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Again we see Daniel and Daniel's God put to the test. The result is the same; both are vindicated, and the monarch, this time the Persian Darius, is deeply impressed.

This scene has had great influence upon painters. Have you seen any paintings based upon the story? If you have not, do so when possible, and now study the narrative until you are satisfied how such a picture should be painted.


The story of Esther reveals great literary skill. We find good characterization, plot and counterplot, several dramatic incidents, intrigue, rapidity of motion, and a satisfactory dénouement. The author was, moreover, a man who knew life.

"Here are regal splendor, despotic power, sensual passion, intriguing servility, murderous revenge. And here on this dark and stormy sea is a young woman, gifted with beauty, discretion, courage, who masters these menacing elements and becomes the saviour of her people. Her dramatic story is full of the strange turns that fancy delights in, from the distaff to the throne, from the banquet to the gibbet; full also of the singular chances, so-called, in which the most trivial things, as in a hairbalance, determine destiny. These give it the zest of a thrilling novel. ''*

Dean Stanley thus estimates the story: "The story of Esther, glorified by the genius of Handel and sanctified by the piety of Racine, is not only a material for the noblest and gentlest of meditations, but a token that in the daily events-the unseen chances of life, in little unremembered acts, in the fall of a sparrow, in the earth bringing forth fruit by herself, God is surely present. The name of God is not here, but the work of God is."

Racine's dramatization of the story should also be read.

*Ruth and Esther, by James M. Whiton, in The Bible as Literature, by Richard G. Moulton and others.



Wherever necessary to indicate the pronunciation, diacritical marks are used.

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Abijah, a-bi'jah, of Jehovah. 1 Sam. 8.

Abinadab, a-bi'na-dab, of nobility. 1 Sam. 16.

Abinoam, a'bi-no'am, of pleasantness. Judg. 4.

Abishai, a'bi-sha'i, of a gift. I Sam. 24.

Abner, ab'ner, of light. I Sam. 14. Abraham, a'bra-ham, of a great multitude. Gen. 17.

Abram, a'bram, high. Gen. 11. Absalom, ab'sa-lom, of peace. 2 Sam.


Achish, a'kish, angry (?). 1 Sam. 26. Achshaph, ak'shaf, enchantment.

Josh. 11.

Adalia, a'da-li'ah, upright. Esther 9.
Adam, a'dam, red. Gen. 2.
Adar, a'dar, large. Ezra 6.

Adonijah, a'do-ni'jah, Jehovah is my Lord. 1 Kings 1.

Adoniram, a'do-ni'ram, lord of height. 1 Kings 5.

Adoni-zedec, a-do'ni-ze'dek, lord of justice. Josh. 10.

Adrammelech, ad-ram'me-lek, mag

nificence of the king. 2 Kings 19. Adriel, a'dri-el, flock of God. 1 Sam.


Agag, a'gag, flaming. 1 Sam. 15.
Agagite, a'gag-ite. Esther 3.
Ahab, a'hab, uncle. 1 Kings 17.
Ahasuerus, a-haz'u-e'rus, king (?).
Esther 1.

Ahaz, a'haz, possessor. 2 Kings 18. Ahaziah, a'haz-i'ah, whom Jehovah upholds. 2 Kings 9.

Ahijah, a-hi'jah, brother of Jehovah. 1 Sam. 14.

Ahikam, a-hi'kam, of the enemy. 2 Kings 25.

Ahimaaz, a-him'a-az, of anger. 2 Sam. 17.

Ahiman, a-hi'man, of a gift. Num.

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Ahithophel, a-hith'ō-fel, of impiety. 2 Sam. 16.

Ahitub, a hi'tub, of goodness. 1
Sam. 14.

Ai, a'i, a heap of ruins, Josh. 7.
Aiah, ñ-i'ah, hawk. 2 Sam. 3.
Aijalon, j'a-lon, place of gazelles.
Josh. 21.

Allon-bacuth, al-on-bak'ooth, oak of weeping. Gen. 35.

Amalek, am'al-ek. Gen. 36.
Amalekites, am-al'ek-ites,

ants of Amalek. Gen. 14.


Amasa, a'mas-a, burden. 2 Sam. 17. Ammiel, am'i-el, people of God. 2 Sam. 9.

Amminadab, am-i'na-dab, of the prince. Ruth. 1.

Amnon, am'non, faithful. Judg. 11. Amorite, am'or-ite, mountaineer. Gen. 10.

Amoz, a'moz, strong. 2 Kings 19. Anab, a'nab, place fertile in grapes. Josh. 11.

Anak, a'nak, long-necked. Num. 13. Anakim, an'a-kim, a tribe called after Anak. Josh. 11.

Anath, a'nath, an answer to prayer.
Judg. 5.

Apharsachites, a-far'sak-ites. Ezra 5.
Aphek, a'fek, strength. 2 Kings 13.
Aphiah, af-i'ah. 1 Sam. 9.
Arabah, a'rab-ah, a plain. Josh. 18.
Arah, a'rah, wandering. Neh. 6.
Ararat, a'ra-rat. Gen. 8.
Arba, ar'bah. Josh. 14.

Archite, ark'ite, a native of Erech.

2 Sam. 15.

Aridai, a-rid'a-i. Esther 9.

Aridatha, a-rid'ath-ah. Esther 9.
Arioch, a'ri-ok, lion-like. Dan. 2.
Arisai, a-ris'a-i. Esther 9.
Aroer, ar'o-er, heath. Judg. 11.
Artaxerxes, ar-taks-erks'ēz, honored
king. Ezra 6.

Asaph, a'saf, collector. 2 Kings.
Asenath, a'se-nath. Gen. 41.

Ashdodites, ash'dod-ites, inhabitants

of Ashdod. Neh. 4.

Asher, ash'er, fortunate.

Gen. 30.

Ashkelon, ash'kel-on, migration.

Judg. 14.

Ashpenaz, ash'pen-az. Dan. 1.
Aspatha, as'pa-thah. Esther 9.

Assyria, a-sir'i-a, the land named

from Asshur. Gen. 2.

Atad, a'tad, buckthorn. Gen. 50. Azariah, a'zar-i'ah, whom Jehovah aids. Dan. 1.

Azekah, az'ek-ah, dug over. 1 Sam. 17.

Baal, ba'al, lord, owner. Judg. 6. Baal-berith, ba'al-be'rith, lord of covenant. Judg. 8.

Baal-gad, ba'al-gad', lord of fortune. Josh. 11.

Baal-zephon, ba'al-zeph'on, place of Zephon. Ex. 14.

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Barzillai, bar-zil'a-i, of iron. 2 Sam. 17.

Beer, be'er, a well. Judg. 9.
Beer-lahai-roi, be-er'la-hi'roi, vision

of God to the living. Gen. 16. Beer-sheba, be'er-she'bah, well of the oath. Gen. 21.

Belshazzar, bel-shaz'ar, Bel protects. Dan. 5.

Belteshazzar, bel'te-shaz'ar, preserve his life. Dan, 1.

Benaiah, be-na'ya, whom Jehovah has built. 1 Kings 1.

Benjamin, ben'ja-min, of the right hand. Gen. 35.

Beor, be'or. Josh. 24.
Berechiah, ber-e-ki'a.

Neh. 6.

be'ro - dak-bal'a

dan, Berodach has given a son. 2 Kings 20.

Beth-aven, beth-a'ven, of vanity. 1 Sam. 14.

Beth-el, beth'el, house of God. Gen. 12.

Beth-horon, beth-ho'ron, of the hollow. Josh. 10.

Beth-lehem, beth'le-hem, of bread. Gen. 35.

Beth-lehemite, beth'le-hem-ite, a man of Bethlehem. 1 Sam. 16. Bethlehem - judah, beth'le-hem-joo'dah, Bethlehem of Judah. Ruth 1. Beth-peor, beth'pe'or, temple of Peor. Deut. 3.

Beth-shittah, beth'shit'ah, of acacias. Judg. 7.

Bethul, beth'ul, same as Bethel (?). Josh. 19.

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Ephron, ef'ron, of a calf. Gen. 23. Esar-haddon, e'sar-had'on, gift of fire. 2 Kings 19.

Esau, e'saw, hairy. Gen. 25.
Eschol, esh'kol, cluster. Num. 14.
Eshkalonites, esh'ka-lon-ites, men of
Ashkalon. Josh. 13.

Eshtaol, esh'ta-ol, narrow pass. Judg. 13.

Etam, e'tam, a place of ravenous creatures. Judg. 15.

Etham, e'tham, boundary of the sea. Ex. 13.

Ethiopia, e'thi-o'pi-a, burnt faces. Esther 1.

Euphrates, u-fra'tēz, the fertile river (?). Gen. 2. Eve, life. Gen. 3.

Evil-merodach, e'vil-me'ro-dak,

of Merodach. 2 Kings 25. Excdus, ex'o-dus, departure. Ezel, e'zel, departure. 1 Sam. 20.


Gad, a troop, good fortune. Gen 30. Gadites, gad'ites, persons belonging to the tribe of Gad. Deut. 3.

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Gibeah, gib'e-ah, hill. 1 Sam. 14.
Gideon, gid'e-on, breaker. Judg. 6.
Gihon, gi'hon, a river. Gen. 2.
Gilead, gil'e-ad, hill of witness. Gen.

Gilgal, gil'gal, a circle. 2 Kings 2. Girgashite, gir'gash-ite, dweller in a clayey soil. Josh. 24.

Goliath, go-li'ath, exile (?). 1 Sam. 17.

Goshen, gō'shen, frontier. Gen. 45.

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Hermon, her'mon, lofty. Josh. 11.
Heth, trembling. Gen. 10.
Hezekiah, hez-e-ki'ah, the might of
Jehovah. 2 Kings 18.

Hezron, hez'ron. Ruth 4.

Hiddekel, hid'e-kel, the rapid Tigris. Gen. 2.

Hilkiah, hilk-i'ah, portion of Jehovah. 2 Kings 18.

Hirah, hi'rah, nobility. 1 Kings 5.
Hittites, hit'ites, descendants of
Heth. Gen. 15.

Hivites, hi'vites, villagers. Ex. 3.
Hobab, ho'bab, beloved. Judg. 4.
Hoham, ho'ham. Josh. 10.

Hophni, hof'ni, pugilist. 1 Sam. 1.
Hor, mountain. Num. 20.
Horeb, ho'reb, desert. Ex. 3.
Hormah, hor'mah, a devoting, a place
laid waste. Num. 14.

Horonite, hor'o-nīt, a native of Bethhoren. Neh. 2.

Hoshea, ho-she'ah, salvation. 2 Kings 18. Hushai, hu'sha-i, hasting. 15.



Ichabod, ik'a-bod, inglorious. 1 Sam. 14.

Imlah, im'lah, whom God will fill up. 1 Kings 22.

India. Esther 1.

Isaac, i'zak, laughter. Gen. 17. Ishmael, ish'ma-el, whom God hears. Gen. 16.

Israel, iz'ra-el, soldier of God. Gen. 32.

Issachar, is'ak-ar, there is reward. Gen. 30.

Ithra, ith'rah, excellence. 2 Sam. 17.

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