Abstract of the Net Produce of the Revenue of Great Britain, in the Years and Quarters ending the 5th of July 1817, 5th of July 1818, and 5th of July 1819, distinguishing the Consolidated Fund, the Annual Duties, and the War Taxes, and also distinguishing the Customs and Excise. 50,420,367 48,033,544 49,361,280 6,660,476 1,226,984 289,357 Deduct receipt upon Property, War Duty on Malt, and Unappropriated Duties...... Revenue, exclusive of Property, War Duty on Malt, and Unappropriated Duties...... 43,759,891 46,806,560 49,071,923 10,300,976 11,311,939 11,773,617 Deduct receipt upon Property, War Duty on Malt, and unappropriated Duties..... Revenue, exclusive of Property, War Duty 779,647 872,496 869,974 472,338 154,439 1,251,985 1,026,935 869,974 11,552,961 12,338,874 12,643,591 1,709,613 1,857,144 2,244,639 4,694,734 5,637,801 5,703,426 5,148,614 4,843,929 4,695,506 11,552,961 12,338,874 12,643,591 492,369 157,637 39,461 on Malt, and Unappropriated Duties...... 11,060,592 12,181,257 12,604,130 An Account of the Produce of the Excise Duties of Great Britain (exclusive of any Arrears received of the War Duty on Malt) in the Years ended the 5th of July 1818 and 1819, showing the Increase or Decrease on each head thereof: Years ended the 5th of July Increase. Decrease. 1818. 1819. Abstract of the Net Produce of the Revenue of Great Britain (exclusive of the Arrears of War-Duty on Malt and Property), in the Years and Quarters ended the 10th of Oct. 1818, and 10th of Oct. 1819, showing the Increase or Decrease on each head thereof. 1,154,920 1,199,736 44,816 Miscellaneous m 490,020 349,055 140,965 48,289,308 47,920,367 953,208 1,322,149 Deduct Increase wwwww 953,208 Decrease as compared with the year 1818 368,941 An Account of the Income of, and Charge upon the Consolidated Fund, in the Year ending the 5th day of January 1819: showing likewise the Produce of the Excise Duties, continued per Act 56. Geo. III. Cap. 17, and Duties annually granted for the Public Service, together with the Total Amount of all Monies paid into His Majesty's Receipt of Exchequer, between the 5th day of January 1818 and the 5th day of January 1819, distinguishing the Proportion thereof specially appropriated, from that which is applicable to the Public Service; containing also an Abstract of the Income and Charge of the Consolidated Fund arising in the Exchequers of Great Britain and Ireland in the Year ending the 5th day of January CUSTOMS. EXCISE. 1819. Foreign spirits...ditto Stamps ... Consolidated anno 1815 Post-office duties consolidated Anno 1803 Assessed taxes.........ditto .........1808 Ditto...... Arrears of duties repealed Surplus of duty annually granted upon sugar tobacco } malt, annual and additional £. S. d. 4,049,775 0 67 9,656 5 9 698,733 11 7 41,283 3 1 2,614,750 11. 14 146,273 18 8 15,184,76200 550,170 00 559,440 00 17,367,760 00 land tax on offices, and pensions, charged thereon, Land taxes unredeemed 6d. and 1s. duty on pensions and salaries Hackney coaches Hawkers and pedlars Sundry small receipts OTHER PAYMENTS. Imprest and other monies repaid Arrears of duties on properties-Malt Anno 1803, cap. 81-and temporary or war duty Anno 1813, remaining unappropriated in the Exchequer, are, pursuant to Act 27. Geo. III. cap. 13, sec. 52, to be carried to the consolidated fund Brought from monies in the Exchequer per Acts £. 29 Geo. III. cap. 61, for payment of life annuities in tontine Anno 1789 54 Geo. III. c. 160, being part of an annuity granted to his Royal Highness the Prince of Wales 56 et 57 Geo. III. cap. 98 et 48, being the amount issued out of the consolidated fund in Ireland in the year ending the 10th of October 1818, for current public services of 1817 and 1818 2,164,122 5 4 2,209,578 8 11 44,609,752 11 8 VOL. XII, PART II. 2 D |