The Holy Bible, Containing the Old and New Testaments: Translated Out of the Original Tongues, and with the Former Translations Diligently Compared and Revised, Volume 3American Bible Society, 1877 - 840 pages |
Common terms and phrases
abominations Ahikam anger Assyria beasts Behold bring brought burn captivity cast cause Chaldeans CHAPTER children of Israel cometh covenant cubits Daniel daugh daughter deliver desolate devour drink dwell earth Edom Egypt ephah Ephraim evil eyes EZEKIEL fathers fear fire flock gate glory God's goeth hand hear hearken heathen heaven holy house of Israel idols inhabitants iniquity ISAIAH Jacob Jehoiakim Jeremiah Jerusalem judgment king of Assyria king of Babylon king of Judah kingdom land of Egypt LORD came unto LORD hath LORD of hosts maketh mercy midst mighty Moab mountains mouth nations Nebuchadnezzar pass priests princes prophesy prophet righteousness saith the LORD say unto servant shew sins slain soul spake spirit spoil sword thereof things thou art thou hast thou shalt tree unto the LORD unto thee vanity voice waters wicked wine wisdom wise word Zedekiah Zion