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creature angels-men-sun, moon, and stars-fire and hail-snow and vapor-mountains and hills-beasts and creeping things-all must so unite, and then:

Birds, ye must make His praise your theme;

Nature demands a song from you:

While the dumb fish that cut the stream,

Leap up, and mean his praises too.

Did our limits permit, we might cite numerous examples of praise, drawn from the writings of the apostles, which would show how well both dispensations-the old and the new-agree, in inculcating and producing that love and gratitude in the heart, which must find expression in open praise to God. Indeed, in all periods of the world, there have been some, and, in some periods, many, who have delighted to exalt and praise God on the throne; and their songs, in not a few instances, have partaken much of the glowing zeal and rapture of those who sing before the throne above.

Great as our joy is, still greater should it be in view of the glories of the Infinite Jehovah! He dwells in light which is inaccessible. He pours forth the beams of his glory to the ends of the universe; and, though those displays have been from eternity, so bright and wide-spread, they will continue on for ever. Those fountains will never cease; those tides of glory will never ebb. God's kingdom is an everlasting kingdom; and the subjects of that kingdom will continue to swell their anthems of praise when earthly temples-where they have sung sweetly, joyfully, rapturously— shall have crumbled to ruin. And who will not say for himself

I'll praise Him while he lends me breath;
And when my voice is lost in death,

Praise shall employ my nobler powers:
My days of praise shall ne'er be past,
While life, and thought, and being last,
Or immortality endures.

But this conclusion of the Lord's Prayer is not only a doxology, but also a plea; and a plea founded upon the best of all bases, the glory of God. "It is connected with the prayer by the word 'for,' to signify that all these things-the reign, power, and glory of God-will be manifested by granting these petitions. It is not because we are to be benefited, but that God's name and perfections are to be manifested. His glory is, then, the first and principal thing which we are to seek when we approach him. We are to suffer our concerns to be sunk, and lost sight of in the superior glory and honor of his name and dominion. We are to seek temporal and eternal life, chiefly because the honor of our Maker will be promoted, and his name be more illus triously displayed to his creatures. He is to be 'first, last, supremest, best,' in our view; and all selfish and worldly views are to be absorbed in that one vast desire of the soul, that God may be 'all in all.'"

In such a spirit, and with such desires for the honor and glory of God, should we spread our prayers before him. And, if His glory be the paramount desire-the ruling passion of the soul-there is no danger that we shall urge our suit too strongly; and there need be no fear that we shall plead in vain.

God is jealous for his honor. His glory will he not give to another. His children may pray: they may plead for blessings for themselves, and for others, but it must be in subordination to the glory of God. That is a good reason why we should solicit favors from God: that we are in want; that we are in trouble; that we need pardon-sanctification-eternal life. But it is a better reason-the best of all reasons which we can name, or think of-that, by granting these blessings, God's glory will be advanced. That glory is the sum of all good; the chief in value of all the desires which the human bosom can either conceive or cherish.

Never was a prayer offered to God, by a child of his, in any age or country, in vain, where a desire for the divine glory prompted that prayer; and where such desire was uppermost in the heart whence it proceeded. When we

have attained to such a state of the heart, and the affections, as a permanent principle in our intercourse with heaven, we may hope, with some confidence, that we are nearly ready to participate in the song there sung: "Not unto us, O Lord! not unto us! but to thy name, be all the glory."

O happy souls that pray
Where God appoints to hear!

O happy men that pay

Their constant service there!

They praise thee still;

And happy they,
That love the way
To Zion's hill.



And it came to pass in those days, that he went out into a mountain to pray, and continued all night in prayer to God.-Luke vi. 12.

A MEASURE deeply involving the interests of the kingdom, which the Redeemer was about to set up, lay distinctly before him. To prepare himself to act with wisdom, in reference to it, was his object.

Only a brief period had elapsed since his entrance upon his public ministry; but it had sufficed to awaken in the public mind a deep interest in him. That mind was roused. The inquiries were abroad: "Who is this? What doctrines are these? Could any but the promised son of David work

such wonders?"

Nay, many were already believing on him; a multitude of others were daily pressing round, prepared to flow with the popular tide. The time for action had arrived. His kingdom must be set up; his standard be raised. As it was part of his plan ultimately to carry on his cause by the instrumentality of men, it was necessary thus early to select such as would enter into his views; who would feel the magnitude and importance of the work, which he was designing to accomplish; who would be willing to forsake all for his sake, and toil in his service; and with whom he might safely leave the spiritual interests of a world, when he should ascend to his mediatorial throne. A mistake here might retard, and even prove fatal to, the great object of his mission. For it is to be remembered that Jesus, as Mediator, was dependent upon the Father for wisdom to direct him. That wisdom he sought and obtained; sought it by prayer and supplication, and exercised it in relation to all his measures as dependent, and with a desire to please his Father. True, there was no doubt and no hesitation; for as his every thought and wish was to honor God, so he had the most perfect reliance upon the infinite wisdom of Jehovah, upon which he cast himself for guidance, in every emergency of his eventful life.

And, now, in reference to the selection of those who were to share his toils on earth, and whom he would leave to communicate his doctrines and spread his cause, what does he do? Lean to his own wisdom? No. Consult the friends whose kindness and confidence he had won? No. He needed the higher direction-the loftier wisdom of the Father.

With this in view, he retires from the presence and interruption of the world. He ascends a mountain, amidst whose solitude he might be undisturbed, while from its top he should seek wisdom to guide him.

Here, then, behold him, as night gathers her folds about him. Does he sleep? No; he prays. The hum of the

busy population on the plain below gradually ceases, and is still. The flocks rest; the shepherds repose.

But the Son of God is still holding high and holy communion with his Father; nor are his ardent and importunate supplications intermitted till the break of day. He descends the mountain with a calm and assured heart. He calls his disciples to him; makes the important selection of twelve of their number; whom he names "apostles ;" whom he admits to his special love and friendship, and whom he proceeds to instruct, as the future heralds of his gospel, and the subordinate lights of the world.

How many men, in high and responsible stations, are rebuked by this example of Jesus! With more wisdom than all of them, he still seeks wisdom from God. Not one measure was more important to the interests of his kingdom, than that of selecting the instruments by whom its affairs should be conducted after his ascension. Under this conviction, he takes the only, yet sure, method to secure those who would prove "faithful unto death."

How differently would the affairs of nations and kingdoms have proceeded, had kings and governors sought the "wisdom that is above," to aid them in the selection of officers of trust and authority! Had cabinets been formed, and ministers, secretaries, embassadors, been selected in dependence upon wisdom sought in humble, fervent prayer-what perplexities—what entanglements with foreign powers—what wars, had been avoided! And the crown which has been worn with sorrow and anxiety, or the office which has proved only a post of bitter disappointment, would have been won and held in peace, and with honor and pleasure. Joseph is entrusted with power by the monarch of Egypt; and he proves the salvation of the kingdom. Daniel is called to the councils of the proud and imperious Nebuchadnezzar ; and he renders services beyond the combined wisdom of the wise men of the empire.

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