LIFE OF HENRY VIII. By Mr. WILLIAM SHAKESPEAR. LONDON: Printed for J. TONSON: And Sold by W. FEALIS PROLOGU E. I Come no more to make you laugh; things now The play may pafs) if they be ftill and willing, As they were living: think you see them great, KING Henry the Eight. Cardinal Wolley, his firft Minifter and Favourite. Duke of Buckingham. Earl of Surrey. Lord Chamberlain. Cardinal Campeius, the Pope's Legat. Capucius, Ambassador from the Emperor Charles the Fifth. Gardiner, Bishop of Winchefter. Lord Abergavenny. Lord Sands. Sir Henry Guildford. Sir Thomas Lovell. Sir Anthony Denny, Cromwell, firft Servant to Wolfey, afterwards to the Griffith, Gentleman-Ufher to Queen Katharine.. Dr. Butts, Phyfician to the King. Surveyor to the Duke of Buckingham. Queen Katharine, firft Wife to King Henry, afterwards Divorc'd. Anne Bullen, belov'd by the King, and afterwards married to him. An old Lady, Friend to Anne Bullen. Patience, Woman of the Bed-Chamber to Queen Katharine. Several Lords and Ladies in the dumb Shews. Women attending upon the Queen. Spirits which appear to her. Scribes, Officers, Guards, and other Attendants. The SCENE lies moftly in LONDON. www The LIFE of HENRY VIII. ACT I. SCENE I. Enter the Duke of Norfolk at one door: at the other the Duke of Buckingham, and the Lord Abergavenny, BUCKINGHAM, OOD morrow, and well met. How have you done Since last we faw y'in France ? Nor. I thank your Grace: Healthful, and ever fince a fresh admire Buck. An untimely ague Stay'd me a pris'ner in my chamber, when Nor. 'Twixt Guynes and Arde: I was then prefent, faw 'em falute on horfe-back, * Sons. |