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Massah,' says he, 'it was Christ gave me comfort by his dear wounds. He bade me come unto him, and he would give me rest, for I was weary and heavy laden.' And here he went through a line of the most precious texts in the Bible, shewing me, by a most artless comment upon them as he went along, what great things God had done (in the course of some years) for his soul. Being rather more acquainted with the doctrinal truths, and the analogy of the Bible, than he had been, or in his situation could easily be, I had a mind to try how far a simple, untutored experience, graciously given without the usual means, could carry a man from some speculative errors. I therefore asked him several questions about the merit of works, the justification of a sinner, the power of grace, and the like. I own I was much astonished at, as I admired, the sweet spirit and simplicity of his answers, with the heavenly wisdom which the Lord had put into the mind of this negro. His discourses (flowing merely from the riches of divinegrace, with a tenderness and expression far beyond the reach of art,) perfectly charmed


On the other hand, my entering into all his feelings, together with an account to him which he had never heard before, that thus and thus in mercy the Lord dealt with all his children, and had dealt with me, drew streams of joyful tears down his black face, and we looked upon each other, and talked with each other, with that inexpressible glow of christian affection, that made me more than ever believe, what I have often too thoughtlessly professed to believe, the communion of saints. I shall never forget how that poor excellent creature seemed to hang upon my lips, and to eat my very words, when I enlarged upon the love of Christ to poor sinners; the free bounty and tender mercy of God; the frequent and delightful sense he gives of his presence; the faith he bestows in his promises; the victory this faith is enabled to get over trials and temptations; the joy and peace in believing; the hope in life and death, and the glorious expectation of immortality. To have taken off his eager, delighted, animated, air and manner, would have been a master-piece for a Reynolds. He had never heard such discourse, he seemed like a man who had been thrown into a new world, and at length he had found company. Though my conversation lasted at least two or three hours, I scarce ever enjoyed the happy swiftness of time so sweetly in all my life. We knew not how to part. He would accompany me as far as he might; and I felt on my side such a delight in the artless savour, the solid, unaffected experience of this dear soul, that I could have been glad to have seen him often then, or to see his like at any time now. I therefore took an affectionate adieu, with an ardour equal to the warmest and most

ancient friendship, telling him, that neither the colour of his body, nor the condition of his present life, could prevent him being my dear brother in our dear Saviour, and though we must part now, never to see each other again any more in this world, I had no doubt of our having another joyful meeting in our Father's home, where we shall live together, and love one another throughout a long and happy eternity. 'Amen, amen, my dear Massa; God bless you, and poor me too, for ever and ever.'

[blocks in formation]

To you, dear sir, this grace is given,
To shew to man the way to heaven;
To preach a Saviour crucified,
And point to him who bled and died.
To cry aloud-behold the Lamb!
Who was for guilty sinners slain;
To make them kings and priests to God,
And wash them in his precious blood.

Exalt your Lord, and lift him high,
And sinners in the dust shall lie;
Proclaim to man, free grace abound!'
And may they hasten to the sound.
Then give not up: but still go on;
Proclaim salvation through the Son;
Salvation free to guilty man,
Oh! how amazing is the plan.

Fear not the trials of the way;
Strength shall be equal to your day;
Though trials may your steps surround;
'Tis the right way to Canaan's ground.
Hath not your kind Redeemer said,
"On me, let all your cares be laid !
"For lo! I'm with you to the end;
"Your ever kind and constant friend."

Then why afraid and sink so low ?
Your God will equal strength bestow;
And grace sufficient to your day;
To guide you in your doubtful way.

Be faithful, till your Lord shall come,
To take you to your heavenly home;
Saying " Come ye blessed of the Lord,
"Come and receive your full reward."

Oh! may I meet with you above,
To bless and praise redeeming love;
With countless myriads round the throne,
Join in the everlasting song,

Then at his feet we there will fall,
Tho' the unworthiest of them all;
And through eternity will praise,
The wonders of redeeming grace.

It would be foolishness to apply a remedy where there is no disease. Christ came 'not to call the righteous butsinners to repentance.' He says, 'The whole need not a physician, but they that are sick.' The physician does not come to tell the sick man to remain in his sickness.

The Place where Two Seas Meet.

My dear Friend, - The Lord teaches you with the rest of his blood-purchased people, that 'he that trusteth in his own heart is a fool.' Your experience, under the divine teachings of the Holy Ghost shows that nothing but a full, free, finished, and everlasting salvation will suit you. You feel that you are a great sinner, and that none but one mighty to save, can save you; this, divine sovereign grace has made you to feel; the Lord is continually showing his people that here they have no continuing city,' no rest, no quietude, peace or safety, but in Christ Jesus, the rock of ages. Without Christ, the soul of a believer is like a vessel upon the boisterous deep, when all is dangerous and stormy; yea, the believer is often brought into a place where two seas meet; he has often to experience a sea of external trouble, temptations, and afflictions; but this is not the greatest; it is the sea of internal conflicts, afflictions and

the comeliness placed upon them; the Lord says to such 'Behold thou art fair, my love, there is no spot in thee.' What endearing words- my love, my undefiled;' she is but one, the only one of her mother. Jesus saith to such, Because I live, ye shall live also.' United to him, they shall live for ever-beholding his glory.' Seeing him as he is; being like him; singing 'unto him that hath loved them, and washed them in his own blood.' But am I interested in these solemn realities? have I tasted that the Lord is gracious? have I felt my sinnership? Sometimes I fear, as the cloud overcasts; at another time the sun shines, truth is precious, the promises are suitable, the name of Christ is as ointment poured forth, and the desire of the soul is, 'Let him kiss me with the kisses of his mouth. Yours to serve in the gospel of Jesus. J. E. BLOMFIELD.

Townsend Place, Cheltenham.


sin, which is the most stormy, tempestuous, Presented to W. Bidder, after supplying the and dangerous. But what an unspeakable Pulpit at Mount Zion Chapel, Devonport,

mercy that sometimes, when wave after wave

of trouble rolls in, that the great, the red, the flowing and cleansing sea of Immanuel's blood drives all away; then all is peaceable, joyous, and safe: the trials you are now passing through often find you an errand to the throne; and, mark, it is a throne of grace, high and lifted up, that no Pharisee or mere formalist can approach unto: but it is so low that the poor, the needy, the tried, have often found that it is indeed a mercy seat-a throne established (through grace) to show mercy and favour to the suppliants; and I feel assured that you can (by experience) give your unequivocal or unqualified testimony to the fact that it is indeed a mercy seat. Trials are needful for us, though they are not pleasant to us; they are appointed by him who is too wise to err, and too mindful of his people to be unkind. Your journey may oftentimes be rough, dark, and trying, and it is really requisite it should be, or you would have no use for the promise, 'Thy shoes shall be iron and brass.' Surely those shoes were never in tended for a smooth, easy, and comfortable path! Butagain, whatan unspeakable mercy that Jehovah can and does make the rough places (in our experience) plain. He levels down the hills; he removes the mountains; he regulates the fire; he rebukes the winds, and to the storm he says 'Bestill' and thereis stillness, safeness, and smoothness. These are some of the things that I have learnt, (if I am not deceived) in the path in which I have been called to travel. May the Lord help us to see, while all is rough, teasing, and perplexing in and about us, that in Christ all is peaceable, safety, and perfect freedom!

No condemnation to them that are in Christ Jesus, they are perfect in him, comely through

in 1827.

We now must part; and may the Lord
I mpart a blessing on his word
Left with us here by you;
Long may it prove a source of joy,
In each our hearts, when foes annoy,
A nd doubts and fears our peace destroy,
May it our faith renew.

Be God's electing love to man,
I n saving him, Õ wondrous plan,
Design'd before he fell !
Declar'd by you where'er you go ;
Exalt our Christ, and we will too
Rejoice, and add farewell!

Additions to the Churches.

London Street Chapel, Greenwich.-On Lord's day, October 3rd, the ordinance of believer's baptism was administered to eight believers, after a very suitable address by brother Oliver, of London, from 'What mean ye by this ordinance?' when Mr. J. Gwinnell led the candidates down into the water. They sung with a sweet feeling,

Hallelujah! praise ye the Lord!

two of the candidates had been with the Wesleyans for years, and another was an old member of the Independants, and two were daughters of our sen. deacon, Mr. W. Fisher. In the evening they were received into our church, with four more from other churches, when our dear pastor, Mr. Gwinnell, related their experience before all the congregation, and we have a number more saying, we will go with you for we perceive God is with you. Our chapel is well-filled every Lord's day.

This is the Truth.

Two questions have of late been dividing and distressing the church of God in Christendom: the first is, whether one brother in the ministry is divinely authorised to hold up, preach against, and publish another brother's faults and infirmities? The second is, whether doubts and fears in poor believer's hearts are to be acknowledged or denounced? We shall not attempt to decide upon these weighty matters; but we shall let others -through the Earthen Vessel-speak on both these points. With reference to the former question, a very sober, and truly spiritual brother in the ministry writes as follows:

"Alas! in some quarters of late the envy of Ephraim, and the vexation of Judah have broken out with a most bitter and humiliating rancour, which must make work for deep repentance at some time or other. Had some parties been in a furnace as intensely heated as that into which the polluted worm now addressing you has recently and aforetime been put, they would have other work to do than discerning 'motes and beams' in their brother's eyes, and their doubts and fears would, perhaps, have had an infinitely greater concentration on the reality of their own christianity than on that of others; while their apprehension that they were the chief of sinners would have prevented them from throwing a single stone at others. This will be their spirit yet, if they are what I hope respecting them."


sons will tell you, 'God's saints make a hobby of doubts and fears:' but I deny it, and say it is a libel on God's saints. I do not know one in London, or in England, who does so. It is an insult to the church of God. Can a man make a hobby of his wants, his distresses, or his afflictions, when they come? Surely not. And I do not envy the man who can hear it comfortably, or the man who can preach it. Doubts and fears are the infirmities and weaknesses of God's saints; the same as abscesses, wounds and fevers are the infirmities and diseases of our mortal bodies.

But when a man is wounded, diseased, or afflicted, are we to stab, to cut, and to whip him, because of these infirmities? Are we to tell him to heal his wounds, and that he is dishonouring God by having them? He knows he has wounds; he feels his distresses, afflictions, and sorrows; his heart cries, groans, and sighs over them. But are we therefore to say 'he makes a hobby of them?" I say, no: I never met with such christian men; if there be, they are unknown to me. I have been from end to end, and from side to side of this land among the churches, and I have never met with any but those who have felt doubts and fears to be a source of pain and grief to them.

"But can you rid the Lord's family of doubts and fears by troubling and grieving them? Is a man saved from drowning by pushing him into the water? Can you whip God's people out of their distresses, or scold them out of their fears? What says God? Comfort ye, comfort ye my people, saith your God: speak ye comfortably to Jerusalem, and cry unto her, that her warfare is accomplished, that her iniquity is pardoned; for she hath received of the Lord's hand double for

all her sins.' (Isa. xl. 1, 2.) So then, though subject to doubts, fears, and soul exercises; though thus dark, blind, and obscure, at times; tell them, that it is the leper, the halt, the lame, and the blind, that God saves. What indeed has made Job's trials so sweet to the church of God? Is it not being plunged into the same fire, and passing through a measure of the same trials? This is the way to raise up hope, and put down unbelief; this is the way to comfort and bless their souls,-by preaching the truth to them; by plentifully declaring the thing as it is, and not by trying to flog them out of their doubts and fears with legal whips, as some attempt to do. We are, therefore to 'try the spirits; and examine every man's doctrine and preaching to see that it be in accordance with the Lord's testimony, and the teaching of his Spirit in our souls."

Upon the second question, we give an extract from a sermon preached at Edenstreet chapel, Hampstead-road, by Mr. Mackenzie, and which is reported in the last number of the Zoar Pulpit. The preacher said (speaking of some minsters): "They seem to have a deep antipathy to the tried, afflicted people of God; a determined enmity and hatred to everything like the painful, deep heart-harrowing exercises of the people of God; they cut and stab at doubts and fears, gloom and despondency, as if it were some capital crime, and as if the people of God took pleasure in them. This is also a mistake and error. I will tell you where the string of it lies: it is doctrinal free-will. There are two kinds of free-will: first, thorough arminian free-will, which totally denies the doctrines of grace; and secondly, doctrinal free-will, which holds the doctrines of grace, but carries free-will into experience. Neither of these will God own or bless; nor will they profit the tried and exercised of the Lord's family. Such per- I conceive. ED.

We fully agree with all that Mr. Mackenzie says with reference to the trials of God's saints; but where the ministers are who eut, stab, and whip the people of God on account of them, we are at a loss to



Of Snows Fields Meeting, Southwark.

WE commence our notice of the death of I heard announced by Mr. Jones, at the anthis dear and aged servant of Jesus niversary of Surrey Tabernacle; he died on Christ, by reiterating the words of THOMAS the morning of January, 5, 1848. He was one understood it. He repeated these words over | or two persons, that I could venture to speak

STRINGER, who spoke over his grave. "The question generally asked, (said Thomas) is How did he die?' 'I will tell you he died in faith-he died in peace-he died in Jesus." Glorious death this; come when, and under what circumstances it may. Of George Francis, it is not only true that he died in faith, he also lived in faith; he not only died, but he lived in peace; he not only died, hut he also lived in Jesus; and, like a

shock of corn fully ripe, he has at length been gathered to his fathers: and has entered into that rest which is secured unto all the people of God.

We see no occasion for grief or sorrow in the removal of this dear saint from the church below to the church above. His ministerial labours have for some time past been finished: and having been literally worn out in the great work to which he was called, the Lord laid him gently and carefully aside until the number of his days were accomplished, and then, dropping his earthly tabernacle, and drawing aside the vail, he took his ransomed spirit into the mansions of immortal glory, where millions of the redeemed together meet, and together sing the honours of their heavenly king.

Free grace he preached; free grace is now his song,

He's shouting victory with the blood-bought


At Jesus' feet they fall. May we, like him, be ready to appear, He saw in Christ, his title good and clear To joys that never end; Then we shall shout the glories of the Lamb, And wonder at redemption's glorious plan As well as our dear friend.

But our design is, to place upon record, all that is calculated to be of use and interest to the church of Christ: we proceed, therefore, to lay before our readers the following sketch which has been prepared for us by our esteemed friend and brother, Henry Watmuff.

The earthly career of George Francis, the long respected minister of Snows Fields Chapel, has at last terminated, whose death

the three at settlement, said Mr. Jones,

35 years ago. In taking a brief survey of the life and ministry of this servant of Christ, I

cannot do better than let his own works and

words speak for him: 'he being dead, yet speaketh. Mr. Francis was a plain, upright, meek, and humble minded man of truth; a sincere lover and follower of Christ, his people, and his ways, - and a faithful preacher of the everlasting gospel, as was also his brother, James Francis, who died three years and a half before him. The two brothers, James George Francis were much alike. James

lived to his 79th year, George to be 80. The

trials of George were but as to the ankles, compared with James, which were of a very overwhelming kind till nearly his 70th year. But his latter days were his best. It was my privilege to be more acquainted with James; I was with him within a few days of his departure; he left behind him an honourable testimony of his having served the Lord before he fell asleep.

At the early age of ten years, Mr. Francis says, The Sun of righteousness began to shine into my soul: I know of no particular portion of Scripture or sermon from which this took its rise, but this I know, that at this time I began to feel a great concern about my soul, and whether there was any ground for me to look for happiness after death. He then goes on to state-after failing in his resolves to seek the salvation of his soul, on the principle he was seeking it, says, 'I got worse and worse, and now to think of setting out again would be vain: I therefore made a re

solution that I would never pray any more;

this was one night while I lay on my bed, but thanks be to God, I was no more able to keep this bad resolution, than I had been the former good ones. I was soon drawn to seek him again. In a very obscure state he continued until he was permitted to hear Mr. Romaine; 'I heard,' says he, 'as I never heard before; I found it to be the word of

God, from the power which attended it. I remember hearing him once in particular, his text I do not remember, neither do I think I could repeat ten words of it in its proper order; but this I can well remember, that his subject was how a sinner could be justi

fied in the sight of God, which he shewed clearly to be by faith, without any of our works or deservings, and which he made appear clearer than I had ever heard done in my life before, or at least had never so well


and over again; 'that a sinner brought to feel his lost, helpless, miserable state, and casting himself at the feet of Christ, Christ was the Saviour of every such soul.' And I think if ever I paid attention to anything, it was to this, which I thought the best news that I had ever heard.' He then proceeds to describe the joyful reflections these statements gave rise unto in his soul, accompanied by a painful yet gracious sickness which at this time he laboured under. When at about seventeen years of age, the prison doors of his soul were thrown open under the ministry of the honoured Romaine. I must make another extract from these early days, and then close. Soon after this, the Lord was pleased to revive, and at length to restore me; and I was now inclined to think the battle was won, and the conflict over; that I had nothing to do but to ride smoothly on till I got to heaven; but, alas! I knew but very little as yet of what was very necessary for me to know of the evil of my own heart: the corruption, unbelief, and filth, that lay at the bottom of that dirty puddle, which only wants stirring up, to be felt as well as seen; and also of that host of enemies which I then had, and even to the present moment have to grapple with, -enemies who are daily trying to stop me in my heavenly course. My experience down to the present day, is a composition of light and darkness, joy and sorrow, life and death; thus I am brought to prove the truth of Paul's account of himself: 'To will is present with me, but how to perform that which is good I find not.' I would love him above all things, but oh, how frequently do I find that the least thing that presents itself, steals away my heart from my best friend. I would speak of what he has done for my soul, with a view to his glory, but alas! when I attempt it (and that sincerely too), before I am aware, I am drawn off from him, that my soul is concerned to exalt; Christ is forgot and self creeps in, and thus I learn the truth of Newton's words:When I would speak what thou hast done, To save me from my sin; I cannot make thy mercy known, But self-applause creeps in.

Mr. Francis's call to the ministry seemed to him of a more wonderful and important character, than his call by grace, and which certainly was not after man's teaching; he says- My general retreat was my bed-room, where I had a table, a chair, and a few books, chiefly consisting of Romaine's Life, and Walk of Faith, two or three Hymn books, and a Bible; this place he says was my chief retreat, where I obtained such precious interviews with my beloved, that could they speak, the very walls would testify to the sacred business transacted between the Lord and my soul. At this time, I knew but one

to upon soul matters, and I began to proclaim aloud God's goodness to me; which it seems, went to those who did not wish to hear about it; but,' he says, 'I was too heavy laden with divine treasures to be able to live without vent, in consequence of which I was driven the more to my favorite room, at which time, I used to tell my Lord everything which befell me, and to unbosom my very soul before him; I said, O my Lord, bring me acquainted with some of thy blood-bought people, that I may have the soul pleasure of talking about thy wondrous works; rejoicing with them that can rejoice, and attempting to comfort them that mourn; which cry God having implanted, he has evidently heard and answered abundantly above what I could ask or think. As I was led on in the divine life, I became more acquainted with myself; saw more my weakness, felt my total unfitness, and, as I thought, the impossibility of any such thing taking place; when judging it to be nothing but a temptation, I poured out my soul before God earnestly, that he would be pleased to banish the thought for ever from my mind. In this way I got rid of it for months together, and I was thankful for it; when again it would return with the greatest force, bringing great distress, and, at times almost distraction into my mind, then away to my divine friend I flew again, and told him what had happened,' and concludes his prayer thus :

Never, never let me live to see the day when I shall be left to run without mission or commission from thyself.' As soon again as I had got a little over my trouble and hoped it was buried to rise no more; some person or other would speak to me, and say, 'they wondered that I did not attempt to speak in the Lord's name.' This I suppose has occurred more than twenty times, from different people, and at different periods of time, this would sometimes awaken up all my former anxiety of mind; but blessed is that exercise, or even temptation, that urges us to a throne of grace.

'Here I would make a remark, that when God intends to makes a man publicly useful, he will endue him with a gift in some measure suitable thereto. If a man is destined to be a teacher, he will possess him with an aptness to teach; in this way God blessed me years before I came publicly forward, and there are many living witnesses to prove it. But my trouble and fear sprang from looking to what we call a pulpit, in which place I supposed my work was to begin, when, as I have just observed, it had already commenced; here I remained, nor could I move forward, any more than I could create a world; several of my friends said I should be ordained a parlour preacher at any rate.'

Doors one after another, in providence, now opened to Mr. Francis. Animportant one, we

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