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that he had brought it so near, and earnestly prayed he would bestow it on me.--It being evening, and not having wherewith to buy it about me, I went home, telling the olil man, that in the morning I would send the boy to buy it of him. All that night I could take no rest, fearing lest I might be disappointed ; and in the morning, as soon as it was day, I sent the boy with a knit cap, which he had made for me, to buy it; praying in my heart for good success, which it pleased God to grant, for the boy returned with it; and it did not a little comfort me in my afflictions.

- That God should bless me with a Bible in my own native language, in a remote part of the world, where even his name was not known, and where probably no Englishman had ever been before, I did, and ever shall, look upon as most wonderful. For want of it I had often mourned and shed tears, and thought there could be no greater pleasure in the world than the enjoyment of it."

Finding it was not likely he should escape from his bondage, Knox began to trade a nong the people ; and, like Joseph, the hand of the Lord was with him, prospering all his doings. “ Thus," says he, "by the goodness of God, my litile increased to a great d:al, so that

I was even able to lend to my enemies; and I might use the words of Jacob, not out of pride of myself, but of gratitude to Him, that he brought me hither with a staff, and blessed me so here, that I became two bands.””

At length, after living nearly 23 years among these heathen, providence opened & way of escape. Knox, with only one person with him, ventured to travel through the woods, and succeeded in the attempt, though exposed in their jour. ney to the greatest dangers. Once, owing to mistaking their road, they were almost found out by the natives, whom they could hear on all sides of them ; but creeping into a hollow tree, they were not seen. Being obliged afterwards to travel by night, they were exposed to wild beasts, which abound in that country; but God preserved them, and gave them strength and boldness to pursue their journey, thus showing the truth of Solomon's words, “ Acknowledge him in all thy ways, and he shall direct thy steps.” “In this my flight through the woods," says he, “I cannot but take notice, with wonder and great thankfulness, that travelling in a desolate wila derness was little or nothing dreadful to me; whereas, formerly, the thought of it would much alarm me; and when in the night I lay down to rest, with

wild beasts around me, I slept as soundly as ever I did at home. This courage and peace, I look upon to have been the gift of God, in answer to my earnest prayers, which at that time he poured into my heart in great measure and fervency, after which I found myself freed from those frights and fears which often filled me at other times.”

Thus was he happily delivered from the dangers which surrounded him, and at length restored to his native country; having in his afflictions found, that the Bible was the best source from which comfort might be obtained. Well might he say,

Precious Bible! what a treasure

Does the word of God afford :
All I want for life or pleasure,

Food and med'cine, shield and sword.
Let the world account me poor,
Having this.--I need nu more.

HAPPY COTTAGE CHILDREN. In a little cottage, in the county of Lancaster, lived two boys and two girls; the eldest not quite eight, and the youngest but lit:le more than four years of age. They had such kind parents, and such a good teacher at their school, and they made such improvement by these means, that we call them the happy Cote tage-children ; and we wish that the dear little ones, who may read this4

count, may be like them, that they may be happy also.

These children were very dutiful to their parents. Nothing gave them so much pleasure, as doing those things which pleased their parents. Sometimes when their mother had been poorly, they behaved so kindly, that she has said it has quite done her good, and almost made her well. A great deal of pains was taken with them, it is true, to shew them how much they ought to love and obey their mother, and they were all very sensible that these two things are closely connected. The youngest (a boy) often said of his own accord, “My dear mother, I do love you, and will obey you.” When their father had been from home at any time, on his return he always asked, “ Have you obeyed your mother while I have been away" This practice caused the duty of obedi. ence to be deeply impressed on their minds; and if he found there had heen any thing like wrong conduct to their mother, he talked to them about it till tears of sorrow flowed from their eyes. Sometimes, they asked their mother to forgive them; and at other times, they prayed to God to pardon their sin; and always promised to do so no more. One of them, when his mother had been talking to him of the evil of sin, turned a

way from her, and with much concern fell upon his knees to pray; and said to her when he arose, “I have told God, that if he will spare me a little longer, 1 will be a better boy.”

They loved to sing and pray. In the first of these they often joined together; and in the latter, they not only joined, but did it where none but the eye of God could see them; and they knew very well that he always saw them. One day, two of them went into the same room to pray; and it was found afterward, that one of them chose the darkest corner in it; thinking it was most proper, because it was most private. The other prayed near to a window, which she set open, because she had heard that Daniel did so. They had been often much struck with the history of that good man, and had begged their parents to read it at family worship. If their father sat a little longer than usual after dinner, one of them was almost sure to remind him that thanks had not been returned. At one time one of them

a longer prayer, God is so good to us :" and at another time, another of them observed, “I think we should pray two prayers, when we have meat and pud. ding too.”

They took delight in going to the house

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