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rity for old and infirm men. In the chapel of this building are Murillo's best and most celebrated pictures; but the subjects, and a thousand other things, I must delay telling until we meet happily in England, which God grant may be soon, and in health and peace. Your pictures are a great comfort to me.

"When you see Miss T. will you tell her that I almost despair of being able to effect anything respecting the Carmelite nun? All communication is cut off with Segovia; and, indeed, at this moment any intercourse with the different provinces is almost entirely impracticable. These difficulties have accumulated tenfold within the last three weeks.


August 27th. The only thing I could wish you here for, as regards Spain, would be to see the cathedral and pictures, which are indeed well worth the attention. The more I see of the cathedral, the more magnificent it appears; and the pictures of Murillo are indeed a wonderful effort

of genius. Lord Wellesley continues his kindness in a very satisfactory manner; and if I fulfil speedily and safely the duties attached to the mission, it will, I hope, be a very interesting year of my life.


August 28th.-I hope when I next write, which may perhaps be in a fortnight, I shall be enabled to state some certain account as to the time of our return, which I trust in God may be soon, as I am very anxious that our separation should be at an end. I am looking with earnest and daily hope for a letter from you. It seems an age since we parted; but I trust all will contribute to give us the facility of retiring sooner to some peaceful and happy cottage with our darling little Dora, to live in virtuous retirement.

"The present exercise of my mind is fatiguing, but, I have no doubt, will be useful. I am not at liberty to say one word respecting Spain. Lord Wellesley's orders are so strong and binding, that I

do not write to Sydenham by this packet, because I should only be at liberty to speak of the oppressive heat and unfavourable temperature of this climate, which would be neither new nor interesting. When I return, I shall have a great deal to tell you. What odd coincidences happen! The General Whittingham I mentioned in a former letter is well acquainted with your brother James : they sailed in the same ship to Buenos Ayres. He speaks very highly of him."


Continuation of the Journal.-Lord Wellesley's kindness.Manner of spending the day.-Statue of St. Jerome.— The British Army.-Festival of St. Francis.- Extreme Heat. Cause of the Delay of the Mission.-Misrepresentations of the public Prints. News from Home.Approaching Departure from Spain.-Lord Wellesley's


"Seville, September 2.

"I SUSPECT that this letter will reach you with another packet of older date by way of Lisbon. I have also written by the Porcupine, in which Lord Jocelyn sails. He will convey to you a hurried letter, and tell you personally that I am well.

"It was this day six weeks that I left you the time seems very long and very distant. I wish I could tell you when I may hope to return; but at this moment it is impossible, and perhaps conjecture would only lead to disappointment. Whe

ther it be long or whether it be short, (I think it will be the latter,) I hope everything will tend for the best. At any rate, my most ardent endeavours have been exercised to render you and my darling Dora a little more independent; feeling conscious of this, it takes off the load of anticipated ills.

'He that has light within his own clear breast

May sit i' the centre and enjoy bright day.'


"It will give you great satisfaction to hear from me that Lord Wellesley's kindness and confidence increase every day; and I have reason to be much gratified by his attention. I am also well satisfied with my habits of life, which are good and virtuous. I have an opportunity of continuing my French, which I hope and believe will now be attainable. Major Armstrong is recovering from a severe illness.

"I will give you the history of my day. I rise at five, and ride.

prised to hear I am

You will be sur

becoming a good

horseman. I am almost tempted to bring

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