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along without interruption in their descent. Nothing cau equal the power of this picture in the excitation of horror. We need only allude to the circumstance attending the murder of Duncan, the dagger that hovers before the eyes of Macbeth, the vision of Banquo at the feast, the madness of Lady Macbeth; what can we possibly say on the subject that will not rather weaken the impression? Such scenes stand alone, and are to be found only in this poet; otherwise the tragic muse might exchange her mask for the head of Medusa*.*

Shakspeare followed the chronicle of Holinshed, and Holinshed borrowed his narration Trom the chronicles of Scotland, translated by John Bellenden, from the Latin of Hector Boethius, and first published at Edinburgh in 1541.

Malcolm the Second, king of Scotland, had two daughters. The eldest was married to Crynin, the father of Duncan, Thane of the isles, and western parts of Scotland; and on the death of Malcolm without male issue Duncan succeeded to the throne. Malcolm's second daughter was married to Sinel, Thane of Glamie, the father of Macbeth. Duncan, who married the sister of Siward, Earl of Northumberland, was murdered by his cousin german Macbeth in the castle of Inverness about the year 1040 or 1045. Macbeth was himself slain by Macduff, according to Boethius in 1061, according to Buchanan in 1057, at which time Edward the Confessor reigned in England.

In the reign of Duncan, Banquo having been plundered by the people of Lochaber of some of the king's revenues, which he had collected, and being dangerously wounded in the affray, the persons concerned in this outrage were summoned to appear at a certain day. But they slew the serjeant at arms who summoned them, and chose one Macdonwald as their captain. Macdonwald speedily collected a considerable body of forces from Ireland and the Western Isles, and in one action gained a victory over the king's army. In this battle Malcolm, a Scottish nobleman (who was lieutenant to Duncan in Lochaber) was slain. Afterwards Macbeth and Banquo were appointed to the command of the army; and Macdonwald, being obliged to take refuge in a castle in Lochaber, first slew his wife and children, and then himself. Macbeth, on entering the castle, finding his dead body, ordered his head to be cut off and carried to the king, at the castle of Bertha, and his body to be hung on a high tree.

At a subsequent period, in the last year of Duncan's reign, Sueno, king of Norway, landed a powerful army in Fife, for the purpose of invading Scotland. Duncan immediately assembled an army to oppose him, and gave the command of two divisions of it to Macbeth and Banquo, putting himself at the head of a third. Sueno was successful in one battle, but in a second was routed; and, after a great slaughter of his troops, he escaped with ten persons only, and fled back to Norway. Though there was an interval of time between the rebellion of Macdonwald and the invasion of Sueno, Shakspeare has woven these two actions together, and immediately after Sueno's defeat the present play commences.

It is remarkable that Buchanan has pointed out Macbeth's history as a subject for the stage. 'Multa hic fabulose quidam nostrorum affingunt; sed quia theatris aut Milesiis fabulis sunt aptiora quam historiae, ca omitto. Rerum Scot. hist. Lib. vii. Milton also enumerates the subject among those he considered

Lectures on Dramatic Literature, by A. W. Schlegel, translated by John Black, London, 1815, vol. ii. p. 200.

[blocks in formation]

SIWARD, Earl of Northumberland, General of the

English Forces.


SEYTON, an Officer attending on Macbeth.
Son to Macduff.

An English Doctor. A Scotch Doctor.

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Gentlewoman attending on Lady Macbeth,
Hecate and three Witches+.

Lords, Gentlemen, Officers, Soldiers, Murderers,
Attendants, and Messengers.

The Ghost of Banquo, and several other Apparitions,

SCENE, in the end of the Fourth Act, lies in England; through the rest of the play, in Scotland; and, chiefly, at Macbeth's Castle.

Lady Macbeth's name was Gruach filia Bodhe, according to Lord Hailes. Andrew of Wintown in his Cronykil informs us, that she was the widow of Dunean; a circumstance with which Shakspeare was of course unacquainted.

As the play now stands, in Act iv. Se. 1, three other witches make their appearance.



SCENE I. An open Place.

Thunder and Lightning. Enter three Witches.

1 Witch.

WHEN shall we three meet again in
In thunder, lightning, or in rain?
2 Witch. When the hurlyburly's
When the battle's lost and won.

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done, sof

3 Witch. That will be ere set of sun. 0).pd 1 Witch. Where the place?

2 Witch.

Upon the heath:

3 Witch. There, to meet with Macbeth.

1 Witch. I come, Graymalkin!

When the hurlyburly's done. In Adagia Scotica, or a Collection of Scotch Proverbs and Proverbial Phrases; collected by R. B. very useful and delightful. Lond. 129, 1668:

'Little kens the wife that sits by the fire

How the wind blows cold in hurle, burle


All. Paddock calls: Anon2.

Con is fair:

Fair is foul, and

Hover through the fog and filthy air.

[Witches vanish.


SCENE II. A Camp near Fores.

Alarum within. Enter King DUNCAN, MALCOLM, DONALBAIN, LENOX, with Attendants, meeting a bleeding Soldiers,

Dun. What bloody man is that? He can report, As seemeth by his plight, of the revolt

The newest state.


This is the sergeant4, Who, like a good and hardy soldier, fought 'Gainst my captivity:-Hail, brave friend! Say the knowledge of the broil, ting the As thou didst leave it.


Doubtful it stood;

As two spent swimmers, that do cling together, And choke their heir art. The merciless Macdonwald (Worthy to be a rebel; for to thats

The multiplying villanies of nature.

Do swarm upon him), from the western isles
Of Kernes and Gallowglasses is supplied;

2 Upton observes that, to understand this passage, we should suppose one familiar calling with the voice of a cat, and another. with the croaking of a toad A paddock most generally seems to have signified a toad, though it sometimes means a frog. What we now call a toadstool was anciently called a paddock-stool. 3 The first folio reads captain.,

4 Sergeants, in ancient times, were not the petty officers now distinguished by that title; but men performing one kind of feudal military service, in rank next to esquires of gin

5 Vide Tyrwhitt's Glossary to Chaucer, v. for; and Pegge's Anecdotes of the English Language, p. 205. For to that means no more than for that; or cause that. The late editions erroneously point this passage, and as erroneously explain it. I follow the punctuation of the first folio.

6 i. e. supplied with armed troops so named. Of and with are indiscriminately used by our ancient writers, Gallowglasses were heavy armed foot soldiers of Ireland and the western, isles: Kernes were the lighter armed troops.

Vol. IV.


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