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I had then the ceremony to go through of being made acquainted with a considerable number of my Clergy. Among whom was my old schoolfellow at Whitchurch, Mr. Parsons, some years older than myself, whom I recollect when I was quite an urchin. Then all our new servants were paraded before us under their respective names of Chobdars, Sotaburdars', Hurkarus', Khânsaman2, Abdar3, Sherabdar*, Khitmutgars, Sirdar Bearer, and Bearers, cum multis aliis. Of all these, however, the Sircar was the most conspicuous, a tall fine looking man, in a white muslin dress, speaking good English, and the editor of a Bengalee newspaper, who appeared with a large silken and embroidered purse full of silver coins, and presented it to us, in order that we might go through the form of receiving it, and replacing it in his hands. This, I then supposed, was a badge of his office, but I afterwards found that it was the relic of the ancient Eastern custom of never approaching a superior without a present, and that, in like manner, all the natives who visited me offered a "nuzzur," or offering, of a piece of gold or silver money.

'Men who carry silver sticks before people of rank; or Messengers, all bearing the generic appellation of Peons.

3 Water Cooler.


+ Butler.

7 Agent.-ED.

2 Steward.
6 Head of all the Bearers, and Valet de Chambre.


Calcutta-Description of Calcutta : Cathedral: Environs: QuayChild-murder-Barrrackpoor: Menagerie-Female Orphan Asylum -Consecration of Churches-Nach-Free School-Botanical Garden -Bishop's College-Native Female Schools-Distress among Euro


OCTOBER 11.-In the morning as the day broke, (before which time is the usual hour of rising in India) we were much struck by the singular spectacle before us. Besides the usual apparatus of a place of arms, the walks, roofs, and ramparts, swarmed with gigantic birds, the "hurgila," from "hur," a bone, and " gilana," to swallow, larger than the largest turkey, and twice as tall as the heron, which in some respects they much resemble, except that they have a large blue and red pouch under the lower bill, in which we were told they keep such food as they cannot eat at the moment'. These birds share with the jackalls, who enter the fort through the drains, the post of

1 It has since been ascertained by dissection, that this pouch has no connection with the stomach,-but has a very small tube opening into the nostril,-through which it is supposed air is admitted to enable the bird to breathe when the orifice of the throat is closed by any large substance, which it attempts, for some time in vain, to swallow. At such time the pouch is in this way inflated with air, and respiration goes on unimpeded.-ED.



scavenger, but unlike them, instead of flying mankind and daylight, lounge about with perfect fearlessness all day long, and almost jostle us from our paths. We walked some time round the square, and were amused to see our little girl, walking with her nurse, in great delight at the animals round her, but rather encumbered with the number of servants who had attached themselves to her. For her especial service, a bearer, a khitmutgar, a hurkaru, and a cook, were appointed, and there were besides the two former, one of the silver sticks with her, and another bearer with a monstrous umbrella on a long bamboo pole, which he held over her head in the manner represented on Chinese screens ;-my wife soon reduced her nursery establishment,—but we afterwards found that it is the custom in Calcutta to go to great expense in the equipage of children.

A lady told us she had seen a little boy of six years old, paraded in a poney phaeton and pair, with his "Ayah," or nurse, coachman, "Chattahburdar," or umbrella-bearer, a saees on each side, and another behind, leading a third poney, splendidly caparisoned, not in case the young Sahib should choose to ride, he was too young for that,but, as the saees himself expressed it, "for the look of the thing." This, however, rather belongs to old times, when as a gentleman assured me, he had himself heard at the dinner party of one of the Company's civil servants, a herald proclaiming aloud all the great man's titles; and when a palanquin with the silk brocade, and gilding which then



adorned it, frequently cost 3000 rupees; at present the people are poorer and wiser.

The approach to the city from the fort is striking; we crossed a large green plain, having on the left the Hooghly, with its forest of masts and sails seen through the stems of a double row of trees. On the right-hand is the district called Chowringhee, lately a mere scattered suburb, but now almost as closely built as, and very little less extensive than, Calcutta. In front was the esplanade, containing the Town Hall, the Governmenthouse, and many handsome private dwellings,the whole so like some parts of Petersburgh, that it was hardly possible for me to fancy myself any where else. No native dwellings are visible from this quarter, except one extensive but ruinous bazar, which occupies the angle where Calcutta and Chowringhee join. Behind the esplanade, however, are only Tank-square, and some other streets occupied by Europeans,-the Durrumtollah and Cossitollah are pretty equally divided between the different nations, and all the west of Calcutta is a vast town, composed of narrow crooked streets, brick bazars, bamboo huts, and here and there the immense convent-like mansion of some of the more wealthy" Baboos" (the name of the native Hindoo gentleman, answering to our Esquire) or Indian merchants and bankers. The Town-hall has no other merit than size, but the Government-house

The highest price of an English built palanquin in the present day, is 300 rupees.-ED.

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has narrowly missed being a noble structure; it consists of two semicircular galleries, placed back to back, uniting in the centre in a large hall, and connecting four splendid suites of apartments. Its columns are, however, in a paltry style, and instead of having, as it might have had, two noble stories and a basement, it has three stories, all too low, and is too much pierced with windows on every side. I was here introduced to Lord Amherst; and afterwards went to the Cathedral, where I was installed. This is a very pretty building, all but the spire, which is short and clumsy. The whole composition, indeed, of the Church, is full of architectural blunders, but still it is, in other respects, handsome. The inside is elegant, paved with marble, and furnished with very large and handsome glass chandeliers, the gift of Mr. M'Clintoch, with a light pulpit, with chairs on one side of the chancel for the Governor-General and his family, and on the other for the Bishop and Archdeacon. We dined to-day at the Governmenthouse; to a stranger the appearance of the bearded and turbaned waiters is striking.

October 12.-This was Sunday. I preached, and we had a good congregation.

October 13.-We drive out twice a day on the course; I am much disappointed as to the splendor of the equipages, of which I had heard so much in England; the horses are most of them both small and poor, while the dirty white dresses and bare limbs of their attendants, have, to an unaccustomed eye, an appearance of any thing but wealth and

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