1692, The Defence of the People of England, tranflated by Mr. Washington of the Temple, octavo. 1655, Pro fe defenfio, Hagæ comitum, 12mo. 1655, Scriptum Dom. Protectoris, Reipublicæ Angliæ, &c. 1659, Literæ, Senatus Anglicani necnon Cromwelli, &c. nomine, con fcriptæ, 12mo. 1659, Confiderations to remove hirelings out of the Church, 12mo... 1659, A letter concerning the Commonwealth, 12mo. 1659, The Brief Delineation of a Free Commonwealth. 1659, A ready and easy way to establish a Commonwealth. 1659, A 1659, A treatife of Civil Power, 12mo. 1658, The Cabinet Council, containing the chief arts of empire, by the ever renowned knight Sir Walter Raleigh. Published by John Milton, Efq. printed by J.Newcomb, in twelves. 1660, Accedence commenced Grammar, 12mo. 1669, The fame. 1660, Brief notes upon a fermon. 1661, Aphorisms of State, a Tract of Sir Walter Raleigh's, 8vo. 1670, "The history of Britain. 1671, The fame. 1672, Artis Logicæ Inftitutio, 12mó. 1673, Editio fecunda, 12mo. 1673, Of true Religion, 12mo. 1674, Epif 1674, Epiftolarum Familiarium Liber, 8vo. 1674, Declaration of the Poles. 1676, Letters of State, 12mo. tranflated into English, 1694 1682, The Hiftorie of Moscovia, 8vo. 1738, The Areopagitica was published with a preface by Thomfon, 8vo. The dates of the original editions of MILTON'S Poetical Works. 1669, The fame, without the addrefs. 1672, The fame, in twelve books. 1674, Paradife Loft, in twelve books, 2d edit. 8vo. 1675, The fame. 1678, The fame. 1645, Poems, 12mo. 1673, Poems, with the Tractate on Education, written above twenty years fince, 8vo. 1671, Paradife Regained, and Samfon Agonistes, 8vo. 1680, The fame. 1750, The first book of Paradife Loft, Glasgow, illuftrated with notes and references to the antient Poets. It is to be lamented, that |