vice, and had gone from home about the 17th of August, to a considerable distance. She left very great and very valuable property; she left that pocket-book (found (found in Wolfe's room) in her desk, in her own room, above the kitchen. She was quite sure it was the book. Cross-examined by Mr Holt.--Before Dr Grey, about six months ago, she did not swear to the pocket-book, because she did not like to incur more trouble and expense, having lost so much valuable property. She did not wish for a prosecution, having had so much trouble, and believing herself unequal to a prosecution. The prisoner was discharged; but she then knew it as well to be her pocket-book as now. There were Bank-notes in it, kept for the use of the family. She lost about four more pocket-books. Re-examined in chief. She had had frequent occasion to see the pocket-book for taking money out of it. The reason of her reluctance to swear to the pocket-book was, that having lost her house containing many ancient and valuable things, she was unwilling to incur expenses and trouble. She had discharged Mr Gregson, the solicitor, from bringing a prosecution. Mr Baron Wood.-So the murder of a poor servant girl was not worth prosecuting! Her Ladyship began a speech in reply, which threatened to be very long, but his Lordship soon expressed himself satisfied. David Sinclair had been in the service of Messrs Mouncey and Richardson, furriers, in Sunderland. George Wolfe was in the same employ. On Monday, the 28th of August, witness was at work, but George Wolfe was not there on that day. Between eight and nine on Tuesday morning when he came to work, his left eye was black, and his left cheek scratched. There were three scratches from his eye to his whiskers. The prisoner did not say how he got the black eye and the scratches. Cross-examined by Mr Holt. It was not uncommon for workmen to be absent on Mondays. Wolfe did not come on Tuesday so early as usual. He staid at the work about thirteen weeks after. Witness never saw him have a black eye before. He had given this evidence first in November last, when Wolfe was taken and discharged, notwithstanding this evidence. When report came of Wolfe the father having been taken, and brought from Carlisle, there was a talk in the factory of the black eye and scratches on Wolfe the son, and witness remembered it from circumstances. Mr Nicholas Fairless, a magistrate, proved the declaration of George Wolfe, and that the book produced was the one presented to Wolfe at the time, and he felt strongly impressed, from Lady Peat's countenance, that she knew the book, although she declined to swear to it. The examination was put in evidence. It stated that the pocketbook had been his wife's father's, and had come to her from her father when he died six years ago, and had been in her possession ever since. The evidence now respected James Wolfe, the father. Lady Peat (again) said, the elder Wolfe had been her tenant, and ceased to be so in hay-time in 1814. He paid very badly, and had gone off without paying, although she had declined to execute a distress which had been got against him, with the hope that he could sell to greater ad. vantage. He afterwards said that he would be revenged, and that he was not done with her yet: he said so at five or six different times. The house he lived in was left damaged. Cross-examined by Mr Holt.-He did not pay all his rent. She did not go to a magistrate to swear the peace against him, because she did not wish to aggravate a revengeful man. James Shaw, a gardener, at Sunderland, worked with James Wolfe at a quarry, about the latter end of 1814, and remembered a particularly windy night; it was a Friday night; a wall had fallen and killed a man. On that day witness and Wolfe had a conversation, about some having so much and some so little. Wolfe remarked how much that b-ch, Miss Smith, had, and that he would think nothing of robbing her house. Witness said, it would not be easy done, as there were so many houses. Wolfe said, if witness knew what was good for him, he would go with them: he knew a back way by which it was easy to enter the house. He added, that witness had a d-d bad heart in his belly to be in such poverty. On the next morning, Wolfe asked witness, if he had thought upon it, and made up his mind. Wolfe asked witness to go to take a view of the house on Sunday, and said he would himself go a part of the way, but not to Herrington, for he should be known. Witness engaged to go on Sunday, in order to view the house. Wolfe had said, that Miss Smith had distressed him as much as she could, and said, "D- her, I'll be revenged; no one will be sorry, if she were robbed." Witness said, it would be poor revenge to put his life in danger. Wolfe said, if he had other two with him, it would be easily done. Wit ness said, she would be sure to make an alarm. He said he would soon put a stop to that: if she did, he would think it no sin the killing of her. James Wolfe, the prisoner at the bar, was the man. Cross-examined by Mr Holt. Wolfe had been a stranger to witness before that. Wolfe made dead sure of witness going with him. From June to September 1815, he worked at Bridington-quay in Yorkshire. He heard of the reward offered. When he saw the bill, stating the murder, at a public house in Easington, on the 6th of September, he said to the landlord, Harrison, "D-n it, I know who has been at the bottom of this!" He was taken before the magistrate on the charge of being himself concerned, and was bound over; he was not committed. Cross-examined by Mr Wilkinson. -Wolfe did say he knew a man that would join us. Re-examined in chief. -That man, Harrison, (pointed out,) was the landlord to whom he made the remark on seeing the bill. (Mr Williams remarked that he could not call Harrison, but the prisoner's counsel might call him.) Edward Wright took a publichouse first in the year 1816, in Sunderland. He knew George Wolfe and Eden by sight: they used to be in the habit of frequenting witness's house. Once on a Saturday night they were together, but witness did not know whether they knew one another. John Eden, in his defence, said, that he had never seen James Wolfe in his life, till he was prisoner with him. James Wolfe said, there was not one word of truth in what Miss Smith (Lady Peat) told concerning him, and that he had never seen her since he left the farm till now. George Wolfe said he was innocent, and knew nothing at all about it. Witnesses were then called for Eden. The Rev. Sir Robert Peat said, that Eden had been committed about twelve months since, some time after the commitment of James Wolfe. He saw Eden before his commitment. Eden always declared that he was perfectly innocent. Thomas Tarn, Sir Robert's servant, was presentat the searching of Eden's house. Every part was readily shown to them, and they found nothing. Cross-examined. It was in December last. Mary Smith trades in glasses, &c. She had known Eden for ten years: he was a keelman, and lived then with his father and mother: he was now married. About six years ago he brought his wife to her house in Newcastle to lie in of her first child. She remembered the Durham militia marching into Newcastle on a Saturday, about four years ago. It was about the time of this murder. She saw Eden then, and saw him next day between one and two o'clock. He was in liquor then, and very drunk. He staid till the Monday morning. She and her family lived with them all the time. If he had left the house she musthaveknown it. She had been then a widow. Cross-examined.--Her mother and daughter, and two sons, lived with her. The daughter was now eighteen, the eldest son twelve. Her mother was still living. None of them were here; they had not been called on. Eden was to have married her for her second husband, but it was not her lot. The jury here wished to have two witnesses called respecting Eden's absence from the regiment, and they were called. Sergeant-Major Simpson said, that he recollected Eden being reported absent on the morning and evening parade on the Sunday, and the same on Monday, and did not see him till Friday, but to the best of his belief it was reported to him on Wednesday or Thursday that he was in cus tody. He had ordered non-commissioned officers to search for him. John Richardson, a sergeant in the Durham militia, said, that Eden was absent from parade on the Sunday morning and evening, and the same on Monday. He recollected that he found him, he was almost sure on Tuesday evening, at least on Tuesday or Wednesday, in a public-house in Newcastle. He was rather tipsy. He was taken to the guard-house, and was in confinement for two or three days. The Reverend Dr Grey, one of the acting Magistrates, said, that when George Wolfe was brought before the Magistrates in October last, Lady Peat was there, and two pocket-books were produced; and upon Lady Peat being asked if she could swear to either of them, she said she could not. He drew her attention to a red and green one as rather remarkable; she said she could not swear to it, and said one book was like another. Cross-examined. She expressed herself dissatisfied with the proceedings. Dennis Turnbull, a shoemaker in Sunderland, was with George Wolfe in a public-house on the Sunday before the murder. Wolfe and John Bellwood quarrelled, and Bellwood struck him on the eye. Witness interfered for Wolfe, and that made him recollect it. George Young was there. It was the Life-boat publichouse. Cross-examined by Mr Williams. -The reason why he recollected it was the Sunday before the murder, was only that he could recollect it. (This answer was repeated several times.) It was the right eye, he believed, because he thought so, but he could not rightly swear. He did not see the scratches. The eye was black on the Sunday night. He knew Wolfe from a child. He mentioned this first when Wolfe was brought from Edinburgh. That was the first time he thought of recollecting it. Mr Holt here remarked upon a hand-bill, purporting to be a true and full account of the murder, and representing that the prisoners had voluntarily confessed it. Mr Baron Wood said, that it was highly improper to circulate any thing of the kind. All the jury declared they knew nothing of it. Mr Baron Wood recapitulated the evidence, and made several remarks on the various parts of it. The evidence consisted wholly of circumstances. All must feel the highest indignation against the perpetrators of the horrid crime committed; but they must not suffer their feelings to carry them to conviction without full proof. If they were satisfied without doubt that the prisoners, or any of them, were the perpetrators, they would find a verdict of guilty. The jury retired about half-past two o'clock, and did not return till four o'clock. Their approach excited a visible sensation throughout the multitude assembled in Court. When the foreman pronounced the verdict of Guilty upon John Eden, the general feeling could no longer be suppressed. A similar expression was repeated when Guilty was announced as the verdict on James Wolfe. George Wolfe was found Not Guilty. The two wretched convicts stood unmoved. George Wolfe bowed his head, and was scarcely able to utter, " I thank you," when he heard himself acquitted. When they were asked successive ly what they had to say why sentence of death should not be pronounced, John Eden said he was innocent, and went into a confused statement of perjuries against him, and of his having never seen the man in his life. James Wolfe said, he was innocent as when God made him. He had been at Cockburn when the thing was done. Mr Baron Wood pronounced the awful sentence of the law. BURGLARY. Cork Assizes, Thursday, August 19. John Crowley, Henry Dennehy, John M'Centhy, Michael Linehan, and John Ambrose, were put to the bar, charged with a burglary in the house of Mrs Minton. Mrs Minton being sworn, deposed, that she resided at Beechmount.. On the night of the 18th of June the house was attacked at about eleven o'clock. The family were in bed, and were alarmed at the noise of breaking in the windows. She did not see any of the robbers, but afterwards missed a plated bread-basket, two toasters, and a bed-chamber candlestick and snuffers. William Carroll, an informer.--The evidence of this and the following witness developed a scene of confederacy and villany, which, we believe, has seldom been equalled. He knew the prisoners, he said, and accompanied them to rob Mrs Minton's in June last. It was twelve o'clock when they attacked the house, with a sledge hammer which they took from a smith's forge the night before, and with which Crowley broke the window. Five of them remained outside, among whom were Dennehy and Linehan, to give the alarm, if any one was coming. After getting in through the window, they broke the parlour door, and then the halldoor, in order, if there was a pursuit, to get off. The sentries outside whistled, and they went off with the property. The following is the cross-examination of this witness by Mr O'Gorman : If all the robberies you ever committed were put together, how many would they make?-I don't know; I am not long robbing. How long are you robbing?-About twelve months. In that time how many robberies have you committed? - Only five. In any of these robberies were you ever opposed?-No. If you were, would you not have murdered whoever opposed you?I would! (A thrill of horror run through the audience.) Were you tried at the last assizes? -I was not; I was arraigned. For what?-For pig-stealing. Which of your wives was that?She was the one I wasn't married to. What happened to your other wife? - She died in her bed. Where were you then?-I wasn't with her. Did you ever rob Mr Timothy Lane?-No. Did you ever fire at him?-No : but I seized a man who did, who was hired by another man to fire at him. What happened to that man?-Не was hanged. Did you inform against him?-I did. Did you ever rob your brother?No, I didn't. Did you ever commit a robbery near Youghal?-No. Were you ever in the army?-I was. In what regiment?-I was in the 24th, and in the North Cork, and the Kerry militias. Did you desert? -No, I was dis Did you ever rob the same man a charged at the peace, after coming second time?-I did. What was his name? - Condon. Did you rob him a third time?I did not. Did you ever rob your own daughter? I did not; I am not old enough to have a daughter who could have any thing of her own. How many wives have you had?I was only married twice. Are they alive ? - No, they are not. What happened to them?-They died regularly. How-regularly?-One of them had been drowned. What drowned her? - 'Twas the water drowned her. 'Twasn't you, was it? No, it wasn't: I wasn't there: she went into it herself: she was coming out of a boat, and had half a mile of strand to go; and that's the way she was drowned. from France. How did you live there? On whatever was going. Did you pay for it? - Sometimes I used, and sometimes I used not. Were the articles charged in this robbery found in your possession?They were in my lodgings. Timothy Murphy, the smith from whom the sledge hammer was taken, was called merely to prove that fact; he could not tell by whom. Philip Torpy. This was another of the gang, and though not present at the robbery in question, was in ferior to none of his associates in villany. He was coming from Bandon with Dennehy and another man not present, and inquired from a woman whom they met with on the road, who lived at Mrs Minton's, whether she was a widow, had any sons, and any money; and having obtained the necessary information, came to Cork, |