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thing else which comes under the critical jurisdiction; let it stand or fall as it can answer for itself, for I do not lay the great stress of my reputation upon a structure of this nature, much less upon the slight reparations only of an old and unfashionable building. There is no writer but may fail sometimes in point of wit; and it is no less frequent for the auditors to fail in point of judgment. I perceive plainly, by daily experience, that Fortune is mistress of the theatre, as Tully says it is of all popular assemblies. No man can tell sometimes from whence the invisible winds rise that move them. There are a multitude of people, who are truly and only spectators at a play, without any use of their understanding; and these carry it sometimes by the strength of their numbers. There are others, who use their understandings too much; who think it a sign of weakness and stupidity, to let any thing pass by them unattacked, and that the honour of their judgments (as some brutals imagine of their courage) consists in quarrelling with every thing. We are therefore wonderful wise men, and have a fine business of it, we, who spend our time in poetry: I do sometimes laugh, and am often angry with myself, when I think on it; and if I had a son inclined by nature to the same folly, I believe I should bind him from it, by the strictest conjurations of a paternal blessing. For what can be more ridiculous, than to labour to give men delight, whilst they labour, on their part, more earnestly to take offence? To

expose one's self voluntarily and frankly to all the dangers of that narrow passage to unprofitable fame, which is defended by rude multitudes of the ignorant, and by armed troops of the malicious? If we do ill, many discover it, and all despise us; if we do well, but few men find it out, and fewer entertain it kindly. If we commit errors, there is no pardon; if we could do wonders, there would be but little thanks, and that, too, extorted from unwilling givers.

But some perhaps may say, Was it not always thus ? do you expect a particular privilege, that was never yet enjoyed by any poet? were the ancient Grecian or noble Roman authors, was Virgil himself, exempt from this possibility :

Qui melior multis, quàm tu, fuit, improbe, rebus;

who was, in many things, thy better far, thou impudent pretender? as was said by Lucretius to a person, who took it ill that he was to die, though he had seen so many do it before him, who better deserved immortality and this is to repine at the natural condition of a living poet, as he did at that of a living mortal. I do not only acknowledge the pre-eminence of Virgil (whose footsteps I adore), but submit to many of his Roman brethren; and I confess, that even they, in their own times, were not so secure from the assaults of detraction (though Horace brags at last,

Jam dente minus mordeor invido ;)

but then the barkings of a few were drowned in the

applause of all the rest of the world, and the poison of their bitings extinguished by the antidote of great rewards and great encouragements, which is a way of curing now out of use; and I really profess, that I neither expect, nor think I deserve it. Indolency would serve my turn instead of pleasure:" but the case is not so well; for, though I comfort myself with some assurance of the favour and affection of very many candid and good-natured (and yet too judicious and even critical) persons; yet this I do affirm, that from all which I have written I never received the least benefit, or the least advantage, but, on the contrary, have felt sometimes the effects of malice and misfortune.





THAT the philosophical college be situated within one, two, or (at farthest) three miles of London; and, if it be possible to find that convenience, upon the side of the river, or very near it.

That the revenue of this college amount to four thousand pounds a year.

That the company received into it be as follows:

1. Twenty philosophers or professors. 2. Sixteen young scholars, servants to the professors. 3. A chaplain. 4. A bailiff for the revenue. 5. A manciple or purveyor for the provisions of the house. 6. Two gardeners. 7. A master cook. 8. An under10. An under-butler. 11. A


9. A butler.


12. Two lungs, or chemical servants.


A library-keeper, who is likewise to be apothecary, druggist, and keeper of instruments, engines, &c. 14. An officer, to feed and take care of all beasts, fowl, &c. kept by the college. 15. A groom of the stable. 16. A messenger, to send up and down for all uses of the college. 17. Four old women, to tend the chambers, keep the house clean, and such like services.

That the annual allowance for this company be as follows: 1. To every professor, and to the chaplain, one hundred and twenty pounds. 2. To the sixteen scholars twenty pounds apiece, ten pounds for their diet, and ten pounds for their entertainment. 3. To the bailiff, thirty pounds, besides allowance for his journies. 4. To the purveyor, or manciple, thirty pounds. 5. To each of the gardeners, twenty pounds. 6. To the master-cook, twenty pounds. 7. To the under-cook, four pounds. 8. To the butler, ten pounds. 9. To the under-butler, four pounds. 10. To the surgeon, thirty-pounds. 11. To the librarykeeper, thirty pounds. 12. To each of the lungs, twelve pounds. 13. To the keeper of the beasts, six pounds. 14. To the groom, five pounds. 15. To the messenger, twelve pounds. 16. To the four necessary women, ten pounds. For the manciples' table at which all the servants of the house are to eat, except the scholars, one hundred and sixty pounds. For three horses for the service of the college, thirty pounds.

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