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De-fault, want, omission
De-fect, blemish
De-fence, refiftance
De-gree, advancement
De-light, joy
De-luge, a flood-
De-fcent, a going down
De fign, an invention
De spite, envy
De-tail, the particulars
Di-et, food, alfo an affembly
Dif-guft, a diftafe or diflike
Dol-phin, a f
Do-tage, doating
Do-zen, twelve
Dra per, one that fells cloth
Drop-fy, a waterish humour
Ea-gle, a bird
Eafe-ment, refreshing
E-cho, refounding of a voice
E-clipfe, a defect of light
E-dia, a proclamation
Ef-fects, gords

E-grefs, a going forth
En-gine, an inftrument
En-vy, Spite
Er-rand, a meage
Ef fence, fubflance, being

E-vent, fue, fuccefs
Ex-ile, banishment
Ex-it, departure

Ex-pence, coft, charge

Ex-ploit, a manly action
Ex-tent, compass
Fa-bric, a building
Far-thing, a piece of money
Fa-thom, a measure of fix feet
Fa-tigue, weariness
Fi-gure, hape
Fla-vour, relish

Flo-rift, one killed in flowers
Fla-id, a thin liquid body

Fo-reft, a large woody place
For-ger, a counterfeiter
For-trefs, a fortified place
Foun-tain, the fource or head
Frac-ture, the breaking of a
bone, &c.

Frag-ment, a broken piece

Fren-zy, mad-ness

Fri-day, the fixth day

Fri-gate, a small ship Fro-lic, a merry prank Fur-nace, an inclofed place to contain fire Fur-row, a trench Gal-lon, four quarts Gar-ment, a cat Gar-ret, the uppermost room Gi-ant, a very large perfon Gib-bet, a gallows Glut-ton, a greedy eater Gof-pel, the new teftament Gof-fip, a tattling woman Gram-mar, a book teaching to speak correctly Gran-deur,


greatness, or

Gri-mace, hypocrify Grif-tle, a bony fubftance Grudg-ing, Sparing Gui-dance, guiding, leading Gut-ter, a fink or drain Ha-bit, cuftom, cloathing Ha-rangue, a public speech Har-bour, lodging, or a place for fhips to ride at anchor in Har-nefs, horse attire Har-veft, reaping time Hat chet, a small ax Ha-vock, deftruction Hea-then, an idolater Hei-fer, a young cow Hel-met, an head piece


He-rald, an officer

Her-mit, a falitary perfon He-ron, a water fowl

Me-rit, worth

Hire-ling, one

who takes

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Hu-mour, fancy

Hun-ger, want of food
I-mage, a picture or ftatue
Im-port, meaning
Im-post, tax

Im-pulfe, a fireng perfuafion
In-come, rent, revenue
In-dex, a hand, or mark
In-quelt, inquiry, search
In-road, invafion

In-fect, a small living crea


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Lan-guage, Speech
Li-cence, leave
Li-quid, a flowing body
Lu-cre, gain
Luf-tre, brightness
Ma-chine, (pronounced ma-
fheen) an engine
Ma-dam, a title of honour
Maiden, a young woman
Man-date, a command
Mar-gin, the brim or edge
Ma-tron, a motherly woman
Max-in, a principle
May-or, a magiftrate
Mem-brane, a thin fkin

Mef-fage, an errand
Me-tal, gold and filver, &c.
Mi-mick, a mocker
Mi-nute, the both part of an

Mir-ror, a looking glass
Mif-chief, hurt

Mi-fer, a covetous fellow
Mi-tre, a bishop's cap
Mix-ture, a mingling
Mo-del, frame or fashion
Mo-ment, an inftant, also
Mo-tive, inducement
Mot-to, a fhort fentence
Moun-tain, a bill
Mu-fic, harmony
Muf-tard, a small feed
Native, one born in the land
Na-ture, difpofition
Na-vy, a fleet of ships

Ni-tre, falt-petre, &c.

No-vel, a fory

Nur-ture, nourishing
Nui-fance, annoyance

Ob‍je&t, that which presents itfelf

Ob-long, a long square
O-dour, fweet scent or smell
O-men, a fign or token
Or-gan, an inftrument of

Or-phan, a fatherless child
O-val, an egg-like figure
Out-rage, a violent affront
Pack-et, a parcel

Pain-ter, one who paints
Pa-lace, a court

Pa late, the roof of the mouth
Pal-fy, a difcafe

Pa-nic, fear on a fudden

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Pa-pift, a Roman Catholic
Parch-ment, a skin to write on
Parf-ley, an berb
Paf-time, Sport
Paftor, a minifter

Pa-tent, a grant from the
Pea-fant, a country fellow
Peb-bles, fmall fiones
Prim-mer, a little book
Prin-cefs, a prince's wife
Pro-blem, a question
Fro-cefs, proceeding
Proc-tor, afpiritual officer
Pro-duct, the thing produced
Pro-gres, a going forward
Pro-ject, a contrivance
Pro-phet, an inspired perfon

Pro-fpect, a view

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Rec-tor, the parfon of a parib
Re-flux, a florving back
Re-fuge, a place of fafety
Re-gard, refpe&t

Re-lit, a widow

Pro-xy, a deputy

Relief, affiance

Pur-port, meaning

Re-rown, Jame

Pur-pole, a defign

Re-paft, a meal


Pur fuit, running after, di- Re-fpite, a delay for fome time


Pe-nance, mortification
Per-fume, afweet feent
Phy-fic, a medicine
Pickle, a preserve
Pic-ture, a representation
Pilot, a fea guide
Pin-nace, a jmall sea vessel
Pi-rate, a fea robber
Pif-mire, an ant

Plain-tiff, he who complaineth
Plaf-ter, or Plaister, a cover
Pre-cept, command
Pre-late, a bishop
Pre-lude, entrance

Pre-tence, excuse
Pre-text, pretence

Pri mate, chief archbishop
Quar-rel, Arife

Re-fult, conclufion

Re-venge, fatisfaction
Re-view, an examination
Rid-dle, a dark faying
ki-gour, harness, firi&ness
Ri-ot, tumult noife
Ro-mance, a feigned flory
Rubbish, refuse, dirt
Rup-ture, a breaking
Sab-bath, a day of reft
Sa-ble, a rich fur
Sa-lad, food of raw herbs
Sam-ple, a pattern
San-dal, afort of shoe
Sat-chel, a bag for books
Sat-tin, a fort of filk
Scan-dal, offence, infamy
Scep-tre, a royal flaff
Scep-tic, a doubter


Sche-dule, (pronounced Se-
dule) an additional writing
annexed to a will or deed
Scho-lar, a learned perfon
Science, knowledge
Scrip-tures, the old and new
Scru-ple, a doubt
Sculp-ture, engraving

Ser-pent, a venomous creature
Sex-ton, a church officer

Shar-per, a cheat

Sig-nal, a fign given
Slo-ven, a nafty fellow
Slug-gard, a flothful perfon
Sock-et, part of a candlestick
Sor-row, grief
Spar-row, a bird
Spec-tre, an apparition
Spin-net, a mufical instrument
Spin-fter, a maiden oman
Splin-ter, a fiver of wood
Spon-for, a furety
Squirrel, afmall animal
Sta-tue, an image

Sta-tute, a law

Sta-ture, shape, fixe
stew-ard, an overfeer
Sti-pend, a falary
Seir-rup, belonging to a faddle
Sto-mach, a part of the body.
So-ry, a tale
Stream-er, a flag
Strip-ling, a young man
Struc-ture, a building
Stub-ble, ftalks of carn
S:a-dent, one who ftudies
Sub-tance, wealth
Suc-cefs, good luck
Sac-cour, belp, affifiance
Suf-frage, a vote

Sum-mer, a feason of the year

Sum-mit, the bigbe part
Sure-ty, fafety, bail
Sur-face, the outfide
Sur-feit, an indifpofition
Sur-prize, aftonishment
Swal-low, a bird

Sym-bol, a badge or mark
Symp-tom, a fign or token
Syf-tem, afcheme which unites
many things in order

Ta-ble, a flat furface
Tay-lor, a maker of cloaths
Tal-low, melted fat
Ta-lon, a claw

Tan-kard, a mug with a lid
Tan-ner, one who tans bides
Ta-per, a long wax light
Taf-fel, a bunch of fringe
Tem-per, natural difpofition
Tem peft, a form

Te-nant, one who hires
Te-net, a doctrine or opinion
Ten-ter, a book.

Ter-rats, a bank of earth
Ter-ror, fright

Tex-ture, a weaving
Thick-et, a place full of bufber
Thif-tle, a prickly plant
Threfh-er, a beater out of


Thun-der, a noife in the air
Thurf-day, the fifth day
Tick et, afmall note
Ti-ger, a furious beaft
Tim-ber, wood for building
Tinc-ture, aftain or aie
Tin-ler, bunt rags
Tin ker, a mender of brafs
To ken, a gift

To-pine head of a discourse

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Ud-der, dug of a cow

Vel-lum, calf's-fkin parib-


Vel-vet, fine filk manufacture
Ve-nom, poifon

Ver-dict, the report of juries
Ver-dure, greenness

Ver-juice, the juice of crabs,


Ver-min, burtful creature
Vef-fel, a small ship, &c.
Vef-tige, footstep
Vef-try, a place in a church
Vef-ture, cloathing
Vi-al, a small glass bottle
Vi-car, a deputy

Vif.count, next degree to earl
Vic-tim, a facrifice
Vic-tor, a conqueror
Vi-gour, Arength

Vil-lage, a fmall town
Vil-lain, a rogue

Vint-ner, a feller of wine`
Vi-per, a venomous creature
Vir-gin, a chafte maiden
Virtue, quality, honefty
Vi-fage countenance
Um-pire, an arbitrator
Un-cle, a father's brother
Vol-ley, a difcharge of guns
Vo-lume, a complete book
Voy-age, a passage by fea
U-fage, custom

Ufh-er, an under mafter
Wa-fer, to feal letters with
Wag-gon, a carriage
Wain-fcot, thin boards fixed
to a wall

Wal-let, a travelling bag
Wal-nut, a large nut


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