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trict Superintendent in New York City he saw at first-hand most of the phases of City School supervision. His thoughtful presentation of the underlying principles of administration in their relation to the public, the school officials, the teachers, the pupils and the state and nation, will enable all readers of his volume to comprehend the greatness of the task of supervising a city's schools. Those who aspire to secure employment of this kind-be they students in schools of education or already engaged in supervisory work in smaller towns, will find these chapters of greatest value and interest.

SURVEY OF THE ST. LOUIS PUBLIC SCHOOLS. In three volumes. By Charles H. Judd, Director; H. C. Morrison, W. R. MacCornack, F. B. Dresslar, S. O. Hartwell, E. A. Peterson, George A. Mirick, J. F. Bobbitt, William S. Gray, Frank N. Freeman, Walter F. Dearborn, A. D. Freeman, and Harold O. Rugg. (The third three volumes in the Educational Survey Series.) Cloth $2.25 per volume. World Book Company, Yonkers-onHudson, New York, Publishers.

This is the most significant and important of the many surveys of public school systems undertaken since that of New York City in 1913. This is particularly true for both size and importance of the school system surveyed and for the thoroughness and efficiency of the work. The volumes will be particularly useful to public school administrators and every up-to-date school teacher. The volumes are as follows: Volume I., Organization and Administration. Volume II., The Work of the Schools. Volume III., Finance.

EASY SPANISH READER. By Joel Hatheway (High School of Commerce, Boston, Mass.) and Eduardo Bergé Soler, Instructor in Spanish in the same school. Macmillan. Price $1.10.

Furnishes a large amount of easy reading to the many students of Spanish who are preparing to enter commercial life. Such books are Deeded. Such studies are practical and essential, in view of the large commerce which is assured between North American and South American countries.

A FIRST BOOK IN SPANISH. J. P. Wickersham Crawford, Ph. D. Macmillan. Price $1.20.

Well adapted to give the pupil the fundamental principles and a sufficient working knowledge to enable him to speak, read and write the language. One of the best text books, covering this subject, that has come to our notice.

A LABORATORY COURSE IN PHYSICS OF THE HOUSEHOLD. To accompany Lynde's Physics of the Household. By Carleton John Lynde, Ph.D. Macmillan. Price 90 cents.

This useful handbook explains the principles of levers, weights and measures, heat, electricity, light, sound, etc. as these bear upon household usage and economics. The chapters are well illustrated. The experiments impress the theoretical and practical facts upon the consciousness of the student and will make for scientific and therefore satisfactory housekeeping and homemaking.

SCIENCE OF PLANT LIFE. A High School Botany Treating of the Plant and Its Relation to the Environment. By Edgar Nelson Transeau, Professor of Botany, Ohio State University. In New World Science Series, edited by John W. Ritchie. Cloth. Illustrated. ix. +336 pages. Price $1.48. World Book Company, Yonkers-on-Hudson, New York.

The author of this volume believes that the school's work in botany should have in view a practical end and that it should serve as a basis for agriculture, horticulture and forestry. This conception seems proper in institutions supported by the state and having in mind the common good. Every citizen should have at his command just such knowledge as is contained in this book. It is an excellent text, which we commend to the attention of high school principals.

Periodical Notes

THE OUTLOOK for April 2 has a remarkably fine group picture of Lloyd George, Clemenceau, General Foch, Orlando, and Sonnino. It helps in the understanding of current history to visualize these great leaders. THE AMERICAN JOURNAL OF SOCIOLOGY for March contains a sane and suggestive discussion by Prof. David Snedden, of Teachers College, Columbia University, on the "Probable Economic Future of American Women." He describes the conditions which presumably should and will underlie programs of vocational education for girls and women. THE JOURNAL OF THE FRANKLIN INSTITUTE contains a timely article on "The Visibility of Airplanes," by M. Luckiesh. Educators will be interested in the illustrated article by U. Roy Sewrey in MANUAL TRAINING MAGAZINE for April, on "How Rockford, Ill., is Meeting the Industrial Education Problem." GOOD HEALTH for April has a good article by Emma Frances, M. S., on "The Value of Green Foods."

THE CENTURY FOR MAY will make the readers' hearts burn with the joy and pride of victory as they read Col. R. H. C. Kelton's personal testimony about "The Miracle of Chateau-Thierry."


Do you plan to undertake the work of a principal after having spent some years as a grade or subject teacher? If so, take home with you this summer the most authoritative book on the work of a principal, Perry's "The Management of a City School." Postpaid $1.80.

Have you ever felt that discipline, in your classes, has been a problem that has not been getting less difficult after years of experience?

If so, devote some of those hours in the hammock to Bagley's books, "School Discipline" or "Classroom Management." Each, Postpaid $1.50.

Have you ever suspected that perhaps some other teacher in your building may be making just a little more of a success of her teaching than you are?

If so, put a copy of Strayer and Norsworthy's "How to Teach" in your steamer trunk. Postpaid $1.40.


your work ever seemed dull and uninspiring? If so, tuck a copy of that inspiring little book, Patri's A Schoolmaster of the Great City," in your suitcase for the trip home. Postpaid $1.32

Have you ever been puzzled and discouraged by the erratic and seemingly endless foibles of childhood?

If so, take with you a copy of Norsworthy and Whitley's" Psychology of Childhood," to read when it rains. Postpaid $1.60.

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Devoted to the Science, Art, Philosophy and Literature

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A Square Deal for Every Child in the


No. 1Ο




•÷HE glaring contrasts in educational efficiency brought to light by the application of the selective draft law have emphasized as never before the necessity of studying the opportunities for training afforded to the youth of our Commonwealth. With the means of furnishing good schools based upon the property valuation of a community, the larger and richer districts have succeeded in providing the best educational advantages for their children, while others, whose valuation has been low, have been obliged to deny to the children living within their limits the advantages necessary to equip them for successful advancement in professional and industrial life. Instead of the modern fireproof school buildings, equipped with up-to-date furniture and apparatus, adapted to the needs of pupils and making possible their natural and complete development for efficient living, and instead of selected professionally trained and well paid teachers, such as are commonly found in the cities and larger towns, the less favored districts have still

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