Monthly Magazines have opened a way for every kind of inquiry and information. The intelligence BOSTON: PUBLISHED BY MUNROE AND FRANCIS, No. 4, CORNHILL, Corner of Water-Street. SUBSCRIPTIONS RECEIVED ALSO BY THE FOLLOWING AGENTS :---HENRY WHIPPLE, SALEM; Price $2,50 stitched; or 83 bound. P 120.1 Harvard College Library Boston Library Sochnety THE ATHENEUM, or Spirit of the English Magazines, is published in Boston, on the 1st and 15th of every month. Each number contains 40 pages large octavo, forming 2 vols. of 500 pages each in a year, at the low price of Five Dollars per annum. The work is regularly forwarded by mail to subscribers at a distance. Its appearance twice a month renders it more convenient to transport, and with less delay, than monthly publications, whilst by this mode of publication it is enabled to anticipate whatever is novel or entertaining in the literary, scientific, and fashionable world. The publishers receive by every arrival from England the Magazines printed in London, and the selections are made with the most scrupulous regard to the tastes of those who read for relaxation, amusement, or instruction. The work commenced in April, 1817; and the volumes are dated from April and October each year. The first and second volumes are now re-printed, and complete sets may be had, either bound at $3, or in yellow paper at $2,50 per volume. 10 |