must notice, he says, 'Thongs remained in this state for some months, when one day a godly man, a minister of the gospel, called at my house, and after some pleasant conversation, asked me to walk a little way with him; I did so: he had not gone many yards, before he said, he had long thought that I had a preaching gift, (as he termed it) and if that be the case, said he, however much preaching there is in the world, preaching Jesus is much wanted still.' I remained silent, and could not answer a word ; ‘now Iwant you to preach for me. I do not expect you to answer me at present, but I shall leave you for about a fortnight, in which time you will go and tell the Lord what I have been requesting of you, and I shall meet you at the same throne; after which time I shall call for your answer.' Thus he left me, and I came home with a heavier load than ever; my sleep departed from me, my fear and trouble being so great, lest it should not be found to be of God. However, at the appointed time, he called for his answer; but I could not give him any, observing which, he said, 'well, my dear friend, this is the very way in which I wished to be answered. I perceive your conscience will not allow you to say no, and your fears will not allow you to say yes; that is enough; I shall give you out to preach, the Lord bless you,' and so he left me. I forbear to say any more respecting my inward distress and anxiety; but I verily thought it would be my death. The time arrived, I went to preach, and wondered when I was done at what had transpired. A person came up to me, as I came down the pulpit stairs, and addressed me thus:-'Aaron thy brother can speak well, you must preach here again this day fortnight.'. I smiled, but made no answer. Thus I found my troubles were not at an end, and I had about a fortnights' grace in which to recruit my strength as I thought; instead of which about two days after, through the death of a certain person, the minister was obliged to go directly into the country; and before he set off, an agreement was made with the managers of the place, that I should supply the two following Sabbaths. This was entirely unknown to me, upon hearing which, I said, I cannot and will not; this preaching business will surely kill me; alas! what a fool was I ever to make an attempt in such an important work, since I have every evidence to believe I am not equal thereto.' Our limits forbid us entering into the exercises of his mind respecting this trial; Mr. F.'s going to one of the managers begging to decline the engagement, wishing him to get another supply, all of which proved unavailing; he was compelled to go; and was comfortably helped through, though he says, 'I mounted the pulpit as white as a sheet, wit nessed by many, and took my seat there in such a situation as I should think scarcely any one ever did before, crying to the Lord for help; every joint in my body appearing to be loosened, and I sat on the seat as one afflicted with an ague. When I stood up to pray, I felt rather more composed, but that being over I sat down and the same sensations returned; the congregation sang, and I rose up to preach, and took for my text these words, Comfort ye, comfort ye my people,' &c. Here then was one of the most fearfully dejected mortals that had ever lifted up his head in a pulpit, about to comfort others from these words; this I suppose must have struck them with surprise, as it has since, upon reflection, done me. I had no sooner named my text, than all fear, timidity, and everything like it, was in one moment taken away, and a holy boldness with sweet liberty of mind, and flow of speech followed, nor did I feel any concern except for the Lord of glory, and the soul's good of the people. When I had done, I believe both parson and people were filled with a divine surprise; and upon reflection, I hardly knew what I had been about. This was my firstattempt in London, I could not help saying, 'Is anything too hard for the Lord?' After thus opening his mouth for God in London, and two or three times before in the country, Mr. Francis received a ministerial commission from his pastor, Mr. Chin, of Walworth, being then in the meridian of life, which ordeal occasioned him much sorrow of heart; he describes himself, when he came to the meeting, 'like a poor criminal in irons to take his trial.' The business having closed, he was sent out by the voice of that church. Mr F. says, I had a roving commission, and I went East, West, North, and South; and I think I may safely add, God went with me confirming the word by signs following, as inany now living can well witness.' Mr. F.'s temporal trials now set in upon him; the adversary charged him with many things, as 'having a large family, business declining, filled with engagements for preaching, the devil tempting, fears increasing, my heart sinking; glad would I have been to have run away from the work of the Lord; and often have I come to a resolution that I would fulfil my present engagements and then preach no more; but before this was accomplished I was sure to receive fresh invitations, either by message or post, which I durst not refuse. At this juncture I well remember my wife coming to me one day with an account of certain things that were wanted for the family. My heart almost sank within me as she spake. I said, do not worry me, I cannot get them at present; I hope you will have them before long. She replied, 'I think you will go on preaching, until you preach us all into the workhouse!' This completed my distress, I turned away, and could say no more.' closed enough, since no place could be found for me to preach in, though many proposals were made for the use of a pulpit, once on a Lord's day, and on a week day evening, but all in vain, which was as I heartily wished. When unexpectedly a place offered itself near London Bridge, which appeared suitable ; was taken at a rent of 40 guineas, the fitting up came to upwards of £50, and I was in possession of such a small stock of faith, that I thought the place much too large, and heartily pitied my dear friends that had en it But the God whom he served kept on remarkably appearing for him both in providence and grace in his extremities. He gives a remarkable instance of a poor sin tormented, iron-bound child of God being brought into the glorious freedom and liberty of the gospel under one of his sermons, preached in great distress of soul respecting his own preaching abilities before alluded to, for engaging in this work. But in which he saw, as with a sun-beam, the Lord's hand towards him. After relating her great deliverance from very deep distress of soul through his instrumen-gaged it; but before ten months had elapsed, tality, she said to him, 'she had got something further to say, at which she hoped I would not be offended, which was, that she had been long impressed in her mind that she must make some small acknowledgement to me for the blessings instrumentally conferred upon her by my means. She said she had been to the Lord about the matter, and had asked of him to direct her what to bring, after which she followed the dictates of her mind. She then presented us with a bundle, upon opening which it was found to contain the very things, article for article, which I had just received in the former catalogue of wants from my wife! Thus I stood again confounded at the marvellous goodness and lovingkindness of my wonder-working Lord. In this and similar ways, I have proved, in instances out of number, that my Lord had designed me for high life after all. They shall dwell on high: their place of defence shall be the munitions of rocks: bread shall be given them, and their water shall be sure.' I now notice the settlement of Mr. Francis in London, with the formation of the present church in Snows Fields. "About this time a few individuals talked about my preaching in the Borough or City, and expressing their desire for it; it was mentioned to me, I smiled, and said that would not do. It was mentioned again, and the flame kept increasing, until at length they finally resolved to seek a place. Finding them serious about it, I became serious too, rather doubting in myself whereunto this might grow; as I heartily disliked the idea, nor could I bear to think of preaching in or about London. At length, however, I was obliged to go and pour out my heart before God concerning it, heartily begging of him, that he would not leave me to the actings of flesh and blood; lest through pride and unbelief, I should be left to resist his will, and that if there were any poor soul in or about the Borough, who stood in need of my labours, he would succeed their endeavours in giving them a place; and that if that was not the case, that he would bolt and bar every door, and keep them out from every quarter; in this sweet way of prayer I passed about two hours, as sure that God would hear my prayer, as that I was then living; and indeed the doors appeared fast without any extraordinary exertions, the rent was paid, and the whole debt discharged; and together with this, the most indisputable testimony of the blessing and presence of God among us. I could then only stand astonished, and say, what has God wrought? The place was a large commodious room up one pair of stairs, at a tavern or coffee house; the ground floor was occupied as coffee rooms, the first floor by us for the worship of God, and the second floor was a billiard room; and each was employed very frequently at the same time within hearing of each other. It was opened on a public fast day, but I think it was found a feast day to many; three sermons were preached, that in the morning by Mr. Stevens, that in the afternoon by Mr. Bailey, and that in the evening by myself." Mr. Francis had painful exercises of mind on this occasion owing to the circumstance of Mr. Bailey's preaching from the same text, he had been occupied a fortnight to get clear views of, Exodus xx. 24; he says "After service, I went to him, and said, Oh, my friend, you have ruined me! you have taken my text out of my mouth; I have no text for this evening. He replied, never fear, God will give you another. His was the prophetical part, mine was to believe the prediction; and here I made as poor work of it, as I had done in former times. However I left the company as soon as I could, and fled to the throne of grace, and there told the Lord what had happened, and heartily prayed that he would give me some other text; after a little time, these words came into my mind, And I am sure that when I come unto you, I shall come in the fulness of the blessing of the gospel of Christ.' A difficulty, however presented itself to my mind; that such a text as this seemed too pompous and unsuitable for me, so that I knew not how to give it out, or frame my lips to pronounce it, but as I could get nothing else I was com pelled to take it: the time arriving, I ascended the pulpit, and stated what had happened as an apology for taking the text, adding that should there be any one that might feel any objection to my choice of such words, to him I would propose a question: Can you do with anythingless than the fulness of the blessing of the gospel of Christ? if not, then I hoped 4 he would join in prayer with me, that they in a licensed house in London. He then very text itself, in its fullest sense, might be fulfilled in me while labouring amongst the people. Entering upon my subject, light broke in upon my mind, life into my soul, and the gift of utterance was afforded; and I believe many, yea very many, found it good to be there." went to Liverpool, and was popular there for a time, but at last ended his days in a cellar, as I am informed. I have heard it said that Mr. Huntington, in his work, entitled, "Forty Stripes, save one," indirectly aimed at him, though he had formerly preached for him. Other popular ministers shone in and Mr. Francis being thus fixed in the Bo- about the Borough. About this time there rough, and in this very singular place, where, were some great lights who painfully exin one part were the worshippers of God, hibited the works of darkness in their lives and in another the frequenters of the ale and walk, yet, were brilliant stars for minishouse, each, after their will, amusing them- terial talent. But we see in Mr. Francis a selves; the next step was the formation of rich vein of gospel humility and simplicity themselves into an organized Baptist Church, running throughout. Look at his call by which took place in August, 1813, and in grace! Nothing extravagant in this. Look this, as in previous matters, George Francis, at his ministry, and there is the same as in was most backward in moving. He says, his calling; no superior light, or great re"Having in these and many other instances velations from God; all is simplicity, and had my infidelity confounded, and unbelief silenced, it might have been supposed that these things would have made a man of me: but no, Gideon was Gideon still, though there was a succession of miracles to encourage him. I was repeatedly asked, whether there was to be a church formed? My answer was, 'I thought there would be fore long, but dare not move in it myself, from a powerful sense of my own unfitness; nor do I believe I should to this day, if God had not disposed others to make the first motion.' At length quested that the matter might be forwarded. I believe it was God's motion, and God's number, the whole amounting to seven: a church book was accordingly procured; a few articles of faith drawn up, and unanimously subscribed to; the union being witnessed by two members of other churches; I was then invited to take the charge of them, which I dared not refuse. This act of their's I cannot behold without gratitude to God, and love to them, as I have reason to believe they did it with the fear of God in their hearts; though constrained to follow them in the outset, they were still obliged to lead their leader, or he never would have gone forward. From that time to this we have continued together, and I can summon your consciences to testify to this truth, (worth more than ten thousand worlds) that God has been with us. Our number has increased from seven to seventy (this was in 1816); and from the commencement of my pastoral labours, I trust I can say, God gave me a pastor's heart, which convinces me that God will fit us for our callings in the very work, and not let us see our qualifications first." a few came and re Mr. Francis's people removed from the room and settled in Snows Fields Chapel, in the Borough, where a Mr. Samuel Mansell had been, a popular talented minister, a man who sadly disgraced himself and gave up preaching, but who afterwards resumed it according to God's common method of working and raising up; always backward in engaging. His ministry was full, clear, and explicit. Christ the Alpha and Omega shone forth; not preached in the pride of strife and contention. He had very mean and poor views of himself, keeping close to the word of God. He says, 'Thus I have endeavoured to give you a detail of the leadings of divine providence, in as plain a way as I can, as in the sight sight of God, daring not, as the apostle saith, to speak of anything which God hath not wrought in me to make you obedient by word and deed. My view in this is not to make myself appear something; no, verily, but laboring hereby to prove that I am nothing; that all things are of God; our creation, new creation, effectual calling, call to preach, with the door of utterance, and the opening of every door of providence, where these things are to be uttered, that the hand of the Lord may be seen in the whole.' May we not say of some, 'strangers have devoured his strength, and he knoweth it not.' If I am asked what strength ? I answer that which arises from sensible weakness, and not making use of the Lord continually. He knoweth it not, because wisdom hath deceived. Persons may have great conceptions of the majesty of God, have sublime expressions on the Person and work of Christ, yet be only as 'sounding brass,' and not 'refined silver.' It was said of Babylon, 'Thy wisdom and thy knowledge, it hath perverted thee.' Men may become great easily, but not so easily become nothing, or, have that faith which is described by Christ as only a poor menial servant, acknowledging after all, its own unprofitableness. See Luke xvii. 6-10. 2 Chron. xix. 6, 7. 2 Chron. xx. 12. Mr. Francis, as we have seen, entered very slowly and circumspectly into the ministry, and wanted proof upon proof for it. In his circumstances, he was a poor shoe maker by trade, occupying a small shop, still remain ing in Hampden Street, Walworth. Hiscordance, which I thought might be got for a mode. learning was small; he was not cumbered with many books; was no controversialist, or scholar; was diffident about himself; but was a grace taught, humble walker, one that was richly anointed with the Spirit of truth, and in private life long preached Christ from house to house, and at prayer meetings, before publicly called forth to it; and whilst those bright lights, to which I have referred, went out one after another, or their latter days were darkened by their own ways and works, George Francis continued to shine forth from first to last with unabated ardour, until the breaking up of his mind by imbecility, between about the age of 76, and 77. He, for about thirty-five, or six years, in one neighbourhood, blew the certain sound of salvation through the blood and righteousness of Christ to lost, poor, ruined, and hell-deserving sinners, feeling so in themselves; and by grace maintained the ordinances of the Lord's house, as set forth in the New Testament, accompanied by the Lord's blessing to as many as the Lord ordained it should be. Mr. Huntington remarks, "that it had long been an established point with him, that no man, let his gifts be what they may, unless he be born again of the Holy Spirit, can be a minister of the Spirit to another; men (he says) may be converted to men's notions; but they are never the better for that." In proof of this I will record a circumstance, narrated by Mr. Francis of himself, which doth well serve to illustrate his character in one prominent aspect of it, and that was, as a visiting man among the sick; for George Francis was not a gentleman parson, but one to the best of his given ability, that laid himself out for usefulness in that sphere which (and that only) he was called to occupy. He has published a very interesting account of some of his visits. Every minister of the sanctuary would do well to do the same. The following is one : "Sometime after I had entered upon the work of the ministry, into which I was brought by a singular way, and by an unseen hand, (though by the bye, I had been employed therein long before I ascended a pulpit,) I began to find while pointing out Christ as a Saviour to poor guilty, miserable sinners, though a delightful employment, there were some things connected with it, that prove that a call from God to the work of the ministry constitutes him that is called a real labourer, and exposes him to a thousand trials that others know nothing of; but he that brings him into it will happily support him under, and eventu ally bring him through it, which I have proved to this day. Glory be to his name. "At this time I was the subject of more soul exercise and travail than tongue can describe; and among other things I was in want of a Concordance, as I had none, nor had I the money to purchase one, while in my constant labour I seemed to need it as much as a carpenter does his hammer. I therefore told my heavenly Father about it, and begged that he would enable me to purchase one, or send it in some other way. After waiting a considerable time, and seeing no sign of its coming, it came into my mind to seek after a second hand Butterworth's Con rate sum. I accordingly enquired for it at a number of book shops, but to no purpose, being assured by all, it is out of print. This produced rebellion in my mind; and 1 often thought the Lord dealt hardly with me; but all our sin and rebellion never adds a God appeared for me, which fell out in the following way. cubit to our stature. In this state I continued till "A person called on me with whom I had some slight acquaintance a long time, but whom I had not seen for two or three years. Upon entering the door, he said, he had called upon me to ask me to come and see his sister, who was then dangerously ill. I complied with his request and went. When I entered the room she was sitting in an arm chair; a serious spectacle to look upon, being little else besides skin and bone: and what was worse, all the horror and despair of her mind were manifest in her countenance. As soon as she saw me, she exclaimed, Oh, Mr. F. my state is one of the most awful! I have long sat under the gospel, but to no purpose: I have been a hearer, but not a doer of the word; 1 have been a professor, but not a possessor; I am gospel-hardened; I am an awful character! Oh what an awful character I have been! I am just upon the verge of eternity and am going out of the world without hope. Thus she went on for some time; when, after a pause, shocked at her appearance, and more so at her language, I said, 'You have been crying out much against your sins, but I would remind you of one which you seen quite to overlook, and is much greater than all those you have mentioned; your greatest crime is lifting up your sin above the merits Christ, which you been doing ever since I have been in the room; and this you do not see to be sin. Do not the merits of Christ cleanse from all sin? Does he not Look unto me, and be saved?' After a little further discourse, I said, 'We will turn the whole into prayer. After which I left her, promising to see her again, but before I could repeat my visit she was removed into an eternal world. He Shortly after her decease I called on her brother, and said, 'I hear that your sister is gone.' He replied,Yes, oh, that you had but seen her once more! I enquired, Did you hear any hopeful thing from her lips, before her departure?" answered, Oh, yes! the very recollection of which is more precious to me than all the gold and silver in the world.' On my asking what it was, he said, he would read it me. He then produced a sheet of paper, and read what he had heard drop from her lips. The substance of it was as follows:'1 am, indeed, a vile, wretched miserable sinner; but oh, for ever blessed be the Lord for sending one to point me to a sin I did not so much as think oflifting up my sin above the merits of Christ. Yes, surely, his blood cleanseth from all sin.' Blessed be his name! and so it will mine.' She then prayed for me- Lord spare his useful life; be with him when he stands up in thy dear name! Bless him in his own soul! Give him seals to his ministry and souls for his hire. Send him to many others with the very same message he brought to me.' Then adverting again to her own case she blessed God that ever I was sent with such a message of love to her. Thus she continued till the last hour of her life." After this pleasing recital of God's dealings with the soul of his sister, my friend continued "I shall never be able to make a sufficient acknowledgment for this acceptable visit; but this I say, she had a new Butterworth's Concordance - if you will accept of that as a mite of acknowledgment, and keep it for her sake, it is your's, and you are most heartily welcome to it." Struck with astonishment, I took up my concordance and brought it home; and gave thanks to my kind, condescending, and wonder working God, and could not help thinking that never right principles. He would speak to them man was supplied with a concordance in a as a father to his children in his ministry, more sweet, unexpected, and gracious way. My way was to buy one-God's way was to give me one. My way was to get an old one-his way was to give me a new one; and the salvation of the woman's soul in the bargain. "O, how great is thy goodness to them that fear thee, which thou has wrought for them that trust in thee before the sons of of men!" "Who is a God like unto our God?" It was the comfort of Mr. Francis that his lot in the ministry was cast among a people that loved him, and with whom he was much at home; and could talk and walk so many years, some of fifty years' acquaintance still living. All ministers are not equally endowed for visiting and conversation; but this seemed the element of George Francis. The church upon the whole have been preserved from separations and discords, though not without their trials. The fruits of the spirit having been graciously showered amongst them. And of this they have given abundant proof to their pastor for the last four years of his life, whom, though he hath lain heavy upon them by his afflictions, yet have they supported two pastors, and only a small congregation, and it has been cheerfully done by some: and the Lord hath blessed them in return. In conclusion-what has been the great secret of this close union, walk, and preservation? I answer, the purity of the gospel preached amongst them. It has been remarked to me, that Mr. Francis's preaching was only like talking; perhaps not; but it was of that nature that my soul has been watered several times under it: the last time I have an account of hearing him is October 4, 1843, from 2 Cor. xiii. 5."Examine yourselves whether ye be in the faith." Mr. Francis was certainly not very argumentative, or deep in his subject; but he spake of what he enjoyed and fed upon in his own soul, the preciousness of the work of Christ, and set it forth in his way. Nor was he led to make the chief topic of his ministry the depravity of the heart, or the deserts of hell, death, and damnation to believers in Christ: nor did he dwell on mere outside formal things: he seemed to me anxious to keep the whole truth of God together, without rending or disuniting the glorious harmony of the Spirit's chain: by together, I mean, he was anxious to open the mystery of Christ, the truth as it is in Christ, the covenant for the people, to open blind eyes, to bring the prisoners from the prison houses, by setting forth Christ before those that needed him, in his doctrine and reign; Christ and the church personally together, and not apart from each: and made manifest as such in reality by the operation of the Holy Ghost which kept them together, the body with the head, without discord in the body: thus, christian fellowship was based on especially on the Monday-evening Prayer Meeting, which were sweet opportunities, probably the happiest public meetings in London, it being his usual way to go over the leading features of the previous day's subject then. Few, if any ministers that I have heard, preached the gospel in greater simplicity than he did: his method was very plain; he would go on commenting until he reached his text on preceeding verses; and then, part by part, break it open, with the parallel passages, in a subject of his text. Thus he continued to brief and concise way, giving you the full travel on from the first to the last of his ministerial days, to the latter end of 1843, when I heard a Mr. Carpenter there on the Friday evenings for a few months, and afterwards Mr.Stringer was appointed, who has continued to the present, whose ministry, I trust, will be as useful as his whom he has followed. We have another gracious minister in London, who has moved for nearly thirty years in this humble way (almost unknown) now laid aside by sickness and probably will preach no more, Mr. Wright. It was pleasing to see at the interment of George Francis, so many of the Lord's young servants, and others in the vigour of life present, as well as an aged father or two who must shortly bid adieu to earthly scenes. John Bunyan M'Cure I returned home with, who interested me, in relating the Lord's dealings with him in the ministry, and the probability of his soon settling at Hadlow. Thus, one has put off the harness, of the ministry, and another I trust, may be as useful, in putting it on. -H.W. THE FUNERAL. THE remains of Mr. George Francis was removed from his residence in Long-lane to Nunhead Cemetery, on Thursday-afternoon, January 13th, where a freehold grave had been provided. The procession consisted simply of the hearse and four mourning coaches. The corpse was taken into the Dissenters' Chapel in the Cemetery grounds, followed by some members of the deceased's family; his deacons; and several ministers, among whom we noticed Mr. John Foremam-Mr. James WellsMr. David Denham-Mr. George MoyllMr. Wyard-Mr. Stringer, and others. The service commenced by Mr. Moyll giving out an appropriate hymn; Mr. James Wells then addressed the Throne of Grace in a very suitable and solemn manner; Mr. Foreman spoke to the spectators assembled; Mr. E. Mote gave out one verse of a hymn, and the coffin was then removed to its last resting place. Mr. Thomas Stringer spoke over the grave, and concluded the services by a short prayer. On returning to the Chapel, several of the ministers and friends drank tea |