. 26. bless Lord from f. of Israel Prov. 5. 18. let thy f. be blessed 13. 14. law of wise is a f. of life 14. 27. fear of the Lord is af. of life Eccl. 12. 6. pitcher broken at the f. Song 4. 12.f. sealed, 15. f. of gardens Jer. 2. 13. Lord f. of living waters 9. 1. that my eyes were a f. of tears Joel 3. 18. af. out of house of Lord Zech. 13. 1. a f. opened for house James 3. 12. can f. both yield salt Rev. 21. 6. give f. of life freely, 22. 17. FOXES, Jg.15. 4. Ps.63.10. Song 2.15. La.5.18. Ek.13.4. Mt.8.20. Lk.13.32. FRAGMENTS, Matt. 14. 20. Mark 6. 43. & 8. 19, 20. John 6. 12, 13. FRAIL I am, Ps. 39. 4. FRAME, Ps. 103. 14. Isa. 29. 16. Jer. 18. 11. Eph. 2. 21. Heb. 11. 3. FREE, Ex.21.2. Lev.19.20. [af. heart 2 Chron. 29. 31. as many as were of Ps. 51. 12. uphold with thy f. Spirit 88. 5. f. among the dead, like slain John 8. 32. truth shall make you f 36. if Son make f. shall be f. indeed Rom. 5. 15. so also is f. gift, 16, 18. 6. 7. f. from sin, 18, 22. f. from righteousness, 20. [law of sin 7. 3. f. from law, 8. 2. f. from the 1 Cor. 7. 22. the Lord's f. man


FREE. Gal. 3. 28. bond norf.Col.3.11. Gal. 5.1. Christ hath made us f. not 2 Thes. 3. 1. the word have f. course 1 Pet. 2. 16. f. and not using liberty Hos. 14. 4. I will love them freely Mt. 10. 8. f. ye have received, f. give Rom. 3. 24. justified f. by his grace 8. 32. with him f. give us all things 1 Cor. 2. 12. things. given us of God Rev. 21. 6. fountain of life ƒ. 22. 17. FRET, Ps. 37. 1, 7, 8. Prov. 24. 19. Prov. 19. 3. his heart f. against Lord Ezek. 16. 43. hast fretted me in all FRIEND, Jer. 6. 21. Hos. 3. 1. Ex. 33. 11. Moses as a man to his f Dt. 13. 6. f. which is as his own soul 2 S. 16. 17. is this kindness to thy f. 2 Chron. 20. 7. Abraham thy f. Isa. 41. 8. James 2. 23. [from his f. Job 6. 14. pity should be shewed Prov. 17. 17. f. loveth at all times 18. 24. a f. closer than a brother 27. 10. own f. father's f. forsake not Song 5. 16. this is my beloved f. Mio. 7. 5. trust ye not in a f. put John 15. 13. lay down life for his f. 15. 14. ye are my f. if, 15. called youf. James 4. 4. friendship of the world is enmity with God [man Prov. 22. 24. make no f. with angry 18. 24. hath f. shew himself friendly FROWARD, Job 5. 13. 1 Pet. 2. 18. Deut. 32. 20. a very f. generation Ps. 18. 26. with f. will shew thyself f. 101. 4. f. heart shall depart from Prov. 4. 24. f. mouth, 6. 12. & 8. 13. 10.31.f. tongue, 11. 20. f. heart, 17.20. 3. 32. the f. is abomination to Lord Isa. 57. 17. went on frowardly Prov. 6. 14. frowardness is in him FRUIT, Gen. 4. 3. Lev. 19. 24. Gen. 30. 2. withheld f. of the womb Ex. 21. 22. hurt so that f. depart 2 K. 19. 30. bear f. upward, Is. 37.31. Ps. 92. 14. shall bring forth f. in old 127. 3.f. of womb is his reward [age Pro. 11.30. f. of righteous tree of life Song 2. 3. his f. was sweet to taste 4. 13. pleasant f. 6. 11. f. of valley 7. 13. all manner of pleasant f. Isa. 3. 10. eat the f. of their doings 27. 9. all the f. to take away sin 57. 19. create f. of the lips, peace Hos. 10. 1. empty vine brings f. to 14. 8. from me thy f. found [himself Mic. 6. 7. f. of body for sin of my soul Mt. 7. 17. good tree good f. 21. 19. 12. 33. f. good; tree known by his f. 26. 29. not drink of f. of vine till

Lk. 1. 42. blessed is f. of thy womb John 4. 36. gathers f. to eternal life 15.2. branch beareth not f. he taketh away; beareth f. he purgeth it Rom. 6. 21. what f. 22. f. to holiness 7. 4. should bring forth f. unto God 15. 28. have sealed to them this f Gal. 5. 22. f. of Spirit is love [ness Eph. 5. 9. f. of Spirit is in all goodPhil.4. 17. desireƒ. that may abound Heb.12. 11. peaceable of righteous13. 15. sacrifices of praise f. of [ness Jam. 3. 18. f. of righteousness sown Rev. 22. 2. yielded f. every month Mt. 3. 8. fruits meet for repentance 2 Cor. 9. 10. increase the f. of rightPhil. 1. 11. filled with- [eousness James 3. 17. full of good without FRUSTRATE, Isa. 44. 25. Gal. 2. 21. FULL, Gen. 15. 16. Ex. 16. 3, 8. Deut. 34. 9. Joshua f. of wisdom Ruth 1. 21. went f. returned empty 1 Sam. 2. 5. that were f. have hired Job 5. 26. come to grave in f. age 14. 1. of few days and f. of trouble Ps. 17. 14. are f. of children [comb Prov. 27. 7. f. soul loatheth honey30. 9. lest I bef. and deny thee Lk. 4. 1. Jesus f. of the Holy Ghost 6. 25. woe to you that are f. for


FULL.-John 1. 14. the Word was made flesh, f. of grace and truth 1 Cor. 4. 8. now ye are f. now ye are Phil. 4. 12. know both to be f. and Col. 2. 2. riches of f. assurance 2 Tim. 4. 5. f. proof of thy ministry Heb. 6. 11. to f. assurance of hope 10. 22. near in f. assurance of faith Gen. 29. 27. fulfil, Ex. 23. 26. Ps. 145. 19. f. the desire of them Mt. 3. 15. us to f. all righteousness 5. 17. not destroy the law, but to f Acts 13. 22. who shall f. all my will Gal. 5. 14. law is f. in one word 16. shall not f. lust of flesh [Christ 6. 2. bear burden and so f. law of Eph. 2. 3. f. desires of flesh, mind Phil. 2. 2. f. ye my joy, that ye be Col. 4. 17. ministry that thou f. it 2 Th. 1. 11. f. all the good pleasure James 2. 8. if ye f. the royal law Rev. 17. 17. put in their hearts to f. Lk. 21.24. till times of.. be fulfilled Job 20. 22. in fulness of sufficiency Ps. 16. 11. in thy presence is f. of joy Jn. 1. 16. of his f. have we received Ro. 11.25. till ƒ of Gentiles be come 15. 29. f. of blessing of the Gospel Gal. 4. 4. when ƒ. of time was come Eph.1.10.dispensation of f. of times 23. f. of him that filleth all in all 3. 19. filled with the f. of God 4. 13. to the stature of f. of Christ Col. 1. 19. in him should all f. dwell 2. 9. all the f. of the Godhead FURNACE, Dt. 4. 20. Jer. 11. 4. Ps.

12. 6. Isa. 31. 9. & 48. 10. Dan. 3. 6, 11. Matt. 13. 42, 50. Rev. 1. 15. FURNISHED, Dt. 15. 14. Prov. 9. 2. 2 T. 3. 17. thoroughly f. to all good FURY is not in me, Isa. 27.4. [works Is. 59. 18. repay f. to his adversaries Jer. 6. 11. am full of f. of the Lord 10. 25. pour out thy f. on heathen Prov. 22. 24. with furious man not go


GAIN, Pro.3.14. Job 22.3. [he hath g. Job 27. 8. hope of hypocrite though Is. 33. 15. despiseth g. of oppressions Phil.1.21. to live is Christ, to die is g. 3. 7. what were g. I counted loss 1 T. 6. 5. supposing g. godliness, 6. godliness. contentment great g. Mt. 16. 26. if he g. world [might g 1 Cor. 9. 19. servant to all, that I 18. 15. thou hast gained thy brother Luke 19. 16. thy pound hath g. ten Tit.1.9. convince gainsayers [people Acts 10. 29. gainsaying, Ro. 10. 21. g. Jude 11. perished in the g. of Core GALL, Job 16. 13. & 20. 14, 25. [wood Deut. 29. 18. root bears 9. & worm32. 32. their grapes are grapes of g. Ps. 69. 21. gave me g. for meat, Matt. 27. 34. g. to drink

Jer. 8. 14. given us water of g. 9. 15. Lam. 3. 19. remembering the w.& g. Acts 8. 23. in the g. of bitterness GAP, to stand in, Ezek. 22. 30. GARDEN, Gen. 2. 15. & 3. 23. & 13. 10. Song 4. 12. a g. enclosed is my sister 16. blow on my g. 5.1. & 6.2,11. [58. 11. Jer. 31. 12. soul as a watered g. Isa. GARMENT, Josh. 7. 21. Ezra 9. 3. Job 87. 17. thy garments are warm Ps. 22. 18. parted my g. among them Isa.9.5. battle with g. rolled in blood 59. 17. put on g. of vengeance 61. 3. g. of praise for heaviness Joel 2. 13. rend your hearts not g. Matt. 21. 8. spread their g. in way Acts 9. 39. shewing g. Dorcas made James 5. 2. your g. are moth-eaten Rev. 3. 4. have not defiled their g. 16. 15. watcheth and keepeth his g. GATE, Gen. 19. 1. & 34. 20, 24.


GATE.-Gen. 22. 17.possess g. of his
Gen. 28. 17. house of God, g. of
Job 29. 7. I went to g. prepared
Ps. 118. 20. this g. of the Lord into
Mt. 7. 13. enter strait g. Lk. 13. 24.
Heb. 13. 12. suffered without the g.
Ps. 9. 13. up from gates of death
24. 7. lift up heads, O g. 9. Isa. 26.2.
87. 2. Lord loveth g. of Zion
100.4. enter his g. with thanksgiving to me g.of righteousness
Isa. 38. 10. to go to g. of the grave
Matt. 16. 18. g. of hell not prevail
GATHER thee from all nations,

Deut. 30. 3. Neh. 1. 9. Jer. 29. 14.
Ps. 26.9. g. not my soul with sinners
Zeph.3.18.g.them that are sorrowful
Matt. 3. 12. g. his wheat into garner
7. 16. do men g. grapes of thorns
Eph. 1. 10. g. in one all things in Ct.
Ex. 16. 18, 21. gathered much, no-
thing over; g.little,no lack,2 C.8.15.
Matt. 23.37.g. thy children as hen g.
John 4. 36. g. fruit unto eternal life
GAVE, Gen. 14. 20. Ex. 11. 3.

Job 1. 21. Lord g. Lord taketh away Ps. 81. 12. g. up unto hearts' lust Eccl. 12. 7. spirit return to God that Is. 42. 24. g. Jacob for a spoil [g. it John 1. 12. g. power to become sons 8. 16. God g. his only begotten Son 1 Cor. 3. 6. God g. the increase, 7. 2 C. 8. 5. first g. themselves to Lord Gal. 1.4. who g. himself for our sins 2. 20. g. himself for me, Tit. 2. 14. Eph. 4. 8. g. gifts unto men, 11. g. some apostles [all, testified in due 1 Tim. 2. 6. g. himself a ransom for Ps. 21. 4. asked life, thou gavest it John 17. 4. work thou g. 22. glory thou g. 6. men thou g. me, 12. & 18. 9. g. me, lost none GENEALOGIES, 1 T. 1. 4. Tit. 3. 9. GENERATION, Gen. 2. 4. & 6. 9. Deut. 32. 5. perverse and crooked g. 20. a very froward g. in whom Ps. 14. 5. God is in g. of righteous 22. 30. accounted to Lord for a g. 24. 6. this is g. of them that seek 102. 18. written for the g. to come 112. 2. g. of upright shall be blessed 145. 4. one g. shall praise thy works Is.53. 8. who declare his g. Acts 8.33. Mt. 3. 7. yeg. of vipers, 12.34. & 23. 33. Lk. 16. 8. g. wiser than children of Acts 13. 36. had served his g. [light 1 Pet. 2. 9. chosen g. to shew praises Ps. 33. 11. thoughts to generations 45. 17. name remembered in all g. 72. 5. fear thee throughout all g 79. 13. shew forth thy praise to allg. 85. 5. draw out thy anger to all g. 89. 4. build thy throne to all . 90. 1. our dwelling place in all g. 100. 5. his truth endureth to all g. 102. 24. thy years are through all g. 119. 90. thy faithfulness is to all g. 145. 13. dominion endureth to all g. Col. 1.26. mystery hid from ages & g. GENTILES, Gen. 10. 5. Jer. 4. 7. Isa. 11. 10. to it shall g. seek, 42. 6. a light of g. 49. 6. Lk. 2. 32. Acts 13. 60. 3. g. shall come to thy light [47. 62. 2. g. shall see thy righteousness Matt. 6. 32. after these things do the [of g. be fulfilled g. seek Luke 21. 24. trodden of g. till times John 7. 35. dispersed among g. Acts 13. 46. turn to the g. [teach g. 14. 27. opened door of faith unto g. Rom. 2. 14. g. which have not law 3. 29. is he not also God of g. yea 11. 25. till fulness of . be come 15. 10. rejoice ye g. with his people 12. in his name g. trust, Mt. 12. 21. Eph. 3. 6. g. be fellow heirs, 8. preach among g. unsearchable 1 Tim. 2.7. teacher of g. 2 Tim. 1. 11. 3. 16. God in flesh, preached to the g.


GENTLE among you, 1 Thes. 2. 7. 2T.2.24. servant of Lord must be g. Tit. S. 2. be g. shewing all meekness Jam. 3. 17. wisdom from above is g. 1 Pet. 2. 18. not only to the g. but to Ps. 18. 35. thy gentleness made me [Christ great

2 Cor. 10. 1. beseech by the g. of Gal. 5. 22. fruit of Spirit is love, g. Isa. 40. 11. gently lead those with [young GIFT, 1 Cor. 1. 7. & 7. 7.

Ex. 23. 8. take no g. for a g. blindeth the wise, Deut. 16. 19. 2 Chr. 19. 7. Prov. 17.8. g. is a precious stone, 23. 18. 16. a man's g. maketh room for 21. 14. a g. in secret pacifieth anger Eccl. 7. 7. a g. destroyeth the heart Matt. 5. 24. leave there thy g. be reconciled and come and offer thy g. John 4. 10. if thou knewest g. of God Rom. 6. 23. g. of God is eternal life Eph. 2. 8. through faith; it is the g. Phil. 4. 17. not because I desire a g. 1 Tim. 4. 14. neglect not the g. that 2 Tim. 1.6. stir up g. of God in thee Heb. 6. 4. tasted of heavenly g. Jam. 1. 17. every good and perfect g. Ps. 68. 18. received gifts for men Mt. 7. 11. good g. to your children Rom. 11. 29. for g. & calling of God Eph. 4.8. captivity captive gave g. to GIRD with strength, Ps. 18.32. [men Ps. 30. 11. g. me with gladness 1 Pet. 1. 13. g. up loins of mind Luke 12. 35. let your loins be girded Eph. 6. 14. loins g. with truth Is. 11. 5. girdle, Mt. 3. 4. Rev. 1. 13. GIVE, Gen. 12. 7. & 30. 31. [& 15. 6. 1 Kin. S. 5. ask what I shall g. thee Ps. 2. 8. I shall g. thee the heathen 29. 11. Lord will g. strength to his 37. 4. g. thee desires of thy heart 84. 11. Lord will g. grace and glory 104. 27. mayest g. them their meat 109. 4. I g. myself to prayer Jer. 17. 10. to g. every man according to his works, 32. 19. Rev. 22. 12. Hos. 11. 8. how shall I g thee up Luke 6. 38. g. and it shall be given John 10. 28. I g. to them eternal life Acts 3. 6. such as I have g. I thee 20.35. more blessed to g. than to reRom. 8. 32. freely g. us all Eph. 4. 28. that he may have to g. [them to him that needeth


1 Tim. 4. 15. g. thyself wholly to
2 Sam. 22. 50. give thanks, 1 Chron.
16. 8, 34, 35, 41. Neh. 12. 24. Ps. 35.18.
& 79. 13. & 92. 1. & 105. 1. & 107. 1.
& 118. 1. & 186. 1.

Ps. 6. 5. in grave who shall to thee
30. 4. at the remembrance of his
holiness, 97. 12.

119. 62. at midnight I will rise to-
Eph. 1. 16. &c.cease not to-for you
1 Th. 5. 18. in every thing-Phil. 4. 6.
Matt. 13. 12. to him shall be giren
11. it is g. to you to know mysteries
Luke 12. 48. to whom much is g.
John 6. 39. of all he hath g. I lose
65. can come to me except it be g.
19. 11. except it were g. thee from
Rom. 11. 35. hath first g. to him
1C.2.12. know things freely g.of God
2 C. 9. 7. God loveth cheerful giver
Ps. 37.21.righteous..mercy & gireth
Prov. 28. 27. he that g. to poor shall
Isa. 40. 29. g. power to the faint
42. 5. g. breath to people on earth
1 Tim. 6. 17. g. us richly all things
James 1. 5. g. to all men liberally
4. 6. he g. more grace to the humble
1 Pet. 4. 11. of the ability that Godg.
GLAD, my heart is, Ps. 16. 9.

Ps. 31. 7. I will be g. and rejoice in
64. 10. righteous shall be g. in Lord
104. 34. I will be g. in the Lord
122. 1. g. when they said, Luke
15. 32.


GLAD.-Luke 1. 19. glad tidings, &
8. 1. Acts 13. 32. Rom. 10. 15.
Mark 6. 20. heard him gladly, 12. .
Luke 8. 40. people g. received him
Acts 2. 41. that g. received his word
2 Cor. 12. 15. I will very g. spend
Ps. 4. 7. put gladness in my heart
30. 11. hast girded me with a
45.7. anointed with oil of 7. Heb. 19.
51. 8. make me to hear joy and
97.11.g.sown for the upright in bears
100. 2. serve the Lord with g.
106. 5. rejoice in g. of the nation
Isa. 35. 10. obtain joy and g. 51. IL
51. S. joy and g. shall be found in t
Acts 2. 46. eat their meat with g.
14.17.filling our hearts with food &
GLASS, we see through, 1 Cor. 13.12
2 Cor. 3. 18. beholding as in a p.
Jam. 1. 23. behold natural face in g
Rev. 4. 6. a sea of g. 15. 2

21. 18. the city pure gold like clear. GLOOMINESS, Joel 2.2. Zeph. 1.15. GLORY, Gen. 31. 1. Ps. 49. 16.

1 Sam. 4. 21. g. departed from Israel
1 Chron. 29. 11. thine the power and
Heb £7.
the g. Matt. 6. 13.
Ps. 8.5.crowned with e. and honour,
73. 24. afterward receive me to g.
89. 17. art the g. of their strength
145. 11. speak of g. of thy kingd
Prov. 3. 35. the wise shall inherit.
16. S1. hoary head is a crown of g
20. 29. strength g. of young men
25.27. to search their own g. is not g
Isa. 4. 5. for upon all the g. sha? be
a defence
[pride of all p
23. 9. Lord purposed it, to can
24. 16. heard songs, even g. to the
28. 5. Lord shall be for a crown of p.
Jer.2.11. changed theirg. Ps. 106.99.
Ezek. 20. 6. the g. of all lands. 13.
Hos. 4. 7. change theirg, into shame
Hag. 2.7. I will fill this house with g
9. g. of this latter house greater
Zech. 2. 5. I will be a wall of fire, g.
8. after the g. hath be sent me
6. 13. build temple and bear the g
Matt. 6. 2. may have g. of men
16. 27. in g. of his Father, 24 20.
Luke 2. 14. o. to God in the highest
$2. light of Gentiles, g. of thy people
Jn. 1. 14. his g. g. of only begotten
17. 5. glorify me with g. I had (Son
22. g. which thou gavest I have
Rom. 2. 7. seek g. immortality
11. 36. to whom be g. for ever, Gal.
1. 5. 2 Tim. 4. 18. Heb. 13. $1.
16. 27. to God be g. through Christ
1 Cor. 11. 7. man is g. of God.
15. 43.sown in dishonour, raised in g.
2 Cor. 3. 18. changed from g. to g.
4. 17. eternal weight of g.
Eph. 1. 6. praise of g. of his grace
3. 21. to him be g. in the church
18. my tribulation for yon is your g
Phil. 3. 19. whose g. is in their shame
Col. 1. 27. Christ in you hope of g.
3. 4. appear with him in g.

1 Thes. 2. 12. hath called you to g.
20. ye are our g. and joy, 19.
1 Tim. 3. 16. received up into
1 Pet. 1.8. joy unspeakable, full of g.
11. the sufferings of Christ and g.
ief g
that should follow, 21.
4. 13. his g. be revealed, 14. spirit
5. 1. partaker of g. to be revealed
4. ye shall receive a crown of g.
10. called us to eternal g. by Christ
2 Pet. 1. S. called us to g. and virtue
17. came a voice from excellent g
Rev. 4. 11. worthy to receive g. 5. 12.
Ro. 16. 27. 1 T.1.17.1 Pt.5.11. J.S
Jos. 7. 19. give glory to God of Israel,
18.6.5. I Chr. 16, 29. Ps. 29. 2. &96.
8. & 115, 1. Lk. 17. 18. Rev. 14 7.
Ps. 19. 1. glory of God, Prov. 25. 2
Acts 7. 55. Rom. 3. 23. & 5.2.1 Cor.
10. 81. & 11. 7.2 Cor. 4. 6. Rev. 21.11.

[ocr errors]


GLORY.-Ex. 16. 7. glory of the Lord, Num. 14. 21. 1 Kings 8. 11. Ps. 104. 81. & 138. 5. Isa. 35. 2. & 40. 5. & 60. 1. Ezek. 1. 28. & 3. 12, 23. & 43. 5. & 44. 4. Luke 2. 9. 2 Cor. 3. 18. Ps. 29. 9. his glory, 49. 17. & 72. 19. & 113. 4. & 148. 13. Prov. 19. 11. Isa. 6. 3. Hab. 3. 3. Matt. 6. 29. & 19. 28.

25. 31. John 2. 11. Rom. 9. 23. Eph. 1. 12. & 3. 16. Heb. 1. 3. Job 29. 20. my glory, Ps. 16. 9. & 30. 12. & 57. 8. & 108. 1. Isa. 42. 8. & 43. 7. & 48. 11. & 60. 7. & 66. 18. John 8. 50. & 17. 24. Ex. 83. 18. thy glory, Ps. 8. 1. & 63. 2. Isa. 60. 19. & 63. 15. Jer. 14. 21. 1 Chron. 16. 10. glory ye in his holy Ps. 64. 10. upright in heart shall g. 106. 5. I may g. with thy inheritance Isa. 41. 16. shall g. in Holy One of 45.25. seed of Israel be justified, & g. Jer. 9. 24. him that glorieth g. in Rom.4.2. hath g. but not before God 5. 3. we g. in tribulation

1 Cor. 1. 31. that glorieth g. in the 3. 21. let no man g. in men [Lord 2 Cor.5.12. to g. on our behalf-them

which appearance not in heart 11.18.many g.after the flesh, I g.also 12. 1. it is not expedient for me to g. 9. will I rather g. in my infirmities Gal. 6. 14. God forbid I g. save Isa. 25.3. strong people glorify thee 60. 7. I will g. house of my glory Mt. 5. 16. g. your Father in heaven John 12. 28. Father g. thy name 17. 1. g. thy Son that Son g. thee what death he should g. God 1 Cor. 6. 20. g. God in your body and 1 Pt. 2. 12. g. God in day of visitation Rev. 15. 4. who shall not fear thee, and g. thy name [fied Lev. 10. 3. before all I will be glori Ps. 50. 23. whoso offereth praise g. Mt. 9.8. they g. God, 15. 31. Lk. 7. 16. John 7. 89. Jesus was not yet g. 12. 23. hour is come Son shall be g. 15. 8. herein is my Father g. 17. 10. all mine are thine, I am g. Acts 3. 13. God of our fathers hath g. his Son [done

4. 21. all men g. God for that was Rom. 1. 21. they g. him not as God 8. 30. whom he justified, them he g. Gal. 1. 24. they g. God in me 2 Thes. 1. 10. be g. in his saints 3. 1. word have free course and be g. Heb. 5. 5. even Christ . not himself 1 Pet. 4. 11. God in all things may be g. 14. on your part he is g. Rev. 18. 7. how she hath g. herself 1 Cor. 5. 6. glorying, 9. 15. 2 Cor. 7.4. Ex. 15. 6. glorious in power [& 12. 11. 11. who is like thee, g. in holiness Deut. 28. 58. fear this g. name 1 Chron. 29. 13. praise thy g. name Ps. 45. 13. king's daughter all g. 66. 2. make his praise g.

72. 19. blessed be his g. name, Neh. 76. 4. art more g. and excellent [9.5. 87.3. g. things spoken of city of God 111.3. his work is honourable and g. 145. 5. speak of g. honour of thy 12. make known his g. majesty Isa. 4. 2. branch of Lord shall be g. 11. 10. his rest shall be g. [house for ag.throne to his father's 30. 30. cause his g. voice to be heard 33. 21. g. Lord will be to us a place 49. 5. I be g. in eyes of the Lord 60. 13. make the place of my feet g. 63. 1. who is this g. in his apparel 12. his g. arm, 14. a g. name Jer. 17. 12. a g. high throne from Ro.8.21. g. liberty of God's children 2 Cor. 3. 7. ministration g. 8, 10, 11. 4. 4. light of g. Gospel should shine Eph. 5. 27. present a g. church Phil. 3. 21. vile body like his g. body


GLORY.-Col. 1. 11. according to his glorious power [of blessed 1 Tim. 1. 11. according to g. Gospel Tit. 2. 13. looking for g. appearance Ex. 15. 1. gloriously, Isa. 24. 23. GLUTTON, Deut. 21. 20. Prov.23. 21.

Matt. 11. 19. gluttonous, Luke 7.34. GNASH, Job 16. 9. Ps. 35. 16. & 37. 12. & 112. 10. Lam. 2. 16. Mark 9. 18. Mt. 8. 12. gnashing of teeth, 13. 42, 50. & 22. 13. & 24. 51. & 25. 30. Lk. 13. 28. GNAT, and swallow a camel, Mt. 23. GNAW, Zeph. 3. 8. Rev. 16. 10. [24. GO, Judg. 6. 14. 1 Sam. 12. 21. Matt. 8. 9. Luke 10. 37. John 6. 68. Job 10. 21. I go, Ps. 39. 13. & 139. 7. Matt. 21. 30. John 7. 33. & 8. 14, 21, 22. & 13. 33. & 16. 5.

Ex. 4. 23. let my people go, 5. 1. Gen. 32. 26. not let go, Ex. 3. 19. Job 27. 6. Song 3. 4. [Acts 25. 12. Ex. 23. 23. shall go, 32. 34. & 33. 14. 1 Sam. 12. 21. should go, Prov. 22. 6. Judg. 11. 35. go back, Ps. 80. 18. Num. 22. 18. go beyond, 1 Thes. 4. 6. Gen. 45. 1. go out, Ps. 60. 10. Isa. 52. 11. & 55. 12. Jer. 51. 45. Ezek. 46. 9. Matt. 25. 6. John 10. 9. 1 Cor. 5. 10. Deut 4. 40. go well with thee, 5. 16. & 19. 18. Prov. 11. 10. & 30. 29. Job 34. 21. seeth all his goings Ps. 17. 5. hold up my g. in thy paths 40. 2. set my feet and established my g. [sanctuary

68. 24. seen thy g. O God in the 121. 8. Lord preserve thy g. out Prov. 5. 21. he pondereth all his g. 20. 24. man's g. are of the Lord Mic. 5. 2. whose g. are of old, from GOAT, Lev. 3. 12. & 16. 8, 21, 22. Is. 1. 11. delight not in blood of goats Eze. 84. 17. judge between rams & g. Dan. 8. 5. he g. 8. rough g. 21. Zech. 10. 3. I punished the g. Mt. 25. 32, 33. set g. on his left hand Heb. 9. 12. blood of g. 13, 19. & 10. 4. GOD, and gods for men representing God, Ex. 4. 16. & 7. 1. & 22. 28. Ps. 82. 1, 6. John 10. 34; for idols put in God's place, Dt. 32. 21. Judg. 6. 31, and 140 other places; for devil, god of this world, 2 Cor. 4. 4; and for the true God about $120 times Gen. 17. 1. I am Almighty G. Job 36. 5. Is. 9. 6. & 10. 21. Jer. 32. 18. Gen. 17. 7. a G. to thee and thy seed, Ex. 6. 7. Gen. 21. 33. everlasting G. Ps. 90. 2. Isa. 40. 28. Rom. 16, 26. Ex. 8. 10. none like Lord our G. 1 K. 8. 23. Ps. 35. 10. & 86. 8. & 89. 6. 18. 11. Lord is greater than all gods Deut. 10. 17. G. of gods, Josh. 22. 22. Dan. 2. 47. Ps. 136. 2. Dt. 32. 39. there is no g. with me, 1 K. 8. 23. 2 K. 5. 15. 2 Chr. 6. 14. & 32. 15. Is. 43. 10. & 44. 6, 8. & 45.5, &c. Job 33. 12. G. is greater than man Ps. 18. 31. who is G. save the Lord, 86. 10. [Neh. 1. 5.

Dan. 9. 4. great and dreadful G. Mic. 7. 18. who a G. like thee [mon Mt. 6. 24. cannot serve G. and mam19. 17. none good but one, that is G. Mark 12. 27. not the G. of the dead, but the G. of the living

32. there is one G. and none other John 17. 8. only true G. 1 John 5. 20. Acts 7. 2. G. of glory appeared to Abraham [man a liar

Rom. 3. 4. let G. be true, and every 8. S1. if G. be for us, who against 9. 5. over all, G. blessed for ever 15. 5. G. of patience, 13. G. of hope 1 C. 15. 28. that G. may be all in all 2 C. 1. 3. G. of all comfort [11. 36. 2 Th. 2. 4. above all, called G. Dan. 1 Tim. 3. 16. G. manifest in flesh Heb. 8. 10. I will be to them a G. 10. 7, 9. I come to do thy will, O G.


GOD.-1 Pet. 5. 10. G. of all grace 1 Jn. 4. 12. no man seen G. Jn. 1. 18. Dt. 10. 17. great God, 2 S. 7. 22. 2 Chr. 2.5. Job 36. 26. Ne. 1. 5. Pro. 26. 10. Je.32.18,19. Da.9.4.Tt.2.13. Rv.19.17. Dt. 5. 26. living God, Josh. 3. 10. 1 S. 17. 26, 36. 2 K. 19. 4, 16.& 22 places Ex. 34. 6. God merciful, Dt. 4. 31. 2 Chr. 30.9. Ne.9.31. Ps.116.5.Jon.4.2. Gen. 49. 24. mighty God, Deut. 7.21. & 10. 17. Neh. 9. 32. Job 36. 5. Ps. 50. 1. & 132. 2, 5. Isa. 9, 6. & 10. 21. Jer. 32. 18. Hab. 1. 12.

2 Chr. 15. 3. true God, Jer. 10. 10. John 17. 3. 1 Th. 1. 9. 1 John 5. 20. Gen. 39. 9. do this wickedness and sin against G. Num. 21. 5. Ps. 78. 19. Hos. 13. 16. Acts 5. 39. & 23. 9. Rom. 8.7. & 9. 20. Rev. 13. 6. Dan. 11.36. Ps. 42. 2. before God, 56. 13. & 61. 7. & 68. 3. Ec. 2. 26. Lk. 1. 6. Ro. 2. 13. & 3. 19. 1 T. 5. 21. Jam. 1. 27. Rv.3.2. John 9. 16. of God, Acts 5. 39. Rom. 9. 16. 1 Cor. 1. 30. & 11. 12. 2 Cor. 3. 5. & 5. 18. Phil. 1. 28. 1 John 3. 10. & 4. 1, 3, 6. & 5. 19. 3 John 11. Ex. 2. 23. to God, Ps. 43. 4. Eccl. 12. 7. Isa. 58. 2. Lam. 3. 41. John 13. 3. Heb. 7. 25. & 11. 6. & 12. 23. 1 Pet. 8. 18. & 4. 6. Rev. 5. 9. & 12. 5. Gen. 5. 22. with God, 24. & 6. 9. & 32. 28. Ex. 19. 17. 1 Sam. 14. 45. 2 Sam. 23. 5. Job 9. 2. & 25. 4. Ps. 78. 8. Hos. 11. 12. John 5. 18. Phil. 2. 6. Gen. 28. 21. my God, Ex. 15. 2. Ps. 22. 1. & 31. 14. & 91. 2. & 118. 28. Hos. 2. 23. Zech. 13. 9. John 20. 17, 28, and about 120 other places

Ex. 5. 8. our God, Deut. 81. 17. & 32. 3. Josh. 24. 18. 2 Sam. 22. 32. Ps. 67. 6, and 180 other places Ex. 20. 2. thy God, 5,7, 10, 12. Ps. 50.7. & 81. 10, and about 340 other places Ex. 6. 7. your God, Lev. 11. 44. & 19. 2, 3, 4, and 140 other places Ex. 32. 11. his God, Lev. 4. 22, and about 60 other places

Gen. 17. 8. their God, Ex. 29. 45. Jer. 24. 7. & 31. 33. & 32. 38. Ezek. 11. 20. & 34. 24. & 37. 27. Zech. 8. 8. 2 Cor. 6. 16. Rev. 21. 3, and 50 other places 2 Chron. 36. 23. God of heaven, Ezra 5. 11. & 6. 10. & 7. 12, 23. Neh. 1. 4. & 2. 4. Ps. 136. 26. Dan. 2. 18, 19, 44. Jonah 1. 9. Rev. 11. 13. & 16. 11. Ex. 24. 10. God of Israel, Num. 16. 9. Josh. 7. 19. & 13. 33. & 22. 16, 24. & 24. 23. Judg. 11. 23. Ruth 2.12. Is. 41. 17. Jer. 31. 1. Ezek. 8. 4. Mt. 15. 31. Rom. 15. 33. God of peace, 16. 20. 2 Cor. 13. 11. 1 Th. 5. 23. Heb. 13. 20. Ps. 24. 5. God of his salvation, of our salvation, 65. 5. & 68. 19, 20. & 79. 9. & 85. 4. & 95. 1. [2.9. Acts 17. 29. Godhead, Rom. 1.20. Col. GODLY, Ps. 4. 3. & 12. 1. & 32.6. Mal. 2. 15. 2 Pet. 2. 9. 2 John 6. [sation 2 Cor. 1. 12. in g. sincerity, conver7.9. sorrow after a g. manner, 10, 11. Tit. 2. 12. live soberly, right, and g. Heb. 12. 28. serve God with g. fear 1 Tim. 2. 2. quiet life in all godliness, 10. & 3. 16. & 6. 3, 5, 11. 2 Tim. 3. 5. 4. 7. exercise thyself to g. 6. 11. 8. g. is profitable to all things 6.3. doctrine according to g. Tit.1.1. 6. g. with contentment is great gain 2 Tim. 3. 5. having a form of g. but 2 P. 1.3. all that pertain to life & g. 6. add to patience g. 7. tog.brotherly 3. 11. what ought ye to be in all g. GOLD, Gen. 2. 11. & 18. 2. Isa. 2. 7. Job 23. 10. I shall come forth like g. 31. 24. if I made g. my hope, fine σ. Ps. 19. 10. more desired than g. yea 119. 127. love thy commandments above g. yea, fine g. 72.

Pro. 8. 19. my fruit is better than g. Is. 13. 12. mk. man more.. than g.


GOLD.-Zech. 13. 9. try them as g.
1 Cor. 3. 12. build on this founda-
tion, g.
[3. 3.

1T. 2.9. modest apparel, not g. 1 Pt.
1 Pt.1. 7. trial of faith more precious
Rev. 3. 18. buy of me g. (than g.
GOOD, Deut. 6. 24. & 10. 13.

Gen. 1. 31. every thing was very g.
2. 18. not g. for man to be alone
32. 12. thou saidst I will do thee g.
50. 20. God meant unto g. [Is. 39. 8.
2 Kings 20. 19. g. is word of Lord,
Ps. 34. 8. taste & see that Lord is g.
73. 1. truly God is g. to Israel
85. 12. Lord give what is g. 84. 11.
86. 5. Lord, art g. ready to forgive
106. 5. may see the g. of thy chosen
119. 68. thou art g. and doest g.
145. 9. Lord is g. to all, 136. 1.
La. 3. 25. Lord g. to them that wait
Mic. 6. 8. shewed thee what is g.
Mt. 19. 17. why call me g. none is g.
Rom. 3. 8. do evil that g. may come
7. 18. how to perform g. I find not
1 Th. 5. 15. g. S John 11.
Neh. 2. 18. hand for this good work
Matt. 26. 10. wrought a-on me
John 10. 33. a-we stone thee not
2 Cor. 9. 8. abound to every-
Phil. 1. 6. begun a-will finish it
Col. 1. 10. fruitful in every-
2 Th. 2. 17. establish you in every-
1 Tim. 5. 10. followed every-
2 Tim. 2. 21. prepared to-Tit. 3. 1.
Tit. 1. 16. to every-reprobate
Heb. 13. 21. perfect in every---
Mat. 5. 16. may see your good works
John 10. 32. many-I shewed you
Acts 9. 36. Dorcas was full of-
Rom. 13. 3. not a terror to- [to-
Eph. 2. 10. created in Christ Jesus
1 T. 2. 10. women professing godli-
5. 10. reported of for- [ness with-
25. the-of some are manifest
Tit. 3. 8. careful to maintain-14.
Heb. 10. 24. provoke to love and-
1 Pet. 2. 12. may by your-which
Ex. 33. 19. make my goodness pass
34. 6. God abundant ing. and truth
2 Chron. 6. 41. let saints rejoice in g.
Neh. 9. 25. delight themselves in g.
35. not served thee in thy great g.
Ps. 16. 2. my g. extendeth not to
23. 6. g. and mercy shall follow me
27. 13. believed to see g. of Lord
81. 19. how great is thy g. Zech. 9. 17.
33. 5. earth full of g. of Lord, 145. 7.
52. 1. the g. of God endureth

65. 4. satisfied with g. of thy house
11. crownest the year with thy g.
Is. 63. 7. greatg. bestowed on Israel
Hos. 3. 5. fear the Lord and his g.
Rom. 2. 4. g. of God leadeth to re-
[of God

11. 22. behold the g. and severity
Eph. 5. 9. fruit of Spirit in all g. Gal.
GOSPEL, Mk. 1. 1, 15. & 8.35. [5.22.
Mt. 4. 23. preaching g. of kingdom
Mk. 16. 15. preach g. to every crea-
Acts 20. 24. g. of grace of God [ture
Ro. 1. 1. g. of God, 15. 16. 1 T. 1. 11.
1 Cor. 1. 17. but to preach the g.
4. 15. begotten you through the g.
9. 14. preach the g. live by the g.
2 C. 4. 3. if our g. hid, 4. glorious g.
11. 4. another g. which ye, Gal. 1. 6.
Gal. 1. 8. preach other g. 9. [peace
Eph. 1. 13. g. of salvation, 6. 15. g. of
Phil. 1. 5. fellowship in the g.
27. as it becometh the g. striving
for the faith of the g.
Col. 1. 5. truth of g. Gal. 2. 5.
23. moved away from the hope of g.
1 Thes. 1. 5. our g. came in power
Heb. 4. 2. unto us was g. preached
1 Pet. 4. 6. g. was preached to dead
Rev. 14. 6. everlasting g. to preach
GOVERNMENT, Is. 9. 6, 7. & 22.21.
1 Cor. 12. 28. 2 Pet. 2. 10.


GRACE, Ezra 9. 8. Esth. 2. 17.
Ps. 84. 11. Lord will give g. & glory
Prov. 3. 34. g. to lowly, James 4. 6.
Zech. 4. 7. with shoutings, g. g. to it
12. 10. spirit of g. and supplications
John 1. 14. Father full of g. 16. of
fulness receive g. for g. 17. g. and
truth came by Jesus [through g
Acts 18. 27. helped that believed
Rom. 3. 24. justified freely by his g.
5. 20. g. did much more abound
21. g. reigned to eternal life
6. 14. not under law, but g.
11. 5. according to the election of g.
6. if by g. then not of works,
otherwise g. is no more g.

2 Cor. 12. 9. my g. sufficient for thee
Eph. 2. 5. by g. ye are saved, 8. [7.
7. shew exceeding riches of his g. 1.
4. 29. minister g. to the hearers
Tit. 3. 7. justified by his g. [of g.
Heb.4.16. come boldly to the throne
12. 28. let us have g. to serve God
13. 9. heart be established with g.
1 Pet. 3. 7. heirs of the g. of life
5. 5. and giveth g. to the humble
2 Pet. 3. 18. grow in g. & knowledge
Rom. 1. 7. grace and peace to you
(opening salutation of the Epistles.)
Lk. 2. 40. grace of God, Acts 11. 23.
& 13. 43. & 14. 3, 26. & 15. 40. & 20. 24,
32. Ro. 5. 15. 1 Cor. 1. 4. & 3. 10. &
15.10. Eph. 3. 2,7. Heb. 2. 9. & 12. 15.
2 Cor. 1. 12. by-our conversation
6. 1. receive not-in vain

8. 1. of bestowed on churches
9. 14. for the exceeding-in you
Gal. 2. 21. I do not frustrate-
Col. 1. 6. knew-in truth

1 Pet. 4. 10. stewards of manifold—
5.12. this the true-wherein ye stand
Jde. 4. turning-into lasciviousness
Acts 15. 11. grace of our Lord Jesus
Christ, Ro. 16. 20, 24. 1 C. 16. 23. 2 C.
8. 9. & 13. 14. Gal. 6. 18. Phil. 4. 23.
1 The. 5. 28. 2 The. 3. 18. Philem.
Rev. 22. 21.-be with you all [25.
Gen. 43. 29. God be gracious to thee
Ex. 22. 27. I will hear for I am g. 33.
19. I will be g. to whom I will be g.
34. 6. Lord God merciful and g.
2 Chron. 30. 9. Neh. 9. 17, 31. Ps.
108. 8. & 116. 5. & 145.8. Joel 2. 13.
Num. 6. 25. Lord beg. 2 Sam. 12. 22.
Job 33. 24. then he is g. to him [g.
Ps. 77. 9. hath God forgotten to be
86. 15. full of compassion and g. 78.
38. & 111. 4. & 112. 4. [he may be g.
Isa. 30. 18. will the Lord wait that
19. he will be very g. to thee, 33. 2.
Amos 5. 15. may be, Lord will be g.
Jonah 4. 2. knew thou art a g. God
Mal. 1. 9. beseech God to be g. Isa.
33. 2.
[the Lord is g.
1 Pet. 2. 3. if ye have tasted that
Gen. 33. 5. graciously, 11. Ps. 119. 29.
Hos. 14. 2. receive us g.
GRAFTED, Rom. 11. 17, 19, 23, 24.
GRANT. Job 10. 12. Pro. 10. 24. Ro.
15.5. Eph. 3. 16. 2 T. 1. 18. Rv. 3.21.
GRAPES, of gall, Dt. 32. 32. Song 2.
13. the tender g. 7. 7. clusters of g.
Isa. 5. 4. wild g. Ezek. 18. 2. sour g.
Mic. 7. 1. g.-gleanings of vintage
GRASS, Ps. 37. 2. & 90. 5. & 92.7.
& 102. 4, 11. Isa. 44. 4. & 51. 12.
Ps. 103. 15. man's days are like g.
Isa. 40. 6. all flesh is g. 7, 8. 1 Pet.
1. 24. James 1. 10, 11.

Matt. 6. 30. if God so clothe the g.
Rev. 8. 7. green g. 9. 4. not hurt g.
GRAVE, 1 Kings 2. 9. & 14. 13.

1 Sam. 2. 6. Lord brings down tog.
Job 5. 26. come to thy g. in full age
14. 13. hide me in the g. 17. 1, 13.
Ps. 6. 5. in g. who shall give thanks
30. 3. Lord brought soul from the g.
Prov. 1. 12. swallow alive, as the g.
Eccl. 9. 10. no wisdom in the g.


GRAVE.-Isa.38.18. g. cannot praise
Hos. 13. 14. the power of the g. 0
g. I will be thy destruction
1 C. 15. 55. Og. where is thy victory
GRAVE, 1 Tim. 3. 4.8, 11. Tit. 227.
GRAVEN with an iron pen, Job 19.24.
Is. 49. 16. have g. thee on the palms
Jer. 17. 1. sin g. upon table of heart
Zec. 3. 9. I will engrave the graving
GRAY head. Ps.71.18. Pro 29. Ha
GREAT, Gen. 12. 3. & 30. 8.

Deut. 29. 24. g. anger, 2 Chr. 34. 21.
1 Sam. 6. 9. great evil, Neh. 13. 7.
Eccl. 2. 21. Jer. 44. 7. Dan. 2. 12.
Ps. 47. 2. great king, 48. 2. £ £
Mal. 1. 14. Matt. 5. 25.
Job 82. 9. great men, Jer. 5.5.
Ex. 32. 11. great power, Neh. 1. M.
Job 23. 6. Ps. 147. 5. Nah. 1. 1.
Acts 4. 33. & 8. 10. Rev. 11. 17.
Ex. 32. 21. so great, Deat. 4. 7, 8.
1 Kings 3. 9. Ps. 77. 13. & 103, 11.
Mt. 8. 10. & 15. 33. 2 Co. 1.10 Heb.
2. 3. & 12. 1. Rev. 16. 18. # 18. 17.
Job 5. 9. great things, 9. 10. & 17. 5.
Jer. 45. 5. Hos. 8. 12. Luke 1. §.
Gen. 6. 5. great wickedness, 29. 2. Job
92. 5. Joel S. 13. 2 Chron. 28. 12.
Job 33. 12. God is greater than man
Mt. 12. 42. g. than Solomon is bare
John 1. 50. see g. things than these
4. 12. art thou g. than, & 53 (than I
10. 29. my Father is g. than all 14.8.
1 Cor. 14. 5. g. is he that prop besieth
1 John 4. 4. g. is he that is in jus,
God g. than our heart, 3. M.
5. 9. witness of God is g. [tressed
1 Sam. 30. 6. David was greatly dis-
2 S. 24. 10. I have sinned a. in that I
1 K. 18. 3. Obadiah feared Lord g
1 Chr. 16. 25. great is Lord & g. to
be praised, Ps. 48. 1. & 96. 4. & 16.1
2 Chron. 33. 12. humbled himself g.
Job 3. 25. thing I g. feared a come
Ps. 28. 7. my heart . rejoiceth
47.9. God is g. exalted
89. 7. God is g. to be feared in the
116. 10. I was g. afflicted
Dan. 9. 23. O man, g. beloved, 10.
Mark 12. 27. ye do g. err 11, 19
Ex. 15. 7, greatness of thy excede ory
Num. 14. 19. pardon(spare me, Neh.
13. 22.) according to g. of mercy
Deut. 32. 3. ascribe ye g. to our God
1 Chr. 29. 11. thine is the g. 2 Chr94+
Ps. 66. 3. g. of thy power, 73 11. Eph.
145. 3. his g. unsearchable, 61.19
Is. 63. 1. travelling in g. of strength
GREEDY of gain, Pro. 1. 19; 15.7.
Isa. 56. 11. they are g. dogs, never
1 Tim. 3. 3. not g. of filthy Incre, 8
Eph. 4. 19. work uncleanness with


GRIEF, Isa. 53. 3, 4, 10. Heb. 13. 17.
Gen. 6. 6. grieved him at his heart
Judg.10.16.his soul was g. for misery
Ps. 95. 10. forty years long was I g
119. 158. I beheld and was g
139. 21. g. with those that rise up
Isa. 54. 6. woman forsaken and y.
Jer. 5. 3. stricken, they have not g
Lam. 3. 33. nor g, children of mem
Am.6.6. not g.for Joseph's affiction.
Mark 3. 5. g. for hardness of heart
10. 22. went away g. for he had great

Rom. 14. 15. if brother beg. with thy
Ps. 10. 5. ways are always prievo
Matt. 23. 4. burdens g. to be barne
Acts 20. 29. shall g. wolves enter
Heb. 19. 11. no chastening is joyous,
[not g

but g.

1 John 5. 3. his commandments are Mt. 8.6. grievously tormented, 15 GRIND the faces of poor, Isa. 3 15 Matt. 21. 44. it will him to powder Eccl. 12. 3. grinders cease because GROAN earnestly, 2C. 5.2, 4. few,4 John 11. 33. Jesus groaned in spirit


GROAN.-Rom. 8. 22. whole creation groaneth

Ps. 6. 6. weary with my groaning 38. 9. my g. is not hid from thee 102. 20. to hear the g. of prisoners Rom. 8. 26. g. cannot be uttered GROUNDED, staff (i.e. of doom), Isa. 30. 32.

Eph. 3. 17. rooted and g. in love Col. 1. 23. if continue in the faith g. GROW, Gen. 48. 16. 2 Sam. 23. 5. Ps. 92. 12. g. like cedar in Lebanon Hos. 14. 5. g. as a lily, 7. g. as a vine Mal. 4. 2. shall g. up as calves of the Eph. 2. 21. g. unto a holy temple 4. 15. g. up into him in all things 1 Pet. 2. 2. milk of word that ye 2 Pet. 3. 18. g. in grace [may g. GRUDGE. Lev. 19. 18. James 5. 9. 1 Pet. 4. 9. grudging, 2 Cor. 9. 7. GUIDE unto death, Ps. 48. 14. Ps. 78. 24. g. me with thy counsel 112. 5. g. his affairs with discretion Pro. 2. 17. forsaketh g. of youth Is. 58. 11. Lord shall g. continually Jer. 3. 4. my Father, thou art g. of Luke 1. 79. g. our feet into way of John 16. 13. g. you into all truth 1 Tim. 5. 14. bear children, g. house GUILE, Ex. 21. 14. Ps. 55. 11. 2 Cor. 12. 16. 1 Thes. 2. 3.

Ps. 82. 2. in whose spirit is no g. 34. 13. keep thy lips from g. 1 P.3. 10. John 1. 47. Israelite in whom no g. 1 Pet. 2. 1. laying aside malice and g. 22. neither was g. found in mouth GUILTY, Lev. 4. 13. & 22. 27.

Ex. 34. 7. by no means clear the g. Num. 14. 18. Gen. 42. 21. Rom. 3. 19. all world a. before God 1 Cor. 11. 27. g. of body & blood of Jam. 2. 10. offend in one point, g. of Ex. 20. 7. not hold him guiltless [all GULF, fixed, Luke 16. 26.


HABITABLE part, Prov. 8. 31. HABITATION, 2 Chr. 6. 2. & 29. 6. Dt. 26. 15. look down from thy holy h. Ps. 68. 5. Jer. 25. 30. Zech. 2. 13. Ps. 26. 8. loved the h. of thy house thou my strong h. whereunto 74. 20. earth full of h. of cruelty 89. 14. are h. of thy throne, 97. 2. 91. 9. hast made Most High thy h. 107. 7. led them forth to city of h. Prov. 3. 33. he blesseth h. of just Isa. 33. 20. see Jerusalem a quiet h 63. 15. behold from k. of thy holiness Jer. 31. 23. Lord bless h. of justice Lk. 16. 9. receive into everlasting h. Eph. 2. 22. h. of God through spirit Ju. 6. angels which left their own h. Rev. 18. 2. Babylon is become h. of HAIL, Isa. 28. 2, 17. Rev. 8.7. & 16. 21. HAIR, Job 4. 15. Song 4. 1.

Ps. 40. 12. more than . of head, 69. 4. Hos. 7. 9. gray h. are here and there Matt. 5. 36. not make one h. white or 10. 30. k. of head numbered, Lk. 12.7. 1 C. 11. 14. long h. 1 T. 2. 9. broidered h. 1 Pet. 3. 3. plaiting h. HALT, between two, 1 Kings 18. 21. Mic. 4. 6. assemble her that halteth Jer. 20. 10. watched for my halting HAND, Gen. 3. 22. & 16. 12.

Deut. 33. 8. all his saints are in thy A. Ezr. 7.9. good h. of his God on him 8. 22. h. of our God is upon them Job 12.6. into whose h. God bringeth Pro. 10. 4. h. of diligent maketh rich 11. 21. though h. join in h. 16. 5. 12. 24. the h. of diligent shall bear Is. 1.12. who required this at your h. Matt. 22. 13. bind him h. and foot John 13.3.given all things into his A.


HAND.-1 Pet. 5. 6. humble yourselves under h. of God [ed short Num. 11. 23. is the Lord's hand wax2 Sam. 24. 14. fall into-not of man Job 2. 10. good at-and not evil 12.9.-hath wrought this, Isa. 41. 20. 19. 21. have pity, for-hath touched Isa. 40. 2. received of the-double 59. 1.-is not shortened that it Ps. 16. 8. he is at my right hand, I 11. at thy-are pleasures evermore 18. 35. thy-hath holden me up 48. 10. thy-is full of righteousness 73. 23. hast holden me by my110.5.Lord at thy-shall strike kings 137. 5. let my-forget her cunning 139. 10. thy h. lead and thy-hold Prov. 3. 16. length of days is in herEc. 10. 2. wise man's heart at his9. 1. wise & their works in h. of God Song 2.6.his-doth embrace me,8.3. Mt. 5. 30. if thy-offend thee, cut it 6.3.left . not know what thy-doeth 20. 21. one on the-other on left 25. 33. sheep on-goats on left, 34, 41. Mark 14. 62. sitting on-of power 16. 19. sat on-of God, Rom. 8. 34. Col. 8. 1. Heb. 1. 3. & 8. 1. & 10. 12. 1 Pet. 3. 22. Acts 2. 33. & 7. 55, 56. Ps. 31. 5. into thy hand I commend my spirit, Lk. 23. 46. cp. Acts 7.59. 145. 16. thou openest-and satisfiest Prov. 30. 32. lay-upon thy mouth Eccl. 9. 10. whatsoever-findeth to Isa. 26. 11. when-is lifted up, they Matt. 18. 8. if-or thy foot offend Acts 4. 28. to do whatsoever-and Gen. 27. 22. hands are the h. of Esau Ex. 17. 12. Moses' h. were heavy Job 17. 9. clean h. shall be stronger Ps. 24. 4. clean h. and a pure heart 76. 5. men of might found their h. 119. 73. thy h. made, fashioned me Pro. 31. 20. reacheth h. to the needy 31. give her of the fruit of her h. Isa. 1. 15. spread forth your h. I will hide, h. full of blood Mic. 7. 3. do evil with both h. Matt. 18. 8. having two h. or feet Lk. 1. 74. out of h. of our enemies 9. 44. delivered into h. of men 24. 59. behold my h. and feet John 13. 9. but also my h. and head 2 Cor. 5. 1. house not made with h. Eph. 4. 28. working with his h. 1 Tim. 2. 8. lifting up holy h. Heb. 9. 11. tabernacle, not made with h. [h. of the living God

10. 31. fearful thing to fall into the Jam. 4. 8. cleanse your h. ye sinners 1 John 1. 1. our h. handled word Col.2.14. hand writing of ordinances HANDLE me and see, Luke 24. 39. Col. 2. 21. taste not, h. not

2 Cor. 4. 2. not h. word deceitfully HANDMAID, Ps. 86. 16. & 116. 16. Prov. 30. 23. Luke 1. 38, 48. HANG, Ps. 137. 2. Jo. 8. 29. [3. 13. Dt. 21. 23. h. accursed of God, Gal. 28. 66. thy life shall h. in doubt Job 26. 7. heh. the earth on nothing Matt. 18. 6. millstone h. about neck 22. 40. on these h. law & prophets Heb. 12. 12. hands which h. down HAPPEN, Jer. 44. 23. Rom. 11. 25. Prov. 12. 21. no evil shall h. to just, 1 Pet. 4. 12. as if strange thing h. Eccl. 2. 14. one event h. to them all 8.14.h. according to wk. of righteous 9. 11. time and chance h. to all 1 Cor. 10. 11. these h. for ensamples HAPPY I, the daughters, Gn. 30. 13. Deut. 33. 29. h. art thou, O Israel 1 K. 10. 8. h. are thy men, h. these Job 5. 17. h. whom God correcteth Ps. 127. 5. h. who hath his quiver 128. 2. h. shalt thou be, and be well 137. 8. h. that rewards thee, 9. 144. 15. h. people whose God is Lord


HAPPY.-Ps. 146. 5. h. that hath God of Jacob [treacherously Jer. 12. 1. why are they h. that deal Pro. 3.13. h. that findeth wisdom, 18. 14. 21. that hath mercy on poor, h. is 16. 20. who trusteth in Lord, h. is he 28. 14. h. is man that feareth alway 29. 18. he that keepeth law, h. is he Mal. 3. 15. we call the proud 4. that John 13. 17. h. are ye, if ye do them Rom. 14.22.h. he that condemns not Jam. 5. 11. count h. which endure 1 Pet. 3. 14. suffer for righteousness' sake, h. are ye [Christ, h. are ye 4. 14. reproached for the name of 1 Cor. 7. 40. happier if she so abide HARD, Gen. 35. 16, 17. Ex. 1. 14. & 18. 26. 2 Sam. 13. 2. Ps. 88. 7. Gen. 18. 14. any thing too h. for Lord 2 S. 3. 39. sons of Zeruiah too h. for 2 Kings 2. 10. thou askest ah, thing Ps. 60.3. shewed thy people h. things Prov.18.15.way of transgressors is h. Jer.32.17. nothing too h.for thee, 27. Matt. 25. 24. that thou art a . man Mk. 10. 24. how h. for them..riches John 6. 60. this is a h. saying; who Acts 9. 5. h. for thee to kick, 26. 14. 2 P. 3. 16. things h. to be understood Jude 15. of all their h. speeches HARDEN, Ex. 4. 21. Deut. 15. 7. Josh. 11. 20. Job 6. 10. & 39. 16. Heb. 3. 8. h. not hearts as in the provocation, 15. & 4. 7. Ps. 95. 8. Job 9.4. hardened himself against G. Is. 63. 17. h. our heart from thy fear Mark 6. 52. their heart was h. 3. 5. Heb. 3. 13. h. through deceitfulness Pro.21.29.hardeneth face, 28.14.heart 29. 1. h. his neck shall be destroyed Rom. 9. 18. whom he will, he h. Pro. 18. 19. brother offended harder Jer. 5. 3. made faces h. than a rock Ezek. 3. 9. forehead h. than flint Mt. 19. 8. hardness of your hearts Mark 3. 5. grieved for the h. of their Rom. 2. 5. after thy h. and impenitent heart [soldier

2 Tim. 2. 3. endure h. as a good HARLOT, Gn. 34. 31. Jos. 2. 1. Jdg. 11. 1. Pro. 7. 10. Is. 1. 21. & 23. 15. Jer. 2.20. play the h. 3. 1, 6, 8. Ezk.16. 15, 16, 41. Hos. 2. 5. & 4. 15. [32. Mt.21.31.h.into kingdom of G.before 1 Cor. 6. 16. joined to h. is one body Heb. 11.31. by faith h. Rahab, Jam. 2. 25. Rahab h. justified by works Rev. 17. 5. mother of h. HARM, Gen. 31. 52. Acts 28. 5. 1 Chron. 16. 22. do my prophets no h. Ps. 105. 15. Prov. 3. 30. Jer. 39. 12. 1 Pet. 3. 13. who is he that will h. you Matt. 10. 16. harmless, Phil. 2. 15. Heb. 7. 26. holy, h. undefiled HARVEST, Gen. 8. 22. & 30. 14. Ex. 34. 21. in 4. thou shalt rest Isa. 9. 3. according to joy in h. Jer. 5. 24. reserved weeks of h. 8. 20. h. is past, summer is ended 51. 33. time of h. come, Joel 3. 13. Matt. 9. 37. h. plenteous, 38. pray ye the Lord of the h.

13. 39. h. is the end of the world Rev. 14. 15. h. of earth is ripe HASTE, Ex. 12. 11, 33. Isa. 52. 12. Ps. 31. 22. I said in my h. 116. 11. 38. 22. make h. help me, 40. 13. & 70. 1, 5. & 71. 12. & 141. 1. 119. 60. I made h. and delayed not Song 8. 14. make h. my beloved Is. 28. 16. believeth shall not make h. 49. 17. thy children shall make . Ps. 16. 4. hasten after another god Isa. 5. 19. let him h. his work that we 60. 22. I the Lord will h. it in his time Jer. 1. 12. I will h. my word Prov. 14. 29. hasty of spirit, Eccl. 7.9. 21. 5. thoughts of h. tend to want 29.20. h. in words? more hope of fool

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