The Holy Bible, Containing the Old and New Testaments: Translated Out of the Original Tongues and with the Former Translations Diligently Compared : Authorized (King James) VersionMade for the Gideons by The National Bible Press, 1954 - 1293 pages |
From inside the book
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Page 335
... Jon'a - than ; and his armourbearer slew after him . h 14 And that first slaughter , which Jon'a - than and his armourbearer made , was about twenty men , with- in as it were 2 an half acre of land , which a yoke of oxen might plow . 15 ...
... Jon'a - than ; and his armourbearer slew after him . h 14 And that first slaughter , which Jon'a - than and his armourbearer made , was about twenty men , with- in as it were 2 an half acre of land , which a yoke of oxen might plow . 15 ...
Page 345
... Jŏn'a - than 7 made a cove- nant with the house of Da'vid , saying , " Let the LORD even re- quire it at the hand of Da'vid's enemies . not Jŏn'a - than know this , lest he | B. C. 1062 | yet I live shew me the kindness of be grieved ...
... Jŏn'a - than 7 made a cove- nant with the house of Da'vid , saying , " Let the LORD even re- quire it at the hand of Da'vid's enemies . not Jŏn'a - than know this , lest he | B. C. 1062 | yet I live shew me the kindness of be grieved ...
Page 346
... Jon'a - than answered Saul his father , and said unto him , " Wherefore shall he be slain ? what Heb . that hath he done ? 34 So Jon'a - than arose from the table in fierce anger , and did eat ch . 14. 3 , no meat the second day of the ...
... Jon'a - than answered Saul his father , and said unto him , " Wherefore shall he be slain ? what Heb . that hath he done ? 34 So Jon'a - than arose from the table in fierce anger , and did eat ch . 14. 3 , no meat the second day of the ...
Nebuchadnezzars dream and its interpretation | 2 |
Genealogy of ChristVisit of | 14 |
Great promises for believersConstancy in | 22 |
9 other sections not shown
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Common terms and phrases
Aâr'on according altar begat behold blessed blood brethren bring brought burnt offering CHAPTER children of İş'ra-el congregation covenant cubits Da'vid daugh daughter Deut dwelt earth Egypt ephod evil Ezek Ezra flesh gold hearken heart heave offering heaven holy hundred İş Ja'cob Je-ru'să-lěm Jon'a-than Jôr'dan Josh Josh'u-ȧ Judg king of İş'ra-el king of Ju'dah king's land of Egypt Le'vites LORD hath LORD said unto LORD spake unto LORD thy Luke Matt meat offering Mō'ab Mō'şeş pass Pha'raōh Phi-lis'tines pray thee priest Prov ra-el reign Săm'u-el Saul sent şeş seven shalt thou shekels shew shittim wood slew smote Sŏl'o-mon sons tabernacle tenth deals thereof thine hand thing thou hast thou shalt thousand thy servant took tribe unclean unto Mō unto the LORD unto thee Wherefore wife words