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The exploits of a saving faith
The hidden glory of the church of God
The Bible, what is it?.

The stone with seven eyes, the candlestick with seven lamps, the book with seven seals

On the close of the year 21 Prayer, the blessings of 23 Prayer

33 Safety of the church in troublous times Security of the church in Christ.

53 Spiritual desires

The church of Christ hidden in the secret places of the stairs 57 The Lord is on his people's side



Twelve fruits found on the tree of life 263 Verses written after reading an article in the December number, headed, what is thy name?

77 Waiting near the gospel pool

64 88

200 Marks of salvation










hearse the mighty and righteous acts of divine faithfulness then implies, that the Lord, in saving us from Satan's certain engagements have been entered snares, preserving our steps while pass- into, which are, that Jehovah, Father, ing through perilous places, and deliver- Son, and Spirit, will be the God of his

ing our souls out of dangers, difficulties and distresses innumerable, and to recount the manifold proofs and matchless gifts of love bestowed upon us, in order that we may record his faithfulness who has followed us with favour day by day, thereby fulfilling that sweet and sacred promise, penned by Isaiah (58 chapter, 8 verse), ' Thy righteousness shall go fore thee: the glory of the LORD shall be thy rereward.


The divine faithfulness is abundantly declared in the revelation Jehovah has been mercifully pleased to give of his mind and will concerning his church. It is brightly displayed in the redemption wrought by Jesus, even a complete redemption from sin and Satan, law and justice, death and hell. It is also blessedly discovered in the regeneration of sinners, in renewing their souls, and raising them up from the horrible pit, or pit of horrors, and revealing in them the Christ of God.' And it is gloriously developed in the ultimate reception of all such renewed and redeemed sinners into the blissful presence of the Three-one Jehovah, there to abide, and therein to rejoice for ever and ever.

In attempting a glance at the divine faithfulness as spoken of in the abovenamed text, let us notice:-1st, The preciousness of the doctrine; 2nd, Its perfection; and 3rd, Its perpetuity.

First-Thy faithfulness.' There is a peculiar preciousness realized in the soul of the believer when contemplating the fact, that whatever the Lord in his infinite wisdom may suffer, permit, or allow, we are assured he will not suffer his faithfuiness to fail, verse 33; from age to age the righteous seed have found (amidst all the treachery, trickery, twistings, and turnings of ungodly and unfaithful men, from which they have sadly suffered, and sorely smarted) the faithful God,' (Deut. vii. 9,) has been their alone rock, refuge, and resting place. In order that we may better understand the subject, let us first observe what is involved in, or implied by the term faithfulness, viz., 1st, that certain engagements have been entered into: 2nd, that certain promises have been made; 3rd, thatcertain offices have been created; and 4th, that certain relationships have been and are sustained. The

people Israel, even their God for ever and ever; and they, his people, shall be his portion, even his eternal inheritance; answerable to the inspired statements of the prophets, Hosea, Moses, and David. (see Hosea ii. 19, 20; Deut. xxxii. 9; Ps. xxxiii. 12.) Again, that certain promises arising out of the solemn engagements previously mentioned, have been made, viz., to bless with all spiritual blessings, to comfort with all heavenly consolations, to save and strengthen, to sustain, supply, to pardon and pacify, to direct and protect, yea, to satisfy and glorify the objects of Love's eternal choice, with the glory given to them in Christ Jesus before the world began. Also, that certain offices have been created for Him who is our surety, substitute and sacrifice, viz., the offices of Prophet, Priest, King, Shepherd, Advocate, and Judge, in all of which he is found faithful, not as a servant only, but as a son over his own house, (see Heb. iii. 1-6.) Moreover, he is the Mediator of the New Testament, the Messenger of the covenant, the Messiah promised, and the Minister of the true circumcision, making manifest in the fulfilling of these sacred offices his eternal power and godhead. And, finally, that certain relative characters have been and are sustained by him, he being our master, friend, brother, father, husband, and head, in all of which his goodness shines, his greatness stands confessed, his love abounds, his tenderness appears, his constant care is felt, And his faithfulness both strong and sure, Abides the same for evermore.

Thus then, to those that believe, and do the truth of God receive, this doctrine is precious, and daily experience of the same will render it increasingly precious.

In the second place let us notice the perfection of the divine faithfulness as expressed in our text, thy faithfulness. shalt thou establish. To establish, signifies to settle, confirm, ratify; or, in plainer words, to make good; therefore, to establish his faithfulness, Jehovah must make good all that relates thereto, thereby proving its perfection to all such as know the preciousness of the doctrine. To aid us in understanding more fully what is intended by God establishing his

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