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ments of the court, hoped that former diftinctions would now be abolished. Even the circumstance of the king's being a native of this country, contributed not a little to his popularity. This, in itself, to a thinking mind, will appear a matter of no great moment; and efpecially when it is confidered, that fome of our best princes have been of foreign birth. However, in the enthufiafm naturally attendant on a new reign, it was likely to have its effect; and accordingly, it was artfully enough laid hold of, to captivate the minds of the people. The language, ufed by his maj efty in his fpeech to his parliament, born and educated in this country, I glory in the name of Briton," though it might almost seem to convey a reflection on our preceding monarchs, was repeated in rapture through the land; and was echoed back to the throne in many of the addreffes which, according to cuftom, are prefented from every quarter, on a fresh fucceffion to

the crown.

The inftant of the king's acceffion was diftinguished by the earl of Bute's being fworn of the privy council, in conjunction with his royal highnefs the duke of York. This, perhaps, was no more than what might be expected, and, indeed, what ought to be done, from the station which his lordship had held, as groom of the stole, about his majesty's perfon, when prince of Wales. Nevertheless, fpeculative men would attend to it; and others would be looking up to a nobleman, who had been always understood to have great influence at Leicester-houfe, and who would probably arife to the plenitude of power.

The first proceedings of the new reign:did not indicate any great purposes of change in the measures of government. The king declared his refolution of profecuting the war with vigour, and of fupporting his allies; and public affairs continued apparently to be managed by Mr. Pitt, in connection with the duke of Newcastle and his party. The only confiderable alterations that happened were the difplacing of the earl of Holderneffe, in a few months, to make room for lord Bute's being introduced into the refponfible office of fecretary of ftate; and the removal of Mr. Legge, from the pofts of under-treafurer and chancellor of the exchequer. The difmiffion of Mr. Legge, who was an excellent minifter of finance, and in high esteem with the public, gave occafion to fome fpeculation and diffatisfaction. It was imputed, at the time, though without any juft ground, to fomne difputes having arifen between him and Mr. Pitt concerning the fupplies neceffary for the fervice of the year. The real caufe of his removal was the disgust he had excited at Savile-houfe in the preceding reign, by refufing to refign his own pretenfions to the reprefentation of the county of Hants, in order to give way to fir Simeon Stuart. This facrifice had been urged upon him by lord Bute, fupported by the authority of the prince of Wales; and when the tranfaction came to be known, it was much infifted upon as an indication of a difpofition not favourable to Whiggifm.


• Not

Not long after his majesty's acceffion, a bill was paffed which was very popular, and honourable to government; and that was, the act for extending the independence of the judges. The king himfelf went to the house, and in a fpeech to his parliament, recommended the confideration of this object. It had been enacted, in the reign of William the Third, that the judges fhould hold their commiffions during their good behaviour; a wife provifion, which prevented their being removeable, as had heretofore been the cafe at the will of the fovereign. However it was ftill understood that their offices were determined at the demise of the crown, or at the expiration of fix months afterwards. By the prefent bill, their commiffions were rendered perpetual, during their good behaviour, notwithstanding any fuch demife. We have reafon to believe that Sir Michael Fofter, at that time one of the justices of the King's Bench, and a gentleman of eminent legal abilities, confidered this act as unneceffary; it being his opinion that the defign of it was virtually included in the act of King William. But, upon the whole, it was thought better, and we imagine wifely, that the matter fhould be fettled by exprefs ftatute.

The many arrangements and regulations that neceffarily take place on a new reign, and the public ceremonies to which it gives birth, ferve to excite the attention, and even to increase the loyalty and affection of the people. Befides the common circumftances which contributed to the fplendor of his majesty's acceffion to the crown, this fplendor was not a little increafed by his marriage. It was an event, likewife, in itself fingularly happy. The invariably excellent character of the queen, whilst it hath fecured the king's perfonal felicity, hath obtained for her the univerfal efteem of the nation; and the numerous race of princes and princeffes with which the royal nuptials have been bleffed, will, we truft, add ornament and fupport to the throne, and afford farther ftability to the general welfare. The admirable pattern fet by their majefties in private life cannot be too greatly applauded. Whatever may be thought of the administration of public affairs, every friend to his country muft regret, that fuch an example of good order, fidelity, virtue, and domestic harmony, hath been fo little followed by thofe who ought to have looked up to it with reverence and emulation.

Whilst the attention of the court was fo much employed by the marriage and coronation of the king and queen, and by other objects of ceremony and regulation, the great national concerns were not neglected. The war under the aufpices of Mr. Pitt, was carried on with its ufual vigour; though the events of 1761, were not altogether fo fplendid as those which had taken place in the two preceding years. Belleifle, the largest of the islands belonging to the French king in Europe, was taken; and the reduction of Pondicherry almoft totally deftroyed the power of that monarch in the East Indies. In the West Indies, Dominica was


added to the acquifitions we had already made in that part of the world.

But, notwithstanding the fuccefs of our arms, the restoration of peace began to be a very defirable object. The large expences of the hoftilities carried on by us in different quarters of the globe were felt by the public; though the amazing extent and profperity of our commerce rendered them far lefs burthenfome than they would otherwise have been. The drains of men and money occafioned by the German war and our continental connections, were particularly complained of; and by degrees excited much diffatisfaction. The inconfiftency of Mr. Pitt's conduct, in this refpect, with his former profeflions, became a frequent topic of declamation; and it was urged in so powerful a manner, as to make a deep impreffion on the minds of great numbers of perfons. In 1761, the belligerent powers appeared fincerely defirous of coming to an accommodation. Accordingly, a negociation was opened between England and France; for which purpose Mr. Hans Stanley was fent to Paris, and Monfieur Buffy came to London. At first the profpect of terminating the war was very favourable; but, in the courfe of the negociation, fresh difficulties continually arofe, which, at length, occafioned it to be entirely broken off. It is obfervable, that in the terms of peace prefcribed by Mr. Pitt, he did not wholly exclude the French from North America. Louisiana was ftill to continue in their poffeffion. Whether this was owing to that great man's fuperior fagacity, or to whatever caufe, every friend to his country must regret that the treaty which was afterwards concluded, was not conftructed on the fame principles; as those calamitous events would in all probability have thereby been prevented, which have fince fhaken the British empire to its foundations.

It appeared, in a little time, that the war, inftead of being put an end to, was likely to become more extenfive. During the late negociation, Spain had difplayed an evident partiality in favour of France; and, indeed, had interfered in a manner which afforded juft caufe of offence to the English court. The famous family compact was now forming, which hath been attended with confequences fo hoftile to Great Britain. Mr. Pitt, who had the fulleft conviction and intelligence-of the defigns of the Spanish crown against us, infifted upon an immediate declaration of war against that crown. But in this he was oppofed by all the cabinet council, excepting his brother-in-law, Earl Temple. The meafure was deemed too bold and precipitate; and it was understood that even the king himself, if his council had agreed to it, would have found it extremely difficult to confent to their refolution. Mr. Pitt, being thus counteracted in a matter of fuch great confequence, refigned his poft of fecretary of state, and was fucceeded by Lord Egremont. At his refignation, he was prevailed upon to accept a penfion of three thoufand pounds a-year, and a peerage for his lady. Nothing was VOL. LII. Aug. 1781. L


ever better merited than this penfion; and yet the acceptance of

it was injurious to his popularity.'

From the various merit, and judicious plan of this work, we entertain the most favourable expectations of its being well received by the public.



The American War, a Poem; in Six Books. 8vo. 45. Sewed.


A Mong the brought on this the

American war, Reviewers have too much caufe to lament the multiplicity of bad productions, both in verfe and profe, which it has occafioned. The poem before us confifts of no lefs than fix tedious books, and makes one large octavo volume. Every tranfaction is here faithfully recorded, and every battle and fkirmish minutely defcribed; though there is not, at the fame time, a page worth reading, or a line worth repeating, throughout the whole. We will give our readers a fhort fpecimen, which, we dare fay, they will think long enough, of this performance.

More than one hour a folemn filence reign'd;
Apparently Fort Sullivan was gain'd,
During the fight, the British foldiers stood
Inactive, and the hot engagement view'd!
Nor cou'd they now afford the least relief,
Altho' each vex'd and disappointed chief
Seem'd anxious for the fight, and all expreft
A readiness to come to clofeit teft:

No boats they had to waft them fafely o'er !
Nor cou'd they wade towards that hostile fhore!
At least, they had no cov'ring fhips of war;
They stuck aground on Carolina's bar!
Thus, like the myrmidons of old they flood,
And the dread flaughter of the Britons view'd!
Lee join'd the colonists as they retir'd;

Shame! fhame! he cry'd, with indignation fir'd÷
We cannot ftand, they faid, the cannonade,
The feamen 'gainst Fort Sullivan have made;
Tho' the three frigates ftill aground remain ;

(From whence perhaps they ne'er will float again;)
Altho' like wrecks we can perceive most clear,
Th' Experiment and Bristol both appear!
Tho' mails and rigging overboard are thrown!
And but as one their batter'd port-holes yawn!


Tho' from their scoppers to the briny tide,
We fee the purple marks of flaughter glide!
Altho' we've fwept the Bristol's quarter deck!
They feem to feel no cool difheart'ning check!
But with fresh fury, guns and mortars ply,
Which storm to fhun, we from our quarters fly!'

No part of this poem, (for we have toiled through it all) is better than the lines above quoted. Is it not aftonishing that any man fo totally void of all poetical abilities as the author of the American War, could ever prevail on himself to publish such intolerable jargon ?

A Defcriptive Poem, written in the Weft Indies. By George Heriot. 4to. 25. Dodfley.

If any of our readers be fond of that species of writing,

Where smooth defcription holds the place of fenfe,

we recommend to them the perufal of this poem, in which all the peculiar phænomena, birds, plants, beafts, &c. of the Weftern world are accurately delineated. It may afford fome instruction to the curious inveftigator of nature, but will not give much entertainment to a lover of the Mufes, as the following specimen will fufficiently convince the impartial critic.

To thee, Flamingo, in defcriptive course,

I turn my verfe. Straight, tall, majestic bird!
With thy deep crimfon plumage, mixed with white,
Adorn'd in luftre gay; and thy long neck,
And ruddy legs, join'd to thy full-form'd breast,
Approaching nearly to the height of man.
How fingular thy bill! thy tongue how strange!
Set with a double row of fharp hook'd teeth.
With legs and neck outstretch'd, thou wing'ft the air,
In flow and heavy flight, and when in crowds,

In order regular ye move.-1
-Next of th' aquatic kind,
With flender, crooked necks, the Galdings view;
Some deck'd with fnow-white feathers, fome with grey,
And some with fable blue, and red-caped crown.'

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This may, for ought we know, be a very juft and exact defcription of thefe extraordinary birds; but the whole would perhaps found full as well in plain profe, efpecially as the lines have nothing in them very pleafing or poetical-We have afterwards. a minute account of the millepedes, tarantula, faw-fly, fire-fly, and twenty other wonderful infects.-Walk in, ladies and gentlemen, and fee them all for the small price of two fhillings; and if you are not fatisfied with our author's defcription, and wish to view the originals, you have only to step into a vefel and cross the Atlantic.

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