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Lord Shelburne's refignation, and chancellor of exchequer's declaration en

what account be continued to hold bis office.-Ministerial interregnux—

mifchiefs refulting therefrom-conjectures on the caufes.—Addrefs 10 bis

Majefty for the fame reftrictions to be obferved, previous to the 5th of

April, refpecting granting penfions, as are directed by an as of last feñan

fubfequent to that time.-Debate thereon.—Account of penfions granted.—

Animadverfions on them.-Mr. Coke's notice of bis intention to move an

addrefs on the unfettled ftate of the ministry.-Its effects-unsuccessful.—-

Makes his motion-received with approbation.—Minifters attempt to ex-

culpate themfelves—answered.—Coalition abufed; and an addition, to iss

dijadvantage, proposed to the addrefs.-This attack repelled, with great

dexterity, by Mr. Fox.-Allufions having been made, in the debate, to fe-

cret advisers of the crown, a gentleman alluded to avows, and juftifies bis

conduct-Reply.-Address prefented.—Anfwer.- Mr. Pin refigns-quef-

tioned refpecting any new arrangement being made. - His anfwer-not ja-

tisfactory.-Earl of Surry's motion on the occafion-objections to it-with-

drawn.-Ile propofes another, which is better approved; it is however

postponed.-Report to the disadvantage of the coalition party—disclaimed

by Lord North.-Frefb invectives against the coalition.-Heads of juftifi-

cation infifted on by that party.-Negociation again opened to form an at

miniftration-fucceeds.-Lift of the new miniflry.-Its first objects.-Dif-

fculties obftructing à commercial intercourse with the States of America.—

Steps taken to remove them.-Loan of twelve millions brought forward

-objected to-juftified.-Mr. Pitt's motion for a reform of the par-

liamentary reprefentation-debate thereon-divifion - loft by a majority of

144.-Earl Shelburne condemns the loan.-Refolution propofed for the con.

duct of future loans.-The loan juftified, and former miniftry blamed.-

Propofed refolutions discussed, and rejected. - Duke of Richmond's motion,

refpeling danger to be apprehended from putting the great feal in commifun

to the judges.-Heads of his fpeech, which embraces further objects.—Mo.

tion objected to withdrawn.-Another propofed-debated-negatived.-

Animadverfions on the original motion.Meffage recommending a separate

eftablishment for the Prince of Wales-50,00cl. fettled on bim-and

60,cocl. voted as a temporary aid.--Heads of the bill for regulating cer

tain offices in the exchequer.-Claufe offered to exempt Lord Thurlow from

its operation-debated—agreed 10-rejected on the report by a majority of

3.-Claje of the fefion-Speech.-Eaf India affairs left unfettled.


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Extract of a letter from Admiral Pigot to Mr. Stephens, dated the 3d of

March 1783

Extract of a letter from Rear Admiral Rowley, commander in chief of his ̧

Majefly's fhips at Famaica, dated the 9th of February, 1783, 10 Mr.



Extract of a letter from Rear Admiral Digby, commander in chief of his
Majefty's fhips and vessels in North America, to Mr. Stephens, dated Feb. 8,

Extract from the Kingston Gazette, received May 2, 1783


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▲ circular letter of bis Excellency George Washington, commander in chief of the armies of the United States of America, dated June 18, 1783 [266 General Washington's farewell orders to the armies of the United States [274 The addrefs of his officers to his Excellency General Wafbington, commander in chief of the armies of the United States of America [:77 Ceremonial of the introduction of his Royal Highness George Auguftus Frederick Prince of Wales, into the House of Peers, at the meeting of parliament on Tuesday November 11, 1783

Ceremonial of the inveftiture of the Knights of St. Patrick

Inftallation of the Knights




Extract of a letter from the prefident and felect committee at Bombay, to the fecret committee of the Court of Directors of the Eaft-India company, dated 27th June, 1783, received overland 21ft of November; containing a concife detail of the transactions and occurrences in those parts [285 Copy of a letter from Mr. Hutchinfon to the fecret committee of the court of Directors, &c. dated Anjenjo, 19th July, 1783, giving an account of the most recent occurrences in the Carnatic

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[194 A general bill of all the chriftenings and burials in the cities of London, Weftminster, &c. for the year 1783 (96 A complete and authentic lift of men of war, both of France, Spain, Holland, and England, which have been either taken or deftroyed during the late war

[297 An account of the quantities of all corn and grain exported from, and imported into England and Scotland, with the bounties and drawbacks paid, and the duties received thereon, for one year ended the 5th of January, 1784

Prices of Stocks for the year 1783

Supplies granted by parliament for the year 1783

Ways and means for raising the supplies

Taxes for the year 1783

[301 [303




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His Majefty's most gracious fpeech to both houses of parliament, on the closing the feffion, July 11, 1782 [330 His Majesty's most gracious fpeech to both boufes of parliament on opening the feffion, December 5, 1782

[311 The humble addrefs of the lords spiritual and temporal, in parliament assembled, to the King; with his Majefly's anfwer

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[314 The humble address of the commons of Great Britain to the King; with his Majefly's answer His Majefy's Speech on clofing the feffion, July 16, 1783 Preliminary articles of peace between his Britannic Majefly and the States Ge- X neral of the United Provinces

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The definitive treaty of peace and friendship between his Britannic Majefty and the Moft Chriftian King


Separate articles, and declaration, p. [328.-Counter-declaration



The definitive treaty of peace and friendship between his Britannic Majefty

and the Mt Catholic King

Separate articles, p. [336.-Counter-declaration



The definitive treaty of peace and friendship between bis Britannic Majefty and the united fiates of America [339 Treaty of perpetual peace and friendship between the Hon. Eaft-India company and the Pefbwa Madboo Row Pundit Purdban, fettled between Mr. David Anderson on the part of the company, and the whole of the chiefs of the

Mahratta nation



Tranfcript of the treaty between France and the United States of America; together with the ratification of the fame by Congress The petition of the people called Quakers



Warrant by the lord lieutenant general and general governor of Ireland for the jettlement of the Genevefe in that kingdom Letter to Mr. D'Ivernois, from Mr. Secretary Hamilton, on the fame fubje&t [354

The bumble addrefs of the lord-mayor, fherifs, commons, and citizens of the city of Dublin, prefented March 11, 1783, to the lord lieutenant; with his excellency's anfwer [354

The Speech of his excellency the lord lieutenant of Ireland to both houses of parliament, Oct. 14, 1783 [356 To the king's mafi excellent majefty: the bumble addrefs of the lords fpritual and temporal of Ireland, in parliament assembled [357 To the King's most excellent Majefty: the humble addrefs of the knights, citizens, and burgeffes of Ireland, in parliament assembled [359 The humble addrefs of the lords fpiritual and temporal of Ireland, in Parliament affembled, to his Excellency Robert Earl of Northington, lord lieute




The bumble addrefs of the knights, citizens, and burgeffes of Ireland, in par liament affembled, to the fame Tranflation of the manifefto published by order of the Empress of Ruia, upon occafion of her troops entering the peninfula of the Crimea, &c. Heads of the principal acts of parliament paffed during the prefent feffion of parliament, 1783




Character of Elizabeth Queen of England; from Dr. Watson's biftory of
Philip III. king of Spain

Gharacter of the Marefchal Lefdiguieres; from the fame
Character of the Spaniards; from the fame




Defcription of the Rejangs in the island of Sumatra; from the biftory of that ifland, by W. Marsden, F. R. S.

Character of King James the Second; from Mrs. M. Graham's biflory of England



Difference in character between the Malays, and other Sumatrans; from the jame author

13 Ассоциа


A letter from William Herschel, Efq; F. R. S. to Sir Jofeph Banks, Bart.

P. R. S. relative to a new ftar, by bim called the Georgium Sidus

On the diameter and magnitude of the Georgium Sidus; with a defcription
of the dark and lucid disk and periphery micrometers
Obfervations on the light, diameter, and magnitude, of the Georgium Sidus

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Extras from an account of the earthquakes which happened in Italy, from

February to May, 1783 by Sir William Hamilton, Knight of the Bath,

F. R. S.


Tranflation of the Count Francefco Ippolito's letter to Sir William Hamilton,
giving an account of the earthquakes which happened in Calabria, March 28,

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Account of the black canker caterpillar, which defroys the turnips in Norfolk

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