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lity fimilar to that of the torpedo, 409, 500. CELIBACY, as impofed on the clergy, by the church of Rome, july exploded, 156. CHARLESI. circumftantial account of his imprisonment in Carifbrock caftle, 35. Of his attempt to escape, 37. CHATTERTON, acc. of him, and his publications, 208. CHEMISTRY, various obf, and experiments rel. to, 99, 134, 372,


CHIVALRY poetically defcribed, 342.

CHRIST, the duration of his ministry, 16. CHRONOLOGIE physique des erup

tions eteints de la France, 467. CIBOT, M. See MISSIONARIES. CLIMATE, influence of, on the

moral character of man, 22. COLONIES, American, in what refpects rather hurtful than advantageous to Great Britain, 425. CONNECTICUT-river, defcription of, 254.

COUNTRY, poor or rich according

to its population, 423. CROFT, Mr. his biographical anecdotes of Dr. Young, 113. DAUDENTON, M. his methods of improving the breed of fheep, 502. DEATH of Menteith, an ancient Scottish ballad, 292. DIMSDALE, Baron, his laft publication relative to inoculation, 172. Curious anecdote rel. to his practice in Rusia, 172. DISTILLATION. See ALEMBIC. DOBSON, Dr. his acc. of a fingu. lar African wind, 355. Douglas, Sir Charles, his Letter to

Mr. Thomfon, 455.

DRESS of the beaus of this coun

try, in the 14th century, 57. DYER, the poet, obferv. on his writings, 117.

EARTHQUAKES, in Wales, a remarkable circumflance relative to, 372.

EDUCATION, thoughts on, 349. ELECTRICITY, remarks and experiments rel. to, 175.

-. See alfo CASSINI. ELIZABETH, Q. her reign, and the age the lived in, favourable to poetry, 162. ENCYCLOPEDIE-the celebrated French Dictionary of Arts and Sciences, profpecus of a new edit. of, with a different arrangement of the materials, 514.

FARMER, American, pleafing de

fcription of the life of, before the breach with England, 402. FEAST, curious account of one,

with the prices of the provisions, in the 14th century, 58. FERMEN, Dr. his hift. of Surinam, tranflated, 149.

FORSTER, J. Keinhold, defcribes, in the Philof. Tranfactions, the tyger-cat of the Cape of Good Hope, 365.

FORTIS, Abbé, his acc. of alummines in Italy, 500. FOURCROY, M. his elementary inftructions in natural hift. &c. 466.

GAMING lefs prevalent in warm than in cold climates, 27. GANGES, river, acc. of, 366. See alfo BURRAMPOOTER. GARDEN, English, Mr. Mason's

poem on, completed, 405. GENLIS, Mad. her Adele, &c, or Letters on Education, 465. GOVERNMENT, and law, principles of difcuffed, 191-196. GRAVITATION, Kepler's theory of,

182. Other notions of, 183. GRAY, the poet, his writings criticited, 122.

GUENE F, Abbé, author of the Jew's Letters to Voltaire, 542. A new edition of that much applauded work, ib. 3


HALLER, memoirs of, and eu-
logium on, that great phyfio-
logitt, 508. Exemplary manner
of his death, 512.
HARLATAN, a fingular African
wind, defcribed, 365.
HENRY VIII. his talent for poe-
try, 85.
HERSCHEL, Mr. his aftronomical
obf, on the rotation of the pla-
nets round their axes, made
with a view to determine whe-
ther the earth's diurnal motion
is perfectly equable, 374
HIGHLANDS, of Scotland, ancient
and modern state of, with refpect
to literature and poetry, 51.
HUNTER, William, his new me-
thod of employing the Screw,
HUTTON, Mr. his certificate in fa-
vour of Mr. Thompson's im-
provement in the contruction of
a frigate, 455.

IDLENESS the vice of hot cli-
mates, 26.
JEALOUSY, lefs prevalent in
northern than in fouthern cli-
mates, 24.

JEURAT, M. his obferv. of the

moon, 505.

INFANTS, whofe mothers have

died in pregnancy, faved by the
Cefarian operation, 501.
INOCULATION for the fmall-pox,
Baron Dimfdale's prefent method
of performing, 173.
JOHNSON, Sam. remarks on a fen-
timent of his, unfavourable to
liberty, 121.

JUSTICES of the peace, remarks

rel. to their office, 45.
JUSTINIAN, Emperor, his ufeful
defign of reforming the ancient
Roman leg flation 205.

KEMPENFELT, Admiral, his let-

ter in behalf of Mr. Thomp-
fon's plan for improvements in
the construction of frigates, 455.
KIRWAN, Mr. his exper. on the

fpecific gravities and attractive
powers of various faline fub.
ftances, 372.

LANGUAGE, English, how in-
fluenced by the tranflation of
the bible, 91.

mical Memoirs. See BEZOUT.
LAW, William, his last words, and
infcription on his tomb, 155.
LEÇONS elemanatires de bist. nat.
et de chymie, 466.
LEFEBVRE de Villbrune, his edit.
of Silius Italicus, 467.
LENS, burning. See Cadet. See

LIQUORS, fermented, cuftomary
drinking of, its influence on the
morals and manners of men, 28.
On their health, &c. 29.
LONGITUDE, Contraversy rel. to.

LUXURY, carried to the highest
degrees in hot climates, 26.
LYTTELTON Ld. ftri&ture on his
poetry, 121.

MALLET, David, his character,


MARALDI, M. his obf. on the Sa-
tellites of Jupiter, 505.
MAROT, Clement, his poetical
character, 86.-His verfion of
the pfalms, ib. Brings palm-
finging into fashion at the court
of France, 87.-Ufe made of
them by Calvin, 88.
MECHANIQUE appliquée aux arts,
&c. 464.

MEMOIRES concern. Phiftoire, les
Sciences, &c. Vols. VII. and
VIII. By the miffionaries of
Peking, 466.

MENGS, the painter, his obfcure
explication of beauty, 527.
MESSIER, M. his obf. of a prodi
gious quantity of fmall globules
paffing before the fun's difk, 498.
on the comets of 1771

and 1772, 505.

[blocks in formation]

ROWLBIAN controversy, 206, 321,

433. RUSSIA, a complete hiftory of, published at Paris, 512. SANDWICH, Earl of, fketch of his character, 382. SAROS, or cycle of feafons, new difcovery of, 548. SCREW, new method of employing, to aftronomical and other purposes, 373.

SEJOUR, M. Dionis du, his continuation of his new analytical methods of calculating eclipfes of the fun, &c. 505. SHEEP, French memoir concern

ing the improvement of, 502. SHENSTONE, the poet, fome account of him, and his works, 119.

SHIP-building, plan for improvement in, with refpect to frigates, &c. 445. SHIPPING, of N. America, general table of, 543. Silius Italicus, correct edit. of, 467. SMEATHMAN, Mr. his curious account of the termites, or white ants, of Africa, &c. 368. SONG of Solomon, fpecimen of a new translation of, by a Lady,

258. SOULAVIE, ABBé, his account of extinguifhed Volcanoes in the S. of France, 467. SOUNDNESS in religious matters, what, 79. What it is not, ib. SOUNDS, mufical, the philofophy of, 12.

STEEL, Mrs. Anne, her excellent character, 337. Specimen of her poetry, 338. SUGARS, impolicy and injuftice of forcing the prize cargoes of out of the kingdom, 75. SURINAM, brief account of Fer

men's hift. of, 148. SURREY, Earl of, his poetical character, 81.-Memoirs of his life and death, 82.

SYPHON, fome new remarks vel. to that inftrument, 180.

TACTICS, remarks rel. to 41.

TEA, its effects on those who are cuftomary drinkers of it, 31. TERMITES. See SMEATHMAN. THELYPHTHOR A criticised, 127. THEORIE des loix criminelles, 453. THERMOMETER. See BEZOUT. THISTLETHWAYTE, Mr. his let ter concerning Chatterton, 328. TREE-frog, in America, defcription of, 254.

TRINITY, doctrine of, contrafted with the Unitarian principles inculcated in the New Tell. 103. TURKEY originally brought from America, 366.

VICE philofophically confi
dered, 94.
UNIVERSITIES of Great Britain,

anecdotes rel. to the flate of, in the 13th and 14th centuries, 56. VOLTAIRE, his merit, as a genius appretiated, 4. VOYAGE pittorefque, ou defcription de Naples, &c. 455.

WARVILLE's theory of penal laws, 463.

WATER, the cuftomary drinking of, favourable to morality 28. In what refpects conducive to health, ib.

WATTS, Dr. lefs orthodox in his later than in his earlier years,

170. WELLS, Mr. his certificate in favour of Mr. Thomson's propofed frigate, 456.

WEST, Gilbert, fome account of,


WILKES, John, his chara&er fa

tirically sketched, 132. WINKELMANN, Abbe, anecdotes rel. to his life and character, 377. Account of his unfortuLate death by affaffination, 381.


Farther acc, of this very refpectable antiquary, 518. His Familiar Letters, ib. WOODHOUSE, Mr. his account of the rot in sheep, 80. . WOOL, and woolen trade, controverfial tracts rel. to, 227, 389. See alfo DAUBENTON.

WYAT, Sir Tho. a moral poet of confiderable merit, 85.

YOUNG, Dr. his life, 113. His poetical character, 116.

ZINK, M. Laffone's memoir concerning, 504.


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