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funds in hand to relieve the immediate necessities of those whom I visit at their own houses, and also to give a little assistance to patients on leaving the hospital. But the demands which will shortly be made upon me, as well as upon our mission generally, will be of a greater extent and a larger scale than we have hitherto experienced. I would not unnecessarily tax the liberality of those kind Christian friends who have so bountifully supplied me both with money and clothes for the relief of our destitute Jewish brethren, but it is right that our Christian friends who feel interested in their behalf, at home, should be made acquainted with their real position.

"A good supply of blankets would be very serviceable on the approach of the following winter, as also of flannel and warm clothing.'


Mr. Luria, who is labouring amongst his brethren in Egypt, sends us, in his letter of August 3, most fearful accounts of the visitation of that dreadful scourge the Cholera. It interrupts his missionary labours, and must weigh down men's hearts with apprehension, We give the following letter, not as illustrating missionary work, but rather as exhibiting the dangers to which our missionary is exposed:


"I regret to say," writes Mr. Luria, during the past month my missionary labours have been suddenly interrupted. Egypt was visited with that violent scourge, the Cholera, which began

Any contributions in answer to this appeal, will be gladly received at 3, Chatham Place, Blackfriars, London, and forwarded thence to Dr. Macgowan.

to rage on the 14th of the past month. It was apparently following the course of the Nile, and is now making great havoc among the villages on both sides of the river. Here, its deadly execution appeared at first at Boulac and Old Cairo, and there it was much more violent than in the city, in consequence, as is generally supposed, of the locality being close to the Nile. Of the

poor people who were attacked by the Cholera, very few survived. On the contrary, of those who had the means to apply for medical assistance immediately, nearly all were preserved. Dr. Rossi told me he had 216 cases under his treatment, and of these only five died, who did not apply the medicine as he ordered. Several Englishmen, amongst whom was a young and pious physician, Dr. Anderson, were removed from time to eternity. They were on the Nile, and therefore had no assistance; and Dr. A. was attacked about midnight, when alone in his room, and it was not known till the next morning. Many other divers maladies are sweeping away great numbers of people, and now we resign ourselves entirely into the hands of our God; for He is our most gracious and merciful Father, and Him alone we shall praise for delivering us from these heavy and dire visitations.

"About a fortnight ago, there was, at Tanta in the Delta, one of the two annual fairs, and then the Cholera most fearfully attacked that great conflux of people. A great many fleeing thence died on the road, and their remains were conveyed hither in vessels. Those, when attacked on the road, and conveyed here alive, as they had no immediate assistance, almost all of them died. Immediately I received the reso

lution of June 28, which allowed me to make a missionary journey, I prepared everything necessary for the tour; but when on the point of setting out, I was dissuaded from doing so.


Cholera, as I mentioned above, is raging on both sides of the Nile, where I must pass through, and it was then feared, if it should come to Alexandria, that there it would be more violent than here, for there, at this season, much dampness is rising from the surrounding lakes, Mareotis, Maadia, and Etko, and from the stagnant waters of the canal Mahomudia. In a short time after that, we heard that the Cholera had spread itself all over Egypt. I must therefore postpone my journey, if it please God, till he shall entirely remove this scourge from the land of Egypt.'

"I received from the police office, a list of the deaths of Cholera, from the 14th of July to the end of that month, which amounted to more than 2000. I hope, if God shall preserve me, to send you the account of the deaths from the beginning till it entirely disappears. I just received a letter from Alexandria, telling me that the Cholera is most fearfully raging there; numbers of men, every morning, are found dead in their beds.


This city is the scene of that awful visitation the Cholera. The conduct of the Jews employed by Mr. Solbe, in visiting and helping the afflicted, is beautiful and interesting in the extreme. Under the date of August 6th, Mr. S. says:

“Although I am, and have been for some weeks past, in a very sad state of health, yet I cannot allow this mail to go without endeavouring

to give you some brief information on the state of this town and mission. In my last, I mentioned that the Cholera had broken out, and that a few cases had been reported. Since that period, however, that dreadful pestilence has been increasing, and has now been raging with great virulence, especially in the Jewish and Turkish quarters of the town. The appearance of this once commercial and populous place is now wretched and gloomy in the extreme. The opinion given out by medical men, that Cholera is contagious, or infectious, has spread a universal panic, and has tended to increase the misery and wretchedness tenfold. Franks, Greeks, Jews, Turks, and Armenians have all taken the alarm, and thousands of them have fled to the neighbouring villages, or to the Greek Islands. Almost all the shops are closed, and there are whole streets in which the houses are deserted. In our neighbourhood, in which several cases of Cholera occurred, the most complete silence reigns, nearly all our neighbours, rich and poor, have fled. Many of my Jewish acquaintances, many to whom I have preached the glorious gospel of Christ, have been swept away. Awful and melancholy beyond description is the state of this wretched town at present! Happy they! and they only, who can say of the Almighty, He is my refuge and my fortress; in Him will I trust; surely He will deliver me from the snare of the fowler, and from the noisome pestilence.'

"Though completely exhausted, suffering as I have been for a long time, from an intermittent nervous fever, and though strongly recommended by physicians and friends to go into the country for change of air, which is the only remedy

likely to do me good, I have hitherto resisted all their entreaties, and determined with God's help and grace, to remain at my post. I have not the heart to leave my poor Jews in the very midst of anguish, distress, and disease, no not even for a week. I continue to receive daily visits from many of them, and especially from those who encouraged, and to a small extent assisted by me with pecuniary means, have devoted themselves to attend upon the sick during this dreadful visitation. And I may add, that no brotherhood, or sisterhood, either of Greek, Orthodox, or Roman Catholics have ever displayed more humanity, more devotedness, or more courage than my devoted band of Jews. I have even been obliged to call on some of them to attend on a poor Greek woman, who had been most inhumanly and cowardly abandoned by all her friends and neighbours, and they, when no Greek could be found who had sufficient humanity or moral courage to enter the room where the poor woman was suffering, bravely went in at my request, and assisted and considerably relieved her sufferings during the whole night, till the following morning, when persons were sent to transport her to the Greek Hospital.

Many and warm are the thanks and gratitude which the Jews who call upon me express, because I have remained near them in this calamity; they say that thousands of hearts and voices are lifted up to heaven, invoking the Lord's blessing and protection on me and mine.

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