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His differences with Godolphin
and Marlborough, ii. 50. Re-
signs, ii. 53. Continues to cabal,
ii. 153. Named Chancellor of the
Exchequer, ii. 169.
Guiscard, ii. 210.
of Oxford, ii. 216.
Haversham, Lord, his speeches, i.
29, 228, ii. 97

Wounded by
Created Earl
See Oxford

Heathcote, Sir Gilbert, Governor of
the Bank; a zealous Whig, ii.
155, 300

Pensionary, in corre-
spondence with William III., i.
12. A warm friend of Marl-
borough, i, 249, 276. His mode
of life described by Torcy, ii. 106.
Presents a project of prelimina-
ries, ii. 111. His answer to the
English Ministers, ii. 226
High and Low Church, origin of
these names, i. 122

Hill, Abigail, her rise at Court, ii.
28. Marries Mr. Masham, ii. 29.
See Masham.

Hill, John, afterwards General, ‘a
boy in rags,' ii. 29.

Refused a

regiment by Marlborough, ii. 134.
Obtains it at last, ii. 153. Com-
mands the expedition to Quebec.
ii. 224

Hoadley, Rev. Benjamin, his Low
Church sermons, i. 231, ii. 130

Holland, affairs of, i. 15, 17, 54, 111,

249, 275

[blocks in formation]



AMES II., of England, his answer
to Princess Anne, i. 10. His
death, i. 33

James Stuart, Prince of Wales, sur-
named the Pretender, acknow-
ledged as King by Louis XIV., i.
33. Attainted in England, i. 36.
Joins an expedition to Scotland,
ii. 57. Returns, ii. 60. Serves
with the French in Flanders, ii.
60. Intrigues in his favour, ii.
204. His letter to the Queen, ii.
250. Goes to Chalons, ii. 274.
His wayward conduct, ii. 282.
Departs from the French domi-
nions, ii. 283

Jersey, Earl of, dismissed from
office, i. 136. His communica-
tions to Gaultier, ii. 204. Dies of
apoplexy, ii. 217

Joseph, King of the Romans, suc-
ceeds as Emperor, i. 199. His
death, ii. 214

[blocks in formation]


fort St. Philip, ii. 82.
A JONQUIÈRE, Governor of
surrender to Stanhope, ii. 83
Leake, Sir John, his Whig politics,
i. 192. Relieves Gibraltar, i.
211. Off Barcelona, i. 256. Re-
duces the island of Sardinia, ii.
81. Named on the Board of
Admiralty, ii. 128. Promoted,
ii. 171

Leopold, the Emperor, prepares for
war, i. 4. His death, i. 199
Lille, siege of, ii. 74

Louis XIV., of France, accepts the
Spanish Will, i. 3.

Sends a

division into Flanders, i. 15.

Acknowledges the Pretender as


King, i. 33. His magnanimity in
misfortune, i. 171. His saying
on the siege of Dendermond, i.
248. Plans an expedition to
Scotland, ii. 57. Eager for peace,
ii. 102. His majestic presence,
ii. 112. His offers to the Allies,
ii. 148. Deaths in his family, ii.
257. His new proposals, ii. 258
Macaulay, Lord, references to, i. 5,
33, 38, 160, 195, 212, ii. 172, 176,
300, 303, 308, 318

MALBROOK s'en va en guerre,
origin of that popular ditty,

ii. 123

Malplaquet, battle of, ii. 116
Manchester, Earl of, his gloomy
prognostics, i. 4. Named Secre-

tary of State, i. 35
Manley, Mrs., her libellous writings,
ii. 297

Mar, Earl of, his quick talents, i.
285, 289

Marlborough, Earl of, afterwards

Duke, named Governor to the
Duke of Gloucester, i. 8. Sent
to command in Holland, i. 31.
Obtains the entire confidence of
Queen Anne, i. 46. His Dutch
embassy, i. 47. Commands the
Dutch troops, i. 53. Takes the
field, i. 54. His first campaign,
i. 57. Seized by freebooters, i.
60. Released, i. 61. His policy
on points of etiquette, i. 65.
Created a Duke, i. 73. His cha-
racter, i. 76. Death of his only
son, i. 86.
His campaign in
1703, i. 109. Returns to Holland,
i. 135. Marches into Germany,
i. 144. His victory at the Schel-
lenberg, i. 149. And at Blenheim,
i. 156. Goes to Berlin, i. 178.
Honours paid to him in England,
i. 188. And by the Court of
Vienna, i. 190. His campaign of
1705, i. 198. Visits Vienna and
Berlin, i. 232. His campaign of



1706, i. 239. His victory at
Ramillies, i. 242. His advice to
Heinsius, i. 276. A pension an-
nexed to his title for ever, i. 298.
Visits the King of Sweden in
Saxony, ii. 16. His campaign of
1707, ii. 24. Alleges a decay of
memory, ii. 26. His speech in
the House of Lords, ii. 39. Sup-
ports Godolphin, ii. 47, 51. Visits
Hanover, ii. 65. His campaign
of 1708, ii. 66. Defeats the
French at Oudenarde, ii. 69.
His conversation with De Biron,
ii. 94. And with Torcy, ii. 107.
His campaign of 1709, ii. 115.
Wins the battle of Malplaquet, ii.
117. Asks the office of Captain
General for life, ii. 127.
controversy with the Queen, ii.
134. Claims the government
of the Low Countries, ii. 147.
His campaign of 1710, ii. 151.
Makes overtures to the Tories, ii.
198. On his knees to the Queen,
ii. 201. His campaign of 1711,
ii. 218. Returns to England, ii.
232. Breaks with the Govern-
ment, ii. 235. Charges brought
against him, ii. 242. Dismissed
from all his employments, ii. 245.
Vote of the Commons against
him, ii. 252. His challenge to
Earl Poulett, ii. 264. Applies
for a passport, ii. 280. Goes
abroad, ii. 280. His letters
intercepted, ii. 296. Libels upon
him, ii. 295
Marlborough, Countess of, after-
wards Duchess, the favourite of
Queen Anne, i. 46. Adverse to a
Dukedom, i. 73. Offered a pension,
i. 74. Her shrewish temper, i.
143. Rails against the Tories, i.
197. And against the Queen, i.
296. Her contest with Abigail
Hill, ii. 30. The Queen's pro-
mise to her, ii. 51. Present at
the Prince's death, ii. 96. Her
arrogant conduct, ii. 126. Her


last interview with the Queen, ii.
145. Threatens to publish Her
Majesty's private letters, ii. 195.
Dismissed from all her employ-
ments, ii. 201. Libels upon her,
ii. 296
Marsin, Marshal, winters in Bavaria,
i. 139. Routed at Blenheim, i.
168. Killed at Turin, i. 252
Masham, Mrs. (see Hill), retains her
influence with the Queen, ii. 126,
153. Receives the Privy Purse,
ii. 202. Her communications
to Swift, ii. 239. Her hus-
band raised to the Peerage, ii.

Medina, Sir Solomon, his charge

against Marlborough, ii. 238
Melfort, Earl of, his intercepted
letter, i. 16

Melville, Earl of, his reports from
Scotland, i. 8

Mesnager, a merchant at Rouen,
employed in negotiations, ii. 102.
Signs Preliminary Articles of
Peace, ii. 228

Methuen Treaty with Portugal, i.
105, 125

Minas, Marquis das, at the head of

the Portuguese army, i. 262, 267.
Defeated at Almanza, ii. 9.
Resigns his command, ii. 62
Mohocks, account of the, ii. 249
Mohun, Lord, chosen by Marl-
borough for his second, ii. 265.
Slain in a duel, ii. 275
Mons besieged, ii. 116. Surren-
dered, ii. 123

Montgoulin, a cant name for the
Pretender, ii. 204. See James

[blocks in formation]


Raises the cry of 'the Church in
danger,' i. 228, 297. Struck off
the Privy Council, i. 298. His
dissatisfaction with Lord Oxford,
ii. 234. Coalesces with the
Tories, ii. 237, 241


BDAM, General, commands a
separate corps, i. 110. His
defeat at Eckeren, i. 112
Occasional Conformity Bill first
proposed, i. 89. Rejected by the
Lords, i. 90. Revived, i. 123.
Again brought forward, i. 187, ii.
235. It passes, ii. 240
Orange, Prince of, his gallant con-
duct at Malplaquet, ii. 118
Orford, Earl of, impeached, i. 23.
His character, ii. 98. Named
first Lord of the Admiralty, ii.
128. Resigns, ii. 171
Orleans, Duke of, defeated at Turin,
i. 251. Goes to command in Spain,
ii. 9. Reduces Aragon, ii. 13.
His secret negotiation with Stan-
hope, ii. 86

Ormond, Duke of, in command of
the Cadiz expedition, ii. 66. At
Vigo, i. 67, 72. Named Lord
Lieutenant of Ireland, i. 93. Re-
appointed, ii. 171. Commands
the army in Flanders, ii. 257.
Separates from Eugene, ii. 262,

Oudenarde, battle of, ii. 69
Overkirk, General, commands upon
the Meuse, i. 111. His gallant
charge at Ramillies, i. 242. Re-
duces Ostend, i. 246. His brave
conduct at Oudenarde, ii. 72. His
death, ii. 77

Oxford, Earl of (see Harley), ap-
pointed Lord Treasurer, ii. 217.
Maintains a resolute tone, ii. 239.
Sends his cousin on a mission to
Hanover, ii. 252. Acquiesces in
Halifax's motion, ii. 256. Answers
a speech of Marlborough, ii. 263.
Obtains the Garter, ii. 272. His


reception of Parnell, ii. 288.
Highly extolled by Pope, ii. 289

PACKINGTON, Sir John, his

petition against the Bishop of
Worcester, i. 72. His character,
i. 123. Not the original of Sir
Roger de Coverley, i. 307
Palatines, case of the, ii. 209
Parnell, T., his introduction to the
Lord Treasurer, ii. 288
Peers, creation of twelve, ii. 245
Peterborough, Earl of, his jest upon
Marlborough, i. 83. Sent to com-
mand in Spain, i. 211. Appears
before Barcelona, i. 214. His
surprise of Montjuich, i. 215.
Rallies his troops, i. 218. His
caustic letters, i. 222, 259. His
winter campaign, i. 253.
on board the fleet, i. 257.
lieves Barcelona, i. 258. His
high spirit and energy, 260.
Marches towards Castille, i. 265.
At Guadalaxara, i. 268. Leaves
the army, i. 270. Embarks for
Italy, i. 273. Again in Spain, ii.
1. Recalled to England, ii. 4.
His comments on the battle of
Almanza, ii. 12. Visits Marl-
borough in Flanders, ii. 24. His
case discussed in the House of
Lords, ii. 38, 200



Pettekum, M., a go-between in the
negotiations, ii. 103
Philip, Duke of Anjou, proclaimed
Philip V., King of Spain, i. 4.
Acknowledged by William III.,
i. 18. Lands at Naples, i. 64.
His campaign in Italy, i. 65.
Besieges Barcelona, i. 252. Re-
enters Madrid, ii. 185. Fixes his
Court at Zaragoza, ii. 192. Se-
lects one of the alternatives for
peace, ii. 266

Pope, A., his praise of Harley,

ii. 289. Jealous of Addison,
ii. 299

Portland, Earl of, consulted by

[merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small]

See Strafford

of Strafford.
Ragotzky, Francis, a leader in Hun-
gary, i. 115

Ramillies, battle of, i. 241
Regency Bill, passing of the, i. 229
Rivers, Lord, his controversy with

Lord Galway, ii. 7. Not in
Marlborough's confidence, ii. 134.
His mission to Hanover, ii. 169
Robinson, Bishop of Bristol, named
Lord Privy Seal, ii. 217. One of
the plenipotentiaries at Utrecht,
ii. 249

Rochester, Earl of, named Lord
Lieutenant of Ireland, i. 13, 35.
Becomes dissatisfied, i. 50. Re-
signs, i. 93. His views for Epis-
copacy in Scotland, i. 97. Com-
bines with Lord Nottingham, i.
228, 231, 297. Struck off the
Privy Council, i. 299. Defends
Lord Peterborough, ii. 38. Be-


comes Lord President, ii. 171.
His death, ii. 216
Rooke, Sir George, bombards Copen-
hagen, i. 11. Off Cadiz, i. 66.
At Vigo, i. 67. At Barcelona,
i. 182. Reduces Gibraltar, i.
183. His sea-fight off Malaga,
i. 183. In favour with the
Tories, i. 185. Superseded, i.192
Rouillé, President, his mission to
Holland, ii. 103. Recalled by
Louis, ii. 112

Srise and character, ii. 130. His
NACHEVERELL, Dr. Henry, his

sermon at St. Paul's, ii. 131.
Parliamentary proceedings against
him, ii. 132. His sentence, ii.
143. Popular maifestations in
his favour, ii. 144

St. John, Henry, rising into fame, i.

89. Named Secretary at War, i.
137. Moves Supplementary Esti-
mates, i. 298. Resigns, ii. 54.
Becomes Secretary of State, ii.
171. Elected for Berkshire, ii.
174. His conference with Marl-
borough, ii. 197. Correspondence
between them, ii. 220. His
criticism on the reduction of
Bouchain, ii. 223. His negotia-
tions with France, ii. 225. Seizes
the authors of libels, ii. 231.
negotiations continued, ii. 258.
His 'restraining orders' to Or-
mond, ii. 261. Complains of
Hanover, ii. 265. Created Vis-
count Bolingbroke, ii. 272. Ste


San Estevan, Count, his reply to
Charles II., i. 2

Savoy, Victor Amadeus, Duke of,
offended by the pride of Spain, i.
65. Joins Prince Eugene, ii. 19.
Besieges Toulon, ii. 21
Schomberg, Duke of, recalled from
Portugal, i. 181

Scotland, affairs of, i. 7, 95, 184, 223,
279, 317, ii. 44, 57

[merged small][ocr errors]


Scottish Peers, laws respecting, i.
303, 319

Scots Greys, distinguished both at
Blenheim and at Waterloo, i. 167
Security, Act of, in Scotland, re-
jected, i. 101. Passed, i. 184.
Carried also in the General As-
sembly, i. 293

Settlement, Act of, passed, i. 19
Seymour, Sir Edward, dismissed
from office, i. 136. His death, ii.

Shovel, Sir Cloudesley, his Whig
politics, i. 192. Returns from
Spain, i. 255. Co-operates in the
siege of Toulon, ii. 19. His ship-
wreck off the Scilly Isles, ii. 26
Shrewsbury, Duke of, his letter from
Rome, i. 25. Named Lord
Chamberlain, ii. 146. His alien-
ation from the Government, ii.
237. Sent ambassador to Paris,
ii. 275. His last instructions, ii.

Slangenberg, General, his personal
spleen against Marlborough, i.
203, 208

Somers, Lord, dismissed from office,
i. 6. His advice to William III.,
i. 12. Impeached, i. 22. Ac-
quitted, i. 30. Writes the King's
Speech, i. 34 Discusses Scottish
affairs, i. 186. Promotes the
measure of Union, i. 232, 235.
Presents the Articles to the
Queen, i. 285. Frames a Resolu-
tion, ii. 41. His bold manœuvre, ii.
43. His appointment to office
pressed, ii. 88. Named President
of the Council, ii. 96. Resigns, ii.
169. Designed as Prime Minister,
ii. 235. His friendship with men
of letters, ii. 288
Somerset, Duke of, his part in the
Cabinet Councils, ii. 52. Cabals
against Godolphin, ii. 142, 153.
Gives his aid to the Whigs, ii.

Sophia, Electress of Hanover, named
heir to the Crown, i, 20. Her

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