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which inhabit the earth, and fill the air | us, and we beheld His glory, the glory and the waters, but we also see the power as of the only begotten of the Father, of God in the least of His works. The full of grace and truth"-(John i. 14.) sands of the sea, as well as our solar sys- The same power was developed in the tem, the structure of a fly as well as the whole of the Redeemer's sojourn on structure of an elephant, the growth of a earth. It was seen in the miracles He blade of grass as well as the stately cedar, performed; in His conduct under accudemonstrate the truth of our text: "Imulated sufferings; and in His resurrecam the Almighty God."

His all-sufficiency is seen in providence. The same power which made the world preserves it. Had this power been withheld for a single moment, the universe would have returned to its original chaos; it would have been annihilated. The regular succession of the seasons; the preservation of all things in the variety of their motions, forms and stations; the accomplishment of the greatest works from the most simple means; the destruction of enemies hostile to the best interest of the Church; the bringing about of events most contrary to all human expectations; the performance of miracles to confirm the truth of Christianity, and His constant government over all His works, show that God's power is omnipotent. This power supplies all the wants of God's creatures. From the creation of the world down to the present moment, the necessities of all God's creatures have been supplied by His all-sufficiency. "He watereth the hills from His chambers, &c." (Psalm civ. 13-28.)

tion, ascension and mediatorial government. God's all-sufficiency is also exhibited to the eye of faith in the provision He has made for the spiritual wants of His people. All that is requisite for their entire restoration to the Divine favour and image is provided in Christ, and is freely bestowed on all, who believe in Him. The Lord's people, in common with others, were under the curse of a broken law and were exposed to the inflictions of its righteous curse, but Almighty power has made a way for their complete salvation. The redemption that is in Christ Jesus, and which is preached to us in the Gospel, is sufficient for all our needs as sinners. What is it you need? Is it the pardon of sin? The atonement of Jesus has made this attainable. The virtue of His vicarious sacrifice, presented to God upon Calvary, is sufficient for the redemption of all who trust in Him. "Whom God hath set forth to be a propitiation through faith in His blood, to declare His righteousness for the remission of sins that are past, through the Contemplate God's all-sufficiency, as forbearance of God; to declare, I say, at made manifest in the economy of human this time His righteousness; that He redemption. This perfection is seen in might be just, and the justifier of him the means employed for the salvation of which believeth in Jesus"-(Rom.iii. 25, the Church. The all-sufficiency of God 26). What is it we need? Is it a righyou have seen in His works of creation teousness, in which we may appear beand providence; but the most glori- fore the Judge of all men? This is to be ous manifestation of it is to be seen found in the obedience of the Lord Jesus in the work of redemption. Let us Christ, which is reckoned to the account visit Bethlehem. There the human of all, who receive the Saviour as their and Divine natures were seen united Prophet, Priest and King. "And by in the person of the child Jesus. Him all that believe are justified from The Maker of the universe assumed the all things, from which ye could not be form of a servant; was seen in our world justified from the law of Moses"-(Acts as a little infant; died on Calvary as a sa-xiii. 39). The individual who has an incrifice for sin. What a development of terest in the righteousness of Christ, has power is here! The Son of God becomes an interest in all other spiritual blessings; the Saviour of sinners; is born of a sinful" Ye are complete in Him." woman, and yet was "without sin ;" was made "bone of our bone and flesh of our flesh;" was very God and very man. Man, as to His human; God, as to His Divine nature. These two natures, though united, were not confounded. "The Word was made flesh, and dwelt among

Who can

estimate the value of Jesus' finished work? All He did was stamped with infinite value, because He was God as well as man. Never forget, O ye trembling penitents, the announcement He made to the universe of the completion of His work, when in the ago

nies of dissolution. "When Jesus, there- of Satan to buffet him." He prayed for fore had received the vinegar, He said, the removal of the affliction, which was It is finished; and He bowed His head not granted; yet he found the truth of and gave up the ghost"-(John xix. 30). | the text. "For this thing I besought the Follow the Saviour from the cross to the Lord thrice, that it might depart from tomb, and see Him rise the third day me. And He said unto me, My grace according to the Scriptures; which im- is sufficient for thee; for My strength is portant fact proves to our perfect satis-made perfect in weakness. Most gladly faction, that the redemption He came to therefore, will I rather glory in my inaccomplish was completed. firmities, that the power of God may The all-sufficiency of God is, likewise, rest upon me. Therefore I take pleasure seen in the conversion of His people. in infirmities, in reproaches, in necessiThe Holy Spirit applies the salvation, ties, in persecutions, in distresses for which is in Christ Jesus. The people of Christ's sake; for when I am weak, then God, by nature, are dead, and must be am I strong❞—(2 Cor. xii. 8—10). The quickened; unholy, and must be sanc- power of God was seen in the experitified; rebels, and must be subdued. ence of the martyrs, whose souls were full Their hearts, prior to a Divine change, of consolation, while their bodies were are hostile to God, which enmity no being consumed in the devouring flame. human power can remove. The pathos The same help is communicated now; of a preacher may move the affections; which is found sufficient to support the beawful dispensations of Providence may liever in the most painful circumstances, alarm the conscience, and the prospect Believer, your trials may increase, prosof the future may excite transient fears; perity may be exchanged for adversity, but to illuminate the dark mind, to purify health for sickness, the vigour of youth the corrupt affections, to subdue the per- for the infirmity of old age; but "thy verse will, to communicate spiritual life shoes shall be iron and brass, and as to dead souls, this requires the arm of thy days, so shall thy strength be." Jehovah. This power is always sufficient Young pilgrim, the comencement of your in the regeneration of the vessels of journey may be rugged; your difficulmercy. What made Peter's sermon so ties may accumulate every step you take; successful? The strength of his argu- your bright prospects may be blasted: ments, the power of his appeals, the beloved friends may die; all things coneloquence of his language? No; his nected with time may present a gloomy success must be traced to the Spirit's ap- aspect, and the time may come when you plication of Divine Truth. The all-suf-shall be afraid of that which is high ficiency of God is seen in the support, and fears shall be in the way, when the direction, and comfort, His people re- almond tree shall flourish and the grassceive in seasons of trial. "Many are hopper shall be a burden, when the silthe afflictions of the righteous." The ver cord shall be loosed and the golden experience of the saints has fully illus. bowl be broken :" but if all these troubles trated the truth of this declaration. should be realised, the help you shall They have shared in the afflictions com- receive from God will prove to you, that mon to men; in addition to which they He is all-sufficient. My God shall have had the afflictions, which arise from supply all your need according to His a sense of sin, the opposition of the riches in glory, by Christ Jesus." The world and the temptations of Satan. Yet same power is sufficient to preserve the God's grace has been sufficient for them. saints in a state of grace and to complete The psalmist waded through the deep their salvation. The grace which comwaters of affliction; he was no stranger menced the "good work" in them, will to sickness of body, to Satanic influence, carry it on to perfection—(Phil. i 6). to the persecutions of wicked men; but The power of God is continually employhe found in God all the help he needed. ed on behalf of His people: hence He could say, "The Lord is my strength the grace afforded them to withstand and my shield; my heart trusted in Him, temptation; the restraint laid upon their and I am helped; therefore my heart spiritual adversaries; the help received greatly rejoiceth, and with my song will to enable them mortify inward lusts, I praise Him." The apostle Paul, and their security from innumerable a thorn in the flesh, a messenger dangers. "Who are kept by the power

had "

of God through faith unto salvation." 1. How groundless are many of our This almighty power will raise the bodies fears. Many can say, "Within are of the saints in the morning of the re- fears." surrection; will punish all their enemies, and introduce the righteous into the mansions of bliss.

II. The duty of the believer here enforced by Jehovah Himself. "Walk before Me, and be thou perfect."

How many of these arise from unbelief. True, our strength is perfect weakness-true, our spiritual conflict is often severe-true, Satan is active in impeding our progress heavenward; but if we trust in the Almighty God, His power will deliver us from our enemieswill weaken our lusts-succour us in temptation-comfort us in sorrow, and make us "more than conquerors through Him who hath loved us.'

This command does not imply that Abraham had not walked with God before; but it implies, that henceforth he ought to walk with God in the exercise of a 2. This subject encourages us in our stronger faith in His promises, faithful-labours in the cause of Christ. That the ness, and power. "Walk before Me." human heart, is hard we know; but God That is, whithersoever thou goest, have can soften it That great opposition is Me in thy thoughts; believe in all I made to the progress of truth, we know; have promised, and be obedient to all but God can level the mountain, and My commands. The same expression exalt the valley. Much remains to be occurs in other parts of Scripture. Hence done before the whole world is converted it is said of Jacob-" And he blessed to God, but His power is sufficient for Joseph and said, God, before whom my the execution of all His purposes. The fathers Abraham and Isaac did walk, the prophets have predicted a time when God which fed me all my life long anti-Christ shall be destroyed-when the unto this day, the angel which redeemed idols shall be utterly abolished-when me from all evil, bless the lads; and let the Jews shall be grafted into their own my name be named on them, and the olive, and the "fulness of the Gentiles name of my fathers Abraham and Isaac, shall be gathered in;" a time is preand let them grow into a multitude in the dicted when the "seventh trumpet" shall midst of the earth"-(Gen. xlviii. 15,16). be sounded-when great voices shall be David said, "I will walk before the Lord heard in heaven, and when it shall be reitein the land of the living." "Be thou rated from pole to pole, that "the kingperfect," was another command. The doms of this world have become the kingword "perfect" appears to mean upright-doms of God, and of His Christ;" and ness, or sincerity in acts of faith. Abra-shall these predictions never be fulfilled? ham was to be sincere in all his profes- The power of Him who gave them should sions of attachment to the true God. quell every fear. The Church must perHe was to live as seeing Him, who is severe in prayer for the manifestation of invisible he was to press on towards His power; then sinners will be conperfection. Abraham was to trust in verted, believers edified, and the latterGod-live to His glory-set Jehovah day glory advanced. This should be our always before him. prayer: "Awake, awake, put on strength, The conduct required was most rea-O arm of the Lord; awake, as in the sonable and just. When God had re- ancient days, as in the generations of vealed Himself to Abraham as the all-old."

sufficient God, how unreasonable and 3. This subject should alarm the unsinful would be distrust in His providence! converted. Is God Almighty? Then Confidence in God is essential to true" why, O sinner, dost thou strive with peace. The text shows God's ability to supply all our needs, manage all our concerns, and to overrule all events for our good; hence presents a spring of consolation. The believer who lives by faith upon God's all-sufficiency, will enjoy peace of mind-victory over all His enemies a consciousness of the Divine presence and blessing.

The subject teaches us


Him?" What an unequal war! How sure is your ruin if you do not submit to His authority! "It is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the living God." Sinner, "seek the Lord while He may be found;" then His power, instead of being an object of dread, will be a spring of joy. "And He said, I am the Almighty God." Remember this. The power of God should be frequently me

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in His promises, and you will never be confounded by disappointment. All the redeemed in glory have found by experience, that His promises are "worthy of all acceptation." "Trust in the Lord Jehovah, for in the Lord Jehovah is everlasting strength." Parents, do you feel the insufficiency of your wisdom, power, and knowledge? Oh ! then look to the living God, for He has said, "Fear not, for I am with thee; I will strengthen thee; yea, I will help thee; yea, I will uphold thee with the right hand of My righteousness." Ministers - Sabbathschool teachers-missionaries-churches the directors of our religious societies

ditated upon; this would be a means of, filled it. God promised to deliver the increasing our fear, comfort, and confi- Jews from their captivity in Babylon, dence. God is able to do all He has and His power fulfilled it. Then trust promised. Men may be very sincere when they make promises, but may be unable to fulfil them through a want of power. But this is never the case with Jehovah. The fulfilment of His promises is a most encouraging proof of His all sufficiency. What great promises He has made! He promised Abraham a son in his old age, and His power fulfilled it. The apostle tells us how Abraham exercised faith in this glorious attribute:" And being not weak in faith, he considered not his own body now dead, when he was about an hundred years old, neither yet the deadness of Sarah's womb: he staggered not at the promise of God through unbelief; but was strong in faith, giving glory to God; and being fully persuaded, that, what He had promised, He was able also to perform"-(Rom. iv. 19-21). God promised a Saviour, and His power ful-say,

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the penitent sinner the afflicted Christian-the dying saint-all, all must look by faith to the all-sufficient God, and He will never leave them nor forsake them. Therefore, we may boldly "The Lord is my helper.'

Review of Books.

ENGLAND IN THE SIXTEENTH CENTURY; or, A History of the Reigns of the House of Tudor. pp. 436. cl. bds.

Religious Tract Society.

THE days of the Tudor are of deep interest to a thoughtful person. What a change came over England with the Reformation! that infancy of a spirit, which now ranges abroad in maturity, and begins to govern the world. There is hardly any study more interesting, or more instructive, than the history of the progress of mind in this mighty empire; and we are glad to see contributed to it this very excellent volume, which we hope will be followed by treatises on subsequent portions of our history. It is by means of the views of "many men of many minds," that we reach thetruth; and this book may be clas sed among our really valuable guides. It is written by a man, who looks beneath the surface; it is not an "old almanac ;" births and deaths we have, indeed, and

battles and festivals; but our author fastens upon "the causes of things." It is a history, not merely of events, but of manners and customs, laws, arts, and all the ways in which mind displays itself. It is very dispassionately written; we see no traces of prejudice in it; and we have been not a little gratified in perusing it. It has our best wishes.

THE MOTHER WITH HER FAMILY: being Scriptural Exercises and Prayers for Children, every Sunday Evening. By the Rev. T. TIMPSON. pp. 206 cl. bds.

Snow, Paternoster Row. The world has long since found out, that the minds of the next generation receive their "form and fashion" from the mothers of that which is passing. There are, indeed, a few giants in intellect, that would burst any bands; and the grace of God, we know, will enable

great city," give him this expo

sure of its snares.

the soul to break off the habit of a life, to a
though it began in the very cradle; but,
in general, the tree will grow as the twig
is bent, and the destiny (speaking after
the manner of men) is decided by the
mother. "The mother with her family,"
then, is a subject of appalling interest.

HEAT: Its Sources, Influence and Results. cl. bds. p.p. 196.

Religions Tract Society.

THIS is one of the Tract Society's admirable scientific books, executed with all the care that has distinguished the series. It is a complete, but simple and plain treatise, interspersed with several We have seen

Mr. Timpson deserves an honourable place among those, who have sought to direct maternal power aright. His little book is full of simple, unaffected piety. It consists of a series of papers (fifty-illustrative anecdotes. two in number), comprising first some extracts from Holy Writ, then a short commentary upon them, next questions for trying the attention of the young listeners to what they have been hearing, afterwards an appropriate hymn, and lastly, a short prayer. The subjects are admirably chosen; they are just the points in the Bible, that make it so interesting to the young-that stamp it as our own book the moment we can read. We think the volume an admirable execution of a happy idea.

not a little in our day of learning made as uninteresting as it well can be; the opposite method is here happily pursued. And-better still-religion is not forgotten: we are taught

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Ward and Co., Paternoster Row. Books like that which is now before us, mae us almost ashamed to own the fact, that we have often felt a prejudice against American works. Every now and then we get from the other side the Atlantic such a volume, that every word, as the veteran said of Webster's Speech at Bunker's Hill-" every word weighs a pound." When the earnest onward heart of a pious American is set upon a noble object, there is certainly nothing to compare with him for energetic action.

This is a thoroughly practical volume, and just the thing for the dweller in a city. It is written for the men, that live in exciting scenes, and (morally and mentally) live very fast. It is a book for the man in a crowd. The writer thoroughly knew how to write to such a reader, and has never forgotten what class he was addressing. "Great cities" are growing thick around us; and we can hardly expect a more admirable guard against their evils, than Mr. Todd has furnished. Christian parent! if you must send your child of many prayers"

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"To look through nature up to nature's God."

The following passage will show the method, by which the book is rendered attractive to the general reader, who might tire of a continual string of principles and proofs :

"The singular power with which the body is endowed of enduring great heat, and of breathing air of high temperature, has been shown in curious experiments made by a party of distinguished men." Sir Charles Blagden entered a room having a temperature of one hundred and ninety-eight degrees, and remained ten minutes. Dr. Solander found the heat two hundred and ten degrees, and Sir Joseph Banks entered the room when it was two hundred and eleven degrees, and yet their bodies preserved their natural temperature. Sir C. Blagden, on touching his side, found it cold like a corpse, and yet under his tongue the heat was ninety-eight degrees; and hence they concluded that the body has the power of destroying a certain degree of heat when communicated with a certain degree of quickness. The same gentleman encountered a still warmer temperature. Sir C. Blagden went into a room where the heat was rather above two hundred and sixty degrees, and stayed there eight minutes, sometimes walking about to all parts of the room, but chiefly standing still where the heat was two hundred and forty degrees; still he suffered no pain, and thought he could support a much greater heat. For seven minutes Sir C. Blagden's breathing was uninterrupted, but afterwards he felt his lungs oppressed, and he retired, his pulse being at one hundred and forty-four, double its usual quickness. Ample proof was af

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