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During the sore famine, Joseph's brethren came from Canaan to Egypt to buy corn, and you remember how Joseph dealt with them, so as to bring home their sin to them; for he knew them, though they did not know the grand prince of Egypt to be the shepherd lad they had sold into Egypt.

And you know that at last Joseph sent and brought to Egypt his aged father, and his brethren and all their families, and they were settled in the land of Goshen, where, for seventeen years, Jacob lived happily, rejoicing in the prosperity of his faithful and beloved son Joseph.

Thus God brought to pass the promise which He had made long before to Joseph in his dreams, and guided him safely through the dangers and loneliness of a strange land; and so will He do to every one who trusteth in Him-to every one who cries unto Him from the heart, My Father, Thou art the guide of my youth.'

We cannot follow the story of Joseph in Egypt; but though he was torn from his earthly father, his Father in heaven watched over him; He kept him from sin; He comforted him in prison; He made him wise to explain the dreams of Pharaoh: He taught him during seven years of plenty to provide for the seven years of famine; He brought him into great honour, so that when Joseph was thirty years old, Pharaoh said to him, See, I have set thee over the land of Egypt. And Pharaoh took his own ring from off his hand, and put it on Joseph's hand and arrayed him in vestures of fine linen, and put a gold chain about his neck, and made him ride in a chariot, while the people cried before him, Bow the knee.'





OSES was born in a time of great danger for the children of his people. Pharaoh was a common name for the kings of Egypt, and there was a Pharaoh on the throne, when Moses was born, of a very different spirit from the one who had shown favour to Joseph. This Pharaoh was afraid when he saw the Hebrews who lived in Egypt becoming a great nation; he thought they would be able to master the Egyptians, and so this cruel king gave orders to his officers that every babyboy born among the Hebrews should at once be killed.

At the very time when this cruel order was in force, Moses was born; and his father Amram and his mother Jochebed were grieved to think that he should be slain; so his mother hid him three months, and when she could not hide him any longer, she gathered some reeds and platted them into a basket, or little ark, and she put her child into it, and carried it to the river-side, and laid it among the tall sedges on the bank.

She was a woman who trusted in God, and knew that He could save her babe, and so, most likely, when she had kissed her little one to sleep, she would go home herself to weep and pray, leaving her daughter Miriam to watch and see what would become of her brother.

Soon Miriam saw some ladies coming along the river-side. It was the daughter of Pharaoh and her maidens who were going to bathe. They did not see Miriam as she sat among the reeds, but she could see them and hear what they said.

As they drew near the place where the baby's ark lay,

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