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fourths of the traffic, should not be exclusively in the hands of the foreign shareholders of a foreign company. An opportunity was afforded us of acquiring a right in it, and the opportunity was used. There was no deep-laid scheme in the matter. We had hardly a week to consider it from the first moment when we heard that the sale was intended; and our first idea was not so much to buy the property for ourselves as to prevent it from changing hands at all...... We seek no exclusion, no monopoly, only a secure passage for ourselves; and that same security we willing that all the world should enjoy."


This is plain and intelligible enough. The British Government has no wish to engage in stockjobbing speculations, or in commercial enterprises; nor does it seek any power over Egyptian politics than that which belongs to a friendly diplomacy. But it does wish to prevent, as best it can, any interference by commercial cupidity, or by political intrigue or caprice, with the right of all the European nations to use the Suez Canal as the direct highway to India, China, and Australia. The thread of water which joins the Mediterranean to the Red Sea, although belonging to a commercial company,must henceforth be regarded as a part of the ocean, and the route to the East vii Egypt must be open to the flags of all nations, just as much as the route to the East via the Cape of Good Hope. The step taken by the British Government is the best guarantee that such will be the case, subject, of course, to the territorial and political rights of the Khedive, and to the commercial rights of the Suez Canal Company.

THE EASTERN QUESTION. "The eternal Eastern Question," as Lord Derby calls it, has its periodical openings and temporary closings. If any one thought that the Crimean war had settled it, the sanguine observer has been many a time undeceived since then. Sometimes it has been re-opened by diplomacy, but recent circumstances, chiefly the insurrection in the Herzegovina, have done this. The defalcations of the Ottoman Porte in the matter of the Turkish bondholders has given, of course, painful significance to a question which, if not a "burning" one, is certainly very inflammable. The Sultan feels this, and, in order to conciliate the great Powers, he has issued a firman ordering certain important judicial and administrative reforms. He decrees the reorganization of the High Court of Justice and the Courts of Appeal. In a summary of the Imperial firman it is said that "all subjects of the Porte without distinction are authorised to elect judges and the members of the tribunals and administrative councils, who may be Mussulman or non-Mussulman. No person may be detained in custody without trial, and no ill-treatment of accused persons will be admitted. Taxation will be applied in just proportion, and those taxes which may burden the population too heavily will be lightened. The police will no longer be employed to collect the taxes. The Mussulman or non-Mussulman population will itself elect the collectors. Right of property will be assured to all subjects of the Porte. The abolition of forced labour is confirmed. The system of contribution for works of public utility will be amended, in order that it may

cease to be of a vexatious character. The Minister of Commerce is to confer with competent men upon the measures necessary for the development of agriculture, manufactures, and trade. All powers granted to the patriarchs and other ecclesiastical authorities for managing the affairs of Christian communions, and for the free profession of religious belief, are confirmed. Every facility will be afforded for establishing churches and schools. All official ranks and public functions will be accessible to non-Mussulman subjects. tax for exemption from military service will only be paid by nonMussulman subjects between the ages of twenty and forty years. All non-Mussulman subjects may acquire property in houses or land, and their testamentary dispositions of their property will be respected."


That these reforms were needed shows in what a sad condition of vassalage the Christian population of the Ottoman Empire has been placed, and makes the risings in Bosnia and other provinces a matter of no wonder. If this remarkable firman be issued in good faith, and be properly executed by all the Turkish authorities, from the Grand Vizier down to the lowest official, then indeed it may be regarded by the Christian subjects of the Sultan as the Magna Charta of their liberties. Alas! those best capable of judging have no faith in

this scheme of reform, and think the publication of the firman a mere manœuvre to deceive Europe. It is very sad when the Government of a large and populous empire should be adjudged by public opinion to be unworthy of credence, and even in its solemn official action in relation to millions of its own subjects to be insincere! " Turkey," it was said many years ago, “is dying for the want of Turks!" Who can regret it, if the rule of the Turk be cruel oppression, and if the reform of gigantic abuses be nothing but a mockery and a snare? Surely matters are not so bad as this? May it not be hoped, that in the interests of self-preservation, if not from a better motive, the promised reforms are not made in utter insincerity? If they are, the Eastern question will become " burning question" indeed; "the three Emperors " will hold conferences on the moribund Government of Turkey; and the coveted property of "the sick man may be parcelled out according to the ideas of Nicholas of Russia before the Crimean war. O that the empire which is dying, not "for want of Turks," but for want of truth and righteousness, might receive, in lieu of the imposture of Mohammed, the light of that pure Gospel which was preached within its territories by the Apostles of our Lord, and even by Christ Himself!

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London, December 18th, 1875.

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THE SWEDISH CHURCH UNDER THE SWAY OF ROME.-From this hour the Swedish Church lacked no advantage which organization could give it. The

powerful body on the Seven Hills, of which it had now become a humble member, was a perfect mistress in the art of arranging. The ecclesiastical

constitution framed for Sweden comprehended an archiepiscopal see, established at Upsala, and six episcopal dioceses, viz., Linköping, Skara, Strengnäs, Vesteräs, Vexiö, and Aabo. The condition of the kingdom became that of all countries under the jurisdiction of Rome. It exhibited a flourishing priesthood with a decaying piety. Its cathedral churches were richly endowed, and fully equipped with deans and canons; its monkish orders flourished in its cold northern air with a luxuriance which was not outdone in the sunny lands of Italy and Spain; its cloisters were numerous, the most famous of them being Vadstena, which owed its origin to Birgitta, or Bridget, the lady whom we have already mentioned as having been three times canonised; its clergy, enjoying enormous revenues, rode out attended by armed escorts, and holding their heads higher than the nobility, they aped the magnificence of princes, and even coped with royalty itself. But when we ask for a cor

responding result in the intelligence and morality of the people, in the good order and flourishing condition of the agriculture and arts of the kingdom, we find, alas! that there is nothing to show. The people were steeped in poverty, and ground down by the oppression of their masters. Left without instruction by their spiritual guides, with no access to the Word of God-for the Scriptures had not as yet been rendered into the Swedish tongue -with no worship save one of mere signs and ceremonies, which could convey no truth into the mind, the Christian light that had shone upon them in the previous centuries was fast fading, and a night thick as that which had enwrapped their forefathers, who worshipped as gods the bloodthirsty heroes of the Eddas and the Sagas, was closing them in. The superstitious beliefs and pagan practices of old times were returning.

The country, moreover, was torn with incessant strifes. The great families battled with one another for dominion, their vassals were dragged into the fray, and thus the kingdom was little better than a chaos, in which all ranks, from the monarch downwards, struggled together, each helping to consummate the misery of the other. Such was the condition in which the Reformation found the nation of Sweden.-From "The History of Protestantism," by the Rev. Dr. Wylie.

"BLESSED IS THE MAN UNTO WHOM THE LORD IMPUTETH NOT INIQUITY.” (Psalm xxxii. 2.)-Christ has merited righteousness for as many as are found in Him. In Him God findeth us if incorporated into Him. we be faithful; for by faith we are Then, although in ourselves we be altogether sinful and unrighteous, yet even the man who in himself is impious, full of iniquity, full of sin, him, being found in Christ through faith, and

having his sin in hatred through re

pentance, him God beholdeth with a gracious eye, putting away his sin by not imputing it, taketh quite away the punishment due thereunto by pardoning it, and accepteth him in Jesus as perfectly righteous as if he had fulfilled all that is commanded him in the law. Hooker.

A GOOD WORD." How cheap a kindness," says Tillotson, "to speak well, at least not to speak ill, of others! A good word is an easy obligation; but not to speak ill requires only our silence. Some instances of charity are charitable; but were a man never so covetous, he might afford another his good word, at least he might refrain from speaking ill of him, especially if it be considered how dear many have paid for a slanderous and reproachful word."

I. FROM DISTRICT MISSIONARIES. 1. BATH DISTRICT MISSION.-From the Rev. John Stephenson.-September 26th to October 1st, 1875.—I was at Wincanton, in the Sherborne Circuit. There is no chapel here. Our services are held in the Temperance Hall-a long, low, badly ventilated room, which, when full and lighted with gas, is most oppressive. With the exception of two or three families, the congregation is composed of the working-class and poor people. Our services were well attended. Many were impressed and concerned about their souls. In my visits I found much ignorance and indifference on religious matters. Cider being cheap, the people drink much, thus impoverishing body and soul. A venerable old man, looking like a superannuated deacon or minister, attended some of our services. I met him on the road, and, entering into conversation, discovered that he was without the "pearl of great price," but was anxious to obtain it. He thanked me for my services, and requested me to call upon him at Castle-Carey, should I visit that town. During my stay at Wincanton, travelling shows visited the place for two days, and did us no good. Still, the mission to Wincanton, though not cheered with any clear case of conversion, has not been in vain.

October 3rd to 6th at Stalbridge.The services were well attended. The power of God was present to convince of sin. A woman told me on Monday that when her son came home from the Sunday evening service, he said with tears, “O, mother, I be so happy! I've given my heart to God." The young man, mourning on account of sin, had remained to an after prayer-meeting. Young and old were wrought upon. I gave away many tracts, and paid several visits. On saying to a publican's wife, "Do you know God has given you a soul?" she answered, "More's the pity! I know too much, because I do VOL. XXII.-FIFTH SERIES.

not live up to it." She was formerly a member of our Society. I visited a man who the day before, after drinking, threw himself into a pool of water to destroy himself. I saw some arsenic that had been taken out of his pocket. After conversation and prayer, he assured me that he would abstain from that which had so nearly cost him his life. I was thankful to hear that since my visit to Stalbridge three have joined the Society.

October 10th to 15th at Freshford. -The congregations were good, and seemed seriously impressed with the Truth. On Tuesday I preached at Wertwood, a village two and a half miles distant. Several persons were in spiritual distress. God's power was present in our meetings at Freshford. The congregations remained to the prayer-meetings. I met with several cases of interest during my visits to the people. On entering a cottage, an old man called out, "Have you got any medicine in your pocket?" Taking out my pocket Testament, and holding it before him, I replied, "Yes, medicine for the soul; and it never fails to cure when properly taken." After some conversation and prayer the old man seemed melted down, and asked when I would come again.

October 17th to 22nd at Bradfordon-Avon. We had an encouraging series of services here. The weeknight congregation kept up well, numbering about two hundred and fifty one evening. I was struck with the spirit of hearing God gave the people, and the serious attention paid to the Word. At the Wednesday night service about fifty persons were convinced of sin, and concerned about their souls. A most solemn influence rested upon the audience. Fifteen persons went into the vestry to seek mercy, and many others "were pricked in their hearts." One night about twentyfive remained to be prayed with after the prayer-meetings were concluded.


I spoke to not a few, both young and adult, who evidently felt God's hand upon them. It is not for me to say how many will unite themselves with God's people, or how many will repel their religious convictions; but this we felt, that the Divine Spirit was striving powerfully with many, if not most, of those who came to our meetings night after night. On the Friday evening several strange young men gathered at the door, and appeared to be intending to disturb us. I addressed a few kind but serious words to them before they came into the room; and as soon as they

entered they seemed to come under the religious influence that rested upon the audience. They conducted themselves with propriety, and remained to the close of the prayermeeting after the service. I spoke to them before they left the room, and they appeared to be convinced that they were sinners, and needed salvation. Our noon-day prayer-meetings were well attended. On Thursday,

about thirty females, mostly factory hands, came, through torrents of rain, to the meeting. On Friday, we had over fifty present, most of whom were unsaved, but under gracious impressions. I have not, for a considerable time, attended services where the power of the Most High was so generally felt. Many persons trembled and wept, and sought for mercy at our week-night assemblies. I do not get up exciting meetings, nor do I force anything; but rather trust to the Spirit to do His own work in His own way. The results of these services,

far as visible fruit is concerned, may gratify or disappoint; but the meetings cannot be forgotten.

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the solitary stations, and to see what openings for aggressive labour were presented from such centres. In some places Methodism has had a feeble and flickering existence, and for want of stations as centres where ministers could be placed, the toil and self-denial expended upon them has proved vain. An enumeration of the places where we have no existence, in Surrey, Hampshire, and Sussex, would show the need of some well-considered scheme to occupy the vast districts which so much require simple evangelising agencies. Midhurst, Petworth, and Leatherhead may be regarded as types of such places. I find that in these districts the power of Methodism has not yet leavened the counties so as to modify the higher Calvinism which prevails so largely, and which bids men rest in quiescence, assuring them they must wait God's own time if they are to be saved they will be saved,-a doctrine as hardening and deadening to the soul as the fatalism of Mohammedanism.

In addition to two visits to Aldershot, I have visited Godalming, Sandhurst, Crowthorne, Bracknell, Petersfield, Horsham, Sutton, and Epsom, and have occasionally held services at other places. I have been thankful to see the chapels erected, and the spirit of devoted consecration and earnest labour in the ministers, who have often to toil amid opposition, difficulty, and discouragement such as can scarcely be understood in strong and well-organized Circuits.

Whilst the weather permitted, I conducted out-door services daily, and tried to secure a band of singers, giving at intervals occasional addresses with prayer. This plan succeeded in bringing many to our chapel who were strangers to the house of God. I have found house-to-house visitation everywhere important; have always had a welcome reception, and have never made a visit without seeing the results in the congregations at night. I have left small books or tracts at every

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