| 1909 - 340 pages
...But pleasures are like poppies spread, You seize the flower, its bloom is shed ; Or like the snowfall in the river, A moment white — then melts for ever...rainbow's lovely form, Evanishing amid the storm. ROBERT BURNS. I claim you still, for my own love's sake ! Delayed it may be for more lives yet, Through... | |
| John Moore - 1793 - 644 pages
...genuine poet beautifully obferves of pleafures, has • had the fate • • Of fnow that falls upon the river, A moment white — then melts for ever...point their place } Or like the rainbow's lovely form Evanifhing aniid the ftorm*. The fame ficklenefs which the French have difplayed in a manner fo ftriking,... | |
| Robert Burns - 1793 - 420 pages
...! But pleafures are like poppies fpread, You feize the flower, its bloom is fhed ; Or like the fnow falls in the river, A moment white- then melts for ever ; Or like the Borealis race, That flit ei e you can point their place ; Or like the rainbow's lovely form Evanifhing amid the ftorm — .... | |
| Robert Burns - 1794 - 300 pages
...pleafures are like poppies fpread,, : You feize the flow'r, its bloom is Ihed ; * Or like the fnow falls in the river, A moment white then melts for...point their place ; Or like the rainbow's lovely form Evanifliing amid the ftorm.— Nae man can tether time or tide ; The hour approaches Tam maun ride... | |
| 1797 - 980 pages
...flower, its bloom is fled : Is there a Bard of ruftick fong, Or, like the fnov», falls in the river, Л moment white, then melts for ever : Or, like the borealis race, That (lit ere ye can point their place : Or, like the rainbow's lovely form, Evanifliing amid the dorm."... | |
| Robert Burns - 1798 - 308 pages
...But pleafures are like poppies fpread, You feize the flow'r, its bloom is fhed ; 0* Or like the fnow falls in the river, A moment white— —then melts...point their place ; Or like the rainbow's lovely form Evanifhing amid the ftorm. — Nae man can tether time or tide ; The hour approaches Tarn maun ride... | |
| Robert Burns - 1800 - 300 pages
...pleafures are like poppies fpread, You feize the flow'r, its bloom is ftie.d ; Or Or like the fnow falls in the river, A moment white— —then melts...point their place ; Or like the rainbow's lovely form Evaniming amid the ftorm. — Nae man can tether time or tide ; The hour approaches Tam maun ride ;... | |
| Robert Burns - 1800 - 310 pages
...like poppies fpread, You feize the flow'r, its bloom is fhed ; Or Or like the fnow falls in the ri A moment white then melts for ever £ Or like the...borealis race, That flit ere you can point their place j Or like the rainbow's lovely form Evanifhing amid the ftorm. — Nae man can tether time or tide... | |
| Matthew Gregory Lewis - 1801 - 266 pages
...a'5 the hills o' life victorious ! But pleasures are like poppies spread, You seize the flower, its bloom is shed; Or like the snow falls in the river,...rainbow's lovely form, Evanishing amid the storm. — Nae man can tether 6 time or tide ; The hour approaches Tam maun7 ride; 1 Rair, roar. * Among,... | |
| Matthew Gregory Lewis - 1801 - 466 pages
...! But pleafures are like poppies fpread, You feize the flower, its bloom is fhed ; Or like the fnow falls in the river, A moment white — then melts...point their place ; Or like the rainbow's lovely form, Evanifhing amid the ftorm. — Nae man can tether 6 time or tide •, The hour approaches Tam maun... | |
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